Press Plays The Victim Card After Body-Slamming Republican Wins

Spin what? Gianforte was the one charged and the one to apologize? What do your delusions inform you was spun?
You mean CONGRESSMAN Elect Gianforte.
Yes. What was spun? Can't you articulate?
If you want to stick to the outlandish lie that the MSM is not into the business of propaganda, that is your cross to bear.
A simple, "no," you can't articulate what was spun would have sufficed.
Liberal roe being played again. You know what was spun. But you try to play like you don't in a proven shill attempt to get him to respond so you can attack again.
If it was spun, that moron would have been able to articulate what exactly was spun. That he chose to be a bumbling idiot instead revealed there was no spin.
From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
Observe the absolute desperation of this leftist here. He is stuck grasping for straws, trying desperately to gain the moral high ground. As you'll note, leftists cannot stick to the topic because they will lose. So here this guy is, blabbering on about what if it was a fucking black guy who bodyslammed him. Because that is there go to, when their amygdala is rubbed raw..bring out the race or sex or tranny or faggot or class card.

This is when you know they've got nothing and the best thing you could do is dismiss his stupid pleas and not even address it.

There was no black guy, this involved white men in arguably the whitest state in the Union.

I'm trying to help you realize a politician assaulting someone is not right, cool or justified. If I give you an example of how black men get shot for attacking people, maybe that will help you realize what idiots you are being. The reporter should have shot the politician. If I were a reporter I'd get my concealed weapons permit and shoot a fucker if he touched me.
I have an even better idea.
Quit being a rudely offensive twit and nobody will body-slam you.
Oh so now it's ok to body slam people who are rude? I always knew you guys were unamerican and hated free speech.

I knew this jackass set a bad precedent.

He should have been arrested.
Their job is to ask questions and report the answers. You know, what Jacobs was doing.
That used to be their job.

Now they think their job is making shit up about Trump and colluding with Democrats to win elections.
What has the media made up?
The only reason you ask that silly question is because of the long list of lies that have been repeated as if they were fact, beginning with this Russian Collusion conspiracy.
The there's the lies about Russian hackers changing the outcome.
Lies about Trump giving highly classified information to Russians and that the Israelis are ticked off about it.
Lies about a Trump curtsy.
Lies about Trump getting a divorce.
Lies about Trump committing treason.
Lies about Trump's ties with Nazi's and the KKK.
Let's start with your first one... Russian collision theory....

The FBI is currently investigating that. Are you suggesting the news shouldn't report on that?
No evidence of it anywhere after months of false accusations and investigations going nowhere......yes....the media should report it.
The news is reporting the FBI is still investigating it. Why shouldn't they?
Here's what I'm taking from this latest dimocrat outrage.

Parties/candidates have platforms, so this voter has decided to approach elections with a platform too. Mine is very simple, just one plank. Any candidate who body slams or otherwise takes on a media puke or group of pukes gets my vote. Period.
Lot of people have that platform now. He raised a $100K immediately after the incident.

You guys know he's going to have to pay that reporter for assaulting him. So don't try to pretend what he did was right or justified. He may have still won the election but he's going to pay in court.

And it's probably going to be the taxpayers who pay.
He shouldn't have to pay him a dime. Maybe journalists should get insurance for when they hassle people and get in their space and get what is coming to them?

Again, I don't think you mean that. Because if this was your wife or grandmother and they got body slammed you would have a different opinion.

You can not physically assault someone because they are putting a microphone in your face or because you don't like their questions. If you think it is lawful then I don't know what to say because you just aren't being reasonable or intellectually honest.

What are defenses to charges of assault and battery?
In order to establish self-defense, an accused must generally show: a threat of unlawful force or harm against them; a real, honest perceived fear of harm to themselves (there must be a reasonable basis for this perceived fear); no harm or provocation on their part; and.

So please at least tell me you know what this politician did was wrong. If not then I put you in the retard category.
The topic of the thread is the left playing the victim card. Your posts are spot on.

And you guys are the victimizers. So what?
Here's what I'm taking from this latest dimocrat outrage.

Parties/candidates have platforms, so this voter has decided to approach elections with a platform too. Mine is very simple, just one plank. Any candidate who body slams or otherwise takes on a media puke or group of pukes gets my vote. Period.
Lot of people have that platform now. He raised a $100K immediately after the incident.

You guys know he's going to have to pay that reporter for assaulting him. So don't try to pretend what he did was right or justified. He may have still won the election but he's going to pay in court.

And it's probably going to be the taxpayers who pay.
He shouldn't have to pay him a dime. Maybe journalists should get insurance for when they hassle people and get in their space and get what is coming to them?

Again, I don't think you mean that. Because if this was your wife or grandmother and they got body slammed you would have a different opinion.

You can not physically assault someone because they are putting a microphone in your face or because you don't like their questions. If you think it is lawful then I don't know what to say because you just aren't being reasonable or intellectually honest.

What are defenses to charges of assault and battery?
In order to establish self-defense, an accused must generally show: a threat of unlawful force or harm against them; a real, honest perceived fear of harm to themselves (there must be a reasonable basis for this perceived fear); no harm or provocation on their part; and.

So please at least tell me you know what this politician did was wrong. If not then I put you in the retard category.
You went from "What if it were a black?" to "what if it were your mother or grandmother?".

Do you realize what you are doing?

Trying to help you with your lack of empathy. If you put yourselves in the victims shoes maybe you'd see how wrong you are.
Yes the evidence he invaded his personal space is he shoved the recorder in his face, the recording is evidence.

What are defenses to charges of assault and battery?
In order to establish self-defense, an accused must generally show: a threat of unlawful force or harm against them; a real, honest perceived fear of harm to themselves (there must be a reasonable basis for this perceived fear); no harm or provocation on their part; and.

WRONG! You are wrong wrong wrong daddyo.
You don't know if I'm wrong or not, goofball. Doesn't matter how many times you say otherwise.

This is what is wrong with rwnj's. Put the facts right in front of their faces and they still argue. This is what's wrong with America. The stupid middle class have been bamboozled.

Here are the facts again: What are defenses to charges of assault and battery?
In order to establish self-defense, an accused must generally show: a threat of unlawful force or harm against them; a real, honest perceived fear of harm to themselves (there must be a reasonable basis for this perceived fear); no harm or provocation on their part; and.

We all know the politician can't claim this argument. He's guilty and you are wrong.
No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
Observe the absolute desperation of this leftist here. He is stuck grasping for straws, trying desperately to gain the moral high ground. As you'll note, leftists cannot stick to the topic because they will lose. So here this guy is, blabbering on about what if it was a fucking black guy who bodyslammed him. Because that is there go to, when their amygdala is rubbed raw..bring out the race or sex or tranny or faggot or class card.

This is when you know they've got nothing and the best thing you could do is dismiss his stupid pleas and not even address it.

There was no black guy, this involved white men in arguably the whitest state in the Union.

I'm trying to help you realize a politician assaulting someone is not right, cool or justified. If I give you an example of how black men get shot for attacking people, maybe that will help you realize what idiots you are being. The reporter should have shot the politician. If I were a reporter I'd get my concealed weapons permit and shoot a fucker if he touched me.
I have an even better idea.
Quit being a rudely offensive twit and nobody will body-slam you.
Oh so now it's ok to body slam people who are rude? I always knew you guys were unamerican and hated free speech.

I knew this jackass set a bad precedent.

He should have been arrested.

Buzz Aldrin is an American hero.

So blow me...
From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
were you there? lets see the video. n you are defending someone who th9nks punching 16 year olds is ok.

no pity.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Who punched a 16 year old?

And I love it how you scumbag Republicans who know what the scumbag did are now asking if we have video evidence, as if the audio and his apology aren't enough evidence for you.

Typical RWNJ. Remember when you guys were sure Bill Clinton and Lynch were on that airplane talking about inappropriate stuff? Where was your tape? Did you have any evidence? You had none. But here we have audio and an admittance and still you guys deny. That's because you are liars. I understand why. You think the GOP are better for your middle class asses. Just wait. You'll see you are wrong. But you were proven wrong before. 2000-2008 Bush sucked and you still voted McCain, then Romney and now Trump. America gets what it deserves. No social services, no social secuity, medicare, nothing. You will all die broke.

I luckily have saved, make a lot, don't have kids and I'm getting an inheritance. God are the rest of you screwed.
At least we won't have to deal with your retarded offspring in the future. Thank you for not breeding.

At least I won't be moving in with my broke ass kids when I'm 65 because I voted against my own interests. UNKNOWINGLY!!! And your kids, who you did pass your stupidity onto btw, will take 30 years to pay off their college loans. And they won't be getting social security or as good of medicare. Yes you stupid middle class Republicans who voted for Trump really did yourselves a big favor. Most of you won't enjoy the same quality of life your parents and grandparents had. I can say that class warfare exists and the middle class has all but lost. At least the next couple generations. Lets see if your kids are as stupid as you are. They are free. Free to die broke.

And go ahead and tell me you'll be fine. That you are the exception because you saved or you make a lot of money. I'm not talking about you and me. I'm fine too. I'm talking about the masses. Your future grandkids and great grandkids. Just because you are smart and successful doesn't mean they will be. Things were much easier for you and me before the Republicans ripped out all the safety nets.

My brother is a VP who makes over half a mill a year. Sends his kids to Cranbrook. That's $35K each kid. He/They will be fine too. I'll be fine. But will you? And when I say you I don't mean you. I mean all of you stupid cock suckers. I doubt it. Unless you are all the exception to the rule.
The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
Observe the absolute desperation of this leftist here. He is stuck grasping for straws, trying desperately to gain the moral high ground. As you'll note, leftists cannot stick to the topic because they will lose. So here this guy is, blabbering on about what if it was a fucking black guy who bodyslammed him. Because that is there go to, when their amygdala is rubbed raw..bring out the race or sex or tranny or faggot or class card.

This is when you know they've got nothing and the best thing you could do is dismiss his stupid pleas and not even address it.

There was no black guy, this involved white men in arguably the whitest state in the Union.

I'm trying to help you realize a politician assaulting someone is not right, cool or justified. If I give you an example of how black men get shot for attacking people, maybe that will help you realize what idiots you are being. The reporter should have shot the politician. If I were a reporter I'd get my concealed weapons permit and shoot a fucker if he touched me.
I have an even better idea.
Quit being a rudely offensive twit and nobody will body-slam you.
Oh so now it's ok to body slam people who are rude? I always knew you guys were unamerican and hated free speech.

I knew this jackass set a bad precedent.

He should have been arrested.

Buzz Aldrin is an American hero.

So blow me...

Sure he was. So what? I wonder who the Russian version of him is. That guys a Russian hero. So what? Doesn't mean he's a good example or role model for how you should act in public. He's an arrogant asshole.

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
were you there? lets see the video. n you are defending someone who th9nks punching 16 year olds is ok.

no pity.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Who punched a 16 year old?

And I love it how you scumbag Republicans who know what the scumbag did are now asking if we have video evidence, as if the audio and his apology aren't enough evidence for you.

Typical RWNJ. Remember when you guys were sure Bill Clinton and Lynch were on that airplane talking about inappropriate stuff? Where was your tape? Did you have any evidence? You had none. But here we have audio and an admittance and still you guys deny. That's because you are liars. I understand why. You think the GOP are better for your middle class asses. Just wait. You'll see you are wrong. But you were proven wrong before. 2000-2008 Bush sucked and you still voted McCain, then Romney and now Trump. America gets what it deserves. No social services, no social secuity, medicare, nothing. You will all die broke.

I luckily have saved, make a lot, don't have kids and I'm getting an inheritance. God are the rest of you screwed.
At least we won't have to deal with your retarded offspring in the future. Thank you for not breeding.

At least I won't be moving in with my broke ass kids when I'm 65 because I voted against my own interests. UNKNOWINGLY!!! And your kids, who you did pass your stupidity onto btw, will take 30 years to pay off their college loans. And they won't be getting social security or as good of medicare. Yes you stupid middle class Republicans who voted for Trump really did yourselves a big favor. Most of you won't enjoy the same quality of life your parents and grandparents had. I can say that class warfare exists and the middle class has all but lost. At least the next couple generations. Lets see if your kids are as stupid as you are. They are free. Free to die broke.

And go ahead and tell me you'll be fine. That you are the exception because you saved or you make a lot of money. I'm not talking about you and me. I'm fine too. I'm talking about the masses. Your future grandkids and great grandkids. Just because you are smart and successful doesn't mean they will be. Things were much easier for you and me before the Republicans ripped out all the safety nets.

My brother is a VP who makes over half a mill a year. Sends his kids to Cranbrook. That's $35K each kid. He/They will be fine too. I'll be fine. But will you? And when I say you I don't mean you. I mean all of you stupid cock suckers. I doubt it. Unless you are all the exception to the rule.
Nice rant, bro. TL;DR.
So? Congress does not have all the intel the FBI has and the FBI is still investigating it. Again... why shouldn't the news report that?

So, there isn't even a hint of evidence of any wrongdoing, but you really, really hate Trump. And let's face it, you're Nazis so smear and innuendo are your way. :thup:
Lot of people have that platform now. He raised a $100K immediately after the incident.

You guys know he's going to have to pay that reporter for assaulting him. So don't try to pretend what he did was right or justified. He may have still won the election but he's going to pay in court.

And it's probably going to be the taxpayers who pay.
He shouldn't have to pay him a dime. Maybe journalists should get insurance for when they hassle people and get in their space and get what is coming to them?

Again, I don't think you mean that. Because if this was your wife or grandmother and they got body slammed you would have a different opinion.

You can not physically assault someone because they are putting a microphone in your face or because you don't like their questions. If you think it is lawful then I don't know what to say because you just aren't being reasonable or intellectually honest.

What are defenses to charges of assault and battery?
In order to establish self-defense, an accused must generally show: a threat of unlawful force or harm against them; a real, honest perceived fear of harm to themselves (there must be a reasonable basis for this perceived fear); no harm or provocation on their part; and.

So please at least tell me you know what this politician did was wrong. If not then I put you in the retard category.
You went from "What if it were a black?" to "what if it were your mother or grandmother?".

Do you realize what you are doing?

Trying to help you with your lack of empathy. If you put yourselves in the victims shoes maybe you'd see how wrong you are.
Jacobs is no victim, he is a prick that apparently doesn't understand what " go away! " means, so he had to learn the hard way. I have empathy for real victims, I don't have empathy for a rude asshat journalist that pushes the limits to get a story and winded up getting hurt.
Observe the absolute desperation of this leftist here. He is stuck grasping for straws, trying desperately to gain the moral high ground. As you'll note, leftists cannot stick to the topic because they will lose. So here this guy is, blabbering on about what if it was a fucking black guy who bodyslammed him. Because that is there go to, when their amygdala is rubbed raw..bring out the race or sex or tranny or faggot or class card.

This is when you know they've got nothing and the best thing you could do is dismiss his stupid pleas and not even address it.

There was no black guy, this involved white men in arguably the whitest state in the Union.

I'm trying to help you realize a politician assaulting someone is not right, cool or justified. If I give you an example of how black men get shot for attacking people, maybe that will help you realize what idiots you are being. The reporter should have shot the politician. If I were a reporter I'd get my concealed weapons permit and shoot a fucker if he touched me.
I have an even better idea.
Quit being a rudely offensive twit and nobody will body-slam you.
Oh so now it's ok to body slam people who are rude? I always knew you guys were unamerican and hated free speech.

I knew this jackass set a bad precedent.

He should have been arrested.

Buzz Aldrin is an American hero.

So blow me...

Sure he was. So what? I wonder who the Russian version of him is. That guys a Russian hero. So what? Doesn't mean he's a good example or role model for how you should act in public. He's an arrogant asshole.

Yes he's arrogant.
But so was Obama, and Obama hated America, so I give Trump a pass on arrogance.
You mean CONGRESSMAN Elect Gianforte.
Yes. What was spun? Can't you articulate?
If you want to stick to the outlandish lie that the MSM is not into the business of propaganda, that is your cross to bear.
A simple, "no," you can't articulate what was spun would have sufficed.
Liberal roe being played again. You know what was spun. But you try to play like you don't in a proven shill attempt to get him to respond so you can attack again.
If it was spun, that moron would have been able to articulate what exactly was spun. That he chose to be a bumbling idiot instead revealed there was no spin.

Now, we have the personal attack followed by the denial. Developing.....
So? Congress does not have all the intel the FBI has and the FBI is still investigating it. Again... why shouldn't the news report that?

So, there isn't even a hint of evidence of any wrongdoing, but you really, really hate Trump. And let's face it, you're Nazis so smear and innuendo are your way. :thup:
It's no one's fault but your own that you're simply too retarded to comprehend ... it's still under investigation.
So? Congress does not have all the intel the FBI has and the FBI is still investigating it. Again... why shouldn't the news report that?

So, there isn't even a hint of evidence of any wrongdoing, but you really, really hate Trump. And let's face it, you're Nazis so smear and innuendo are your way. :thup:
It's no one's fault but your own that you're simply too retarded to comprehend ... it's still under investigation. can't call someone else retarded when you're the biggest retard on these boards. You don't even know what self defense is.
The real victim of trumps daily attacks is the public's right to know.

But, even if you disagree with the First Amendment, the Repub jerk broke the law when he assaulted another person.

We must continue to refuse to allow trumps an bullinging, lying buffoonery become the new normal.

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Here's what I'm taking from this latest dimocrat outrage.

Parties/candidates have platforms, so this voter has decided to approach elections with a platform too. Mine is very simple, just one plank. Any candidate who body slams or otherwise takes on a media puke or group of pukes gets my vote. Period.
Lot of people have that platform now. He raised a $100K immediately after the incident.

You guys know he's going to have to pay that reporter for assaulting him. So don't try to pretend what he did was right or justified. He may have still won the election but he's going to pay in court.

And it's probably going to be the taxpayers who pay.
He shouldn't have to pay him a dime. Maybe journalists should get insurance for when they hassle people and get in their space and get what is coming to them?

Now I know how the Nazi's did it.

The elimination of the German multi-party political system not only brought about the demise of hundreds of newspapers produced by outlawed political parties; it also allowed the state to seize the printing plants and equipment of the Communist and Social Democratic Parties, which were often turned over directly to the Nazi Party. In the following months, the Nazis established control or exerted influence over independent press organs.

The RWNJ's in this country are running things and I can see how Hitler and the Nazi's were able to do what they did. Once in power it's hard to stop them.

How the Republicans convinced Americans to let them run things again I'll never know.

People don't realize that the media isn't liberal, it's corporate owned and controlled. Only liberal on issues that don't matter. They are being controlled by the elite through the media and then convinced that it's liberal. Amazing really. Big money now runs our government. People, stupid ones, have been convinced that corporations can do it better. Well lets see. Show me how people are living 20 years from now. No savings, no healthcare, no pension, low wages, no education, no job security
So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

In both examples given The Left instigated the violence.
Oh? Exactly what did that reporter do to instigate violence against him?

Burst into a private interview, shoved a mic into the candidate's face and began shouting questions. I'd have broken his arm.

"Gosh Officer, I thought his recorder was a knife, so I reacted." :laugh:

You really are the perfect trumpkin - Just like him, you have no respect for the truth or for the rights of others.

Bet you're a Pootarian too.

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So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

You have to marvel at how far the Republican party has fallen. There is no bottom either, they crawl under the barrel and then start digging to reach the sewer. This is a party and cohort of people that have no compass at all anymore. They have given up on morals and truth and instead cling to lies and situational morality. Where they decide what is moral based on a situation. If you are old enough to have watched this evolution of conservatives it is stunning. They are hollow people now. There is no foundation.
Yeah, because hiding like a coward in a mob and attacking people is the same thing as going mono-a-mono in self-defense.

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