Pretty Wife Shopping at Hobby Lobby Today With Lots of Other SHOPPERS!!


So how can a good Christian support such a gay-friendly company?

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

That means you and me, and the owners of Chick-fil-A and the owners of Hobby Lobby as well. All of us are sinners, and as a Christian I have no problem in saying, there are no 'good' Christians, there are only people who are trying to be better that day than they were the day before.
Very true, but you have no idea how Hobby Lobby spends it's profits. They might give all profits to charity, or the church, or the homeless, you have no idea.

So try again, but I know Scripture too, and I know how to interpret it, because I try to live it, do you?
It doesn't matter a damn what they do with the money, they aren't serving God by selling shit, they are serving money. There's no profit in serving god, not the real one that is, but that's not who you, or they, pray to...

So believers in your opinion should not own a store,be in business!!! THINK AGAIN!!
Ignore the teachings of Jesus as you like. I'm just reminding you of what he said.

Mark 4:

13 Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable? 14 The farmer sows the word. 15 Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. 16 Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. 17 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 18 Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; 19 but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. 20 Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”
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Very true, but you have no idea how Hobby Lobby spends it's profits. They might give all profits to charity, or the church, or the homeless, you have no idea.

So try again, but I know Scripture too, and I know how to interpret it, because I try to live it, do you?
It doesn't matter a damn what they do with the money, they aren't serving God by selling shit, they are serving money. There's no profit in serving god, not the real one that is, but that's not who you, or they, pray to...

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.
14:23 All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

You might not have made a profit in serving your god, but my God has profited me greatly.
Your god is wealth, the one most Americans pray to.

Luke 12:19-21: “And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”
Not at all. What's Christian about making a buck and not being fruitful? Hint, nothing.

Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Very true, but you have no idea how Hobby Lobby spends it's profits. They might give all profits to charity, or the church, or the homeless, you have no idea.

So try again, but I know Scripture too, and I know how to interpret it, because I try to live it, do you?
It doesn't matter a damn what they do with the money, they aren't serving God by selling shit, they are serving money. There's no profit in serving god, not the real one that is, but that's not who you, or they, pray to...

That is simply incorrect. God expects His children to prosper. And if they tithe, He makes sure they profit abundantly. What Father wants His kids to live in poverty? We are children and heirs of the Royal line. Expect to be blessed. :eusa_angel:
I TOOK THE Pretty Wife Shopping at Hobby Lobby Today it was packed with lots of Other SHOPPERS!! I love the christian music they have playing in the background ,it is just a GREAT store which drives liberal dems. NUTS!!! LOL!

Hey, gismo, you made a huge mistake with this lie.

If you had ever been in a Hobby Lobby, you would know they never play religious music. The only tip off that they are fake christians is the founder's book that is for sale near the front of all stores. But you really have hunt to find it.

Typical of you fake christians to lie in order to make a point.

And, its only a "great store" if you're shopping for Chinese junk. And of course, you America-haters have even said you shop at junk stores like WalMart just so you can buy "made in China" crap.

I do't doubt you go out of your way to screw over your own country but you lied about hearing religious music in a Hobby Lobby. Therefore, you probably lied about being in a Hobby Lobby.
I TOOK THE Pretty Wife Shopping at Hobby Lobby Today it was packed with lots of Other SHOPPERS!! I love the christian music they have playing in the background ,it is just a GREAT store which drives liberal dems. NUTS!!! LOL!

Hey, gismo, you made a huge mistake with this lie.

If you had ever been in a Hobby Lobby, you would know they never play religious music. The only tip off that they are fake christians is the founder's book that is for sale near the front of all stores. But you really have hunt to find it.

Typical of you fake christians to lie in order to make a point.

And, its only a "great store" if you're shopping for Chinese junk. And of course, you America-haters have even said you shop at junk stores like WalMart just so you can buy "made in China" crap.

I do't doubt you go out of your way to screw over your own country but you lied about hearing religious music in a Hobby Lobby. Therefore, you probably lied about being in a Hobby Lobby.
they sell a lot of sunday school craft crap too.
i never spent much money there, but they were handy for some items.

i won't spend any money there now.
I TOOK THE Pretty Wife Shopping at Hobby Lobby Today it was packed with lots of Other SHOPPERS!! I love the christian music they have playing in the background ,it is just a GREAT store which drives liberal dems. NUTS!!! LOL!

Hey, gismo, you made a huge mistake with this lie.

If you had ever been in a Hobby Lobby, you would know they never play religious music. The only tip off that they are fake christians is the founder's book that is for sale near the front of all stores. But you really have hunt to find it.

Typical of you fake christians to lie in order to make a point.

And, its only a "great store" if you're shopping for Chinese junk. And of course, you America-haters have even said you shop at junk stores like WalMart just so you can buy "made in China" crap.

I do't doubt you go out of your way to screw over your own country but you lied about hearing religious music in a Hobby Lobby. Therefore, you probably lied about being in a Hobby Lobby.
they sell a lot of sunday school craft crap too.
i never spent much money there, but they were handy for some items.

i won't spend any money there now.

And they're closed on Sunday.

At least gimso didn't lie about going on a Sunday.

No, I won't shop there either. I couldn't shop there and face myself in the mirror.
Very true, but you have no idea how Hobby Lobby spends it's profits. They might give all profits to charity, or the church, or the homeless, you have no idea.

So try again, but I know Scripture too, and I know how to interpret it, because I try to live it, do you?
It doesn't matter a damn what they do with the money, they aren't serving God by selling shit, they are serving money. There's no profit in serving god, not the real one that is, but that's not who you, or they, pray to...

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.
14:23 All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

You might not have made a profit in serving your god, but my God has profited me greatly.

Why do you christer goyim quote the Hebrew Tanach?

It was given to the the Jew not the Goyim, it has nothing to do with you goyim following any of it.

Ten commandments clearly tells us that the commandments were for the Jewish people

God never brought goyims ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."

The Lord has not given the goyim the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you"

Since the Sabbath is a sign between God and fleshly Israel, there is nothing requiring goyim it! (Ex. 31:13,17; Ezek. 20:12, 20)

If it was intended for all mankind, then why specifically say "strangers within your gates". Obviously the goyim (strangers) were never required at any point in earth history to keep the Sabbath

The Ten Commandments are the first ten of the 613 commandments given by God to the Jewish people. They form the foundation of Jewish ethics, behavior and responsibility. These commandments are mentioned in order twice in the Torah - once each in the Book of Exodus and the Book of Deuteronomy.

Torah was written for the Jewish people, It's a Jewish text, with Jewish rules, intended for Jews, and designed to be interpreted by Jewish methodologies.

And no amount of twisting and buy the christer goyim's man made religion will ever change that
Hey, gismo, you made a huge mistake with this lie.

If you had ever been in a Hobby Lobby, you would know they never play religious music. The only tip off that they are fake christians is the founder's book that is for sale near the front of all stores. But you really have hunt to find it.

Typical of you fake christians to lie in order to make a point.

And, its only a "great store" if you're shopping for Chinese junk. And of course, you America-haters have even said you shop at junk stores like WalMart just so you can buy "made in China" crap.

I do't doubt you go out of your way to screw over your own country but you lied about hearing religious music in a Hobby Lobby. Therefore, you probably lied about being in a Hobby Lobby.
they sell a lot of sunday school craft crap too.
i never spent much money there, but they were handy for some items.

i won't spend any money there now.

And they're closed on Sunday.

At least gimso didn't lie about going on a Sunday.

No, I won't shop there either. I couldn't shop there and face myself in the mirror.
i'll return to shopping at hobby lobby as soon as hobby lobby shakes my hand entering church on sunday. until then, i don't recognize hobby lobby's religous beliefs
I TOOK THE Pretty Wife Shopping at Hobby Lobby Today it was packed with lots of Other SHOPPERS!! I love the christian music they have playing in the background ,it is just a GREAT store which drives liberal dems. NUTS!!! LOL!

Hey, gismo, you made a huge mistake with this lie.

If you had ever been in a Hobby Lobby, you would know they never play religious music. The only tip off that they are fake christians is the founder's book that is for sale near the front of all stores. But you really have hunt to find it.

Typical of you fake christians to lie in order to make a point.

And, its only a "great store" if you're shopping for Chinese junk. And of course, you America-haters have even said you shop at junk stores like WalMart just so you can buy "made in China" crap.

I do't doubt you go out of your way to screw over your own country but you lied about hearing religious music in a Hobby Lobby. Therefore, you probably lied about being in a Hobby Lobby.

Is gismo lying for his god on two sticks again? What a surprise!!

Oh who they love lying for their god man!
I TOOK THE Pretty Wife Shopping at Hobby Lobby Today it was packed with lots of Other SHOPPERS!! I love the christian music they have playing in the background ,it is just a GREAT store which drives liberal dems. NUTS!!! LOL!

Hey, gismo, you made a huge mistake with this lie.

If you had ever been in a Hobby Lobby, you would know they never play religious music. The only tip off that they are fake christians is the founder's book that is for sale near the front of all stores. But you really have hunt to find it.

Typical of you fake christians to lie in order to make a point.

And, its only a "great store" if you're shopping for Chinese junk. And of course, you America-haters have even said you shop at junk stores like WalMart just so you can buy "made in China" crap.

I do't doubt you go out of your way to screw over your own country but you lied about hearing religious music in a Hobby Lobby. Therefore, you probably lied about being in a Hobby Lobby.

Is gismo lying for his god on two sticks again? What a surprise!!

Oh who they love lying for their god man!

Hey, gismo, you made a huge mistake with this lie.

If you had ever been in a Hobby Lobby, you would know they never play religious music. The only tip off that they are fake christians is the founder's book that is for sale near the front of all stores. But you really have hunt to find it.

Typical of you fake christians to lie in order to make a point.

And, its only a "great store" if you're shopping for Chinese junk. And of course, you America-haters have even said you shop at junk stores like WalMart just so you can buy "made in China" crap.

I do't doubt you go out of your way to screw over your own country but you lied about hearing religious music in a Hobby Lobby. Therefore, you probably lied about being in a Hobby Lobby.

Is gismo lying for his god on two sticks again? What a surprise!!

Oh who they love lying for their god man!

last time i was at hobby lobby they were playing oldies. actually, every time i've been to hobby lobby they've been playing oldies - except of course around christmas.
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Is gismo lying for his god on two sticks again? What a surprise!!

Oh who they love lying for their god man!


last time i was at hobby lobby they were playing oldies. actually, every time i've been to hobby lobby they've been playing oldies - except of course around christmas.


Gismo is lying.

I used to shop there fairly often and as much as I hate religious hypocrites like gismo and HL, I pay very close attention to propaganda.

They do not play religious music except at xmas when every store is playing xmas music.

last time i was at hobby lobby they were playing oldies. actually, every time i've been to hobby lobby they've been playing oldies - except of course around christmas.


Gismo is lying.

I used to shop there fairly often and as much as I hate religious hypocrites like gismo and HL, I pay very close attention to propaganda.

They do not play religious music except at xmas when every store is playing xmas music.

IT IS POSSIBLE that each store manager makes the choice of the background music in his store but PTL. HERE IN SOUTHERN USA IN GOD WE TRUST!!!
last time i was at hobby lobby they were playing oldies. actually, every time i've been to hobby lobby they've been playing oldies - except of course around christmas.


Gismo is lying.

I used to shop there fairly often and as much as I hate religious hypocrites like gismo and HL, I pay very close attention to propaganda.

They do not play religious music except at xmas when every store is playing xmas music.

IT IS POSSIBLE that each store manager makes the choice of the background music in his store but PTL. HERE IN SOUTHERN USA IN GOD WE TRUST!!!
why is it when people like yourself speak of god i hear more hate than love?
last time i was at hobby lobby they were playing oldies. actually, every time i've been to hobby lobby they've been playing oldies - except of course around christmas.


Gismo is lying.

I used to shop there fairly often and as much as I hate religious hypocrites like gismo and HL, I pay very close attention to propaganda.

They do not play religious music except at xmas when every store is playing xmas music.

IT IS POSSIBLE that each store manager makes the choice of the background music in his store but PTL. HERE IN SOUTHERN USA IN GOD WE TRUST!!!

Lying doesn't help your sicko cause anymore than your caps hysteria.

You're busted gismo. Better to just come clean than to keep lying.

Gismo is lying.

I used to shop there fairly often and as much as I hate religious hypocrites like gismo and HL, I pay very close attention to propaganda.

They do not play religious music except at xmas when every store is playing xmas music.

IT IS POSSIBLE that each store manager makes the choice of the background music in his store but PTL. HERE IN SOUTHERN USA IN GOD WE TRUST!!!

Lying doesn't help your sicko cause anymore than your caps hysteria.

You're busted gismo. Better to just come clean than to keep lying.


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