Press Briefing Hot Mic: "You can take off the mask...everybody here's already been vaccinated"

Also "Real mortality rate between .1% and .3%" "So it's a hoax."

So we're supposed to ignore the CDC/NIH/SurgGen and go with the opinion of the WH press room AV guy???

Those antibodies studies are showing the #infected is considerably higher in Cali.. Maybe the death rate calculation DOES goes down -- but the fact that this hit without ANYONE having immunity or a vaccine makes it "not a hoax"... MAYBE a bit of govt OVERreaction, but it's good to see the govt stepping up to ANYTHING instead of 3 years of petty lying politicians...
Also "Real mortality rate between .1% and .3%" "So it's a hoax."

So we're supposed to ignore the CDC/NIH/SurgGen and go with the opinion of the WH press room AV guy???

Those antibodies studies are showing the #infected is considerably higher in Cali.. Maybe the death rate calculation DOES goes down -- but the fact that this hit without ANYONE having immunity or a vaccine makes it "not a hoax"... MAYBE a bit of govt OVERreaction, but it's good to see the govt stepping up to ANYTHING instead of 3 years of petty lying politicians...

Government overreaction = trillions $$$ of debt and a destroyed economy.

We should replace Fauchi with the Las Vegas mayor.

Won't BE a Las Vegas to mayor over if people and business dont return.. Suggest they "diversity" their jobs and business there, because it was a house of cards just waiting to be destroyed by something like this..

LOL media rebuttal not convincing, boils down to "they were just joking." More telling is how fast damage control swings into action to issue rebuttal to a supposedly harmless joke.
updated video link lol how fast the first one got scrubbed.


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