Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

virtually all of the murderous dictators of europe in the last century were steeped in left-wing ideology
You dont get it. They arent opposite ends. They are two sides of teh same coin. You dont really get this, do you?
They are opposite ends, this is accepted and clear to anyone who isn't a partisan hack who wants to write revisionist history. How the hell is fascism, which calls for social darwinism, competition, ending diversity.. remotely left wing?
LOL. Mere assertion. They are obviously not opposite to everyone. In fact they are not opposite at all. There was a huge movement among the Left after WW2 to purge their facsist associations and rebrand that as "right wing." You have fallen for it.
There is no meaningful difference between international socialism and national socialism.
Not a mere assertion, anyone who can take 5 minutes to examine the ideological goals of communism compared to fascism can see this. I always hear you guys claiming communists want everyone to be equal, how the hell is this related to fascism in any way?
You need to look up "mere assertion" as a logical fallacy before you post again. You are asserting something already shown to be true. Asserting it again is not argument.
Socialism, Fascism, Communism, and Progresivism all try to use the power of the state for some common good, against the interests of individual liberty.
You have yet to present evidence showing fascism is left wing.


Bad= Leftwing
Truth, Justice, Freedom= Must be Rightwing
They are opposite ends, this is accepted and clear to anyone who isn't a partisan hack who wants to write revisionist history. How the hell is fascism, which calls for social darwinism, competition, ending diversity.. remotely left wing?
LOL. Mere assertion. They are obviously not opposite to everyone. In fact they are not opposite at all. There was a huge movement among the Left after WW2 to purge their facsist associations and rebrand that as "right wing." You have fallen for it.
There is no meaningful difference between international socialism and national socialism.
Not a mere assertion, anyone who can take 5 minutes to examine the ideological goals of communism compared to fascism can see this. I always hear you guys claiming communists want everyone to be equal, how the hell is this related to fascism in any way?
You need to look up "mere assertion" as a logical fallacy before you post again. You are asserting something already shown to be true. Asserting it again is not argument.
Socialism, Fascism, Communism, and Progresivism all try to use the power of the state for some common good, against the interests of individual liberty.
You have yet to present evidence showing fascism is left wing.


Bad= Leftwing
Truth, Justice, Freedom= Must be Rightwing

you have been provided all the proof you need

now do the right thing; find a tall place and...................................
Progressives are the definition of fascist. You've just provided evidence.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Internet History Sourcebooks
LOL. Nice response.
Fascists believe in using state power to achieve corporate, that is to say, state goals over and above the welfare and freedom of indiviudals. You've given examples of Democrats pursuing just those policies. Both communism and National Socialism did exactly the same thing. Which is why Progressivs in the US swarmed to fascists like Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin in the 20s and 30s. FDR's Blue Eagle was modeled consciously on Hitler's eagle.

The far right and the far left both want to use the state, although the ideological end goal of the far left is a stateless society, right wing ideology has never been that way.. Fascism advocates social darwinism, do you not understand?
You keep using terms like "far right" as if you understood wht you are talking about. Socialis and Nazism are merely national and international versions of the same thing. And both trace their roots back to the same source as Progressivism. That is why left wingers in this country loved Mussolini, Hitler et al.
Oh lord. I am referring to the political spectrum, fascism is far right, communism is far left. National and international? What is the distinction? Fascist and communist states expand and invade. Both trace to the same roots? HAHAHAH. Sure, sure.. Left wingers loved hitler? What the fuck are you talking about? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK HOPPED INTO WORLD WAR 2?!!!
Again you are merely asserting that fascism is Right and Communism is Left. In truth they are both Left. National socialism combined nationalism with socialism. International socialism sought to break down national barriers.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Internet History Sourcebooks
LOL. Nice response.
Fascists believe in using state power to achieve corporate, that is to say, state goals over and above the welfare and freedom of indiviudals. You've given examples of Democrats pursuing just those policies. Both communism and National Socialism did exactly the same thing. Which is why Progressivs in the US swarmed to fascists like Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin in the 20s and 30s. FDR's Blue Eagle was modeled consciously on Hitler's eagle.

The far right and the far left both want to use the state, although the ideological end goal of the far left is a stateless society, right wing ideology has never been that way.. Fascism advocates social darwinism, do you not understand?
You keep using terms like "far right" as if you understood wht you are talking about. Socialis and Nazism are merely national and international versions of the same thing. And both trace their roots back to the same source as Progressivism. That is why left wingers in this country loved Mussolini, Hitler et al.
Oh lord. I am referring to the political spectrum, fascism is far right, communism is far left. National and international? What is the distinction? Fascist and communist states expand and invade. Both trace to the same roots? HAHAHAH. Sure, sure.. Left wingers loved hitler? What the fuck are you talking about? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK HOPPED INTO WORLD WAR 2?!!!

You have entered the Bizarro world of the Rabbi

Left is right, right is left....whatever meets his agenda at the time


To crazy people the normal looks crazy.
To uneducated people facts appear crazy.
You are both.
Fiorina and Carson will never be on the same ticket

Carson seems on the verge of falling asleep every time he talks

Fiorina could get on the ticket as a VP to try to counter Hillarys pull with women

Are you fucking kidding me?
Internet History Sourcebooks
LOL. Nice response.
Fascists believe in using state power to achieve corporate, that is to say, state goals over and above the welfare and freedom of indiviudals. You've given examples of Democrats pursuing just those policies. Both communism and National Socialism did exactly the same thing. Which is why Progressivs in the US swarmed to fascists like Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin in the 20s and 30s. FDR's Blue Eagle was modeled consciously on Hitler's eagle.

The far right and the far left both want to use the state, although the ideological end goal of the far left is a stateless society, right wing ideology has never been that way.. Fascism advocates social darwinism, do you not understand?
You keep using terms like "far right" as if you understood wht you are talking about. Socialis and Nazism are merely national and international versions of the same thing. And both trace their roots back to the same source as Progressivism. That is why left wingers in this country loved Mussolini, Hitler et al.
Oh lord. I am referring to the political spectrum, fascism is far right, communism is far left. National and international? What is the distinction? Fascist and communist states expand and invade. Both trace to the same roots? HAHAHAH. Sure, sure.. Left wingers loved hitler? What the fuck are you talking about? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK HOPPED INTO WORLD WAR 2?!!!
Again you are merely asserting that fascism is Right and Communism is Left. In truth they are both Left. National socialism combined nationalism with socialism. International socialism sought to break down national barriers.
I am not asserting, I have provided evidence.
LOL. Nice response.
Fascists believe in using state power to achieve corporate, that is to say, state goals over and above the welfare and freedom of indiviudals. You've given examples of Democrats pursuing just those policies. Both communism and National Socialism did exactly the same thing. Which is why Progressivs in the US swarmed to fascists like Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin in the 20s and 30s. FDR's Blue Eagle was modeled consciously on Hitler's eagle.

The far right and the far left both want to use the state, although the ideological end goal of the far left is a stateless society, right wing ideology has never been that way.. Fascism advocates social darwinism, do you not understand?
You keep using terms like "far right" as if you understood wht you are talking about. Socialis and Nazism are merely national and international versions of the same thing. And both trace their roots back to the same source as Progressivism. That is why left wingers in this country loved Mussolini, Hitler et al.
Oh lord. I am referring to the political spectrum, fascism is far right, communism is far left. National and international? What is the distinction? Fascist and communist states expand and invade. Both trace to the same roots? HAHAHAH. Sure, sure.. Left wingers loved hitler? What the fuck are you talking about? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK HOPPED INTO WORLD WAR 2?!!!
Again you are merely asserting that fascism is Right and Communism is Left. In truth they are both Left. National socialism combined nationalism with socialism. International socialism sought to break down national barriers.
I am not asserting, I have provided evidence.
Nope. You have provided no evidence. You have asserted that Nazism is "right wing" and communism "left wing" and that they are somehow opposites. All of that is not only unproven but demonstrably false. As I have demonstrated.
i dont see a similarity between the NRA symbol and the NAZI symbol leftard

lots of people use eagles; it's on the Polish national flag
The far right and the far left both want to use the state, although the ideological end goal of the far left is a stateless society, right wing ideology has never been that way.. Fascism advocates social darwinism, do you not understand?
You keep using terms like "far right" as if you understood wht you are talking about. Socialis and Nazism are merely national and international versions of the same thing. And both trace their roots back to the same source as Progressivism. That is why left wingers in this country loved Mussolini, Hitler et al.
Oh lord. I am referring to the political spectrum, fascism is far right, communism is far left. National and international? What is the distinction? Fascist and communist states expand and invade. Both trace to the same roots? HAHAHAH. Sure, sure.. Left wingers loved hitler? What the fuck are you talking about? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK HOPPED INTO WORLD WAR 2?!!!
Again you are merely asserting that fascism is Right and Communism is Left. In truth they are both Left. National socialism combined nationalism with socialism. International socialism sought to break down national barriers.
I am not asserting, I have provided evidence.
Nope. You have provided no evidence. You have asserted that Nazism is "right wing" and communism "left wing" and that they are somehow opposites. All of that is not only unproven but demonstrably false. As I have demonstrated.
Look at the ideological stances found in the two political systems, communists don't call for social Darwinism, they don't call for eliminating other races.
i dont see a similarity between the NRA symbol and the NAZI symbol leftard

lots of people use eagles; it's on the Polish national flag
Of course you dont see it.
Hint" There were few Poles in FDR's administration.

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