Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

Neither one has a clue about government, foreign policy, working with Congress

It's not hard really. Just start writing Executive Orders and Executive Agreements and have the various departments within the Executive branch just pass regulations that are as good as laws..

It's not like they have to understand the Constitution or anything.
Bambi had the equivalent of working for McDonalds before over 60 Million stupid/naive people voted for him, i guess 60 million americans are for Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.
:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:

Huhhhh---I don't think a lot of you watched the debate last night. I know it's tough to get through 3 hours, but I suggest you turn on your computers and get to it.

Ben Carson flopped out last night BIG time. He was for raising the minimum wage, and then adding another minimum wage that would be indexed to inflation. The WORST of it was he stated he wouldn't have gone after Al Queda in Afganistan directly after 9/11. The rest of his performance was awful, he spoke very slowly, very meakly, and went over things that everyone has known for decades.

CARLY FIORINA won the debate hands down. Every single focus group on CNN & FOX news said so. On CNN they couldn't stop talking about her in the after debate. She is second to no one today. She was tough--she could answer any question, Trump & she got into a big one about her tenure at HP and his 4 bankrupcy's. She nailed him on his comment of her face brilliantly. Then she blew everyone away in her final closing comment.

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If Carson and Carley are the means Dems not only take the Whitehouse but the Senate and House of Representatives
If Carson and Carley are the means Dems not only take the Whitehouse but the Senate and House of Representatives
Carson denies evolution and doesn't even understand what pediatricians are saying about vaccines, he also knows literally nothing about foreign policy or domestic policy. Fiorina destroyed HP, lied through her teeth, and is insane.
lets just wait and see what future polls say when they add Carson into the mix, who knows, maybe Carson on either end of the ticket will take 30% of the black vote.
:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:
First let's see the GOP nominate a black or woman. So far that's never been done.

Perhaps Ben and carli are aunt and uncle Tom and tammi. Tokens.

Meanwhile the Democrats actually got elected a black. You guys are way behind.

How bout hillary vs fiorino?
lets just wait and see what future polls say when they add Carson into the mix, who knows, maybe Carson on either end of the ticket will take 30% of the black vote.

SWEET BABY JESUS--did any one of you watch the debate last night, or are you just in total denial of what you witnessed?

Ben Carson is DONE: He said he wouldn't have gone into Afganistan directly after 9/11 to get Osama Bin Laden and kick Al Queda's ass. He is for raising the minimum wage, and index another to inflation. He was very weak on all his answers--he's done.

This woman won the debate--Ben Carson can't hold a candle to her. All focus groups on CNN & FOX say so. On Fox--most of them were FORMER Donald Trump supporters, who changed over to Carly Fiorina last night. She literally ran away with this debate.

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:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:
First let's see the GOP nominate a black or woman. So far that's never been done.

Perhaps Ben and carli are aunt and uncle Tom and tammi. Tokens.

Meanwhile the Democrats actually got elected a black. You guys are way behind.

How bout hillary vs fiorino?

Uncle Tom? Aunt Tammi? Wow, racism and sexism is alive and well.
lets just wait and see what future polls say when they add Carson into the mix, who knows, maybe Carson on either end of the ticket will take 30% of the black vote.

SWEET BABY JESUS--did any one of you watch the debate last night?

Ben Carson is DONE: He said he wouldn't have gone into Afganistan directly after 9/11 to get Osama Bin Laden and kick Al Queda's ass. He is for raising the minimum wage, and index another to inflation.

This woman won the debate--Ben Carson can't hold a candle to her. All focus groups on CNN & FOX she ran away with this debate.

Fiorina "won" but she lied through her teeth, knows little to nothing about foreign policy, outsourced jobs when she was at HP, fucked people over..

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