Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

Nazism and Fascism were Ideologies of the Right
Seriously? When did the democrats endorse violent revolution, the state seizing production?

From your moronic link;

{Yet it can and did exist alongside capitalism, as was the case in Nazi Germany.}

So again, a centrally planned and managed economy is "capitalist?"

This fucktard "david" has zero credibility.
Try again.
Third, the Nazi regime did not completely take over all large businesses and industries, but rather colluded with them, most famously with chemical company I.G. Farben. This is a crucial mistake people make about fascism: businesses in fascist states like Hitler’s Germany are not necessarily government owned, and can to some degree function within a market-oriented capitalist framework subject to the laws of supply and demand. Fascism, in this totalitarian form, functioned occasionally with brute force, like on Kristalnacht, but often through more subtle means. Fascism more frequently used coercive force like that at play in Jeremy Bentham and Michel Foucault’s Panopticon, a prison that exerted social control through fear of being watched rather than naked displays of state power. This, along with Hitler’s popularity, rendered capitalist business compatible with Nazism, so long as those involved with it were Aryans who obeyed the regime.

Most important, we know Nazism was an ideology of the far right because of the very logic behind it. Unlike socialism, Nazism was a hierarchical, Socially Darwinistic vision that encouraged competition, and showed disdain for the masses, who Hitler called “mentally lazy.” Most crucially, it did not denigrate individualism, but in fact celebrated it. This is evident in Hitler’s major work, Mein Kampf.

I’m not simply referring to Hitler’s attacks on “Jewish” Marxism and Bolshevism, which he argued was a “comrade” to the equally Jewish “greedy finance capital.” Hitler believed that “the stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker.” Hitler extrapolated from individual achievement, “true genius,” to racial achievement.
Still spewing that bullshit? How many investigations? Nothing turned up.

The don't even deny it, moron. They just claim the sales are not for profit.

(CNN)An anti-abortion group has released an online video that it says documents how Planned Parenthood is selling fetal organs for a profit, a felony, while violating medical ethics by altering normal abortion procedures so as to preserve the organs.

Planned Parenthood has countered that it donates the tissue for scientific research and receives only reimbursement for its expenses, which is legal. The group also says it helps people donate tissue "with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards," according to a statement from spokesman Eric Ferrero.}

Planned Parenthood exec, fetal body parts in video -
Still spewing that bullshit? How many investigations? Nothing turned up.

The don't even deny it, moron. They just claim the sales are not for profit.

(CNN)An anti-abortion group has released an online video that it says documents how Planned Parenthood is selling fetal organs for a profit, a felony, while violating medical ethics by altering normal abortion procedures so as to preserve the organs.

Planned Parenthood has countered that it donates the tissue for scientific research and receives only reimbursement for its expenses, which is legal. The group also says it helps people donate tissue "with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards," according to a statement from spokesman Eric Ferrero.}

Planned Parenthood exec, fetal body parts in video -
Oh please, planned parenthood is not selling fetuses for money, and do you realize the cost of transporting fetal tissue?
Nazism and Fascism were Ideologies of the Right
Seriously? When did the democrats endorse violent revolution, the state seizing production?

From your moronic link;

{Yet it can and did exist alongside capitalism, as was the case in Nazi Germany.}

So again, a centrally planned and managed economy is "capitalist?"

This fucktard "david" has zero credibility.
Try again.
Third, the Nazi regime did not completely take over all large businesses and industries, but rather colluded with them, most famously with chemical company I.G. Farben. This is a crucial mistake people make about fascism: businesses in fascist states like Hitler’s Germany are not necessarily government owned, and can to some degree function within a market-oriented capitalist framework subject to the laws of supply and demand. Fascism, in this totalitarian form, functioned occasionally with brute force, like on Kristalnacht, but often through more subtle means. Fascism more frequently used coercive force like that at play in Jeremy Bentham and Michel Foucault’s Panopticon, a prison that exerted social control through fear of being watched rather than naked displays of state power. This, along with Hitler’s popularity, rendered capitalist business compatible with Nazism, so long as those involved with it were Aryans who obeyed the regime.

Most important, we know Nazism was an ideology of the far right because of the very logic behind it. Unlike socialism, Nazism was a hierarchical, Socially Darwinistic vision that encouraged competition, and showed disdain for the masses, who Hitler called “mentally lazy.” Most crucially, it did not denigrate individualism, but in fact celebrated it. This is evident in Hitler’s major work, Mein Kampf.

I’m not simply referring to Hitler’s attacks on “Jewish” Marxism and Bolshevism, which he argued was a “comrade” to the equally Jewish “greedy finance capital.” Hitler believed that “the stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker.” Hitler extrapolated from individual achievement, “true genius,” to racial achievement.


Centrally planned and managed economy. State ownership is irrelevant.

"Why would I want to own corporations when I own the owners?" Benito Mussolini

IS THAT A LEFT OR right-wing thing?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
When did I claim hitler followed free market capitalism? "Free market capitalism" can never exist by the way, sorry to burst your bubble.

Dude, you're a drooling retard spewing party memes.

Don't expect to be taken seriously.
Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..
Progressives and statists are closely related. Look at the reputation the Soviet Union had in the 1920s and 30s among left wingers in this country. Malcolm Muggeridge was fired for reporting negative things about Stalin.
Yeah, sure they are. You do realize all extreme right wing ideology leads to statism?
Progressivism is an extreme right wing ideology? If you say so.

Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..

Nazis be/is "right wings."

One of the more stupid claims of the left, you must admit. Oh, and you aren't "remotely" related to Communism, you are "closely" related to Communism. The democrats are open now about being a socialist party.
Nazism and Fascism were Ideologies of the Right
Seriously? When did the democrats endorse violent revolution, the state seizing production?
OK I guess you need more education. The man in the chair is Sewell Avery. Go look it up and report back about Democrats seizing production.
Hitler was a great admirer of the American PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT

I think this thread just fell through the rabbit hole.......
This thread has been taken over by right wing nutjobs.

You will have to forgive me, David. Most of the people you are posting to are on my ignore list, so I don't see anything they post. However, in reading your responses, I can see that they are playing by the same old playbook!
crybaby lefties say hitler couldnt be a socialist because he oppressed competing socialists

that's like saying one family cant be Mafia because they kill other Mafia members
Nazism and Fascism were Ideologies of the Right
Seriously? When did the democrats endorse violent revolution, the state seizing production?

From your moronic link;

{Yet it can and did exist alongside capitalism, as was the case in Nazi Germany.}

So again, a centrally planned and managed economy is "capitalist?"

This fucktard "david" has zero credibility.
Try again.
Third, the Nazi regime did not completely take over all large businesses and industries, but rather colluded with them, most famously with chemical company I.G. Farben. This is a crucial mistake people make about fascism: businesses in fascist states like Hitler’s Germany are not necessarily government owned, and can to some degree function within a market-oriented capitalist framework subject to the laws of supply and demand. Fascism, in this totalitarian form, functioned occasionally with brute force, like on Kristalnacht, but often through more subtle means. Fascism more frequently used coercive force like that at play in Jeremy Bentham and Michel Foucault’s Panopticon, a prison that exerted social control through fear of being watched rather than naked displays of state power. This, along with Hitler’s popularity, rendered capitalist business compatible with Nazism, so long as those involved with it were Aryans who obeyed the regime.

Most important, we know Nazism was an ideology of the far right because of the very logic behind it. Unlike socialism, Nazism was a hierarchical, Socially Darwinistic vision that encouraged competition, and showed disdain for the masses, who Hitler called “mentally lazy.” Most crucially, it did not denigrate individualism, but in fact celebrated it. This is evident in Hitler’s major work, Mein Kampf.

I’m not simply referring to Hitler’s attacks on “Jewish” Marxism and Bolshevism, which he argued was a “comrade” to the equally Jewish “greedy finance capital.” Hitler believed that “the stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker.” Hitler extrapolated from individual achievement, “true genius,” to racial achievement.


Centrally planned and managed economy. State ownership is irrelevant.

"Why would I want to own corporations when I own the owners?" Benito Mussolini
"Socially Darwinistic vision that encouraged competition, and showed disdain for the masses, who Hitler called “mentally lazy.”"
Socialists encourage competition?
Hitler was a great admirer of the American PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT

I think this thread just fell through the rabbit hole.......
This thread has been taken over by right wing nutjobs.

You will have to forgive me, David. Most of the people you are posting to are on my ignore list, so I don't see anything they post. However, in reading your responses, I can see that they are playing by the same old playbook!

you're a crybaby who cant take the heat'

that's why you chose to ignore people
Nazism and Fascism were Ideologies of the Right
Seriously? When did the democrats endorse violent revolution, the state seizing production?

From your moronic link;

{Yet it can and did exist alongside capitalism, as was the case in Nazi Germany.}

So again, a centrally planned and managed economy is "capitalist?"

This fucktard "david" has zero credibility.
Try again.
Third, the Nazi regime did not completely take over all large businesses and industries, but rather colluded with them, most famously with chemical company I.G. Farben. This is a crucial mistake people make about fascism: businesses in fascist states like Hitler’s Germany are not necessarily government owned, and can to some degree function within a market-oriented capitalist framework subject to the laws of supply and demand. Fascism, in this totalitarian form, functioned occasionally with brute force, like on Kristalnacht, but often through more subtle means. Fascism more frequently used coercive force like that at play in Jeremy Bentham and Michel Foucault’s Panopticon, a prison that exerted social control through fear of being watched rather than naked displays of state power. This, along with Hitler’s popularity, rendered capitalist business compatible with Nazism, so long as those involved with it were Aryans who obeyed the regime.

Most important, we know Nazism was an ideology of the far right because of the very logic behind it. Unlike socialism, Nazism was a hierarchical, Socially Darwinistic vision that encouraged competition, and showed disdain for the masses, who Hitler called “mentally lazy.” Most crucially, it did not denigrate individualism, but in fact celebrated it. This is evident in Hitler’s major work, Mein Kampf.

I’m not simply referring to Hitler’s attacks on “Jewish” Marxism and Bolshevism, which he argued was a “comrade” to the equally Jewish “greedy finance capital.” Hitler believed that “the stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker.” Hitler extrapolated from individual achievement, “true genius,” to racial achievement.


Centrally planned and managed economy. State ownership is irrelevant.

"Why would I want to own corporations when I own the owners?" Benito Mussolini
"Socially Darwinistic vision that encouraged competition, and showed disdain for the masses, who Hitler called “mentally lazy.”"
Socialists encourage competition?

you losers will never admit you have the same disdain for the masses.

let them pick a Republican and see how quick that disdain will reveal itself
When did I claim hitler followed free market capitalism? "Free market capitalism" can never exist by the way, sorry to burst your bubble.

Dude, you're a drooling retard spewing party memes.

Don't expect to be taken seriously.
Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..
Progressives and statists are closely related. Look at the reputation the Soviet Union had in the 1920s and 30s among left wingers in this country. Malcolm Muggeridge was fired for reporting negative things about Stalin.
Yeah, sure they are. You do realize all extreme right wing ideology leads to statism?
Progressivism is an extreme right wing ideology? If you say so.
Never claimed that, you appear to be. Progressives believe in utilizing a democratic government to further social issues, for things like the environment, the minimum wage, labor laws, education.. Right wingers are statists, wanting to have a massive military, control uteruses, ban gay marriage..
Hitler was a great admirer of the American PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT

I think this thread just fell through the rabbit hole.......
This thread has been taken over by right wing nutjobs.

You will have to forgive me, David. Most of the people you are posting to are on my ignore list, so I don't see anything they post. However, in reading your responses, I can see that they are playing by the same old playbook!
It's good you have them on ignore, they're literally insane. I wont ignore them, I enjoy the fun.
Nazism and Fascism were Ideologies of the Right
Seriously? When did the democrats endorse violent revolution, the state seizing production?

From your moronic link;

{Yet it can and did exist alongside capitalism, as was the case in Nazi Germany.}

So again, a centrally planned and managed economy is "capitalist?"

This fucktard "david" has zero credibility.
Try again.
Third, the Nazi regime did not completely take over all large businesses and industries, but rather colluded with them, most famously with chemical company I.G. Farben. This is a crucial mistake people make about fascism: businesses in fascist states like Hitler’s Germany are not necessarily government owned, and can to some degree function within a market-oriented capitalist framework subject to the laws of supply and demand. Fascism, in this totalitarian form, functioned occasionally with brute force, like on Kristalnacht, but often through more subtle means. Fascism more frequently used coercive force like that at play in Jeremy Bentham and Michel Foucault’s Panopticon, a prison that exerted social control through fear of being watched rather than naked displays of state power. This, along with Hitler’s popularity, rendered capitalist business compatible with Nazism, so long as those involved with it were Aryans who obeyed the regime.

Most important, we know Nazism was an ideology of the far right because of the very logic behind it. Unlike socialism, Nazism was a hierarchical, Socially Darwinistic vision that encouraged competition, and showed disdain for the masses, who Hitler called “mentally lazy.” Most crucially, it did not denigrate individualism, but in fact celebrated it. This is evident in Hitler’s major work, Mein Kampf.

I’m not simply referring to Hitler’s attacks on “Jewish” Marxism and Bolshevism, which he argued was a “comrade” to the equally Jewish “greedy finance capital.” Hitler believed that “the stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker.” Hitler extrapolated from individual achievement, “true genius,” to racial achievement.


Centrally planned and managed economy. State ownership is irrelevant.

"Why would I want to own corporations when I own the owners?" Benito Mussolini
"Socially Darwinistic vision that encouraged competition, and showed disdain for the masses, who Hitler called “mentally lazy.”"
Socialists encourage competition?

before moving on, I will sum it up for the Right. I like the short version best.

Hitler was bad. Therefore, he was left wing.

I do wish that they would learn to be brief in their points....

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