Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.

The Socialist with the funny mustache murdered 14 million, the democrats favorite Uncle, butchered 35 to 65 million peace time civilians.

Hey, but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, amirite Comrade?
You believe hitler, who killed socialists and communists while invading the Soviet Union, was a socialist. "National socialism" isn't even remotely related to left wing thought, much like the dprk isn't democratic. 35 to 65 million? What the fuck? That number is truly ridiculous. It's 100 million including Mao.
Rich white Democrat won't have to experience the misery of Communism/Socialism. That's why it looks so appealing to them. It looks good on paper. It resolves a lot of their white guilt feelings.

But just ask folks in Venezuela right now how Communism/Socialism feels. Pretty rough standing in a line all day for a loaf of bread. It's resembling the old Soviet Union.

The ones suffering in Venezuela are the peasants, the proles. The elite still enjoy all their comforts. In the words of Bernie Sanders, "fuck the poor."
Hewlett-Packard (HP)

Fiorina as CEO and Chair of the Board of Hewlett-Packard, August 2, 2004
In July 1999, Hewlett-Packard Company named Fiorina chief executive officer, succeeding Lewis Platt and prevailing over the internal candidate Ann Livermore.[42] Concerning Fiorina's hiring as HP's first woman CEO, Matthew Boyle of Fortune magazine has said that "Carly Fiorina didn't just break the glass ceiling, she obliterated it, as the first woman to lead a FORTUNE 20 company."[43][44][45]
Fortune magazine described the hiring as the result of "a dysfunctional HP board committee, filled with its own poisoned politics, hired her with no CEO experience, nor interviews with the full board."[46] Fiorina received a larger signing offer than any of her predecessors, including: US$65 million in restricted stock to compensate her for the Lucent stock and options she left behind,[41] a US$3 million signing bonus, a US$1 million annual salary (plus a US$1.25–US$3.75 million annual bonus), US$36,000 in mortgage assistance, a relocation allowance, and permission (and encouragement) to use company planes for personal affairs.[47]
Separating Agilent Technologies from HP and proposed PWC acquisition
Although the decision to spin off the company's technical equipment division predated her arrival, one of her first major responsibilities as chief executive was overseeing the separation of the unit into the standalone Agilent Technologies.[48] Fiorina proposed the acquisition of the technology services arm of PricewaterhouseCoopers for almost US$14 billion, but withdrew the bid after a lackluster reception from Wall Street.[49] Following the collapse of the dot-com bubble, the PwC consulting arm was acquired by IBM for less than US$4 billion
What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.

The Socialist with the funny mustache murdered 14 million, the democrats favorite Uncle, butchered 35 to 65 million peace time civilians.

Hey, but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, amirite Comrade?
You believe hitler, who killed socialists and communists while invading the Soviet Union, was a socialist. "National socialism" isn't even remotely related to left wing thought, much like the dprk isn't democratic. 35 to 65 million? What the fuck? That number is truly ridiculous. It's 100 million including Mao.
Hitler was a national socialist.
Stalin was an international socialist.
Same thing, different day.
Hitler was much admired by left wingers in the US, like EB duBoise. After the US got into the war all of that went down the memory hole.
As I've said many times before, your entire political system is hopelessly corrupt and beyond redemption, the only thing that can save you is a new revolution

The only reason I support Bill and Hillary is because they drive the cultists on the other side absolutely crazy and love to watch the outrage. It's your well deserved punishment for inflicting Bu$h on the world.


I'm assuming you're Irish, because well, you seem drunk and belligerent... If you are, calling American politics corrupt is a bit beyond the pale, boyo.

And really, the most damaging person on the world stage in the last century was "Uncle" Joe Stalin. One of your's, right? I mean, a good leftist who understood the importance of an iron fist, the way you leftist urge for one now....
What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.
Hitler and Stalin were on the same side of the spectrum. Both statist totalitarians. Like Bernie Sanders but without the cute accent.
No, they really weren't, hitler was a right wing statist authoritarian, Stalin was a left wing statist. The extremes of either spectrum are horribly wrong, this is common sense. Fascism is accepted as a right wing ideology, hating diversity, extreme nationalism.. Communists are all over the place, some supporting Stalinism, some being anarchists. LOL. Compared to virtually EVERY OTHER COUNTRY, Bernie is a moderate social democrat, he seems extreme because of the red scare and morons like yourself.
Lindsey Graham

  • Senator, United States Senate, 2003-present
  • Former Republican Assistant Whip, United States House of Representatives
  • Representative, United States House of Representatives, 1995-2002
  • City Attorney, Central South Carolina, 1990-1994
  • Representative, South Carolina State House of Representatives, 1992-1994
  • Assistant County Attorney, Oconee County, 1988-1992
You believe hitler, who killed socialists and communists while invading the Soviet Union, was a socialist. "National socialism" isn't even remotely related to left wing thought, much like the dprk isn't democratic. 35 to 65 million? What the fuck? That number is truly ridiculous. It's 100 million including Mao.


Another retard drone spewing that a centrally managed, command economy under an absolute dictator is "free market capitalism.." :eusa_whistle:

Fucktards; they breed them at ThinkProgress....
What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.

The Socialist with the funny mustache murdered 14 million, the democrats favorite Uncle, butchered 35 to 65 million peace time civilians.

Hey, but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, amirite Comrade?
You believe hitler, who killed socialists and communists while invading the Soviet Union, was a socialist. "National socialism" isn't even remotely related to left wing thought, much like the dprk isn't democratic. 35 to 65 million? What the fuck? That number is truly ridiculous. It's 100 million including Mao.
Hitler was a national socialist.
Stalin was an international socialist.
Same thing, different day.
Hitler was much admired by left wingers in the US, like EB duBoise. After the US got into the war all of that went down the memory hole.
LOL. What the fuck is an international socialist? Are you coming up with words now? Both of them invaded other countries to expand, hell, the DPRK has democratic in its name, guess that makes it democratic? Idiot.
You believe hitler, who killed socialists and communists while invading the Soviet Union, was a socialist. "National socialism" isn't even remotely related to left wing thought, much like the dprk isn't democratic. 35 to 65 million? What the fuck? That number is truly ridiculous. It's 100 million including Mao.


Another retard drone spewing that a centrally managed, command economy under an absolute dictator is "free market capitalism.." :eusa_whistle:

Fucktards; they breed them at ThinkProgress....
When did I claim hitler followed free market capitalism? "Free market capitalism" can never exist by the way, sorry to burst your bubble.
As I've said many times before, your entire political system is hopelessly corrupt and beyond redemption, the only thing that can save you is a new revolution

The only reason I support Bill and Hillary is because they drive the cultists on the other side absolutely crazy and love to watch the outrage. It's your well deserved punishment for inflicting Bu$h on the world.


I'm assuming you're Irish, because well, you seem drunk and belligerent... If you are, calling American politics corrupt is a bit beyond the pale, boyo.

And really, the most damaging person on the world stage in the last century was "Uncle" Joe Stalin. One of your's, right? I mean, a good leftist who understood the importance of an iron fist, the way you leftist urge for one now....
What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.
Hitler and Stalin were on the same side of the spectrum. Both statist totalitarians. Like Bernie Sanders but without the cute accent.
No, they really weren't, hitler was a right wing statist authoritarian, Stalin was a left wing statist. The extremes of either spectrum are horribly wrong, this is common sense. Fascism is accepted as a right wing ideology, hating diversity, extreme nationalism.. Communists are all over the place, some supporting Stalinism, some being anarchists. LOL. Compared to virtually EVERY OTHER COUNTRY, Bernie is a moderate social democrat, he seems extreme because of the red scare and morons like yourself.
Fascism is a left wing ideology. It posits the state as against the individual and it erodes or eliminates individual rights in favor of the collective good. Obamacare and its mandates are a great example of this.
I dont give a shit about Bernie compared to some Eurofag. Let him go to Belgium and be president there.
Compaq merger
In early September 2001, in the wake of the bursting of the Tech Bubble, Fiorina announced the acquisition of Compaq with US$25 billion in stock,[11] which, at the time, was the second largest producer of personal computers, after Dell.[11] HP stock traded down by 30% on the news of the merger.[11] The Compaq merger[51] created the world's largest personal computer manufacturer by units shipped.[52][53]
Fiorina frequently clashed with HP's board of directors[47][54] and she had to fight with the board for the merger. Fiorina won the proxy battle with 51.4% of the shareholders with the institutional shareholders providing the bulk of the support.[11] Fiorina was supported in the proxy battle by other board members[11] that included Richard Hackborn, Philip M. Condit,[55] George A. Keyworth, II,[56] and Robert Knowling.[11]
The merger was implemented despite strong opposition from board member Walter Hewlett (the son of company co-founder William Hewlett).[54][57] Hewlett originally voted with the other board members to approve the Compaq deal, but he later changed his mind.[11] Hewlett launched a proxy fight against Fiorina's efforts, which failed, receiving 48.6% opposition among HP's shareholders.[58]
Lindsey Graham:

  • Colonel/Senior Instructor, Air Force Judge Advocate Generals (JAG) School, United States Air Force Reserves, retired
  • Staff Judge Advocate, United States Air Force, retired
  • Attorney, Private Law Practice, Oconee County, 1988-1994
  • Major, South Carolina Air National Guard, 1989-1994
What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.

The Socialist with the funny mustache murdered 14 million, the democrats favorite Uncle, butchered 35 to 65 million peace time civilians.

Hey, but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, amirite Comrade?
You believe hitler, who killed socialists and communists while invading the Soviet Union, was a socialist. "National socialism" isn't even remotely related to left wing thought, much like the dprk isn't democratic. 35 to 65 million? What the fuck? That number is truly ridiculous. It's 100 million including Mao.
Hitler was a national socialist.
Stalin was an international socialist.
Same thing, different day.
Hitler was much admired by left wingers in the US, like EB duBoise. After the US got into the war all of that went down the memory hole.
LOL. What the fuck is an international socialist? Are you coming up with words now? Both of them invaded other countries to expand, hell, the DPRK has democratic in its name, guess that makes it democratic? Idiot.
Geezus do I have to school you in Marxist theory now? Go fuck yourself. You can whistle this catchy tune while you do it, idiot.
Rich white Democrat won't have to experience the misery of Communism/Socialism. That's why it looks so appealing to them. It looks good on paper. It resolves a lot of their white guilt feelings.

But just ask folks in Venezuela right now how Communism/Socialism feels. Pretty rough standing in a line all day for a loaf of bread. It's resembling the old Soviet Union.

The ones suffering in Venezuela are the peasants, the proles. The elite still enjoy all their comforts. In the words of Bernie Sanders, "fuck the poor."

Exactly, It's what happened in the Soviet Union. To a rich white Democrat, Communism really does look appealing on paper. And Communism does actually look good in some ways on paper. But in practice, it doesn't work.

If you're a Limousine Liberal, you know you and your family won't have to experience the misery of Communism/Socialism. You won't be standing in any long lines for your essentials. You're rich after all. So it allows rich white Democrat to resolve their white guilt issues by living a Communist/Socialist fantasy. That's it in a nutshell.
As I've said many times before, your entire political system is hopelessly corrupt and beyond redemption, the only thing that can save you is a new revolution

The only reason I support Bill and Hillary is because they drive the cultists on the other side absolutely crazy and love to watch the outrage. It's your well deserved punishment for inflicting Bu$h on the world.


I'm assuming you're Irish, because well, you seem drunk and belligerent... If you are, calling American politics corrupt is a bit beyond the pale, boyo.

And really, the most damaging person on the world stage in the last century was "Uncle" Joe Stalin. One of your's, right? I mean, a good leftist who understood the importance of an iron fist, the way you leftist urge for one now....
What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.
Hitler and Stalin were on the same side of the spectrum. Both statist totalitarians. Like Bernie Sanders but without the cute accent.
No, they really weren't, hitler was a right wing statist authoritarian, Stalin was a left wing statist. The extremes of either spectrum are horribly wrong, this is common sense. Fascism is accepted as a right wing ideology, hating diversity, extreme nationalism.. Communists are all over the place, some supporting Stalinism, some being anarchists. LOL. Compared to virtually EVERY OTHER COUNTRY, Bernie is a moderate social democrat, he seems extreme because of the red scare and morons like yourself.
Fascism is a left wing ideology. It posits the state as against the individual and it erodes or eliminates individual rights in favor of the collective good. Obamacare and its mandates are a great example of this.
I dont give a shit about Bernie compared to some Eurofag. Let him go to Belgium and be president there.
OMG. I can't make this shit up. Both spectrums call for utilizing the state to achieve their goals, although communism by definition calls for a stateless society.. Fascism explicitly calls for maintaining a state.
LOL. What the fuck is an international socialist? Are you coming up with words now? Both of them invaded other countries to expand, hell, the DPRK has democratic in its name, guess that makes it democratic? Idiot.

Yeah, "international communism" is a term NO ONE has ever heard before.

You Soros hate drones sure are smart... :thup:

Let me google that for you
Soon after taking office, Gov. Christie made balancing the budget a top priority, a priority he has successfully achieved for six years running. “We did it by cutting spending, shrinking government and fundamentally reforming the way government operates,” Christie said in his State of the State address last January.
Christie has vehemently opposed any tax increases, last year vetoing Democratic proposals to impose a 15-percent tax rate on businesses and increase the individual tax rate on those making over $1 million a year. He also removed millions of extra spending added by Democrats in each budget proposal.
Next year, however, Christie faces a looming fiscal problem, which he addressed Tuesday afternoon in a budget speech. Particularly concerning is the state’s transportation trust fund, which will be insolvent by July 1st.

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