Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

Ah, so you're obsessed with soros, a very rich man who in no way follows anything related to communism..

How did you get that from my post?

Soros is a manipulating creep who should be in jail (along with thousands of others if there was any justice).

I wasn't talking about you man, haha, I was referring to uncensored who obsesses over soros.
Being a millionaire commie is the latest thing. I drive my Porsche to union headquarters every day to check on how the strike is going.

Communism/Socialism looks good on paper to rich white Democrats. And that's because they won't have to stand in lines for their toilet paper and bread. They won't have to experience the misery. I truly despise Limousine Liberals.
Who the hell is calling for that tax? Seems you are the one whose doing that. If you truly believe democrats are communists, that is pathetic.

You are an assclown, you have an IQ of less than 40, and advertise the fact in your avie. :thup:

When your rulers speak of "taxing the rich" and "paying a fair share on investment gains," you have no clue what they mean. Nor should you, your job is to recite memes from the hate sites, your value to the party is in your vacuous disregard for information and complete allegiance to the party. Mindless obedience defines the typical democrat.


CNBC's John Harwood then said, "It was 90. When you think about 90 percent, you don't think that's obviously too high."

Sanders replied, "No. What I think we've seen, and what frightens me again, when you have the top one-tenth of 1 percent owning almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. Does anybody think that that is the kind of economy this country should have? Do we think it's moral?

"We have people working one job, they're working two jobs, they're working three jobs. People scared to death about what happens tomorrow. Half the people in America have less than $10,000 in savings."

Read Latest Breaking News from Bernie Sanders: A 90 Percent Tax Rate Isn't Too High
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!}

{Taxing capital gains as ordinary income is, of course huge. Is it premature to start thinking about not being so excited about deferring gains? I would go this far – If you have a transaction where deferral is elective – an installment sale or an involuntary conversion for example – plan on extending your 2015 return. If when the leaves are turning and the October 15th deadline is approaching, it seems like the country is “Feeling the Bern”, recognizing the gain in 2015 might seem like a bargain.}

Tax Planning For The Risk Of A Bernie Sanders Win
The tickets the Democrats fear most are Bush/Kasich or Kasich/Rubio,

two mainstream Republican tickets that put Ohio and Florida in serious jeopardy for the Democrats.

They are also tickets the naive Right want nothing to do with.
Bush and Kasich are the cadidates the Dims fear the least. That's why they are always promoting these losers.

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:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:
:rofl:, sure HOW ABOUT WE PUT CLINTON-WARREN, up against both of those clowns, Carson and Carly would get sodomized...
More experience than Obama. Besides experience hasn't counted since 2008.

Please elaborate on the credible Presidential experience of Trump, Fiorina or Carson

Obama had no Presidential experience in 2008, neither does any current candidate. You only get Presidential experience by being an actual President. Now, executive experience is another matter and it seems like Trump and Fiorina have executive experience.

They have bad executive experience.

And Obama had none. Nice try.

He had 4 years as president in 2012. Did you vote for him then, based on his superior executive experience?
He had four years of failure.

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Uh huh, Fiorina just hates those women. Sure thing. See, you guys are already sounding very stupid. Maybe this is the right ticket? I'm beginning to believe.

Fiorina hates everyone who isn't rich like her, including women.


Aw man, not the 'rich' card. Yeah, you guys already sound desperate. I think this ticket really does spook ya. I'm in.
The opposition research on Fiorina is awesome dude LOL
Stop pretending that any of you care about 'executive experience'. Not one of you is going to vote against your own political agenda because some candidate you don't agree with on most issues has more 'executive experience'.

Stop lying.

Speaking of lying, why not tell Hillary to quit lying. Funny how character doesn't matter to you when it goes with your political aganda.

Sorry not buying your bullshit.

Executive experience meant squat to Dems in 08 and now you want to pretend differently.

Am I the one here who started arguing for voting based on executive experience and nothing else?

Where did I do that?

You butted into the conversation dumb shit and that was what the conversation was about. If you got nothing then butt out. Idiot!

No need for a spit spewing meltdown. It's just a message board.

I'll ask again. Where did I do that?
:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:

So you're saying you can't attack a black politician without being racist?

That makes all the Obama attackers racist, you know.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Jantje yanked your chains prole are a Lumpen Proletariat

I thought I was a petty bourgeoisie? Sometimes (well, all the time really) I suspect I know far more about Marxism than you moron Commies do..

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