Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

Dude, you're a drooling retard spewing party memes.

Don't expect to be taken seriously.
Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..
Progressives and statists are closely related. Look at the reputation the Soviet Union had in the 1920s and 30s among left wingers in this country. Malcolm Muggeridge was fired for reporting negative things about Stalin.
Yeah, sure they are. You do realize all extreme right wing ideology leads to statism?
Progressivism is an extreme right wing ideology? If you say so.
Never claimed that, you appear to be. Progressives believe in utilizing a democratic government to further social issues, for things like the environment, the minimum wage, labor laws, education.. Right wingers are statists, wanting to have a massive military, control uteruses, ban gay marriage..
Progressives are the definition of fascist. You've just provided evidence.

Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..

Nazis be/is "right wings."

One of the more stupid claims of the left, you must admit. Oh, and you aren't "remotely" related to Communism, you are "closely" related to Communism. The democrats are open now about being a socialist party.

You can't have it both ways. Liberals can't be both fascists and socialists
They are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

I know you guys just spit out names without knowing what they mean
Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..
Progressives and statists are closely related. Look at the reputation the Soviet Union had in the 1920s and 30s among left wingers in this country. Malcolm Muggeridge was fired for reporting negative things about Stalin.
Yeah, sure they are. You do realize all extreme right wing ideology leads to statism?
Progressivism is an extreme right wing ideology? If you say so.
Never claimed that, you appear to be. Progressives believe in utilizing a democratic government to further social issues, for things like the environment, the minimum wage, labor laws, education.. Right wingers are statists, wanting to have a massive military, control uteruses, ban gay marriage..
Progressives are the definition of fascist. You've just provided evidence.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Internet History Sourcebooks

Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..

Nazis be/is "right wings."

One of the more stupid claims of the left, you must admit. Oh, and you aren't "remotely" related to Communism, you are "closely" related to Communism. The democrats are open now about being a socialist party.

You can't have it both ways. Liberals can't be both fascists and socialists
They are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

I know you guys just spit out names without knowing what they mean
You dont get it. They arent opposite ends. They are two sides of teh same coin. You dont really get this, do you?
left-wing losers are always throwing shit up here in desperation without even reading their own souces

when you read them they often make the case FOR THE OTHER SIDE

There was a concerted effort by leftist academia in the 60's and 70's to recreate Fascism as somehow "right wing." It is an utterly absurd assertion. That Hitler allowed corporations, with boards of directors stuffed with party stooges, to make a profit is a far cry from any sort of market. The Reich controlled what was produced by what concern and allowed no competition, prices were fixed by the Reich and attempts to charge more or less was punishable by death (profiteering.) Academia, particularly among soft subjects such as art or music, is filled with Marxists who lack so much as a shred of integrity.

This is changing as for profit schools compete for educational dollars and have to actually produce results to attract students. But the old Marxist ivy leagues have utterly no integrity at all.
is that he needed to trick people into THINKING they were Socialists

LET THAT SINK IN FOR A MOMENT...........................................



left-wingers are too stupid and too invested in denial to realize where their excuse-making takes them
Capitalism existed in nazi germany, alongside the centrally planned aspects of the economy. Much like capitalism exists alongside countries that nationalize.

So, you lack a grasp of what basic economic terms mean.

I understand, you are an assclown after all.
left-wing losers are always throwing shit up here in desperation without even reading their own souces

when you read them they often make the case FOR THE OTHER SIDE

There was a concerted effort by leftist academia in the 60's and 70's to recreate Fascism as somehow "right wing." It is an utterly absurd assertion. That Hitler allowed corporations, with boards of directors stuffed with party stooges, to make a profit is a far cry from any sort of market. The Reich controlled what was produced by what concern and allowed no competition, prices were fixed by the Reich and attempts to charge more or less was punishable by death (profiteering.) Academia, particularly among soft subjects such as art or music, is filled with Marxists who lack so much as a shred of integrity.

This is changing as for profit schools compete for educational dollars and have to actually produce results to attract students. But the old Marxist ivy leagues have utterly no integrity at all.
Ah, the great marxist education conspiracy.. this truly shows the lunacy of right wingers. Fascism is right wing in nature, extreme nationalism, advocating social darwinism, competition, against diversity..
Capitalism existed in nazi germany, alongside the centrally planned aspects of the economy. Much like capitalism exists alongside countries that nationalize.

So, you lack a grasp of what basic economic terms mean.

I understand, you are an assclown after all.
No, I don't, you are the one screaming about marxists and communists being democrats. Luckily, paranoid loons like yourself are a minority.
Ah, the great marxist education conspiracy.. this truly shows the lunacy of right wingers. Fascism is right wing in nature, extreme nationalism, advocating social darwinism, competition, against diversity..

It's not a conspiracy when the rub your face in it.

Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..

Nazis be/is "right wings."

One of the more stupid claims of the left, you must admit. Oh, and you aren't "remotely" related to Communism, you are "closely" related to Communism. The democrats are open now about being a socialist party.

You can't have it both ways. Liberals can't be both fascists and socialists
They are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

I know you guys just spit out names without knowing what they mean
You dont get it. They arent opposite ends. They are two sides of teh same coin. You dont really get this, do you?
They are opposite ends, this is accepted and clear to anyone who isn't a partisan hack who wants to write revisionist history. How the hell is fascism, which calls for social darwinism, competition, ending diversity.. remotely left wing?
In her letter to Fiorina, Planned Parenthood Action Fund executive vice president Dawn Laguens invited the Republican candidate to visit a Planned Parenthood health center.

"I am writing to tell you directly that your claims are completely false and that the video footage you described simply does not exist. Literally, there is no such scene on any of the heavily edited, widely discredited videos that have been released by anti-abortion extremists. Your statements last night, while vivid and attention-getting, were completely untrue," Laguens wrote, in the message addressed to Fiorina's campaign headquarters in suburban Alexandria, Virginia.

Read more: Planned Parenthood accuses Fiorina of lying during debate

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