Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

SHOW OF posts......................

who here predicted when the left-wing losers demanded accomplishments from the right of right-wing candidates that they would ignore facts put in their faces and cry about something else??
One of Christie’s defining issues has been passing education reform. With a staunchly Democratic legislature, it’s easier said than done. But in 2012, Christie signed a landmark teacher tenure bill that made it easier to fire bad teachers. Previously, teachers would almost automatically gain tenure after three years, even with poor performance ratings. The new law introduce merit pay in Newark schools. Top bonuses of $12,500 were given to teachers rated “highly effective” while teaching difficult subjects in poorly performing schools. Christie has also supported school choice, promoting charter schools whenever possible.
In 2011, Christie passed important pension reform legislation that required public employees to contribute more to their pension plans. At the time, he said it was his most important legislative achievement since taking office.
Unfortunately, it won’t be enough. New Jersey is still facing a dire public pension shortfall of $37 billion in unfunded liabilities due to high healthcare costs, expanding enrollment, and lower revenue and contributions than expected. The state’s public pension problem is the fourth worst in the nation, according to Moody’s Investors Service.
Christie is still fighting to solve the problem, appointing a commission to offer suggestions for reform and touring the state discussing the issue. “If we don’t do more and we don’t do it now, we’ll be forced to choose between funding what matters or a bloated, unaffordable entitlement system that we couldn’t muster the will to fix once and for all,” he said last August.
Although reforming the criminal justice system is a popular topic today, Christie was already on top of it in 2012. His main goal? Finding alternatives to prison for minor drug offenses. All 21 counties of New Jersey currently have “drug courts,” an alternative to prison for drug addicts that include a five-year program of intensive treatment. Participants must routinely check in with judges to ensure adequate progress. In the last decade, drug courts have served more than 12,000 people with an annual cost of 4 times less than housing them in prison, according to The Times of Trenton, New Jersey.
In 2012, Gov. Christie signed a bill to begin a $2.5 million pilot program to expand these drug courts throughout the state. “What we’re dealing with most people here is an addiction, an illness that needs to be treated as such,” he said at the bill signing
I'm assuming you're Irish, because well, you seem drunk and belligerent... If you are, calling American politics corrupt is a bit beyond the pale, boyo.

And really, the most damaging person on the world stage in the last century was "Uncle" Joe Stalin. One of your's, right? I mean, a good leftist who understood the importance of an iron fist, the way you leftist urge for one now....
What about hitler? Both political spectrums have their crazies.
Hitler and Stalin were on the same side of the spectrum. Both statist totalitarians. Like Bernie Sanders but without the cute accent.
No, they really weren't, hitler was a right wing statist authoritarian, Stalin was a left wing statist. The extremes of either spectrum are horribly wrong, this is common sense. Fascism is accepted as a right wing ideology, hating diversity, extreme nationalism.. Communists are all over the place, some supporting Stalinism, some being anarchists. LOL. Compared to virtually EVERY OTHER COUNTRY, Bernie is a moderate social democrat, he seems extreme because of the red scare and morons like yourself.
Fascism is a left wing ideology. It posits the state as against the individual and it erodes or eliminates individual rights in favor of the collective good. Obamacare and its mandates are a great example of this.
I dont give a shit about Bernie compared to some Eurofag. Let him go to Belgium and be president there.
OMG. I can't make this shit up. Both spectrums call for utilizing the state to achieve their goals, although communism by definition calls for a stateless society.. Fascism explicitly calls for maintaining a state.
See you arent that stupid after all. Yes, you have identified the difference between international socialism and national socialism. They arent different "spectrums" (whatever the fuck that means). They are two sides of the same coin. And they are enemies of traditional liberalism.
In April 2012, Fiorina became chair of Good360, a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan nonprofit organization in Alexandria, Virginia, which helps companies donate excess merchandise to charities.[116] Good360 has been consistently ranked by Forbes Magazine as one of the top 10 most efficient charities,[117] and ranked as the 33rd largest charity in the United States.[118] Fiorina has stated that Good360 is "the largest product donation marketplace in the world. We help companies take excess inventory and then distribute that excess inventory to 37,000 vetted charities around this country."[119] In September 2014, Fiorina led an effort by Good360 to get American corporations "to help combat the Ebola virus in West Africa - by donating specific items."[120] As of August 2015, she continues to hold this position.[121]
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal didn’t always envision himself a politician. As a college student, Jindal intended to attend medical school, but after internships in politics and obtaining a Master of Letters in political science from Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, the son of Indian immigrants became interested in public service. At the age of 25, Jindal was appointed to lead Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals, where he oversaw one of the country’s largest public health systems that cared for a significant indigent population. Three years later, he was appointed president of the University of Louisiana system, one of the two major higher education organizations in the state. At the age of 30, Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson named Bobby Jindal as his principle adviser.
Jindal has used his platform to advocate for conservative alternatives to failed liberal policies. Instead of simply criticizing President Obama and Congressional Democrats for their ineptitude, Jindal has created America Next, an organization dedicated to developing and articulating center-right solutions in efforts to transform public opinion about the Republican Party. The group has developed plans for addressing some of the nation’s most pressing concerns, such as education, health care, national defense and domestic energy production.
As governor of Louisiana, Jindal has cut taxes six times over the course of eight years. Among these reforms was the largest income tax cut in Louisiana’s history, totaling $1.1 billion in five years. He has also fought to eliminate the tax on business investments in hopes of driving commerce in Louisiana. Today, the Pelican State has one of the lowest property taxes in the U.S. – 0.18 percent. By comparison, neighboring states of Texas, Arkansas and Mississippi have property tax rates of 1.81 percent, 0.52 percent and 0.52 percent, respectively.
When did I claim hitler followed free market capitalism? "Free market capitalism" can never exist by the way, sorry to burst your bubble.

Dude, you're a drooling retard spewing party memes.

Don't expect to be taken seriously.
Seriously? When Did I spew these memes? Mind naming them? I can't believe that in the 21st century, someone actually believes the democrats are remotely related to communism. You must live in fear of the moderate democrats..
While Jindal is currently experiencing a public opinion slump in the Pelican State, he has enjoyed sweeping political success as governor. In his first campaign for governor in 2003, the unknown Jindal barely lost to Democrat Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Blanco. After her abysmal performance during Hurricane Katrina, she announced she would not seek re-election. Jindal, who was serving a place-holding term representing Louisiana’s First Congressional District, was expected to seek her seat and ultimately win in a landslide. Indeed, he did just that. In a field of twelve candidates, he garnered 54 percent, earning him an outright victory in the jungle primary in October 2007. His victory was the first time in Louisiana history that a non-incumbent candidate for governor was elected without a runoff. In 2011, Jindal won re-election with 66 percent of the vote, defeating nine opponents to win outright yet again.
*The following is a list of conservative accomplishments directly outlined by Jerry Cox during Mike huckabee¹s tenure as governor.
³1. Banning Same-Sex Marriage: Arkansas became one of the first states in the nation to pass a state law that defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Through the leadership of pro-family legislators and with the backing of the governor and his staff, Family Council took the lead in the successful passage of this law. Later, Family Council strengthened Arkansas¹ pro-marriage position by securing a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
2. Banning Partial-Birth Abortions: Arkansas was one of the first states in the nation to ban partial-birth abortions. Family Council worked for the better part of an entire legislative session to secure passage of this pro-life legislation. Even though this law was later struck down in federal court, it solidified public opinion against this especially gruesome form of abortion.
3. Reducing Unwed Births: During the years when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, Arkansas became known as a state where contraceptives were dispensed thorough health clinics located in public schools. Governor Huckabee established the Governor¹s Steering Committee on Abstinence Education and asked Family Council staff attorney, Martha Adcock, to chair the committee. Each year, this committee awards over $1 million in state and federal funds to local groups that are teaching abstinence. State funding for contraceptives in schools has been discontinued. For the first time, Arkansas¹ unwed birth rate is declining.
While Jindal is currently experiencing a public opinion slump in the Pelican State, he has enjoyed sweeping political success as governor. In his first campaign for governor in 2003, the unknown Jindal barely lost to Democrat Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Blanco. After her abysmal performance during Hurricane Katrina, she announced she would not seek re-election. Jindal, who was serving a place-holding term representing Louisiana’s First Congressional District, was expected to seek her seat and ultimately win in a landslide. Indeed, he did just that. In a field of twelve candidates, he garnered 54 percent, earning him an outright victory in the jungle primary in October 2007. His victory was the first time in Louisiana history that a non-incumbent candidate for governor was elected without a runoff. In 2011, Jindal won re-election with 66 percent of the vote, defeating nine opponents to win outright yet again.
Learn to use quotes.
Mike Huckabee

4. Passing Covenant Marriage Legislation: Arkansas has one of the highest divorce rates in the nation. In response to this, Arkansas became the third state in the nation to pass a covenant marriage law. This new law enables couples to obtain a covenant marriage license that requires pre-marriage counseling and makes it more difficult for them to obtain a divorce. Governor Huckabee and his staff led the effort to pass this legislation and Family Council was pleased to assist them.
5. Informed Consent Abortion Law: Family Council and other pro-family organizations worked 10 years to secure passage of a law requiring doctors to inform women about the risks and alternatives to abortion and wait until the next day before performing the abortion. Governor Huckabee testified before legislative committees as far back as when he was lieutenant governor. We celebrated the culmination of a ten-year struggle when Governor Huckabee signed the bill into law in 2001.
6. Supporting Home Schooling: When Mike Huckabee became governor, Arkansas had one of the worst home school laws in the nation. A joint effort between the governor, Family Council, other home school leaders, and the Arkansas Department of Education, helped secure the passage of much better home school legislation. The number of Arkansas children enrolled in home schooling has tripled since Mike Huckabee became governor.
6. Supporting Home Schooling: When Mike Huckabee became governor, Arkansas had one of the worst home school laws in the nation. A joint effort between the governor, Family Council, other home school leaders, and the Arkansas Department of Education, helped secure the passage of much better home school legislation. The number of Arkansas children enrolled in home schooling has tripled since Mike Huckabee became governor.
7. Internet Safety in Public Schools and Libraries: Family Council and conservative lawmakers initiated a successful effort to require public schools to install Internet filters on their computers that are connected to the Internet. In addition, Arkansas law requires all public libraries to implement a policy to ensure that people are not able to access inappropriate material on library computers. Governor Huckabee and his staff assisted with the passage of this legislation.
8. Hosting Conferences on the Family: Recognizing the importance of strong families, Governor Huckabee sponsored three conferences on the Family. Family Council partnered with the governor and his staff to bring nationally recognized experts to Arkansas to address ways to strengthen families.
9. Passage of the Fetal Protection Act: The tragic deaths of unborn children, some just days away from safe delivery, prompted the passage of a law that enables murder charges to be filed against anyone who assaults the mother of an unborn child causing the death of her baby. Governor Huckabee and his staff led the effort to pass this law and Family Council was pleased to assist them
9. Passage of the Fetal Protection Act: The tragic deaths of unborn children, some just days away from safe delivery, prompted the passage of a law that enables murder charges to be filed against anyone who assaults the mother of an unborn child causing the death of her baby. Governor Huckabee and his staff led the effort to pass this law and Family Council was pleased to assist them.
10. Safe Haven Act to Protect Newborns: The deaths of abandoned newborns motivated Family Council to address the issue through the successful passage of legislation allowing mothers to anonymously drop off their newborn baby at a police station or hospital rather than abandoning the child to die. Governor Huckabee supported this legislation and signed it into law.
11. Parental Consent for Abortions: Since 1989, Arkansas doctors have been required to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor. In 2005, Family Council worked for the successful passage of a law requiring parental consent before a doctor can perform an abortion on a minor. Governor Huckabee and his staff assisted with the passage of this legislation.
12. Covenant Marriage Celebration: In 2005, Family Council assisted the Governor¹s office and FamilyLife in promoting a covenant marriage celebration in Little Rock. The event was attended by over 6,000 people, many of whom converted their marriage to a covenant marriage.
13. Banning Physician-Assisted Suicide: The legalization of physician-assisted suicide in Oregon prompted the passage of an Arkansas law banning the practice in our state. Family Council and our Physician¹s Resource Council division worked with supportive legislators and the governor¹s office to pass this law.
14. Banning Human Cloning: Arkansas became the second state in the nation to ban the cloning of human beings, including the cloning of human embryos. The Arkansas Physicians Resource Council division of Family Council worked with the governor¹s office to secure passage of this legislation.
15. Affirming the Rights of the Terminally Ill: Family Council worked with the governor and supportive legislators to enact legislation that empowers terminally ill patients to overrule doctor¹s orders that food and water be withheld as long as they are able to request it.
John Kasich’s reputation as a fiscal hawk began long before his tenure as governor of Ohio. As a congressman, Kasich was known for his leadership as the chairman of the House Committee on the Budget, where he was the lead architect of the 1997 balanced budget deal. It was the first time since 1969 that Congress and the White House brought the budget into balance. As a result, America’s financial ledger went from -$163 billion to a surplus of more than $236 billion. Kasich also led successful Congressional efforts to overhaul welfare, requiring beneficiaries either seek work or obtain training in order to receive government assistance. Upon his inauguration in January 2011, Governor Kasich sought to eliminate his state’s anticipated budget deficit of between $6 billion and $8 billion. Not only did he achieve this without raising taxes, he also lowered the income tax rate for all Ohioans to the tune of $3 billion and abolished the state’s estate tax. His good economic judgment caused the state’s “rainy day fund” to skyrocket from $890,000,000 to $1.5 billion, providing greater fiscal cushioning for future leaders of Ohio.
When John Kasich became governor, Ohio’s unemployment rate was an astronomical 9.4 percent. Over the course of his first term, Kasich championed policies that fostered the creation of nearly 317,000 new jobs in Ohio, dropping the unemployment rate to just 5.1 percent, the number which economists deem “full employment.” In 2012, Ohio was ranked the fourth best state for job growth in the U.S. Throughout it all, he focused on expanding economic opportunity for all Ohioans, explaining in a campaign ad that, “Economic growth and prosperity shouldn’t be limited to a few. My job is to lift people, to serve this state and to make it strong and better, give hope to people and improve their lives.”

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