Zone1 Preterism: Has All Prophecy Been Fulfilled?


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019


Full preterism teaches that all biblical prophecy has been fulfilled, including the second coming of Christ, Satan and the Antichrist being thrown into the lake of fire, the resurrection of the dead, and the full arrival of the kingdom of God.


While there is a partial variety of preterism that finds more agreement with much of evangelical theology, full preterism is the position that all biblical prophecy has been fulfilled: the coming of Christ in judgment was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, Satan and Antichrist have been thrown into the lake of fire, the kingdom of God has arrived, the resurrection is understood in spiritual terms, the Great Commission has been fulfilled, all things have been made new (the old heaven and earth have passed away; the new heaven and earth have come), the promised restoration has arrived, and the world now continues as it is ad infinitum. Problems with this position include that it does not take the already-not yet pattern of the New Testament into account, it over-emphasizes some statements in the Gospels to the exclusion of others, and that it does not line up with the timeline of the New Testament documents, our experience of the world, or the theology of the early church.

Heretical to it's core.


Full preterism teaches that all biblical prophecy has been fulfilled, including the second coming of Christ, Satan and the Antichrist being thrown into the lake of fire, the resurrection of the dead, and the full arrival of the kingdom of God.


While there is a partial variety of preterism that finds more agreement with much of evangelical theology, full preterism is the position that all biblical prophecy has been fulfilled: the coming of Christ in judgment was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, Satan and Antichrist have been thrown into the lake of fire, the kingdom of God has arrived, the resurrection is understood in spiritual terms, the Great Commission has been fulfilled, all things have been made new (the old heaven and earth have passed away; the new heaven and earth have come), the promised restoration has arrived, and the world now continues as it is ad infinitum. Problems with this position include that it does not take the already-not yet pattern of the New Testament into account, it over-emphasizes some statements in the Gospels to the exclusion of others, and that it does not line up with the timeline of the New Testament documents, our experience of the world, or the theology of the early church.

Heretical to it's core.

Scofield presumed the kingdom of heaven to be a future reign of Jesus Christ on earth; but John and Jesus announced the time had been fulfilled, the kingdom was then at hand, men were entering it, and it required conditions of obedience by those entering it. This event of His first advent is now 2000 years past.
Scofield presumed the kingdom of heaven to be a future reign of Jesus Christ on earth; but John and Jesus announced the time had been fulfilled, the kingdom was then at hand, men were entering it, and it required conditions of obedience by those entering it. This event of His first advent is now 2000 years past.

You are a heretic, nothing more. The second coming has yet to occur.
Scofield presumed the kingdom of heaven to be a future reign of Jesus Christ on earth; but John and Jesus announced the time had been fulfilled, the kingdom was then at hand, men were entering it, and it required conditions of obedience by those entering it. This event of His first advent is now 2000 years past.
post that scripture please.


Full preterism teaches that all biblical prophecy has been fulfilled, including the second coming of Christ, Satan and the Antichrist being thrown into the lake of fire, the resurrection of the dead, and the full arrival of the kingdom of God.


While there is a partial variety of preterism that finds more agreement with much of evangelical theology, full preterism is the position that all biblical prophecy has been fulfilled: the coming of Christ in judgment was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, Satan and Antichrist have been thrown into the lake of fire, the kingdom of God has arrived, the resurrection is understood in spiritual terms, the Great Commission has been fulfilled, all things have been made new (the old heaven and earth have passed away; the new heaven and earth have come), the promised restoration has arrived, and the world now continues as it is ad infinitum. Problems with this position include that it does not take the already-not yet pattern of the New Testament into account, it over-emphasizes some statements in the Gospels to the exclusion of others, and that it does not line up with the timeline of the New Testament documents, our experience of the world, or the theology of the early church.

Heretical to it's core.
Well if all of that theory is true, then that would explain why we all seem to be living in what is much closer to hell than heaven these days.
You are a heretic, nothing more. The second coming has yet to occur.

Preterists intentionally employ allegorical interpretations for many of the symbols of Revelation 4—19. For them, the Beasts in chapter 13 are symbols for the Roman Emperor Nero in AD 54–68, and the “tribulation” described in the text is a symbol for Christian persecution.
Where are they then? All the dead people? Where is the Temple Jesus is in? What period in time did we nearly destroy all life on earth, and why haven't historians written about Christ's return to prevent it or his millennial reign? Was it nice?

The New Jerusalem is spiritual.
Revelation tells us that it will happen soon, shortly, before this generation tastes death.

John of Patmos identifies himself as your brother in tribulation.

It's all in the present tense.
Well if all of that theory is true, then that would explain why we all seem to be living in what is much closer to hell than heaven these days.

to each their own ...

jesus was the reiteration of the journey set by a&e for their own self determination through liberation theology for remission to the everlasting and was included by the heavens as the task for all humanity to accomplish as well - the fruition still to be fulfilled.
You are a heretic, nothing more. The second coming has yet to occur.

It's not the end of the world. It's the end of an age.

In the Olivet Discourse in Matthew’s gospel, as well as in Luke and Mark, Jesus talks about the signs of the times. He talks about the destruction of the temple and the destruction of Jerusalem and says, “This generation will not pass away until all these things are fulfilled” (Matt. 24:34).

That phrase has been one of the most hotly debated statements ever to come from Jesus.

They aren't talking about Russia or the European Union or the Pope in the future. They are talking about the 1st century.
to each their own ...

jesus was the reiteration of the journey set by a&e for their own self determination through liberation theology for remission to the everlasting and was included by the heavens as the task for all humanity to accomplish as well - the fruition still to be fulfilled.
I'm sorry but I don't know what you are saying here and I'm pretty sure you are unable to put it into simple English so oh well. . .
You are a heretic, nothing more. The second coming has yet to occur.
You think so? I'm pretty sure we had "the rapture" a while back. It was like 6 guys.

He wrote about Israel becoming a nation in a day (May 14th) 1948. He described a new Temple. He described a millennial reign of Jesus Christ on earth. And yet no historian has even mentioned Jesus being down here for 1,000 years.
Did they nail the Roman coin to people's foreheads so people could buy and sell with the mark?
When did they open the East Gate?
What apparatus did they use to dry up the Euphrates?
Who were the 2 dead prophets that the world watched? Which one came back to life first?
How many were taken right off the earth in the rapture that John and Mark and Luke wrote about?
He wrote about Israel becoming a nation in a day (May 14th) 1948. He described a new Temple. He described a millennial reign of Jesus Christ on earth. And yet no historian has even mentioned Jesus being down here for 1,000 years.
Did they nail the Roman coin to people's foreheads so people could buy and sell with the mark?
When did they open the East Gate?
What apparatus did they use to dry up the Euphrates?
Who were the 2 dead prophets that the world watched? Which one came back to life first?
How many were taken right off the earth in the rapture that John and Mark and Luke wrote about?

The Euphrates dries up every year. The mark of the beast was Roman coin. The rapture was invented by John Nelson Darby in 1830.

Nobody wrote about Israel becoming a nation.

Revelation says there's no temple because Jesus is the temple.

You're deep in Scofield.
The New Jerusalem is spiritual.
Revelation tells us that it will happen soon, shortly, before this generation tastes death.

John of Patmos identifies himself as your brother in tribulation.

It's all in the present tense.
There are things that have not happened that are indicated in John's recounting of the events so that tells me,, not to mention many biblical EXPERTS, that this is a future event..
The Euphrates dries up every year. The mark of the beast was Roman coin. The rapture was invented by John Nelson Darby in 1830.

Nobody wrote about Israel becoming a nation.

Revelation says there's no temple because Jesus is the temple.

You're deep in Scofield.
No, dear. Your timing is off.
The Euphrates has a series of Dams that regulate the flow. It does not dry up every year.
But here's what is happening now in these end times:

The Euphrates River is a major water source in Western Asia. This 1,740 mile long rriver flows through Syria, Turkey and Iraq and serves a population of about 60 million people. Unfortunately, this major water source is drying up due to climate change, causing a disastrous effect on the people who rely on it.

Over the past decades, the flow in the Euphrates-Tigris River system has decreased to almost half of the average annual flow during dry years. The water levels in the Euphrates are currently at one of their lowest points in recorded history.

Isaiah talked about Israel in the 8th century BC. Stones carved telling of going to war with the House of David. Lots of mention of Jews and Israel. No mention at all of the millennial reign of Christ you think already happened.

Isaiah 66:8

For in one day, suddenly, a nation, Israel, shall be born
Fulfilled ~ Midnight May 14, 1948

Revelation says the Temple will be rebuilt. (They aren't rebuilding Jesus) It will be in the city of David. The Jews will start sacrificing animals at the newly built Temple. <( simply hasn't happened yet. ) Jesus is going to sit in it. Where is it. Where is He?

You're deep into your own understanding, and are a perfect example of why we are told by God not to do that...


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