Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Jantje yanked your chains prole are a Lumpen Proletariat

I thought I was a petty bourgeoisie? Sometimes (well, all the time really) I suspect I know far more about Marxism than you moron Commies do..

Groucho was a Republican comrade, a conservative one.
Aw man, not the 'rich' card. Yeah, you guys already sound desperate. I think this ticket really does spook ya. I'm in.

What's wrong with the rich card? That's part of your party program after all.

Or are you suddenly against tax cuts for the "job creators"?


Not too many politicians out there milking taxpayers, who aren't rich. Look at your Congress. Most if not all in the Senate alone, are Multimillionaires. Ole Bill & Hillary are prime examples of career politicians milking the taxpayers and getting very rich in the process. And I assume they have your full support.
:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:
That might be the dumbest post of the week from a non liberal.
What is this "first black this" and "first female that" shit all about? WHo gives a fuck? Identity politics is what Democrats do. Republicans are interested in actual competence and qualification for the job. And neither Carson not Fiorina has either competence or qualification to be president.
Communism/Socialism looks good on paper to rich white Democrats. And that's because they won't have to stand in lines for their toilet paper and bread. They won't have to experience the misery. I truly despise Limousine Liberals.

Communism is meant as a means of ruling the proles. It's just repackaged feudalism tied in a shiny bow, sold the stupid by the evil.
Not too many politicians out there milking taxpayers, who aren't rich. Look at your Congress. Most if not all in the Senate alone, are Multimillionaires. Ole Bill & Hillary are prime examples of career politicians milking the taxpayers and getting very rich in the process. And I assume they have your full support.

As I've said many times before, your entire political system is hopelessly corrupt and beyond redemption, the only thing that can save you is a new revolution

The only reason I support Bill and Hillary is because they drive the cultists on the other side absolutely crazy and love to watch the outrage. It's your well deserved punishment for inflicting Bu$h on the world.

As I've said many times before, your entire political system is hopelessly corrupt and beyond redemption, the only thing that can save you is a new revolution

The only reason I support Bill and Hillary is because they drive the cultists on the other side absolutely crazy and love to watch the outrage. It's your well deserved punishment for inflicting Bu$h on the world.


I'm assuming you're Irish, because well, you seem drunk and belligerent... If you are, calling American politics corrupt is a bit beyond the pale, boyo.

And really, the most damaging person on the world stage in the last century was "Uncle" Joe Stalin. One of your's, right? I mean, a good leftist who understood the importance of an iron fist, the way you leftist urge for one now....
As I've said many times before, your entire political system is hopelessly corrupt and beyond redemption, the only thing that can save you is a new revolution

The only reason I support Bill and Hillary is because they drive the cultists on the other side absolutely crazy and love to watch the outrage. It's your well deserved punishment for inflicting Bu$h on the world.


I'm assuming you're Irish, because well, you seem drunk and belligerent... If you are, calling American politics corrupt is a bit beyond the pale, boyo.

And really, the most damaging person on the world stage in the last century was "Uncle" Joe Stalin. One of your's, right? I mean, a good leftist who understood the importance of an iron fist, the way you leftist urge for one now....
What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.
As I've said many times before, your entire political system is hopelessly corrupt and beyond redemption, the only thing that can save you is a new revolution

The only reason I support Bill and Hillary is because they drive the cultists on the other side absolutely crazy and love to watch the outrage. It's your well deserved punishment for inflicting Bu$h on the world.


I'm assuming you're Irish, because well, you seem drunk and belligerent... If you are, calling American politics corrupt is a bit beyond the pale, boyo.

And really, the most damaging person on the world stage in the last century was "Uncle" Joe Stalin. One of your's, right? I mean, a good leftist who understood the importance of an iron fist, the way you leftist urge for one now....
I think he/she/it is Dutch. The posts reflect the easy availability of marijuana and other drugs in Holland.
Communism/Socialism looks good on paper to rich white Democrats. And that's because they won't have to stand in lines for their toilet paper and bread. They won't have to experience the misery. I truly despise Limousine Liberals.

Communism is meant as a means of ruling the proles. It's just repackaged feudalism tied in a shiny bow, sold the stupid by the evil.

Rich white Democrat won't have to experience the misery of Communism/Socialism. That's why it looks so appealing to them. It looks good on paper. It resolves a lot of their white guilt feelings.

But just ask folks in Venezuela right now how Communism/Socialism feels. Pretty rough standing in a line all day for a loaf of bread. It's resembling the old Soviet Union.
As I've said many times before, your entire political system is hopelessly corrupt and beyond redemption, the only thing that can save you is a new revolution

The only reason I support Bill and Hillary is because they drive the cultists on the other side absolutely crazy and love to watch the outrage. It's your well deserved punishment for inflicting Bu$h on the world.


I'm assuming you're Irish, because well, you seem drunk and belligerent... If you are, calling American politics corrupt is a bit beyond the pale, boyo.

And really, the most damaging person on the world stage in the last century was "Uncle" Joe Stalin. One of your's, right? I mean, a good leftist who understood the importance of an iron fist, the way you leftist urge for one now....
What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.
Hitler and Stalin were on the same side of the spectrum. Both statist totalitarians. Like Bernie Sanders but without the cute accent.
What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.

The Socialist with the funny mustache murdered 14 million, the democrats favorite Uncle, butchered 35 to 65 million peace time civilians.

Hey, but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, amirite Comrade?

Oh, and no major party is running a Nazi. But as for Communists


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