Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

the correct term for you i beleive is idiot who cant back up anything he's saying

Most people from your side call me a stupid commie bastard
you are simply a clown and a loser with no knowledge of how things really are here; pontificating from overseas

So? You guys do exactly the same thing all over the world.

The difference of course that I just use words instead of drones, torture and some peace & democracy bombing.

And I think I know more about the way your political system works than 90% of the inhabitants of the homeland.

the correct term for you i beleive is idiot who cant back up anything he's saying

Most people from your side call me a stupid commie bastard
you are simply a clown and a loser with no knowledge of how things really are here; pontificating from overseas

So? You guys do exactly the same thing all over the world.

The difference of course that I just use words instead of drones, torture and some peace & democracy bombing.

And I think I know more about the way your political system works than 90% of the inhabitants of the homeland.


i' saying right here and now you dont know shit and whatever you think you want to be tested on, that you think you have the 'real" scoop on i will happily debate you about right here and now ok?

I know that you have never had a thought, and that what is in you head is loaded via DailyKOS - but DO you grasp that a Carson/Fiorina ticket mops the floor with anything you Communists can field?

Do you think that will be the GOP ticket? Carson/Fiorina?

I would bet my vacation home that you have been to the Daily Kos more often than I have, junior.
Do you think that will be the GOP ticket? Carson/Fiorina?

I would bet my vacation home that you have been to the Daily Kos more often than I have, junior.

I would say at this point, there is a damned good chance that will be the ticket. Now the professional demagogues and hate mongers of your filthy party have not started the Khmer Rouge attacks on those two. I don't know what the reaction of Carson will be when you vile scum start photoshopping pornographic pictures of his children and sending in operatives to claim he raped them - you know, what you democrats ALWAYS do. But at this moment, the Carson/Fiorina ticket is the most likely.
Neither one has a clue about government, foreign policy, working with Congress

no, that would be obama, clinton, sanders, and plugs. Although of that cast of fools, plugs is probably the only one who knows how to get anything done (after he gets done hugging every young woman in the room)
Do you think that will be the GOP ticket? Carson/Fiorina?

I would bet my vacation home that you have been to the Daily Kos more often than I have, junior.

I would say at this point, there is a damned good chance that will be the ticket. Now the professional demagogues and hate mongers of your filthy party have not started the Khmer Rouge attacks on those two. I don't know what the reaction of Carson will be when you vile scum start photoshopping pornographic pictures of his children and sending in operatives to claim he raped them - you know, what you democrats ALWAYS do. But at this moment, the Carson/Fiorina ticket is the most likely.

I disagree. At this point the most likely ticket is Trump/Carson or Trump/Cruz.
Do you think that will be the GOP ticket? Carson/Fiorina?

I would bet my vacation home that you have been to the Daily Kos more often than I have, junior.

I would say at this point, there is a damned good chance that will be the ticket. Now the professional demagogues and hate mongers of your filthy party have not started the Khmer Rouge attacks on those two. I don't know what the reaction of Carson will be when you vile scum start photoshopping pornographic pictures of his children and sending in operatives to claim he raped them - you know, what you democrats ALWAYS do. But at this moment, the Carson/Fiorina ticket is the most likely.

Neither one has a chance in hell of being nominated. Fiorina might be asked to be a running mate......but thats a stretch.

Neither will survive when the questions start getting detailed.

You've gone and blown your load on another pair of losers.
it's going to be amusing watching the Left walking a tightrope trying to find a way to demonize a woman and a Black man

Can't do a worse job than conservatives


really leftard? show me where this came from the Republican Party please

Who said anything about the party?
Do you think that will be the GOP ticket? Carson/Fiorina?

I would bet my vacation home that you have been to the Daily Kos more often than I have, junior.

I would say at this point, there is a damned good chance that will be the ticket. Now the professional demagogues and hate mongers of your filthy party have not started the Khmer Rouge attacks on those two. I don't know what the reaction of Carson will be when you vile scum start photoshopping pornographic pictures of his children and sending in operatives to claim he raped them - you know, what you democrats ALWAYS do. But at this moment, the Carson/Fiorina ticket is the most likely.
Wow, what? Carson and Fiorina insult themselves, Fiorina fucked over American HP employees, fucked investors, she's a rambling neocon who lies about planned parenthood, doesn't understand the first thing about foreign policy.. Same with Carson, although he denies evolution and the age of the earth..
Do you think that will be the GOP ticket? Carson/Fiorina?

I would bet my vacation home that you have been to the Daily Kos more often than I have, junior.

I would say at this point, there is a damned good chance that will be the ticket. Now the professional demagogues and hate mongers of your filthy party have not started the Khmer Rouge attacks on those two. I don't know what the reaction of Carson will be when you vile scum start photoshopping pornographic pictures of his children and sending in operatives to claim he raped them - you know, what you democrats ALWAYS do. But at this moment, the Carson/Fiorina ticket is the most likely.

Neither one has a chance in hell of being nominated. Fiorina might be asked to be a running mate......but thats a stretch.

Neither will survive when the questions start getting detailed.

You've gone and blown your load on another pair of losers.
Yep. This country does not need a neurosurgeon who denies evolution, knows nothing about foreign policy, who denies the age of the earth, who knows little to nothing about vaccines.. We also don't need a corrupt business woman who ran HP into the ground for employees and investors while profiting, let's not forget she's a neocon.
i' saying right here and now you dont know shit and whatever you think you want to be tested on, that you think you have the 'real" scoop on i will happily debate you about right here and now ok?

I agree with free speech so you can say what you like

As for the testing part, I graduated years ago so I see no reason for that. But if you think I lie about something, make an argument as to why it's a lie and I'm quite willing to defend myself.

Wow, what? Carson and Fiorina insult themselves, Fiorina fucked over American HP employees, fucked investors, she's a rambling neocon who lies about planned parenthood, doesn't understand the first thing about foreign policy.. Same with Carson, although he denies evolution and the age of the earth..

Thanks assclown, but we could have gotten your opinion straight off of ThinkProgress...
Wow, what? Carson and Fiorina insult themselves, Fiorina fucked over American HP employees, fucked investors, she's a rambling neocon who lies about planned parenthood, doesn't understand the first thing about foreign policy.. Same with Carson, although he denies evolution and the age of the earth..

Thanks assclown, but we could have gotten your opinion straight off of ThinkProgress...
Facts are facts!

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