Pressure Mounting on the Romneys to Release More Tax Records

Yes; the media is asking questions.
The Governor and his lovely wife are not answering them.
The questions continue.

And on Thursday, the Governor made it part of his dialogue...the first hole in the dike (sp?).

And.....The president, the guy actually fucking up the country isnt taking questions.

So now the question must be asked.......

Why do you have double standards?

What double standard would that be? Nobody forced Ann Romney to sit down for an interview. She did that on her own and became defensive...all on her own; refusing to answer them. So reporters tend to keep asking questions when you answer them. You'll note that they stopped asking about the birth certificate except for the really messed-up-in-the-head ones.


I dont feel like holding your hand. I seldom exercise in futility. Any conversation with you is exactly that.........

A governor or his wife not answering questions, but YOU hold a double standard and remain silent with the president taking the same position.

You are not only ignorant, but we need to add extreme stupidity.
And.....The president, the guy actually fucking up the country isnt taking questions.

So now the question must be asked.......

Why do you have double standards?

What double standard would that be? Nobody forced Ann Romney to sit down for an interview. She did that on her own and became defensive...all on her own; refusing to answer them. So reporters tend to keep asking questions when you answer them. You'll note that they stopped asking about the birth certificate except for the really messed-up-in-the-head ones.


I dont feel like holding your hand. I seldom exercise in futility. Any conversation with you is exactly that.........
A governor or his wife not answering questions, but YOU hold a double standard and remain silent with the president taking the same position.
You are not only ignorant, but we need to add extreme stupidity.

You always exercise in total futility...what are you talking about?

Let see if I can dumb down for you and your buddies what happened:

Okay...Ms. Romney goes to give an interview. In an interview; you answer questions. Is this a mystery to you? It probably is but we can't wait around for you to wrap your two (charitably allowing for the possibility of two) brain cells around the concept so we move forward. So Ms. Romney gives an interview. She is asked about tax record. She refuses to answer the question saying that there will be no more information given.

So the press will do what it always does, continue to ask the question until 1 or 2 things happen; something blows the story out of the water (see 9/11 and Gary Condit for an example) or an answer is given. The former hardly ever happens. The later happens quite often and will happen this go-round.

Your point, I guess--you really suck at making points--is that Obama isn't answering questions either. Was that your point? Well, he's also not agreeing to interviews. If you agree to an interview; you're going to get asked. If you don't, you don't get asked.

Again, this is a heady concept that you're likely having trouble with so I'll put it in terms that the gun nuts used to justify the killing of that guy trying to sell steak in Florida. As you may recall, he was going door to door selling mail-order steak for Omaha Steaks or something like it I guess; he walked into a yard with a "no trespassing" sign and got shot and killed by some gun nut. Anyway when it happened; the justification was given as so:

"Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize." The gracious and attractive Ms Romney did just that. Obama isn't partaking in the game. Whether that is right or not; well that IS an open question. He's given hundreds of interviews, taken thousands of question in the last 6 years so I can see where he would think he's done enough to breach the threshold on the topic. But if you sit down to an interview and refuse to answer questions, it's not rocket-science that it will just lead to the same questions getting asked again.

In political terms; this is what we call a "distraction"; dis-tract-shun. The Governor is having a very hard time getting past his own campaign's flubbing to get his message out. Which is likely a good thing for him since his message is murky at best outside of "obama-bad".
I'll disagree to a small degree....He doesn't NEED to do more than required. I'll illustrate.

Let say you have 2 applicants for the same job and both have sent you their resumes. Maria has a standard bullet point resume that says she exceeds the requirements and she can later quantify those statements if required. But Julia has a detailed resume with statistics showing data that doesn't make you ask for that quantification; Julia has a better resume.

The Governor doesn't need to do more than required; the Governor should want to do more than required. This is why it's an issue.

But Willard has shown a history of not wanting to release ANY records. He hid his records as governor. He hid the records of the Olympics (after saying he would be transparent with them) and he's hiding his tax returns.


Now, I wasn't hanging out here back during the Patriot Act's inception...I was hanging out at a military message board and I recall the Right Wing's constant refrain of "if you've got nothing to hide, what are you worried about".

I wonder what those folks are saying today. Bet I can guess...

Is the board gone? It would be fun to go back and look in and see where they are now.

Oh yes, it's alive and well...I'm just banned. :D
And.....The president, the guy actually fucking up the country isnt taking questions.

So now the question must be asked.......

Why do you have double standards?

What double standard would that be? Nobody forced Ann Romney to sit down for an interview. She did that on her own and became defensive...all on her own; refusing to answer them. So reporters tend to keep asking questions when you answer them. You'll note that they stopped asking about the birth certificate except for the really messed-up-in-the-head ones.


I dont feel like holding your hand. I seldom exercise in futility. Any conversation with you is exactly that.........

A governor or his wife not answering questions, but YOU hold a double standard and remain silent with the president taking the same position.

You are not only ignorant, but we need to add extreme stupidity.

President Obama has released over 10 years.
What double standard would that be? Nobody forced Ann Romney to sit down for an interview. She did that on her own and became defensive...all on her own; refusing to answer them. So reporters tend to keep asking questions when you answer them. You'll note that they stopped asking about the birth certificate except for the really messed-up-in-the-head ones.


I dont feel like holding your hand. I seldom exercise in futility. Any conversation with you is exactly that.........
A governor or his wife not answering questions, but YOU hold a double standard and remain silent with the president taking the same position.
You are not only ignorant, but we need to add extreme stupidity.

You always exercise in total futility...what are you talking about?

Let see if I can dumb down for you and your buddies what happened:

Okay...Ms. Romney goes to give an interview. In an interview; you answer questions. Is this a mystery to you? It probably is but we can't wait around for you to wrap your two (charitably allowing for the possibility of two) brain cells around the concept so we move forward. So Ms. Romney gives an interview. She is asked about tax record. She refuses to answer the question saying that there will be no more information given.

So the press will do what it always does, continue to ask the question until 1 or 2 things happen; something blows the story out of the water (see 9/11 and Gary Condit for an example) or an answer is given. The former hardly ever happens. The later happens quite often and will happen this go-round.

Your point, I guess--you really suck at making points--is that Obama isn't answering questions either. Was that your point? Well, he's also not agreeing to interviews. If you agree to an interview; you're going to get asked. If you don't, you don't get asked.

Again, this is a heady concept that you're likely having trouble with so I'll put it in terms that the gun nuts used to justify the killing of that guy trying to sell steak in Florida. As you may recall, he was going door to door selling mail-order steak for Omaha Steaks or something like it I guess; he walked into a yard with a "no trespassing" sign and got shot and killed by some gun nut. Anyway when it happened; the justification was given as so:

"Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize." The gracious and attractive Ms Romney did just that. Obama isn't partaking in the game. Whether that is right or not; well that IS an open question. He's given hundreds of interviews, taken thousands of question in the last 6 years so I can see where he would think he's done enough to breach the threshold on the topic. But if you sit down to an interview and refuse to answer questions, it's not rocket-science that it will just lead to the same questions getting asked again.

In political terms; this is what we call a "distraction"; dis-tract-shun. The Governor is having a very hard time getting past his own campaign's flubbing to get his message out. Which is likely a good thing for him since his message is murky at best outside of "obama-bad".

You choosing to employ double standards says a great deal about you............
There is no pressure mounting on Romney to release his tax records other than that which is coming from democrats.
There is no pressure mounting on Romney to release his tax records other than that which is coming from democrats.

Ya...funny that. There are a lot more democrats than republicans. SOOoooo...I guess the questions will keep coming.

As for Ann... She should not do interviews. It makes her look like a snotty skank. She is in NO position to talk down to people yet. Somebody on her side should probably tell her that... She and Mittens haven't won ANYTHING yet...she should try to keep that in mind. The American public has every right to vett someone seeking the Oval Office... She had better get used to the idea and be a little nicer to the public.. Or she will only help to drive Willards negatives right through the floor.
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You people have no problems with Obama NOT RELEASING his records, so your whine about how Romney is being SECRETIVE is all smoke up our asses

He released his tax returns, just because Obama whines that's not enough, tough shit

Don't forget folks, Obama did this same thing to Hillary

I wish Obama would release his records so everyone would STFU! However, his college records are not as pertinent to his being president as tax returns are--especially if you are talking about eliminating tax loopholes, etc. as Romney is. That is what makes his returns pertinent. I want to see what loopholes if any, he used and ask him if he would eliminate those he took advantage of. He is being evasive and I think that would be a possiblity if he is president also.
The idea that the candidates get to decide what you're allowed to know basically died about 20 years ago (if not sooner).

The Romney campaign’s gross mishandling of this issue will contribute to his defeat this November. If Romney the candidate can’t address something as straightforward as his own tax returns, there’s no way he can handle infinitely more complex and difficult issues as president.
Pressure from who? People who never intended to vote for him anyway? Just another faux outrage smear. It ain't goin nowhere. The only people who obsess over this, are loyal Dem-Bot assholes. Most other people are worried about the real issues. This is already old & tired news.
The idea that the candidates get to decide what you're allowed to know basically died about 20 years ago (if not sooner).

The Romney campaign’s gross mishandling of this issue will contribute to his defeat this November. If Romney the candidate can’t address something as straightforward as his own tax returns, there’s no way he can handle infinitely more complex and difficult issues as president.

well hardly, HE already released his tax returns.. and as the polls are showing the people don't give a shit about this...but nice distraction from our petty little President
The idea that the candidates get to decide what you're allowed to know basically died about 20 years ago (if not sooner).

The Romney campaign’s gross mishandling of this issue will contribute to his defeat this November. If Romney the candidate can’t address something as straightforward as his own tax returns, there’s no way he can handle infinitely more complex and difficult issues as president.

well hardly, HE already released his tax returns.. and as the polls are showing the people don't give a shit about this...but nice distraction from our petty little President

Yeah, look for them to become more shrill & desperate as they realize most Americans aren't buying into their Class Warfare/Race-Baiting Platform. They will become hysterical. It's gonna be fun.
You people have no problems with Obama NOT RELEASING his records, so your whine about how Romney is being SECRETIVE is all smoke up our asses

He released his tax returns, just because Obama whines that's not enough, tough shit

Don't forget folks, Obama did this same thing to Hillary

I wish Obama would release his records so everyone would STFU! However, his college records are not as pertinent to his being president as tax returns are--especially if you are talking about eliminating tax loopholes, etc. as Romney is. That is what makes his returns pertinent. I want to see what loopholes if any, he used and ask him if he would eliminate those he took advantage of. He is being evasive and I think that would be a possiblity if he is president also.

Taking advantage of tax breaks and deductions is not wrong. We know that many take advantage of all they can. The last person to end a lot of deductions was Reagan, since then, we have added deductions and credits.

I don't think showing anymore than two years of taxes is relevant to your question, those would be the most pertinent to your question, why would you need more?
You people have no problems with Obama NOT RELEASING his records, so your whine about how Romney is being SECRETIVE is all smoke up our asses

He released his tax returns, just because Obama whines that's not enough, tough shit

Don't forget folks, Obama did this same thing to Hillary

I wish Obama would release his records so everyone would STFU! However, his college records are not as pertinent to his being president as tax returns are--especially if you are talking about eliminating tax loopholes, etc. as Romney is. That is what makes his returns pertinent. I want to see what loopholes if any, he used and ask him if he would eliminate those he took advantage of. He is being evasive and I think that would be a possiblity if he is president also.

that's bs, he can do all those thing without you people looking at his tax returns.. the majority of the people are worried about REAL things, like the economy, unemployment, trying to feed their families...It's Obama and his people who are looking for these distractions...but it's not working
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I love Lawrence O'Donnell. He does not let Romney get away with anything. This from his Thursday show:

ROMNEY: You know, I just have to say, given the challenges that
American faces, 23 million people out of work, Iran about to become
nuclear, one out of six Americans in poverty, the fascination with taxes I
paid I find to be very small-minded compared to the broad issues we faced.

But I did go back and look at my taxes and over the past 10 years, I
never paid less than 13 percent. I think the most recent year is 13.6
percent or something like that.

So, I paid taxes every single year. Harry Reid`s charge is totally
false. I`m sure waiting for Harry to put up who it was that told him what
he says they told him. I don`t believe it for a minute by the way.

But every year, I paid at least 13 percent. And if you add, in
addition, the amount that goes to charity, the number gets well above 20


O`DONNELL: No, no, no, Mitt, you don`t get to add the amount you give
to charity to the amount you pay in taxes when answering the question how
much do you pay in income taxes. None of us get to do that. In fact, the
amount we give to charity reduces how much we pay in income taxes.

Now, if the Romneys are intent on never releasing their tax returns as
Mrs. Romney angrily demonstrated here last night, then it is a big
strategic mistake to give any answers to questions about what is in those
tax returns.

And, Mitt, if you`re going to stone wall, you`ve got to stone wall.
You can`t open the door just a little bit and say I`ve never paid less than
13 percent, because that`s going to make more questions come out about the
details in your secret tax returns. You don`t have to go all the way back
to Nixon to learn how to stone wall with the press when you have something
big to hide like your tax returns. Just request the angry Mrs. Romney how to do it.


Thursday, August 16 - msnbc -
LOL, Lawrence O'donnell and you wonder why PMSnbc ratings are in the toilet..

their motto should, the all Democrat and Obama lapdog station
Not sure about that. Taxes and how we fund the government is a central issue for this election. You lose the moral authority to tax others when you're not willing to personally share the burden to a greater extent. If he's going to ask others to sacrifice, he must be willing to make the sacrifice himself. Clearly the Governor is ringing hollow in his messaging. And they didn't see this coming?

I'm sure whatever is in the records isn't as bad as he thinks it will be for his Presidential bid.

In case you missed it, the ACA is now law; no more negotiating.

The fact that Romney wants lower taxes for ALL americans that actually pay taxes contradicts your holier than thou argument.
Obamacare is now law indeed, but i missed the negotiations on C-Span and have been hoping to catch it on a re-run. I haven't caught it yet, but it surely had to happen because the President and all his moral authority promised it at least 20 times.

Actually no it does not but thanks for playing our game. There are some nice parting gifts for you.

If the Governor wants to pay less than 13%, that's unfortunate for his Presidential Aspirations. You do speak the truth though.

If he wanted to raise taxes on Adelson and the Koch Brothes, do you really think they'd be cutting enormous checks to his campaign and supporting his bid?

He does want to cut taxes on people like himself. So when he wants to raise taxes on people far removed from his circumstance, the Governor loses credibility. Which is why Obama is winning and will win the contest.

Who made you and Obama the moral authority on anything again? This nonsense is just a distraction from Obama's own record and just because people like you and the liberal media follow it does not mean the rest of America is. When is C-Span showing the health care re-runs again? :eusa_whistle:
I dont feel like holding your hand. I seldom exercise in futility. Any conversation with you is exactly that.........
A governor or his wife not answering questions, but YOU hold a double standard and remain silent with the president taking the same position.
You are not only ignorant, but we need to add extreme stupidity.

You always exercise in total futility...what are you talking about?

Let see if I can dumb down for you and your buddies what happened:

Okay...Ms. Romney goes to give an interview. In an interview; you answer questions. Is this a mystery to you? It probably is but we can't wait around for you to wrap your two (charitably allowing for the possibility of two) brain cells around the concept so we move forward. So Ms. Romney gives an interview. She is asked about tax record. She refuses to answer the question saying that there will be no more information given.

So the press will do what it always does, continue to ask the question until 1 or 2 things happen; something blows the story out of the water (see 9/11 and Gary Condit for an example) or an answer is given. The former hardly ever happens. The later happens quite often and will happen this go-round.

Your point, I guess--you really suck at making points--is that Obama isn't answering questions either. Was that your point? Well, he's also not agreeing to interviews. If you agree to an interview; you're going to get asked. If you don't, you don't get asked.

Again, this is a heady concept that you're likely having trouble with so I'll put it in terms that the gun nuts used to justify the killing of that guy trying to sell steak in Florida. As you may recall, he was going door to door selling mail-order steak for Omaha Steaks or something like it I guess; he walked into a yard with a "no trespassing" sign and got shot and killed by some gun nut. Anyway when it happened; the justification was given as so:

"Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize." The gracious and attractive Ms Romney did just that. Obama isn't partaking in the game. Whether that is right or not; well that IS an open question. He's given hundreds of interviews, taken thousands of question in the last 6 years so I can see where he would think he's done enough to breach the threshold on the topic. But if you sit down to an interview and refuse to answer questions, it's not rocket-science that it will just lead to the same questions getting asked again.

In political terms; this is what we call a "distraction"; dis-tract-shun. The Governor is having a very hard time getting past his own campaign's flubbing to get his message out. Which is likely a good thing for him since his message is murky at best outside of "obama-bad".

You choosing to employ double standards says a great deal about you............

Your lack of comprehension about the difference says more about you.
There is no pressure mounting on Romney to release his tax records other than that which is coming from democrats.

Ya...funny that. There are a lot more democrats than republicans. SOOoooo...I guess the questions will keep coming.

As for Ann... She should not do interviews. It makes her look like a snotty skank. She is in NO position to talk down to people yet. Somebody on her side should probably tell her that... She and Mittens haven't won ANYTHING yet...she should try to keep that in mind. The American public has every right to vett someone seeking the Oval Office... She had better get used to the idea and be a little nicer to the public.. Or she will only help to drive Willards negatives right through the floor.

You don't need to play the skank card.

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