Pressure Mounting on the Romneys to Release More Tax Records

This is Obama's laser like focus on things that really matter.

How the fuck did he get elected to anything?

You are the only one that sees the truth through all the bullshit Frankie. The majority of American voters are fucking idiots. The could not be trusted with who they selected. Knowing that you have done the country a service focusing on trying to make Obama a one term president instead of wasting YOUR time working with those whom you dissagree with.

Good Job Frankie.. you deserve a medal. :clap2:
You do understand what pressure is dont you?

Yes; the media is asking questions.
The Governor and his lovely wife are not answering them.
The questions continue.

And on Thursday, the Governor made it part of his dialogue...the first hole in the dike (sp?).

And.....The president, the guy actually fucking up the country isnt taking questions.

So now the question must be asked.......

Why do you have double standards?

What double standard would that be? Nobody forced Ann Romney to sit down for an interview. She did that on her own and became defensive...all on her own; refusing to answer them. So reporters tend to keep asking questions when you answer them. You'll note that they stopped asking about the birth certificate except for the really messed-up-in-the-head ones.

This is Obama's laser like focus on things that really matter.

How the fuck did he get elected to anything?

You are the only one that sees the truth through all the bullshit Frankie. The majority of American voters are fucking idiots. The could not be trusted with who they selected. Knowing that you have done the country a service focusing on trying to make Obama a one term president instead of wasting YOUR time working with those whom you dissagree with.

Good Job Frankie.. you deserve a medal. :clap2:

Dont hold so tight when you are juggling his balls
I want mittens to win sally...But that doesnt mean im not going to point out a deflection...You know like your post here.

How exactly does a person deflect from a premise that remains unproven,

I asked very clearly moron...Post the pressure........

you are trying to change the subject to the left.....But i see you are going to play the blatantly stupid game....

I have no idea what he is talking about...
This is Obama's laser like focus on things that really matter.

How the fuck did he get elected to anything?

[ame=]Blacks For Obama Simply Because He's Black - YouTube[/ame]
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As ought to be evident to all, FACTS appear to be much less important to electoral outcomes than the PERCEPTION of the facts.

Now I do not doubt that Romney did nothing wrong when it comes to having paid his taxes.

So why, given these charges, is Romeny refusing to show the American people how much he paid over the last decade?

I think we all understand why he refuses.

Because what we would discover is that Romeny paid a very small percentage of his income. Like a percentage much much lower than the average working person in the USA.

And THAT would be percieved as being unfair, even if Romeny's tax returns were perfectly legal.

After all, Romney's complaint is that the very welathy pay way too high a percentage in taxes.

But it is very likely that if we saw what HE PAID, we would discover that he paid a very low percentage of his income.

In other words the basic thrust of his complaint about taxes would prove to be (at least in HIS case) total bullshit.

THAT is why Romney hesitates to END this story.

Because it would end when Romeny was proven to be just another whining rich boy who enjoys enormous tax breaks that most people cannot enjoy.

That is where I am. I have no doubt that Romney didn't do anything illegal.

From: Ann Romney on tax returns: Ann Romney on tax returns:

If the Romney's vast assets are in a "blind trust" and Mrs Romney doesn't know what or where it is invested, how could she say they're not hiding anything? If she doesn't know where the money is, how do we know what it is funding?

It might be in foreign banks, loaning money to fund foreign business - competing with our own. Or, it might be in rare paintings, or automobiles or any number of instruments outside our borders funding any manner of things not in our nations best interest.

And why were these assets placed in a blind trust for over a decade? One would presume someone who tauts their business acuity would be better able to invest their assets than those who operate said blind trust.

I'm sure none of the investments were illegal, but extralegal or furtive is a possibility. Otherwise why hide the great wealth he is so proud to have built?

Great points! Let me add; and ask IF it were a blind trust, why then did this trust invest $10 mil in her son's company? Coincidence!?!:badgrin: Hardly!!
I am glad someone mentioned tax return.

David Cay Johnston reports in the New York Times on some of the missing information on the forms released by Ms. Heinz Kerry:

One line in the Form 1040 that was released indicated she had a job for which $2,230 in taxes were withheld from her paycheck, but gave no details. A spokesman for the Kerry campaign said this income was related to an investment she had with a limited liability corporation, although he would not provide any more information.

Tax documents that would indicate if Ms. Heinz Kerry has offshore accounts were withheld, as were the schedules detailing her charitable deductions, interest expenses and the nature of the $14,412 in capital gains she reported. But Paul Bschorr, a lawyer for Ms. Heinz Kerry, said Friday that none of her personal investment accounts or accounts controlled by her family trust are deposited outside the United States, a step some wealthy American use to defer or escape taxes.

No information was provided about how much income was earned by trusts of which she is the beneficiary. If the trusts are as large as reported - and the Kerry campaign has not challenged the billion dollar estimate - then even a modest 5 percent return would have generated $50 million of income, 10 times what was on the two pages released by Ms. Heinz Kerry. A statement released by the Kerry campaign noted that income taxes are paid directly by the Heinz family trust, in addition to taxes that Ms. Heinz Kerry pays.

When did Ms. Kerry run for Pres?:eusa_whistle:
What was obama's GPA in college? his admission papers ?
You're using the same group which obama was a board member of?

His GPA was high enough for him to have graduated Magna cum Laude and to become editor of the Law Review. They don't usually give that to "C" students.

Presidents do not usually release their college transcripts. Bush's release was a fluke...because he didn't release them. Kerry's were in his military records which he did allow to be released.

Romney is running on his business record isn't he? If that is the case, why isn't it pertinent to see how his business acumen stacks up?

I think it is pretty damn funny that a birther is defending Romney not releasing his tax returns.

You know what they really don't give to editors of Law Review? The office of editor to someone that never wrote a published paper. obama was never published. Not before he was editor, not during the time he was editor. Not ever. So how did he get to be editor of Harvard Law Review?

If it were true or not, that matters why or how?
His GPA was high enough for him to have graduated Magna cum Laude and to become editor of the Law Review. They don't usually give that to "C" students.

Presidents do not usually release their college transcripts. Bush's release was a fluke...because he didn't release them. Kerry's were in his military records which he did allow to be released.

Romney is running on his business record isn't he? If that is the case, why isn't it pertinent to see how his business acumen stacks up?

I think it is pretty damn funny that a birther is defending Romney not releasing his tax returns.

You know what they really don't give to editors of Law Review? The office of editor to someone that never wrote a published paper. obama was never published. Not before he was editor, not during the time he was editor. Not ever. So how did he get to be editor of Harvard Law Review?

If it were true or not, that matters why or how?

just as much as Romney's tax return does.
At which time democrat operatives will demand five more years of tax returns and obama will say "We can't control them".

Romney is absolutely correct in not releasing anything. Democrats are looking for a means of attack. It is no different than sending people to Alaska to rummage through the Palin trash can.

So, you apparently like secrecy when it favors you or your side, but not so much when it doesn't?
obama is quite willing to throw his Attorney General under the bus rather than release documents that implicate himself.

I see your trying to change the subject, the usual con tactic when they haven't a leg to stand on, isn't working too good!:clap2:
This is Obama's laser like focus on things that really matter.

How the fuck did he get elected to anything?

You are the only one that sees the truth through all the bullshit Frankie. The majority of American voters are fucking idiots. The could not be trusted with who they selected. Knowing that you have done the country a service focusing on trying to make Obama a one term president instead of wasting YOUR time working with those whom you dissagree with.

Good Job Frankie.. you deserve a medal. :clap2:

As is clear at this message board. Many con voters are fucking idiots that refuse to let facts get in their way to their voluntary ignorance and closed minds.
What is Romneyy afraid of?

What is in his tax returns that he so does not want the American people to know?

Gee...I wonder.
All that romney pos does is lie, mislead, hate, etc.. yet were somehow suppose to believe or trust him when he states that he never paid less than 13%. Yah - riigghht! Phhhhht! Get real! I COULDN'T trust that guy if he were the last human on Earth let alone president. In fact, I wouldn't trust one damn person in the 1% club let alone one in the 0.1% club.
This is Obama's laser like focus on things that really matter.

How the fuck did he get elected to anything?

You are the only one that sees the truth through all the bullshit Frankie. The majority of American voters are fucking idiots. The could not be trusted with who they selected. Knowing that you have done the country a service focusing on trying to make Obama a one term president instead of wasting YOUR time working with those whom you dissagree with.

Good Job Frankie.. you deserve a medal. :clap2:

The majority of voters are idiots, that's why Obama got elected in the first place
Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, we deserve to know if that's the same story he told his colleges and Universities
Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, we deserve to know if that's the same story he told his colleges and Universities

I see you've been busy continuing to dig that hole while I've been gone too.:badgrin:

Get a life!!

You were gone?


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