Press lies about Acosta not putting his hands on a woman.

Trump even let him speak, but Acosta makes it about HIM.

Have you noticed these so called journalists who constantly claim Trump is trying to destroy the press, never give him credit when he routinely calls on Acosta. Trump could just ignore the asshole and other fake news clowns.
He karate chopped that woman's hand like no business.
The female Tramp thug assaulted Acosta 3 times and he simply defended himself against her third assault with his arm blocking her attacking arm, as your OWN photo clearly shows, and you lying scum Trumpists turn that into a karate chop to the Hand. Here she is clearly assaulting him first before he finally defended himself against her third assault.
OH my God, that pushy news man may or may not have touched that mike matron, while asking really pointed questions, to the bunkers, hurry we can make this a Big crazy deal if we really put our political energy to this most important event.
Acosta did not touch the female.
Watch the video. ... :cool:

It clearly shows Acosta's right hand striking the woman's left arm.

No it doesn't. He stopped her arm.

With his thoughts?

What kind of a moronic anti-American DEFENDS this man child. It's incredible how we have so dumb people in the country.

Yeah. People like you. You're trying to make something out of nothing. Fake.

It's quite a feat how the leftists are completely fine gaslighting the audience, even when the video of the incident is available on demand.

Fact is Jim Acosta of CNN, the enemy of the people, did put his hands on a woman. It happened approximately half a second after the last image this liar posted.

His press pass should have been revoked a long time ago.

Prosecute Acosta for sexual assault. Ruin his life.

Dude is deliberately stirring up and begging for violence. We need to oblige death.

Trump was the one who was in a nasty mood, and no Acosta did not touch the female.

There is a picture right on my post proving you wrong.

Only a leftist is idiotic enough to believe that people rather believe their words than actual evidence.

He karate chopped that woman's hand like no business.

Yet I didn't see it. Ha Ha. you guys are so funny.

View attachment 227572

The aid has one hand on the microphone and Acosta's hand is brushing against her other hand. There's nothing else. No assault. Fake.
Trump cannot handle tough questions. He is an immature little baby. He is currently an emotional wreck due to getting his ass kicked in the election and losing control of the House of Rep's.

It's quite a feat how the leftists are completely fine gaslighting the audience, even when the video of the incident is available on demand.

Fact is Jim Acosta of CNN, the enemy of the people, did put his hands on a woman. It happened approximately half a second after the last image this liar posted.

His press pass should have been revoked a long time ago.

The trouble is for you enabling deplorable trumpanzees, we have video evidence that she reached into his space and tried to grab what he had in his had....with tiny trump pointing his tiny fingers at him in a threatening manner at the same time.
First of all, Acosta's so called question was in the form of a lecture.
Actually the RUDE child Tramp kept rudely interrupting and lecturing Acosta as he bravely tried to politely ask his question. There was not one moment when Donnie Dirtbag was not rude and insulting to Acosta.

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