Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

I disagree. At this point the most likely ticket is Trump/Carson or Trump/Cruz.

I don't agree. Trump is not a viable candidate.

according to the polls, he is the most viable candidate. He is up against the media and both party establishments and is still winning. He is exactly what this country needs.

Yes, and when he runs up against the establishment in Congress and nothing gets done...that will be "exactly what the country needs"?

You're head is so far up your ass you cough up your own dandruff.
Scowly-faced snarler Carly Fiorina is able to make Hillary Clinton look congenial and charming.

Wrong, an intelligent accomplished woman is able to make Hillary look like the liar and fraud that she has always been.

You really have to wonder sometimes of the conserve-hate-ives here have ever seen an election much less paid attention to one. Any ticket that has either of those folks at the top is a God send.
It shows how out of touch they are with reality and how politics work. Four months before the first primary, the flavor of the day will come and go
Neither Trump, Fiorina or Carson have the chops to win primaries
Scowly-faced snarler Carly Fiorina is able to make Hillary Clinton look congenial and charming.

Wrong, an intelligent accomplished woman is able to make Hillary look like the liar and fraud that she has always been.

When it comes to understanding the issues, Fiorina is a newby. Nobody in the field can compete with Hillary

You really have to wonder sometimes of the conserve-hate-ives here have ever seen an election much less paid attention to one. Any ticket that has either of those folks at the top is a God send.
It shows how out of touch they are with reality and how politics work. Four months before the first primary, the flavor of the day will come and go
Neither Trump, Fiorina or Carson have the chops to win primaries

Neither does HRC, but she probably will, even if she is under indictment you fools will vote for the lying bitch.
:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:

This is a joke post, right? finoininnaaa is a liberal and carson would be in way over his head. 35% would be the top they could get.
The more insane and desperate Dems will accuse Carly of once being a man and Carson not even born in the USA, maybe they will accuse Carson of being born in Africa and later his parents moved to Hawaii and then photo-shopped a birth-certificate.

You really have to wonder sometimes of the conserve-hate-ives here have ever seen an election much less paid attention to one. Any ticket that has either of those folks at the top is a God send.
It shows how out of touch they are with reality and how politics work. Four months before the first primary, the flavor of the day will come and go
Neither Trump, Fiorina or Carson have the chops to win primaries

Neither does HRC, but she probably will, even if she is under indictment you fools will vote for the lying bitch.
Hillary will win because she is the best candidate

Republicans will fail at convincing America that they have a better solution
finonia is an ugly establishment pig. I would work as hard as i could to defeat her.
The more insane and desperate Dems will accuse Carly of once being a man and Carson not even born in the USA, maybe they will accuse Carson of being born in Africa and later his parents moved to Hawaii and then photo-shopped a birth-certificate.

Wait!!! is finonianina really bruce jenner?

You really have to wonder sometimes of the conserve-hate-ives here have ever seen an election much less paid attention to one. Any ticket that has either of those folks at the top is a God send.
It shows how out of touch they are with reality and how politics work. Four months before the first primary, the flavor of the day will come and go
Neither Trump, Fiorina or Carson have the chops to win primaries

Neither does HRC, but she probably will, even if she is under indictment you fools will vote for the lying bitch.

All liberals/Democrats need is for the toothless hicks of the GOP to keep on calling Clinton names and basically stinking up the election. The uglier you get, the better she looks.

It's shocking that after 25 years you guys haven't learned that simple fact.

Or maybe its because the only thing you know how to do is call women bitches???? Is that it?
The more insane and desperate Dems will accuse Carly of once being a man and Carson not even born in the USA, maybe they will accuse Carson of being born in Africa and later his parents moved to Hawaii and then photo-shopped a birth-certificate.

Wow. You are painfully unfunny.
:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:
Donald Trump for president...

Rudy Giuliani for first lady...

:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:
even if its a Trump/Carson or Carly ticket,,the dems are done.
Yes. That seems likely. The Dems have had their turn-at-bat. Now to the top of the next inning...
:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:
Carson inhales way too much anesthesia when he was a doctor. I can't imagine that doof with a knife, seriously.
Wow, really? He is one of the, if not the, most renowned neurosurgeons in the world. He has done things in the OR no other doctor has.

Would he be a good potus? Who knows, but to mock his career is beyond stupid.

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