Previously anonymous whistleblower now testifying in front of Congress

Fox News was sued for defamation, because they defamed Dominion. Defamation is not protected by the first amendment. It is also not criminal.

Yet here you are saying you want to make it criminal to not express speech which you think they should be expressing.

You really don't understand freedom of speech whatsoever.
Fox and Dominion settled out of court.

Fox News was sued for defamation, because they defamed Dominion.
Dominion isn't a person. It is a small company run by New York Hedge Fund managers.

Defamation is not ~ ~ ~ criminal.
Then why was Fox sued for a billion dollars? Where did Dominion lose a billion dollars business?

Yet here you are saying you want to make it criminal to not express speech which you think they should be expressing.
Reading problems? Another leftwing with reading and comprehension issues? Look, Holmes, the media is the country's access to the news. The media is run by democrats. Democrats are in an obvious effort to make up fake news about the person their bosses want to lose while suppressing any facts that could hurt the guy their bosses want to win.

THAT'S NOT FREEDOM OF SPEECH, MORON, that is a fascist banana republic electioneering while pretending to be a democracy.
From the article.

"Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said the testimony from the two agents will not likely reveal any new information."

So I would guess that this supposed whistleblower is just being used so Comer can rehash the same old nothingburger he did a month or two ago...right when more indictments are likely in the way.

Speculation. Hearsay. Theories. Conjecture.

Yawn...what a coincidence.
Fundraising. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Dominion isn't a person. It is a small company run by New York Hedge Fund managers.
Dominion can still be defamed and sue for damages.
Then why was Fox sued for a billion dollars? Where did Dominion lose a billion dollars business?
Lawsuits are civil. Do you know the difference between civil and criminal law?
Reading problems? Another leftwing with reading and comprehension issues? Look, Holmes, the media is the country's access to the news. The media is run by democrats. Democrats are in an obvious effort to make up fake news about the person their bosses want to lose while suppressing any facts that could hurt the guy their bosses want to win.

THAT'S NOT FREEDOM OF SPEECH, MORON, that is a fascist banana republic electioneering while pretending to be a democracy.
The media has freedom of speech. They can say what they want and they can choose not to say what they want. If they want to promote a candidate over another, that is their freedom of speech.

It would be fascist for you to take that right away from them.
Do you know the difference between civil and criminal law?
Do you know your front door from your back door?

The media has freedom of speech.
They don't have freedom to lie and suppress the truth and to withhold news to selectively steer elections for the demofascists.

They can say what they want
Then why was Fox sued? Whoops. Put your foot in your own mouth! :21:

and they can choose not to say what they want.
Not when done to throw elections for the power elite depriving our elections of freedom, fairness and honesty disenfranchising the voters.

If they want to promote a candidate over another, that is their freedom of speech.
Then they are not a NEWS organization, they are a PROPAGANDA organization stumping for one political party.

It would be fascist for you to take that right away from them.
Go blow yourself.

Do you know your front door from your back door?
I'll take that as a no.
They don't have freedom to lie and suppress the truth and to withhold news to selectively steer elections for the demofascists.
It is not criminal to lie, so yes they do have the freedom to lie.
Not when done to throw elections for the power elite depriving our elections of freedom, fairness and honesty disenfranchising the voters.
Yes they can. No one is disenfranchised by anyone exercising their freedom of speech.
Then they are not a NEWS organization, they are a PROPAGANDA organization stumping for one political party.
You can choose to call them whatever you want, that's your freedom of speech. It changes nothing.

Stumping for one political party is indeed exercising freedom of speech. If you want to take away their right to do so, you'd be a fascist. A fascist would put people in jail because they didn't say what they wanted.
I'll take that as a no.
You'll take it up the ass. Without lubricant as usual.

It is not criminal to lie
Tell that to a judge, idiot.

, so yes they do have the freedom to lie.
A lying media--- isn't that the same thing as State-Run Propaganda, Comrad? Again, why was Fox sued again? But thanks for admitting you are a communist.

Yes they can. No one is disenfranchised by anyone exercising their freedom of speech.
You're an idiot. You are so stupid that its not worth even talking to you.

Off to Iggy for you. Now you can blow moronic smoke at someone else. I have no time for complete fools.
Furthermore, there is not one shred of evidence that shows it was done for political reasons.


What other reason is there, you idiot?


Don't give me that terms of service bullshit, no one believes that crap. Zuckerberg is one of the Dem's biggest donors, and now that Elon owns Twitter we won't see any more asinine behavior like this.
Tell that to a judge, idiot.
I won’t have to because I can’t be prosecuted for lying.
A lying media--- isn't that the same thing as State-Run Propaganda, Comrad? Again, why was Fox sued again? But thanks for admitting you are a communist.
No, it’s not. Fox News was sued for defamation. Defamation is not protected.

You aren’t describing defamation. You want people criminally prosecuted for not covering a story you want them to cover.
What convincing proof? When did they say they were told to suppress anything about Hunter Biden?

There was no pressure from Trump’s DoJ to suppress anything during the election (assuming you are referring to the laptop).

That’s one falsehood.

That has also been debunked.

I don’t even know where to start with this mess…there was no “massive mail-in“ scheme…red states like Utah have had mail in voting for years and no one complained. What do BLM riots have to do with voting? The claim that voting was haunted for fraud has been thourough debunked.

This is why the GPS goes whacky when we cross the line into the MAGAverse.

No one was invited and do criminals normally get a free pass for illness? Even the grandmother conceded she was wrong to do what she did.

MAGAzone mass delusions.

So..reality check….did Biden or Pence refuse to return documents or lie about said documents or claim all documents had been returned? “Lots” is what…30 documents”.

Again…lost in the MAGAzone.
Zuckerberg seemed to suggest that Facebook’s handling of the initial New York Post story compared favorably to that of Twitter, which blocked users entirely from sharing it publicly or privately, via direct message."


FBI official tied to suppressing Hunter laptop story STILL involved in briefing Facebook and Twitter"​

Dominion isn't a person. It is a small company run by New York Hedge Fund managers.

Then why was Fox sued for a billion dollars? Where did Dominion lose a billion dollars business?

Reading problems? Another leftwing with reading and comprehension issues? Look, Holmes, the media is the country's access to the news. The media is run by democrats. Democrats are in an obvious effort to make up fake news about the person their bosses want to lose while suppressing any facts that could hurt the guy their bosses want to win.

THAT'S NOT FREEDOM OF SPEECH, MORON, that is a fascist banana republic electioneering while pretending to be a democracy.

Politically, the Bidens and the Democrats are in deep trouble, and they know it. Unlike we GOPER's on this board, the Democrats also know that the problems haven't come to fruition yet totally. Between Joe's cognitive decline which appears to be accelerating, and a Black Woman known as VP Harris being totally unelectable; and if they dare bypass her, one of their largest constituency's are going to scream, they have a big, big, problem.

When Trump was President, his family owned hotels, clothing lines, construction companies, etc. When money went into the family coffers, they had hard assets to show where/why the money went there. The Left questioned every nickel. Remember the hotel in DC, and how they claimed the Trump family was being paid off by foreign dignitaries staying there! I am not suggesting the Left is correct, or incorrect on this one, as inquiring minds would still like to know.

But Bidens family got at least 17 million with no hard assets being sold, or used. Biden nor Hunter sent 17 million dollars worth of Joe's written books for the money. The question is NOT where the money went, but rather why they got the money at all. If it was Hunters expertise, then why would he disperse the money through the family? Being a nice guy? And yet, because of his laptop and phone calls, we see/hear him vociferously complaining to another family member about having to send the money out to pa-pa, so that nice guy shtick doesn't fly.

This is going to get worse, and worse for the Bidens; and probably already been over had the MSM been trying to sniff around from the start. But, a funny thing happened------------>together, the MSM and Democrats put the reckoning day off in the future to defeat their worst enemy, DJT in 2020. Brilliant they thought as it worked. But now, by pushing the reckoning day back to accomplish their goal, they now have to deal with it during the 2024 campaign, and now the perp is the sitting President. You see, even the best laid plans of the Left seem to go askew at times.

Many GOPers believe the WORST problem the Democrats have is getting DJT out of the race, but I beg to differ with that thought process. I believe the WORST problem the Democrats have is how to gracefully get Joe out of the race, and explaining why they are going to bypass VP Harris! That my friends, is going to be an interesting political situation!


Because once Joe says I am in.......he already did, didn't he.........and Mz Harris is his running mate, they/she have to explain if Joe changes his mind, why she can be the in line for POTUS, but NOT good enough to run for it, lol! They will also have to explain that to their Black constituents. This, we gotta see!
Politically, the Bidens and the Democrats are in deep trouble, and they know it. Unlike we GOPER's on this board, the Democrats also know that the problems haven't come to fruition yet totally. Between Joe's cognitive decline which appears to be accelerating, and a Black Woman known as VP Harris being totally unelectable; and if they dare bypass her, one of their largest constituency's are going to scream, they have a big, big, problem.

When Trump was President, his family owned hotels, clothing lines, construction companies, etc. When money went into the family coffers, they had hard assets to show where/why the money went there. The Left questioned every nickel. Remember the hotel in DC, and how they claimed the Trump family was being paid off by foreign dignitaries staying there! I am not suggesting the Left is correct, or incorrect on this one, as inquiring minds would still like to know.

But Bidens family got at least 17 million with no hard assets being sold, or used. Biden nor Hunter sent 17 million dollars worth of Joe's written books for the money. The question is NOT where the money went, but rather why they got the money at all. If it was Hunters expertise, then why would he disperse the money through the family? Being a nice guy? And yet, because of his laptop and phone calls, we see/hear him vociferously complaining to another family member about having to send the money out to pa-pa, so that nice guy shtick doesn't fly.

This is going to get worse, and worse for the Bidens; and probably already been over had the MSM been trying to sniff around from the start. But, a funny thing happened------------>together, the MSM and Democrats put the reckoning day off in the future to defeat their worst enemy, DJT in 2020. Brilliant they thought as it worked. But now, by pushing the reckoning day back to accomplish their goal, they now have to deal with it during the 2024 campaign, and now the perp is the sitting President. You see, even the best laid plans of the Left seem to go askew at times.

Many GOPers believe the WORST problem the Democrats have is getting DJT out of the race, but I beg to differ with that thought process. I believe the WORST problem the Democrats have is how to gracefully get Joe out of the race, and explaining why they are going to bypass VP Harris! That my friends, is going to be an interesting political situation!


Because once Joe says I am in.......he already did, didn't he.........and Mz Harris is his running mate, they/she have to explain if Joe changes his mind, why she can be the in line for POTUS, but NOT good enough to run for it, lol! They will also have to explain that to their Black constituents. This, we gotta see!
It’s all evidence to who really is above the law
Jared worked hard just like HUnter
I never had sex with that woman....Ms Lewinski....democrats never lie

No one ever said “democrats never lie”. But they’re not making up shit about phony crimes that never happened. Republicans really have committed these crimes, and they really have gone to jail for them or they are going to jail for them.

Republicans can’t run on their record of crashing the economy and impoverishing working people. They can’t run long what decent and flying human beings they are since most of them are lying criminals these days.

The only thing Republicans have to run on is fear and hate. They’re really good ginning up fear of Democrats, gays, immigrants and women. They’re all evil. The problem is that everything they tell you about Democrats, gays, immigrants, and women are lies.

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