Press #1 For English?

From what I have seen, a lot of immigrants learn english language. Its key to their economic prosperity.
Purely demographics.

As Europe and America change demographics, English will lose its power in the business world.
Why the hell did we ever allow that? ... I say get rid of all the bilingual signs and phone messages....GONE. ...

"Allow"? Who the fuck is not going to "allow" private businesses to pander to whatever customer base they choose?

"customer base"? Who the fuck cares about people who are broke and don't belong here?
But didn't they take jobs away? There's got to be an income.

And you're attitudes are exactly like those of your American predecessors. Did they complain about Yiddish theater and newspapers? Did they say that the knife wielding Italian or the rowdy drunken Irishman or the swarthy Greek were ruining American culture?

You bet they complained! And they were as wrong as you are today. It's amazing how the behavior stays consistent given all the other changes.

C'est le guerre!

The Italians nor the Irish tried to turn our country into a bilingual nation. You didn't see signs written in Italian, you didn't have ballots printed in Italian or any other language. Today, thanks to these invaders, that has all changed.
Oh bullshit. There were Polish business signs in the Polish districts of most of our cities, same for German, Italian, Greek, and other languages. By the second generation the signs became mostly English. The same will happen with Spanish, Arabic, or whatever nationality becomes the next big group of immigrants.

The spanish speaking people are our next door neighbors to the south, so we will always have more of their language here than any other language. Remember, a very large chunk of Mexico was taken in 1848, and those people that came with the territory spoke Spanish. So you could say that Spanish already is an American language.
California is becoming more like Mexico every day, not less.

You are truly a naive moron.
...t they exercised every opportunity available. So of course they didn't immediately abandon their native tongue. I remember one of our neighbors when we were children. They spoke only a few words of English, but my sister taught the little girl, and she would take her knowledge to teach her parents. This was on top of going to English class that the local church held for the immigrants.....

Just like immigrants today.
...We have customers that are foreign that I deliver to. Sometimes we don't see them for a while, so when I go back a year or two later, the foreigners spoke no better English than they did the last time I seen them.

You don't know that.
From what I have seen, a lot of immigrants learn english language. Its key to their economic prosperity.
Purely demographics.

As Europe and America change demographics, English will lose its power in the business world.

Unlikely. Trends are to the contrary.
You really do live in an alternate universe, don't you?

More and more (Mexican)Spanish is being spoken in American businesses, while American English is declining.
Despite facts to the contrary, (according to a certain member of this board), the fact we NEED all these bilingual assists for mexican illegal aliens, THAT speaks for itself.
...t they exercised every opportunity available. So of course they didn't immediately abandon their native tongue. I remember one of our neighbors when we were children. They spoke only a few words of English, but my sister taught the little girl, and she would take her knowledge to teach her parents. This was on top of going to English class that the local church held for the immigrants.....

Just like immigrants today.

No, just opposite of immigrants today. That's why they are turning us into a bilingual country.
..... They didn't send their money back to their home country ....

Many of them did exactly that.

No, they didn't. Back then, there was little left over to send home. They came here and left everything behind to find the American dream; owning their own home one day, a car, a television set, maybe open up their own business.........
Perhaps this is off topic, I am communicating in English, about America. I have to ask, what is wrong with having just ONE uniting language? And, what is beneficial about multilingualism/bilingualism?
...We have customers that are foreign that I deliver to. Sometimes we don't see them for a while, so when I go back a year or two later, the foreigners spoke no better English than they did the last time I seen them.

You don't know that.

I don't? You mean I don't talk to them????
...We have customers that are foreign that I deliver to. Sometimes we don't see them for a while, so when I go back a year or two later, the foreigners spoke no better English than they did the last time I seen them.

You don't know that.

I don't? You mean I don't talk to them????

You are unqualified to make the determination.

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