Press #1 For English?

Why the hell did we ever allow that? ... I say get rid of all the bilingual signs and phone messages....GONE. ...

"Allow"? Who the fuck is not going to "allow" private businesses to pander to whatever customer base they choose?

"customer base"? Who the fuck cares about people who are broke and don't belong here?
But didn't they take jobs away? There's got to be an income.

And you're attitudes are exactly like those of your American predecessors. Did they complain about Yiddish theater and newspapers? Did they say that the knife wielding Italian or the rowdy drunken Irishman or the swarthy Greek were ruining American culture?

You bet they complained! And they were as wrong as you are today. It's amazing how the behavior stays consistent given all the other changes.

C'est le guerre!

The Italians nor the Irish tried to turn our country into a bilingual nation. You didn't see signs written in Italian, you didn't have ballots printed in Italian or any other language. Today, thanks to these invaders, that has all changed.
Do your research. Take a look at pictures of Little Italy or Germantown or today's Chinatowns around this nation. Take a good look at the signage. Pay attention to Yeshevahs and delis and tailor shops. Pay attention to barber shops and grocery stores and butcher shops.

Read up on ballot language in municipal elections in New York or San Francisco or New Orleans.

What you fear is what you made up out of whole cloth.
European and most Asian immigrants had a skill or trade...they were barbers, shoe makers, bartenders, etc. These waves of hispanics are mostly rural illiterates....little more than human livestock. They need to go back where they came from.
How then are they able to steal so many American jobs? Skilled labor on construction sites, food processing plants and factories?

You can't shout about job loss out of one side of your mouth while shouting about job loss from the other.
Why the hell did we ever allow that? ... I say get rid of all the bilingual signs and phone messages....GONE. ...

"Allow"? Who the fuck is not going to "allow" private businesses to pander to whatever customer base they choose?

"customer base"? Who the fuck cares about people who are broke and don't belong here?
But didn't they take jobs away? There's got to be an income.

And you're attitudes are exactly like those of your American predecessors. Did they complain about Yiddish theater and newspapers? Did they say that the knife wielding Italian or the rowdy drunken Irishman or the swarthy Greek were ruining American culture?

You bet they complained! And they were as wrong as you are today. It's amazing how the behavior stays consistent given all the other changes.

C'est le guerre!

The Italians nor the Irish tried to turn our country into a bilingual nation. You didn't see signs written in Italian, you didn't have ballots printed in Italian or any other language. Today, thanks to these invaders, that has all changed.

Italian Media in the United States: A Two-Century-Long History
What you fear is what you made up out of whole cloth.

"fear"? Nobody is afraid of spanish speakers....we're just sick of having to accommodate them. Cut the cord....they either learn English or get the hell out. In fact, when they are mostly tossed out, re-entry should depend on their ability to support themselves and know enough English to pass a test...say street and traffic signs in English. They should also sign a loyalty oath that disavows "la raza" and the belief the southwest US really belongs to'd be surprised how often we hear that from them in Arizona.
Why the hell did we ever allow that? ... I say get rid of all the bilingual signs and phone messages....GONE. ...

"Allow"? Who the fuck is not going to "allow" private businesses to pander to whatever customer base they choose?

"customer base"? Who the fuck cares about people who are broke and don't belong here?
But didn't they take jobs away? There's got to be an income.

And you're attitudes are exactly like those of your American predecessors. Did they complain about Yiddish theater and newspapers? Did they say that the knife wielding Italian or the rowdy drunken Irishman or the swarthy Greek were ruining American culture?

You bet they complained! And they were as wrong as you are today. It's amazing how the behavior stays consistent given all the other changes.

C'est le guerre!

The Italians nor the Irish tried to turn our country into a bilingual nation. You didn't see signs written in Italian, you didn't have ballots printed in Italian or any other language. Today, thanks to these invaders, that has all changed.

Italian Media in the United States: A Two-Century-Long History

So what's the point of this link? How is this relevant to Spanish speaking people changing our language or culture? Show me how this is related to anybody having to press anything on their phone to speak Italian.
How then are they able to steal so many American jobs? Skilled labor on construction sites, food processing plants and factories?

You can't shout about job loss out of one side of your mouth while shouting about job loss from the other.

Under the table $5 an hour is how. You can't be naive enough to believe some mutt from El Salvador is a better carpenter than an American journeyman who's been framing houses his whole life with an occasional glance at a blueprint....get serious. Yet you'll rarely see a white man on a construction crew here in the southwest anymore.....that's bullshit and will stop now that we have a patriotic American back in the White House,
How then are they able to steal so many American jobs? Skilled labor on construction sites, food processing plants and factories?

Because they undercut American wages. They stuff 10 people into a 2 bedroom home, acquire money, and send it back to their home country.

As long as we allow that, it will continue to suppress American wages. Employers will always look for the cheapest labor they can find.
How then are they able to steal so many American jobs? Skilled labor on construction sites, food processing plants and factories?

Because they undercut American wages. They stuff 10 people into a 2 bedroom home, acquire money, and send it back to their home country.

As long as we allow that, it will continue to suppress American wages. Employers will always look for the cheapest labor they can find.

Then jail their employers. They're the asswipes who are giving jobs to illegals over citizens which just encourages them to jump the border. If there are no jobs in the US, they stay home.
Then jail their employers. They're the asswipes who are giving jobs to illegals over citizens which just encourages them to jump the border. If there are no jobs in the US, they stay home.

e-verify was doing the job until Barry disabled it.....just another in a long line of treasonous moves he's now hiding from.
How then are they able to steal so many American jobs? Skilled labor on construction sites, food processing plants and factories?

Because they undercut American wages. They stuff 10 people into a 2 bedroom home, acquire money, and send it back to their home country.

As long as we allow that, it will continue to suppress American wages. Employers will always look for the cheapest labor they can find.

Then jail their employers. They're the asswipes who are giving jobs to illegals over citizens which just encourages them to jump the border. If there are no jobs in the US, they stay home.

True, however illegals are only the start of the problem. Legals do the very same.

In my line of work, they are trying to pay the lowest they can. Americans won't take these jobs even though some of them pay pretty well. So companies welcome immigrants to do these jobs instead of increasing their offer to Americans.

I've been to shipping windows where the shipping clerk can't communicate with the foreign driver. On more than one occasion, the shipper asked me to go outside and show the driver what to do!

So we have these people here driving around in 75,000 lbs vehicles right next to your family in the mini van and they can't read or understand a word of English.
How then are they able to steal so many American jobs? Skilled labor on construction sites, food processing plants and factories?

Because they undercut American wages. They stuff 10 people into a 2 bedroom home, acquire money, and send it back to their home country.

As long as we allow that, it will continue to suppress American wages. Employers will always look for the cheapest labor they can find.

This message brought to you - verbatim - from the 1850s.

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