Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

"In 2011, Governor Kasich signed into law legislation that “aim[ed] to reduce crime by diverting first-time, non-violent offenders to intensive rehabilitative programming in a community setting, away from the corruptive influence of career criminals within the state’s prison system” and to “reduce incidents of prison violence, reduce over-crowding and prepare inmates for productive societal re-entry.” He followed this up with additional legislation in 2012 intended to give second chances to those caught up in Ohio’s legal system.
According to a Cleveland Plain-Dealer columnist, the bill he signed in 2012 “eliminates certain sanctions, or post-prison penalties, on some first-time, nonviolent felons who are frequently stymied in their attempts to work in industries that would require them to have state certifications, or simply to drive. Without the bill, the former felons could not get the state occupational licenses or, in some cases, licenses to drive. Without the bill, the state was unfairly penalizing the families of felons after they were released from prison.” The efforts are meant to keep families in tact and empower those who have made mistakes to correct them and better their lives. Today, Ohio has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the nation. For this, he has earned the admiration of Ohioans from every walk of life"
When did I claim hitler followed free market capitalism? "Free market capitalism" can never exist by the way, sorry to burst your bubble.

Dude, you're a drooling retard spewing party memes.

Don't expect to be taken seriously.
Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..
Progressives and statists are closely related. Look at the reputation the Soviet Union had in the 1920s and 30s among left wingers in this country. Malcolm Muggeridge was fired for reporting negative things about Stalin.
As governor of Ohio, Kasich has fought to improve educational standards and provide parents and students with greater choice in schooling. In his first term, he worked to make teacher pay commiserate with job performance, as well as for students to be allowed to take state aid with them to charter or private schools. During his tenure, Kasich expanded K-12 education to the highest funding in state history. He also extended EdChoice, Ohio’s voucher program, from benefitting just 14,000 students to improving the lives of more than 60,000 children, even in the face of steep opposition from teachers’ unions. Kasich says that “more choice, more accountability, more dollars in the classroom instead of bureaucracy will improve [Ohio] schools
Kasich was elected to the Ohio Senate at the age of 26, making him the youngest person in history to serve in the legislature’s upper chamber. Four years later, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He was re-elected eight times, earning at least 64 percent of the vote each election. In 2010, after an eight-year stint in the financial sector, Kasich ran for governor of Ohio. He defeated Democrat incumbent Ted Strickland by a narrow margin of 49 percent to 47 percent.
After a successful first term, he was so popular that he defeated the Democrat nominee, Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald, 64 percent to 33 percent in 2014. Kasich won 86 of Ohio’s 88 counties, increasing support among key voting demographics in the state, including Democrats, minorities and women. This is an especially remarkable feat because just two years prior, President Obama won the Buckeye State in his re-election bid, just as he did in 2008. Kasich remains popular in Ohio, sitting comfortably at a 55 percent approval rating (only 30 percent disapprove). That same poll found that 60 percent of Ohio voters felt the state’s economy was “good or excellent,” while 49 percent said it was improving and only 9 percent said it wasn’t. These are tremendous numbers for a conservative governor in a perennial swing state.
When did I claim hitler followed free market capitalism? "Free market capitalism" can never exist by the way, sorry to burst your bubble.

Dude, you're a drooling retard spewing party memes.

Don't expect to be taken seriously.
Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..
Progressives and statists are closely related. Look at the reputation the Soviet Union had in the 1920s and 30s among left wingers in this country. Malcolm Muggeridge was fired for reporting negative things about Stalin.
Yeah, sure they are. You do realize all extreme right wing ideology leads to statism?

Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..

Nazis be/is "right wings."

One of the more stupid claims of the left, you must admit. Oh, and you aren't "remotely" related to Communism, you are "closely" related to Communism. The democrats are open now about being a socialist party.
In April 2014, Cruz introduced legislation to prevent representatives to the United Nations who are believed to be spies or terrorists from entering the country. It was approved unanimously by the House and Senate, and signed into law only weeks after having been introduced.
The legislation was provoked by Iran’s pick of Hamid Aboutalebi to act as ambassador to the U.S. In the late 1970s, Aboutalebi was a member of a group that seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and held dozens of Americans hostage for more than a year.
In an interview with Fox News’s Megyn Kelly on Tuesday, Cruz trumpeted the passage of his bill as evidence he can pull together a bipartisan coalition when he needs to.
While it’s just one bill, Cruz is no outlier here. Only four Republican Senators in the 113th Congress had more than one bill signed into law, and another 16, like Cruz, had just a singular bill signed into law

Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..

Nazis be/is "right wings."

One of the more stupid claims of the left, you must admit. Oh, and you aren't "remotely" related to Communism, you are "closely" related to Communism. The democrats are open now about being a socialist party.
Nazism and Fascism were Ideologies of the Right
Seriously? When did the democrats endorse violent revolution, the state seizing production?
In the 113th Congress, Cruz introduced 25 bills, and he’s put forth another 10 so far in the current session. The 25 he introduced last session put him near the middle of the pack of Senate Republicans. He ranked 18th out of the 45 Republicans in the last Senate for most bills introduced.
Of the 25 bills Cruz introduced in the 113th Congress, only two made it through the Senate. However, only three Republican Senators in the last Congress got more than two bills through the upper chamber, making Cruz the fourth most successful in his party.
Cruz highlighted this point in his Tuesday interview with Kelly.
“As a freshman senator, I had more legislation pass the Senate then all but a handful of Republicans,” he said.
Unsurprisingly, Cruz has a history of breaking with GOP leadership on votes, although it’s not as extreme as one might suppose.
In 684 votes spanning his entire time in the Senate, Cruz has bucked party leadership 73 times. His 82.8 percent rate of voting with the party in the 113th Congress ranks him 29th out of 45 Republicans.
Cruz’s favorite legislative partner in the Senate is another Tea Party conservative: Utah Sen. Mike Lee. The two have co-sponsored 14 bills together, with fellow Texan, Senate GOP Whip John Cornyn, who comes in a close second, at 13.
Cruz has also worked closely with two other potential GOP contenders in the upper chamber: Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Rand Paul (Ky.). Cruz has signed on to 11 of Rubio’s bills, and nine of Paul’s.
Nazism and Fascism were Ideologies of the Right
Seriously? When did the democrats endorse violent revolution, the state seizing production?

From your moronic link;

{Yet it can and did exist alongside capitalism, as was the case in Nazi Germany.}

So again, a centrally planned and managed economy is "capitalist?"

This fucktard "david" has zero credibility.
none of you left-wing losers can give examples how Nazism was closer to anything on the right than it was to Socialism
Nazism and Fascism were Ideologies of the Right
Seriously? When did the democrats endorse violent revolution, the state seizing production?

From your moronic link;

{Yet it can and did exist alongside capitalism, as was the case in Nazi Germany.}

So again, a centrally planned and managed economy is "capitalist?"

This fucktard "david" has zero credibility.

left-wing losers are always throwing shit up here in desperation without even reading their own souces

when you read them they often make the case FOR THE OTHER SIDE
Nazism and Fascism were Ideologies of the Right
Seriously? When did the democrats endorse violent revolution, the state seizing production?

From your moronic link;

{Yet it can and did exist alongside capitalism, as was the case in Nazi Germany.}

So again, a centrally planned and managed economy is "capitalist?"

This fucktard "david" has zero credibility.
Capitalism existed in nazi germany, alongside the centrally planned aspects of the economy. Much like capitalism exists alongside countries that nationalize.

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