Previously anonymous whistleblower now testifying in front of Congress

But there was more convincing proof on the other side - the suppression of an accurate story because it would hurt Biden’s chances, along with social media execs who said they were told to do it.
There is absolutely not more convincing proof “on the other side”. The people from social media testified that they weren’t told to do it.

Furthermore, there is not one shred of evidence that shows it was done for political reasons.
Wow. You sure are twisting into a pretzel to defend this obviously corrupt family, peddling influence to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.
If you call asking for evidence to support your claims, “twisting”…I guess so.

1) What did the Bidens’ do to collect $17 million into their shell companies? They KNOW they are under suspicion of peddling influence, so why not just tell us what service or product they were selling that warranted this level of payment?

What she’ll companies? Why do they have to tell the public what they earned the money fore if there is no evidence of wrong doing? Until there is, it is nobody’s business.

2) Why set up the shell companies? If it was legitimate income, why not just set up the one company - Biden Payoffs, Inc, or whatever - rather than the need for all this secrecy?

What she’ll companies and are shell companies only for illegal business? Keep in mind, Hunter WAS found guilty of tax fraud.

3) Why did nine members of the family, including grandchildren, receive some of this money?

What is illegal about that?

4) Finally, Biden himself does not have to have received a direct payment to be guilty. It can be through Hunter paying for his father’s expenses or paying tuition for the youngest daughter. Why in the world would a drug addict be paying for his half-sister’s college education instead of her own multi-millionaire father.
So in MAGAzone a brother paying for his sister’s education is proof of guilt?


If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck.
Or…it’s tofu

There was no pressure from Trump’s DoJ to suppress anything during the election (assuming you are referring to the laptop).

That’s one falsehood.

Your insistence on calling it Trump’s DOJ doesn’t change the fact that anti-trump operatives were calling the shots - even orchestrating “insurance plans” to get rid of him and fabricating an entire Russia hoax,.

That said, of course there was pressure. The DOJ had 51 intelligence officers sign on to a letter, lying about the laptop story being Russian disinformation in order to warn social media not to report on it when they KNEW it was true.

Furthermore, the government was found guilty of infringing on Americans’ free speech via their collusion with social media.

ICYMI: Stefanik Exposes FBI's Collusion With Twitter to Suppress Accurate Reporting on Hunter Biden's Laptop Story, an Attack on Free Speech
That has also been debunked.

I don’t even know where to start with this mess…there was no “massive mail-in“ scheme…red states like Utah have had mail in voting for years and no one complained. What do BLM riots have to do with voting? The claim that voting was haunted for fraud has been thourough debunked.

This is why the GPS goes whacky when we cross the line into the MAGAverse.
Of course there was a mail-in scheme. It was Plan B - shut down the count in swing states where Trump was ahead, send people home, truck in ballots of which 99.% go for Biden, and reopen the reporting in the morning with Biden in the lead.
No one was invited and do criminals normally get a free pass for illness? Even the grandmother conceded she was wrong to do what she did.

MAGAzone mass delusions.

So..reality check….did Biden or Pence refuse to return documents or lie about said documents or claim all documents had been returned? “Lots” is what…30 documents”.

Again…lost in the MAGAzone.
Why the focus on returning documents, as if that excuses the fact that Biden stole classified documents from the SCIF when he was a senator? Biden’s crime was much worse - he has no right to take them in the first place.
Tax cuts, reducing regulations, protecting Constitutional rights.
Tax cuts for the rich can corporations hurt Americans as does limiting their constitutional rights to control their body. Regulations give you clean drinking water dipshit.
well that's because you are a demafascist cultist....but here is one idea, right now...get Xiden out of office. Record numbers of Americans are worse off now then before he took office, so we need to get him out of office, to get Americans back to the positive.
Not true. Growing GDP (Trump contracted), Lowest unemployment (Trump added), most employed Americans (Trump lost employment), increased oil production (Trump reduced), record oil output (Trumps was less), real wages higher than pre-pandemic Trump levels even adjusted for inflation, housing equity booming... it's been a modern miracle how Biden has picked up the broken world Trump left behind and engineered a soft landing and a corrected economy like a rock star.
Not true. Growing GDP (Trump contracted), Lowest unemployment (Trump added), most employed Americans (Trump lost employment), increased oil production (Trump reduced), record oil output (Trumps was less), real wages higher than pre-pandemic Trump levels even adjusted for inflation, housing equity booming... it's been a modern miracle how Biden has picked up the broken world Trump left behind and engineered a soft landing and a corrected economy like a rock star.
haha yeah you are right, Trump had to deal with a global pandemic....which he handled much better then Xiden.

Just stop already....we all know prior to the pandemic Trump had a booming economy, one that was so strong Xiden was able to ride the coat tails for a little while til his war on the working class policies made a record number of Americans poorer....literally more Americans were better off in the midst of the pandemic in 2020 then under Xiden's regime...

Record numbers of people are worse off, a recipe for political discontent: POLL​

Joe Ziegler is now testifying in front of Congress about the Hunter Biden scandal, saying he is risking his career but that nobody is above the law.

He will be detailing Biden’s tax evasion and, I expect, how the IRS protected the Biden criminal.

Finally, I notice that since this hearing will reveal the extent of the weaponized DOJ and double standards, it is not being covered by MSNBC, CNN, ABC, and other liberal news.

I've noticed that even the normal lefty biased MSM have been being forced to report on this. You know it's bad when it gets to that point.
I've noticed that even the normal lefty biased MSM have been being forced to report on this. You know it's bad when it gets to that point.
I think they know that Biden will lose to Trump - especially a year from now when his dementia is worse and the evidence of his corruption will be hard to defend - so they’ve been given permission to start reporting. They know they need a different nominee.
Circumventing democracy is when social media suppress negative information about the Democrat nominee under the direction of the U.S. DOJ. That‘s akin to Communist-controlled media that decides what the citizens get to hear.

It’s when Republican observers are kept out of visual range as Democrats count and “cure” the ballots.

It’s when a massive mail-in scheme is allowed due to COVID, but massive BLM protestors are allowed, and then halts are called in swing states where Trump is ahead, and when they resume in the morning, they lo and behold has thousands of new mail ballots in which 99% went to Biden.

It’s when a Republican grandma with cancer is locked up in jail for walking into the Capitol after a police officer invited her in while Democrat thugs get no bail after committing crimes.

It’s when the government conducts a midnight raid on the main political opponent to Democrats, but gives a 2-week heads-up to the Democrat president of a search (and even WITH the notice lots of classified info was still found).
Oh look… the Trumper got “lost “ again
There was no pressure from Trump’s DoJ to suppress anything during the election (assuming you are referring to the laptop).

That’s one falsehood.

That has also been debunked.

I don’t even know where to start with this mess…there was no “massive mail-in“ scheme…red states like Utah have had mail in voting for years and no one complained. What do BLM riots have to do with voting? The claim that voting was haunted for fraud has been thourough debunked.

This is why the GPS goes whacky when we cross the line into the MAGAverse.

No one was invited and do criminals normally get a free pass for illness? Even the grandmother conceded she was wrong to do what she did.

MAGAzone mass delusions.

So..reality check….did Biden or Pence refuse to return documents or lie about said documents or claim all documents had been returned? “Lots” is what…30 documents”.

Again…lost in the MAGAzone.
That’s called a Gish Gallup.

Throw all sorts of shot out there to hide the fact that you got nothing

Look it up
You really are completely gullible and stupid if you believe the fake videos on that laptop.
GET REAL. Is that really the best bullshit you got?

You are so desperate to throw a Democrat in jail you’ll believe anything.
PLEASE. What a PATHETIC argument.

Your obsession with putting Hunter, Biden in jail is sick and creepy.
RIGHT. This from someone who has supported continuous investigations, accusations and charges all without foundation against Trump since the day he was elected in 2016! You need to see a head doctor!

He’s not even part of the government.
That's just it, Honey, he is not an OFFICIAL part of the government. Tell me, Ju, who do you think is REALLY running the fed and directing Joe's life cause you can't actually think that wheelchair oblivious simp can even pick out his socks for the day?

Fox News didn’t tell you one little lie about the election. They told you thousands of lies
An incredible feat considering I haven't even subscribed to Fox since shortly after they fired O'Reilly and put Carlson in his place! :auiqs.jpg:

Damn, are you idiots brainwashed! :21:
….sounds like fascism, fraud, and downright anti-democratic.

Only if we assume your many false premises are actually true. Funny how the democrats failed to provide the necessary and required (and authorized) police protection on J6, but then Trump gets blamed for it after not even being there and asking everyone multiple times to be lawful and peaceful!

Then claim electioneering and tampering for merely doing things the democrats have done for years, even admitting to it with pride in national PRINT!

Trump's lawsuits and these other ones against alternate electors ain't going nowhere. Those jackbooted attempts at political thuggery by the demofascists will never wash.
Only if we assume your many false premises are actually true. Funny how the democrats failed to provide the necessary and required (and authorized) police protection on J6, but then Trump gets blamed for it after not even being there and asking everyone multiple times to be lawful and peaceful!

Then claim electioneering and tampering for merely doing things the democrats have done for years, even admitting to it with pride in national PRINT!

Trump's lawsuits and these other ones against alternate electors ain't going nowhere. Those jackbooted attempts at political thuggery by the demofascists will never wash.
None of that screed is true

You sued Fox for a BILLION dollars just for saying one thing wrong on the news yet have no problem with your media CONCEALING whole major news events to keep it from the voters?
Fox News was sued for defamation, because they defamed Dominion. Defamation is not protected by the first amendment. It is also not criminal.

Yet here you are saying you want to make it criminal to not express speech which you think they should be expressing.

You really don't understand freedom of speech whatsoever.

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