Pressure Mounting on the Romneys to Release More Tax Records

One has to have a starting point to compare records. You aren't really that stupid are ya? It's already been deduced that he has some in teh Cayman's and some in Suisse, lets where else - oh yah.

that's none of your business where people have money..
worry about you own affairs
This from Yahoo!

Mitt Romney's wife is pushing back on public pressure for her husband to release additional years of personal tax filings.

In an interview set to air Thursday on NBC's "Rock Center," Ann Romney reiterated that her husband won't release more financial records, insisting it would just provide more fodder for Democratic attacks.

"There's nothing we're hiding," Ann Romney told NBC's Natalie Morales.

Asked why her husband isn't more "transparent," Romney seemed to get a bit irritated, leaning forward in her chair to answer questions.

"Have you seen how we are attacked? Have you seen what's happened?" she said. "We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us. But the more we release, the more we get attacked, the more we get questioned, the more we get pushed. And so we have done what's legally required, and there's going to be no more tax releases given."

The idea that the candidates get to decide what you're allowed to know basically died about 20 years ago (if not sooner).

The Romneys will learn.

More at Ann Romney on tax returns:

So this is "pressure mounting?"

Natalie Morales, from NBC?


I'm confident the Romney Campaign can survive without her vote.
Robmoney better finish filling out the job application.

when you dont fill out the complete application your application goes to the bottom of the pile.

Doesnt Robmoney know that?
Democrats believe they can create a demand where none exists, and then claim there is a demand.
I love Lawrence O'Donnell. He does not let Romney get away with anything. This from his Thursday show:

ROMNEY: You know, I just have to say, given the challenges that
American faces, 23 million people out of work, Iran about to become
nuclear, one out of six Americans in poverty, the fascination with taxes I
paid I find to be very small-minded compared to the broad issues we faced.

But I did go back and look at my taxes and over the past 10 years, I
never paid less than 13 percent. I think the most recent year is 13.6
percent or something like that.

So, I paid taxes every single year. Harry Reid`s charge is totally
false. I`m sure waiting for Harry to put up who it was that told him what
he says they told him. I don`t believe it for a minute by the way.

But every year, I paid at least 13 percent. And if you add, in
addition, the amount that goes to charity, the number gets well above 20


O`DONNELL: No, no, no, Mitt, you don`t get to add the amount you give
to charity to the amount you pay in taxes when answering the question how
much do you pay in income taxes. None of us get to do that. In fact, the
amount we give to charity reduces how much we pay in income taxes.

Now, if the Romneys are intent on never releasing their tax returns as
Mrs. Romney angrily demonstrated here last night, then it is a big
strategic mistake to give any answers to questions about what is in those
tax returns.

And, Mitt, if you`re going to stone wall, you`ve got to stone wall.
You can`t open the door just a little bit and say I`ve never paid less than
13 percent, because that`s going to make more questions come out about the
details in your secret tax returns. You don`t have to go all the way back
to Nixon to learn how to stone wall with the press when you have something
big to hide like your tax returns. Just request the angry Mrs. Romney how to do it.


Thursday, August 16 - msnbc -

Ohhhh...secret tax returns! OMG! The guy is funny, he also released 2010 and 2011, so Larry is lying.

O'Donnell is right about one thing; by opening the door just a little, he's set off the chain of events that will ultimately result in his divulging all. It's the first crack in the dam.
The idiot you replied to is wrong: Bishop Romney has released a partial of 2010, and has not yet released his 2011, which he still claims is incomplete (he has until Oct. 15th).
One has to have a starting point to compare records. You aren't really that stupid are ya? It's already been deduced that he has some in teh Cayman's and some in Suisse, lets where else - oh yah.

that's none of your business where people have money..
worry about you own affairs
Mittens should go with that!

"Folks, it's none of your business whether I've hidden money from the IRS - now vote for me"


"Folks, I've been cheating the American taxpayers and the U.S. government for years - now put me in charge of it!"
It's already been deduced that he has some in teh Cayman's and some in Suisse, lets where else - oh yah.

You really want to hold his feet to the fire for something legal.

That is why you want his records.

He is smart for not giving them to you.
We don't know that it's legal.

In fact, it's looking like he may be hiding a felony.
Suppose Romney did hide money from the IRS. Do you think you could find that hidden money by looking at the tax returns given to the IRS? IRS examiners didn't. If indeed those tax returns reflect off shore bank accounts that were claimed as assets, wouldn't that automatically mean they aren't hidden? Romney has a hidden bank account in the Cayman Islands and it's right there in his tax returns!

Democrats are looking for something, but it's not hidden bank accounts.
This from Yahoo!

Mitt Romney's wife is pushing back on public pressure for her husband to release additional years of personal tax filings.

In an interview set to air Thursday on NBC's "Rock Center," Ann Romney reiterated that her husband won't release more financial records, insisting it would just provide more fodder for Democratic attacks.

"There's nothing we're hiding," Ann Romney told NBC's Natalie Morales.

Asked why her husband isn't more "transparent," Romney seemed to get a bit irritated, leaning forward in her chair to answer questions.

"Have you seen how we are attacked? Have you seen what's happened?" she said. "We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us. But the more we release, the more we get attacked, the more we get questioned, the more we get pushed. And so we have done what's legally required, and there's going to be no more tax releases given."

The idea that the candidates get to decide what you're allowed to know basically died about 20 years ago (if not sooner).

The Romneys will learn.

More at Ann Romney on tax returns:

So this is "pressure mounting?"

Natalie Morales, from NBC?


I'm confident the Romney Campaign can survive without her vote.
Do you know how many times, on how many channels, in how many markets that clip has been replayed over and over?

Natalie Morales is fine. Plus, Natalie Morales is FINE!


Let's keep some perspective, here.
Robmoney better finish filling out the job application or its to the bottom of the pile with his appilcation

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