Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany has Coronavirus

Lying Barbie, who likely decided not to wear a mask in front of Donald Trump in order to please him even if it put her health at risk, has Covid-19.
I wish her a prompt recovery.

No you don't stop lying. That said, hope you get and die a long slow death.
Lying Barbie, who likely decided not to wear a mask in front of Donald Trump in order to please him even if it put her health at risk, has Covid-19.
I wish her a prompt recovery.
This is one of billions of reasons you are not trusted anymore. Many of you would have been in mental institutions in the past. You have convinced a percentage of the population to self destruct the greatest experiment in human history. Which may prove that people may not like having a better life for long.
Lying Barbie...........

Another hate-filled leftist proves what lowlifes Democrats really are

Gee, I think that calling the lying slut "Lying Barbie", is being generous. I don't wish her ill, and neither did the OP, so the idea that Democrats are lowlife's is laughable. The stupid bitch did, however, bring this illness on herself by listening to Donald Trump, lying for him on the science and the public health risks of refusing to wear a mask, and on numerous scores.

So do I feel sympathy for her? No. Do I wish ill on her? Also no? But I also recall the response of Donald Trump upon learning that Hillary Clinton was sick with pneumonia.

Lying Barbie, who likely decided not to wear a mask in front of Donald Trump in order to please him even if it put her health at risk, has Covid-19.
I wish her a prompt recovery.

No you don't stop lying. That said, hope you get and die a long slow death.

Those of us who refuse to wish ill on the bitch, are liars. And you, wishing death on others, makes you a fine human being.

I'll bet you're so stupid that you don't see any irony at all in that post.
Two of lying Barbie's Deputies are now reported positive for the Trump Virus.
Probably got it from the press corps, they take their masks off as soon as the cameras are off.
You made that up.
Wrong again. There is video of them taking their masks off when they think the camera are off.
Take a guess. Which Trump loyalist will be the first to fade away and die from the WH COVID stupidfest. My money is on Supersize Christy.
I’ll take you up on that bet. If he doesn’t die, you leave the boards permanently.
What does it take to get through your thick heads: Catching Corona means nothing. 99.94% survival rate.

This thread is a thread about nothing
A thousand people dying every day due to Trump's inaction is just nothing, hmm.
Exactly what action could President Trump take to prevent new deaths?
That ship already sailed, the question needs to be asked in the past tense.

In January 2020, the Trump administration was advised that immediate action was required to stop the spread of COVID-19. According to NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, “there was a lot of pushback” to this advice. President Trump declined to act until March 16th. Experts estimate that, had mitigation measures been implemented one week earlier, 60% of American COVID-19 deaths would have been avoided.
Lying Barbie, who likely decided not to wear a mask in front of Donald Trump in order to please him even if it put her health at risk, has Covid-19.
I wish her a prompt recovery.
Masks do VERY LITTLE IF ANYTHING to stop the spread. Don't be a fucking moron.
Lying Barbie, who likely decided not to wear a mask in front of Donald Trump in order to please him even if it put her health at risk, has Covid-19.
I wish her a prompt recovery.
Wearing a mask doesn't protect you from getting prevents you from spreading it. Duh?
Lying Barbie, who likely decided not to wear a mask in front of Donald Trump in order to please him even if it put her health at risk, has Covid-19.
I wish her a prompt recovery.
The masks are a show of power by politicians, nothing more.

Covid is not Trump's fault
Swine flu was not Obama's fault
Sars was not Bush's fault
Only a few herpes cases were Clinton's fault.
Experts estimate
Yea, uh huh. The “experts” didn’t know anything about it. When President Trump did close travel down, the left blew their stack over it. So don’t make it sound as if Dems would had done better, they would had never closed down travel from China.
Notice how the experts went from being experts on everything Trump ever did to being experts on infectious diseases almost overnight?
Gave a press conference yesterday, sans mask, of course.

This is the environment Trump created and maintained. Brilliant.

And she will recover just fine. Go figure. Get back to the basement.
She’s beautiful and strong .. been through a lot.. god bless her

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