Previously anonymous whistleblower now testifying in front of Congress

Politically, the Bidens and the Democrats are in deep trouble, and they know it. Unlike we GOPER's on this board, the Democrats also know that the problems haven't come to fruition yet totally. Between Joe's cognitive decline which appears to be accelerating, and a Black Woman known as VP Harris being totally unelectable; and if they dare bypass her, one of their largest constituency's are going to scream, they have a big, big, problem.

When Trump was President, his family owned hotels, clothing lines, construction companies, etc. When money went into the family coffers, they had hard assets to show where/why the money went there. The Left questioned every nickel. Remember the hotel in DC, and how they claimed the Trump family was being paid off by foreign dignitaries staying there! I am not suggesting the Left is correct, or incorrect on this one, as inquiring minds would still like to know.

But Bidens family got at least 17 million with no hard assets being sold, or used. Biden nor Hunter sent 17 million dollars worth of Joe's written books for the money. The question is NOT where the money went, but rather why they got the money at all. If it was Hunters expertise, then why would he disperse the money through the family? Being a nice guy? And yet, because of his laptop and phone calls, we see/hear him vociferously complaining to another family member about having to send the money out to pa-pa, so that nice guy shtick doesn't fly.

This is going to get worse, and worse for the Bidens; and probably already been over had the MSM been trying to sniff around from the start. But, a funny thing happened------------>together, the MSM and Democrats put the reckoning day off in the future to defeat their worst enemy, DJT in 2020. Brilliant they thought as it worked. But now, by pushing the reckoning day back to accomplish their goal, they now have to deal with it during the 2024 campaign, and now the perp is the sitting President. You see, even the best laid plans of the Left seem to go askew at times.

Many GOPers believe the WORST problem the Democrats have is getting DJT out of the race, but I beg to differ with that thought process. I believe the WORST problem the Democrats have is how to gracefully get Joe out of the race, and explaining why they are going to bypass VP Harris! That my friends, is going to be an interesting political situation!


Because once Joe says I am in.......he already did, didn't he.........and Mz Harris is his running mate, they/she have to explain if Joe changes his mind, why she can be the in line for POTUS, but NOT good enough to run for it, lol! They will also have to explain that to their Black constituents. This, we gotta see!

Why would the Democrats have any fear whatsoever of the GOP? They are going to run the biggest loser in American political history.

Why do you all spread hate and fear then?

You all are very ignorant to what you actually do

What hate and fear would that be? You’re claiming “invasion” by illegal immigrants. Gays are “grooming” children to be gay - which is biologically impossible. Women must be jailed for obtaining abortions, and all blacks are lazy and stupid.

That’s about as hateful as it gets, and none of your bullshit has any basis in reality.
Why would the Democrats have any fear whatsoever of the GOP? They are going to run the biggest loser in American political history.

What hate and fear would that be? You’re claiming “invasion” by illegal immigrants. Gays are “grooming” children to be gay - which is biologically impossible. Women must be jailed for obtaining abortions, and all blacks are lazy and stupid.

That’s about as hateful as it gets, and none of your bullshit has any basis in reality.
You can’t understand since you are all in on it! .

The mere fact you point at It is exactly what you accuse us of
Thought I did. Here,
Fair point...if it is even the point you are making.

Trump asked Russia to find Hillary's emails, not hack them.

That said, it still is evidence of the Trump campaign working with Russia...especially considering that right after he made that statement,.Russia did indeed try to hack Hillary's emails.
Fair point...if it is even the point you are making.

Trump asked Russia to find Hillary's emails, not hack them.

That said, it still is evidence of the Trump campaign working with Russia...especially considering that right after he made that statement,.Russia did indeed try to hack Hillary's emails.
No it isn’t. No such thing.
You can’t understand since you are all in on it! .

The mere fact you point at It is exactly what you accuse us of

Nobody is “in on it” because you’ve presented no evidence of anything.

If you were going to run the most corrupt criminal ever to hold public office, you were going to lose the election again. Trump has yet to win any election to anything.

The 2016 Presidency was a fluke. He didn’t win the popular vote, for the candidacy much less the Presidency.

Nobody wants your sick old loser in office ever again.
These stupid Moon Bats don't even know what the testimony is all about.

The morons say Ole Hunter and Potatohead are not guilty because nothing has been proven.

Nothing has been proven because the damn Justice Department has been covering up for the Biden Crime Syndicate. They have been preventing a real investigation.

That is what the witnesses are proving.

Business as usual in a banana republic.

Maybe they know but because they are filthy ass Leftest Moon Bats they don't give a shit.
These stupid Moon Bats don't even know what the testimony is all about.

Yes they do. It's about running cover for Trump's indictments.

The morons say Ole Hunter and Potatohead are not guilty because nothing has been proven.

That is how our legal system works. Does it not work that way in Russia?

Nothing has been proven because the damn Justice Department has been covering up for the Biden Crime Syndicate. They have been preventing a real investigation.

Who prevented an investigation? Which investigation did they prevent?

That is what the witnesses are proving.

No they aren't. All they are proving is nobody requested to investigate because Weiss hasn't testified that he was stymied and nobody has shown any documentation of garland stopping an investigation.

Business as usual in a banana republic.

Agreed. Comer looks more silly by the day. Dead whistleblowers, whistleblowers paid by Trump supporters, whistleblowers who didn't get a promotion, whistleblowers who are Chinese spies.

A sad spectacle indeed.

Maybe they know but because they are filthy ass Leftest Moon Bats they don't give a shit.
They do give a shit about the embarrassing spectacle that Comer and his cadre of Trump sycophants are putting on display.
These stupid Moon Bats don't even know what the testimony is all about.

The morons say Ole Hunter and Potatohead are not guilty because nothing has been proven.

Nothing has been proven because the damn Justice Department has been covering up for the Biden Crime Syndicate. They have been preventing a real investigation.

That is what the witnesses are proving.

Business as usual in a banana republic.

Maybe they know but because they are filthy ass Leftest Moon Bats they don't give a shit.

The witnesses haven proven that the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION can’t find any evidence against the Bidens even when they pay the witnesses.

5 years of Trump Investigating the Bidens and they have NOTHING. 2 years of the Trump Administration investigating Trump = 200+ charges against more than 30 individuals and entities, 9 convictions.
The witnesses haven proven that the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION can’t find any evidence against the Bidens even when they pay the witnesses.

5 years of Trump Investigating the Bidens and they have NOTHING. 2 years of the Trump Administration investigating Trump = 200+ charges against more than 30 individuals and entities, 9 convictions.
Trump impeach tried twice and you’re bitching! More demfk bloating. You can’t get out of your own way
How is he working with them? Explain
By asking them to find emails of his political opposition.

I mean come on. At least if you are going to make such an absurd statement, ask an ally.

Like he could have said, Britain, if your listening.... Or Canada if your listening.

Nope, he asked for help from one our adversary's.

Why does Trump love Putin so much?
Evidence is needed. The whistleblowers are the evidence
So where is the evidence the investigation was stymied?

Their must be some documentation somewhere signed by garland somewhere to verify this hearsay testimony.

Has Weiss testified or even stated he wanted to investigate but was told he can't?
So where is the evidence the investigation was stymied?

Their must be some documentation somewhere signed by garland somewhere to verify this hearsay testimony.

Has Weiss testified or even stated he wanted to investigate but was told he can't?
One would think. You show me Adam Schitt’s evidence on trump first
By asking them to find emails of his political opposition.

I mean come on. At least if you are going to make such an absurd statement, ask an ally.

Like he could have said, Britain, if your listening.... Or Canada if your listening.

Nope, he asked for help from one our adversary's.

Why does Trump love Putin so much?
"Russia, if you're listening, maybe you can find Hillary's e-mais." was a FUCKING JOKE he said on stage at a rally.
That's the problem with you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies, all these years you assholes took EVERYTHING Trump said as verbatim.

"Russia, if you're listening, maybe you can find Hillary's e-mais." was a FUCKING JOKE he said on stage at a rally.
That's the problem with you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies, all these years you assholes took EVERYTHING Trump said as verbatim.

Then within 24 hours Russia attempted to hack into Hillarys emails.

Yeah, funny joke.
Sure they did. :itsok:
"But a section of the charging document says the Russian intelligence officers, referred to as "the conspirators," stepped up their attacks to include Clinton-affiliated accounts and domains on the day Trump called on Russia to find her emails.

"For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton's personal office," the indictment says. "At or around the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton Campaign."

The officers are accused of using spearphishing for months to target the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and the Clinton campaign. The indictment says July 27 was the first time they went after email accounts and domains belonging to Clinton's office."


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