Pressure Mounting on the Romneys to Release More Tax Records

If there is nothing he's hiding then there is nothing to attack him for....the Romneys don't seem especially bright.

Get back to us when Obama releases his college records and Holder releases the F & F emails....

What are they hiding...????? :confused:
Obama is a non-issue now.

President Romney could win in a landslide right now if the election was held today.

Obama can take his request for more tax records and shove it up into his irrelevant ass right now. Maybe Joe Biden can give it a little push.
Obama is a non-issue now.

President Romney could win in a landslide right now if the election was held today.

Obama can take his request for more tax records and shove it up into his irrelevant ass right now. Maybe Joe Biden can give it a little push.

It's turning into a rout isn't it?

When the baker in Virginia refused to host a Biden event, not only did the secret service come in to say thank you for not having Biden, but customers flocked in causing the baker to run out of food before the day was half done.l

Secret Service bought cupcakes to thank baker for turning down Biden |
If there is nothing he's hiding then there is nothing to attack him for....the Romneys don't seem especially bright.
Brighter then obamaturd.

I don't see it. It's a shame the Republicans couldn't come up with a better candidate.

But you are deflecting.

By "better" do you mean more liberal?

Why do you honestly care who the Republicans put up? You were always going to vote for Zero anyway...

I mean you can pretend you wantred a choice, but lets face it - Barry was your goto guy since he was elected...
BTW, the taxes issue isn't hurting him in the polls, so there's no way he's going to do anything unless it is costing him...

Still a non-issue...
BTW, the taxes issue isn't hurting him in the polls, so there's no way he's going to do anything unless it is costing him...

Still a non-issue...

Biden's been a tremendous help for the Romney campaign.

Thank you Outgoing President-Select Failure Barry Sotereo, or whatever the fuck your Muslim name is....

If there is nothing he's hiding then there is nothing to attack him for....the Romneys don't seem especially bright.

/You know that's not true, they're gonna nitpick bullshit and make it a big deal. IOMG he gave the NRA or OMG he made millions and on and fuck democrats....he has the RIGHT TO PRIVACY.......and he's pro choice, he chose not to release more than 2 years....
This from Yahoo!

Mitt Romney's wife is pushing back on public pressure for her husband to release additional years of personal tax filings.

In an interview set to air Thursday on NBC's "Rock Center," Ann Romney reiterated that her husband won't release more financial records, insisting it would just provide more fodder for Democratic attacks.

"There's nothing we're hiding," Ann Romney told NBC's Natalie Morales.

Asked why her husband isn't more "transparent," Romney seemed to get a bit irritated, leaning forward in her chair to answer questions.

"Have you seen how we are attacked? Have you seen what's happened?" she said. "We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us. But the more we release, the more we get attacked, the more we get questioned, the more we get pushed. And so we have done what's legally required, and there's going to be no more tax releases given."

The idea that the candidates get to decide what you're allowed to know basically died about 20 years ago (if not sooner).

The Romneys will learn.

More at Ann Romney on tax returns:

He fulfilled his Tax requirements in March, the only pressure he might be getting is from tin foil hat loons who are desperately running out of ammunition to use against him. The idea that he could cheat the IRS is simply astounding in its ridiculousness.
Uh oh...

Romulous has stopped rejecting the premise of the question:

Mitt Romney said Thursday he's never paid less than a 13 percent tax rate over the last 10 years and blasted Democratic critics, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, for suggesting he's paid no taxes.

"I just have to say, given the challenges that America faces—23 million people out of work, Iran about to become nuclear, one out of six Americans in poverty—the fascination with taxes I've paid I find to be very small-minded compared to the broad issues that we face," Romney told reporters at a last-minute press availability in Greer, S.C., where he's fundraising today. "But I did go back and look at my taxes, and over the past 10 years I never paid less than 13 percent. I think the most recent year is 13.6 or something like that. So I paid taxes every single year."

Not good if you're now being cowed into addressing it in more detail. It's starting to get to the Governor.

Should have done this before the Iowa Caucus....
Ann Romney lied. She said

"We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us. But the more we release, the more we get attacked, the more we get questioned, the more we get pushed....

That's two lies.

They have yet to release what they said they would. So far, all we have is part of one year.
Second lie, is they have not been attacked about what little they have released.

Fact is, people know they are lying, just as Ryan is lying. Real Americans would not do that.

I've been enjoying his flip-flopping the past few days about Medicare.

First, he and Ryan are different. Then, they're the same and he agrees with Ryan. Today, with that disastrous white board, he said he would not change Medicare, later today he said that he and Ryan have the exact same plan.

When is he gonna light on just one position?


If there is one thing we can count on its what his own head of staff said - Etch A Sketch. He's wishy washy and will fall over in whichever direction he's pushed.

What a disaster he would be and Americans know it.
This from Yahoo!

Mitt Romney's wife is pushing back on public pressure for her husband to release additional years of personal tax filings.

In an interview set to air Thursday on NBC's "Rock Center," Ann Romney reiterated that her husband won't release more financial records, insisting it would just provide more fodder for Democratic attacks.

"There's nothing we're hiding," Ann Romney told NBC's Natalie Morales.

Asked why her husband isn't more "transparent," Romney seemed to get a bit irritated, leaning forward in her chair to answer questions.

"Have you seen how we are attacked? Have you seen what's happened?" she said. "We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us. But the more we release, the more we get attacked, the more we get questioned, the more we get pushed. And so we have done what's legally required, and there's going to be no more tax releases given."
The idea that the candidates get to decide what you're allowed to know basically died about 20 years ago (if not sooner).

The Romneys will learn.

More at Ann Romney on tax returns:

Not it hasn't. They simply have to just keep hammering Obama on is failure and ignore the media's continued witch hunt. If they don't feel the pressure, then there isn't any.
Uh oh...

Romulous has stopped rejecting the premise of the question:

Mitt Romney said Thursday he's never paid less than a 13 percent tax rate over the last 10 years and blasted Democratic critics, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, for suggesting he's paid no taxes.

"I just have to say, given the challenges that America faces—23 million people out of work, Iran about to become nuclear, one out of six Americans in poverty—the fascination with taxes I've paid I find to be very small-minded compared to the broad issues that we face," Romney told reporters at a last-minute press availability in Greer, S.C., where he's fundraising today. "But I did go back and look at my taxes, and over the past 10 years I never paid less than 13 percent. I think the most recent year is 13.6 or something like that. So I paid taxes every single year."

Not good if you're now being cowed into addressing it in more detail. It's starting to get to the Governor.

Should have done this before the Iowa Caucus....

In Mittens' defense, both he and his wife have always been incredibly wealthy. They have always had staff to worry about their money and have never given such unimportant details so much as a moment's thought to such mundane things.

The most Mittens knows for fact about his income taxes is that someone suck the form in front of him for a signature. And, if he had to depend on his memory for that, he'd scratch his head.

Ever joke about what Queen Elizbeth carries in that hand bag?

Same with the Rommneys.

Remember when he said you should just ask daddy for the money to start a business? That's what he did and its what his own son recently did. You can bet they didn't haggle about pay-back details either. When you're giving your kid $10MILLION, you don't even notice which account you took it out of.

Ryan's situation is similar but a lot fewer zeros. His daddy was rich and Ryan never worked at anything except the public trough. He has never held a job. He's never ever had to even think about the things the rest of us do.

I'm not criticizing them for that. Its just an accident of their birth.
the same reason Republicans insist on voter ID - to prove Romney actually paid what he has said he paid, before being allowed to vote ...

As stated.. I would offer to not only release every tax return from youth on up, but all school report cards, driving records, medical records, employee reviews, etc... the minute Obamalama agrees to do the same

You want transparency, do it all the way... and make it across the board

as it stands now, there is no law requiring this action

Yeah sure, but Romney has already said he was scared so he wont make such a proposition

link? I want this quote

Link to his actions?
This from Yahoo!

Mitt Romney's wife is pushing back on public pressure for her husband to release additional years of personal tax filings.

In an interview set to air Thursday on NBC's "Rock Center," Ann Romney reiterated that her husband won't release more financial records, insisting it would just provide more fodder for Democratic attacks.

"There's nothing we're hiding," Ann Romney told NBC's Natalie Morales.

Asked why her husband isn't more "transparent," Romney seemed to get a bit irritated, leaning forward in her chair to answer questions.

"Have you seen how we are attacked? Have you seen what's happened?" she said. "We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us. But the more we release, the more we get attacked, the more we get questioned, the more we get pushed. And so we have done what's legally required, and there's going to be no more tax releases given."
The idea that the candidates get to decide what you're allowed to know basically died about 20 years ago (if not sooner).

The Romneys will learn.

More at Ann Romney on tax returns:

Not it hasn't. They simply have to just keep hammering Obama on is failure and ignore the media's continued witch hunt. If they don't feel the pressure, then there isn't any.

Romney today took questions on it; he hasn't done that in the past except to say that he wasn't going to do it. Pressure is mounting and for good reason. Had he done this late last year; it would be a non-issue.
How many years of tax returns are required, by law, to be released?

A simple number will do.

2 numbnuts

Actually the number is zero. There's no requirement for Romney to release ANY tax records. Just seems that the left requires it, not the law.

They're just crapping all over themselves wanting to see them.

I like how Worrier attacked you; you and he are on the same side on this. He's not that bright.

Legal is one thing; presidential is another. The President shouldn't be representative of people who meet the minimum standards on something like this.
This from Yahoo!

Mitt Romney's wife is pushing back on public pressure for her husband to release additional years of personal tax filings.

In an interview set to air Thursday on NBC's "Rock Center," Ann Romney reiterated that her husband won't release more financial records, insisting it would just provide more fodder for Democratic attacks.

"There's nothing we're hiding," Ann Romney told NBC's Natalie Morales.

Asked why her husband isn't more "transparent," Romney seemed to get a bit irritated, leaning forward in her chair to answer questions.

"Have you seen how we are attacked? Have you seen what's happened?" she said. "We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us. But the more we release, the more we get attacked, the more we get questioned, the more we get pushed. And so we have done what's legally required, and there's going to be no more tax releases given."

The idea that the candidates get to decide what you're allowed to know basically died about 20 years ago (if not sooner).

The Romneys will learn.

More at Ann Romney on tax returns:

We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us

Ya that's a good cult boy Mittens...

The American voter only wants a president that has contributed the absolute legal minimum towards transparency... Keep thinkin that Bishop. See how well it works out for you in November.

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