Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

Stop pretending that any of you care about 'executive experience'. Not one of you is going to vote against your own political agenda because some candidate you don't agree with on most issues has more 'executive experience'.

Stop lying.

Speaking of lying, why not tell Hillary to quit lying. Funny how character doesn't matter to you when it goes with your political aganda.

Sorry not buying your bullshit.

Executive experience meant squat to Dems in 08 and now you want to pretend differently.

Am I the one here who started arguing for voting based on executive experience and nothing else?

Where did I do that?
it's going to be amusing watching the Left walking a tightrope trying to find a way to demonize a woman and a Black man
Stop pretending that any of you care about 'executive experience'. Not one of you is going to vote against your own political agenda because some candidate you don't agree with on most issues has more 'executive experience'.

Stop lying.

Speaking of lying, why not tell Hillary to quit lying. Funny how character doesn't matter to you when it goes with your political aganda.

Sorry not buying your bullshit.

Executive experience meant squat to Dems in 08 and now you want to pretend differently.

Am I the one here who started arguing for voting based on executive experience and nothing else?

Where did I do that?

You butted into the conversation dumb shit and that was what the conversation was about. If you got nothing then butt out. Idiot!
it's going to be amusing watching the Left walking a tightrope trying to find a way to demonize a woman and a Black man

Can't do a worse job than conservatives

it's going to be amusing watching the Left walking a tightrope trying to find a way to demonize a woman and a Black man

no one is going to "demonize" them. dems will just beat them.

and you wingers will whine everytime anyone criticizes them that we're "demonizing" them.

it's going to be amusing watching the Left walking a tightrope trying to find a way to demonize a woman and a Black man

no one is going to "demonize" them. dems will just beat them.

and you wingers will whine everytime anyone criticizes them that we're "demonizing" them.


stop lying to yourself idiot; demonizing is all you Party knows
your Party has already started doing it leftard
in fact they never stopped

libs are losers who lie to themselves
a crybaby whine that others are whining from people who defend their thin-skinned community organizer no matter hwo badly he phuks up is HILARIOUS!! LOL
THE WHOLE REASON Left -wingers use terms like "uncle tom" and "token" is to dehumanize any Black man or woman who doesnt think the way the still mostly White Progressive Dem Party demands all people of color think
THE WHOLE REASON Left -wingers use terms like "uncle tom" and "token" is to dehumanize any Black man or woman who doesnt think the way the still mostly White Progressive Dem Party demands all people of color think

"Thinking" being the operative word, a women would have to be insane to consider voting for nutjubs that want to install sharia law, just a like a black guy would be insane to vote for someone who doesn't think black lives matter.

The correct term for that kind of behaviour is called Stockholm syndrome I believe

THE WHOLE REASON Left -wingers use terms like "uncle tom" and "token" is to dehumanize any Black man or woman who doesnt think the way the still mostly White Progressive Dem Party demands all people of color think

"Thinking" being the operative word, a women would have to be insane to consider voting for nutjubs that want to install sharia law, just a like a black guy would be insane to vote for someone who doesn't think black lives matter.

The correct term for that kind of behaviour is called Stockholm syndrome I believe


the correct term for you i beleive is idiot who cant back up anything he's saying

you are simply a clown and a loser with no knowledge of how things really are here; pontificating from overseas
THE WHOLE REASON Left -wingers use terms like "uncle tom" and "token" is to dehumanize any Black man or woman who doesnt think the way the still mostly White Progressive Dem Party demands all people of color think

"Thinking" being the operative word, a women would have to be insane to consider voting for nutjubs that want to install sharia law, just a like a black guy would be insane to vote for someone who doesn't think black lives matter.

The correct term for that kind of behaviour is called Stockholm syndrome I believe


where do most Black people BY FAR get murdered genius?

take your time now............................
where would you find an example of somebody who agreed to Sharia Law in a Western country?

and what side of the political aisle to you think this person came from?

what country?

take your time...................
Denmark Bows to Sharia: Bans Geert Wilders' Muhammad ...
Jun 14, 2015 - ... do the same in Paris, London and Madrid – as we will in Copenhagen. ... He says that he agrees with the mayor of that Folkemødet not the ... When you bend it here, so they accept Sharia law. .... I'm very confused why what happens in a commie socialist country has any relaction to the sovereignty of US

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