Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

yeah yeah there is no racism among the GOP ...they are just straight up non racist ....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The GOP has lots of racists in it, just less than the democrats...
LOL. Less then the democrats? You have to be fucking joking, democrats are "bigots" towards bigots, essentially, imagine a homophobe like Kim Davis starts denying licenses and acting like a bigot, liberals will be bigoted towards her.
Seems like the establishment is really pushing the Fiorina clown at the moment, probably to undermine Trump.

Won't work of course, no way a failed CEO, hypocritically crying about aborted fetusses can be as inspiring as The Donald and his great wall.


The "establishment?" :eek:

Well alright, moondoggie....

What will the Dims do ?

Don't worry, they have the geriatric triplets to wage war with !

All's they need is a couple of cases of Depends, and a few bottles of Geritol, and they're ready to go !!
LOL. Less then the democrats? You have to be fucking joking, democrats are "bigots" towards bigots, essentially, imagine a homophobe like Kim Davis starts denying licenses and acting like a bigot, liberals will be bigoted towards her.

Thanks assclown.

Say, didn't you have a "White Lives Don't Matter" rally to attend?
Why are you attempting to compare modern day social liberals to communists who are dead and can't even be compared? Oh, you're a rw fear mongerer.

LOL; you Marxists get so out of sorts when correctly identified....

Here is the 2016 democratic party platform; Manifesto of the Communist Party
Oh my god. I'm not a Marxist, do you even know what a Marxist is? I'm a liberal who supports the government, I am not a Marxist, I support capitalism, I support some socialist aspects. The communist manifesto? Are you fucking kidding me?
We'll see if it happens. I'm very skeptical. It's early. However I will admit, it would stump the Democrats a bit. Without the Race-Baiting and screeching about Republicans 'hating women', the Democrats have nothing to offer.
The GOP has something to offer

Tax cuts for the Rich
More war in Iran Syria wherever
destroying Social Security
Destroying Medicare
destroying women's reproductive and privacy Rights
preventing Marijuana from being legal

GOP are some serious assholes......

See, y'all got nothing. You desperately need that Race-Baiting and screeching about Republicans 'hating women.' This ticket would be your worst nightmare.
yeah yeah there is no racism among the GOP ...they are just straight up non racist ....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I rest my case.
LOL. Less then the democrats? You have to be fucking joking, democrats are "bigots" towards bigots, essentially, imagine a homophobe like Kim Davis starts denying licenses and acting like a bigot, liberals will be bigoted towards her.

Thanks assclown.

Say, didn't you have a "White Lives Don't Matter" rally to attend?
"All houses matter." That's the stupidity of yourself.
See, y'all got nothing. You desperately need that Race-Baiting and screeching about Republicans 'hating women.' This ticket would be your worst nightmare.

Will it be worse than the Romney 47% nightmare?

I had trouble sleeping for months after watching that


Romney was a milquetoast dud. Republicans will have to shake things up this time around. This ticket could be very interesting. It would disarm the usual suspect Race-Baiters and kooks screeching about Republicans 'hating women.' We'll see if the Party has the guts to go with it.
the way to prove Democrats are more racist is to show how they are strongest in the South the cradle of Racism...wahh hahahaha wahahahahahahahahhha

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