Pressure Mounting on the Romneys to Release More Tax Records

Anyone with kids has had one hiding something behind their backs and saying "I'm not hiding anything". The Romney's remind me of that.
so sorry dears, you all don't think we have a need to see Obama's school records, you all have NO NEED to see anymore of ANYBODIES tax returns..

and this is what your Dear Leader finds is IMPORTANT to the American people, not his lame ass record

vote him out people
I have Mitt 1040 from 2009
Romney is going to give what is required. When will Obama move onto real issues of consequence?

He is running for President of the United States of America. He needs to do more than 'what is required'. He needs to step up or step out.

I'll disagree to a small degree....He doesn't NEED to do more than required. I'll illustrate.

Let say you have 2 applicants for the same job and both have sent you their resumes. Maria has a standard bullet point resume that says she exceeds the requirements and she can later quantify those statements if required. But Julia has a detailed resume with statistics showing data that doesn't make you ask for that quantification; Julia has a better resume.

The Governor doesn't need to do more than required; the Governor should want to do more than required. This is why it's an issue.
All that romney pos does is lie, mislead, hate, etc.. yet were somehow suppose to believe or trust him when he states that he never paid less than 13%. Yah - riigghht! Phhhhht! Get real! I COULDN'T trust that guy if he were the last human on Earth let alone president. In fact, I wouldn't trust one damn person in the 1% club let alone one in the 0.1% club.

Yeah, but you trust Obama?

What a moron.
Anyone with kids has had one hiding something behind their backs and saying "I'm not hiding anything". The Romney's remind me of that.

Romney is just telling turds like you to mind your own business.

What is your messiah hiding? Why won't he release is college transcripts or financial records?

The hypocrisy of libturds is beyond belief.
Romney is going to give what is required. When will Obama move onto real issues of consequence?

He is running for President of the United States of America. He needs to do more than 'what is required'. He needs to step up or step out.

I'll disagree to a small degree....He doesn't NEED to do more than required. I'll illustrate.

Let say you have 2 applicants for the same job and both have sent you their resumes. Maria has a standard bullet point resume that says she exceeds the requirements and she can later quantify those statements if required. But Julia has a detailed resume with statistics showing data that doesn't make you ask for that quantification; Julia has a better resume.

The Governor doesn't need to do more than required; the Governor should want to do more than required. This is why it's an issue.

But Willard has shown a history of not wanting to release ANY records. He hid his records as governor. He hid the records of the Olympics (after saying he would be transparent with them) and he's hiding his tax returns.


Now, I wasn't hanging out here back during the Patriot Act's inception...I was hanging out at a military message board and I recall the Right Wing's constant refrain of "if you've got nothing to hide, what are you worried about".

I wonder what those folks are saying today. Bet I can guess...
Romney was asked to release 5 years and he even wussed out over that, lmao!

Ravi...I would expect differently from you.
He wasn't asked.
How would you feel if someone made unsubstantiated claims against you, who by the way had a lot to gain from your demise - something very serious and where they would only say "I heard it from someone" this claim could not only get you fired, but keep you from getting any job.
You want to live in a society where YOU have to prove any and all accusations against you when there is no proof whatsoever given by the accuser ..until then you are automatically assumed guilty if you don't prove it?????? A society where your foes can take you down by simply making a claim against you....they refuse to say where they heard it and no one faults them for it - but YOU are blamed openly and assumed "it must be true" if you don't comply and prove it???
Really Ravi??

Thats politics. Please don't act as if this is news to you.

It most certainly is news. Why? This is different, a leading Senator while on the Senate floor makes an unsubstantiated claim against a private citizen running for office - again - while on the Senate floor. It would be different if he said this in some interview...or a peech somewhere..yada yada...he didn't - he did it ON THE SENATE FLOOR.
A top government official makes a damning accusation on a private citizen that could cause major harm to that person and then refuses to say where the information comes from....THIS IS NEWS YOU BONEHEAD.
You people have no problems with Obama NOT RELEASING his records, so your whine about how Romney is being SECRETIVE is all smoke up our asses

He released his tax returns, just because Obama whines that's not enough, tough shit

Don't forget folks, Obama did this same thing to Hillary
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Ravi...I would expect differently from you.
He wasn't asked.
How would you feel if someone made unsubstantiated claims against you, who by the way had a lot to gain from your demise - something very serious and where they would only say "I heard it from someone" this claim could not only get you fired, but keep you from getting any job.
You want to live in a society where YOU have to prove any and all accusations against you when there is no proof whatsoever given by the accuser ..until then you are automatically assumed guilty if you don't prove it?????? A society where your foes can take you down by simply making a claim against you....they refuse to say where they heard it and no one faults them for it - but YOU are blamed openly and assumed "it must be true" if you don't comply and prove it???
Really Ravi??

Thats politics. Please don't act as if this is news to you.

It most certainly is news. Why? This is different, a leading Senator while on the Senate floor makes an unsubstantiated claim against a private citizen running for office - again - while on the Senate floor. It would be different if he said this in some interview...or a peech somewhere..yada yada...he didn't - he did it ON THE SENATE FLOOR.
A top government official makes a damning accusation on a private citizen that could cause major harm to that person and then refuses to say where the information comes from....THIS IS NEWS YOU BONEHEAD. now the Governor is just a private citizen. He's running for President and this is what happens; you get asked about your past, you get asked about your birth place, your wife becomes fair game. It's hilarious that the inventors of tough campaigning are now the leading critics of the practice.
He is running for President of the United States of America. He needs to do more than 'what is required'. He needs to step up or step out.

I'll disagree to a small degree....He doesn't NEED to do more than required. I'll illustrate.

Let say you have 2 applicants for the same job and both have sent you their resumes. Maria has a standard bullet point resume that says she exceeds the requirements and she can later quantify those statements if required. But Julia has a detailed resume with statistics showing data that doesn't make you ask for that quantification; Julia has a better resume.

The Governor doesn't need to do more than required; the Governor should want to do more than required. This is why it's an issue.

But Willard has shown a history of not wanting to release ANY records. He hid his records as governor. He hid the records of the Olympics (after saying he would be transparent with them) and he's hiding his tax returns.


Now, I wasn't hanging out here back during the Patriot Act's inception...I was hanging out at a military message board and I recall the Right Wing's constant refrain of "if you've got nothing to hide, what are you worried about".

I wonder what those folks are saying today. Bet I can guess...

Is the board gone? It would be fun to go back and look in and see where they are now.
He is running for President of the United States of America. He needs to do more than 'what is required'. He needs to step up or step out.

I'll disagree to a small degree....He doesn't NEED to do more than required. I'll illustrate.

Let say you have 2 applicants for the same job and both have sent you their resumes. Maria has a standard bullet point resume that says she exceeds the requirements and she can later quantify those statements if required. But Julia has a detailed resume with statistics showing data that doesn't make you ask for that quantification; Julia has a better resume.

The Governor doesn't need to do more than required; the Governor should want to do more than required. This is why it's an issue.

But Willard has shown a history of not wanting to release ANY records. He hid his records as governor. He hid the records of the Olympics (after saying he would be transparent with them) and he's hiding his tax returns.


Now, I wasn't hanging out here back during the Patriot Act's inception...I was hanging out at a military message board and I recall the Right Wing's constant refrain of "if you've got nothing to hide, what are you worried about".

I wonder what those folks are saying today. Bet I can guess...

ditto, well except that part about the hanging out on a military message board. In that sense Seawytch probably knows much more than I do about a lot of things.
1. Did Obama work for the CIA in Pocky-staan when he said he was in college

2. Did Obama tell his colleges he was born in Kenya

3. What was his thesis?

4. Did Harry Reid really accept bags of cash from Mafia captains?
Romney is going to give what is required. When will Obama move onto real issues of consequence?

He is running for President of the United States of America. He needs to do more than 'what is required'. He needs to step up or step out.

I'll disagree to a small degree....He doesn't NEED to do more than required. I'll illustrate.

Let say you have 2 applicants for the same job and both have sent you their resumes. Maria has a standard bullet point resume that says she exceeds the requirements and she can later quantify those statements if required. But Julia has a detailed resume with statistics showing data that doesn't make you ask for that quantification; Julia has a better resume.

The Governor doesn't need to do more than required; the Governor should want to do more than required. This is why it's an issue.

Obama's resume has the following bullet points

  • $16 trillion dollar debt
  • 40 months of unemployment above 8%
  • division and hate
  • destroying entire industries
  • thousands of deaths in Afghanistan.
  • Groveling before foreign dictators
Thats politics. Please don't act as if this is news to you.

It most certainly is news. Why? This is different, a leading Senator while on the Senate floor makes an unsubstantiated claim against a private citizen running for office - again - while on the Senate floor. It would be different if he said this in some interview...or a peech somewhere..yada yada...he didn't - he did it ON THE SENATE FLOOR.
A top government official makes a damning accusation on a private citizen that could cause major harm to that person and then refuses to say where the information comes from....THIS IS NEWS YOU BONEHEAD. now the Governor is just a private citizen. He's running for President and this is what happens; you get asked about your past, you get asked about your birth place, your wife becomes fair game. It's hilarious that the inventors of tough campaigning are now the leading critics of the practice.

And here is where you show your problem - you are unable to think for yourself. You cannot think without your obvious biases clouding up coherent thoughts.
Of course he can be asked kiddo...he wasn't asked. A top government official made a damning accusation on his office floor while in his position of power...this is abusing his office. It is really quite simple. If someone makes a really, really, really big unsubstantiated accusation on someone else - we live in a country where the burden of proof is on the ACCUSER - not the person who is accused. It is not up to Romney to prove his position - it is up to Reid who accused him (to which his office has already backtracked - something you and many others seem to forget).
He is running for President of the United States of America. He needs to do more than 'what is required'. He needs to step up or step out.

I'll disagree to a small degree....He doesn't NEED to do more than required. I'll illustrate.

Let say you have 2 applicants for the same job and both have sent you their resumes. Maria has a standard bullet point resume that says she exceeds the requirements and she can later quantify those statements if required. But Julia has a detailed resume with statistics showing data that doesn't make you ask for that quantification; Julia has a better resume.

The Governor doesn't need to do more than required; the Governor should want to do more than required. This is why it's an issue.

Obama's resume has the following bullet points

  • $16 trillion dollar debtCongress allocated every penny, no? Still he's the man in charge so he gets the blame
  • 40 months of unemployment above 8% He's yet to find the magic bullet for it. That's on him
  • division and hate Your party is divided and you hate the President.
  • destroying entire industries Yeah like Betamax
  • thousands of deaths in Afghanistan. We're out of Iraq, we should be out of Afghanistan too
  • Groveling before foreign dictators Puh-leeze

See red above.

Anyway, back to the tax records.

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