Previously anonymous whistleblower now testifying in front of Congress

B.S. This was the DoJ under Trump’s hand picked person.
And we’ve seen what type of person Garland turned out to be - so eager to protect Democrats and the leftist agenda that he actually put parents on the “domestic terrorist” list.
I know that’s false. The people involved testified they did no such thing which is PROOF! According to you.
But there was more convincing proof on the other side - the suppression of an accurate story because it would hurt Biden’s chances, along with social media execs who said they were told to do it.
And who was everybody else that was in that place there?

People on top are political appointees. His. When this started Biden wasn’t even a candidate. There isn’t any logic to the assumption it was interfered.

BUT, I do agree being the president’s son does make a difference in that there is a hesitancy to go on fishing expiditions or investigate the president without good reason. Same thing applied to investigating the Trump family during his presidency.
Uh, that’s like what Fox News does every day for Republicans.

And has for decades.

So what’s your complaint here?
Did the DOJ tell FOX what do suppress? NO. You really don’t understand the issue involving the 1st Amendment.
And we’ve seen what type of person Garland turned out to be - so eager to protect Democrats and the leftist agenda that he actually put parents on the “domestic terrorist” list.
In Magaworld.

What parents were put on a domestic terror list? Be specific.
But there was more convincing proof on the other side - the suppression of an accurate story because it would hurt Biden’s chances, along with social media execs who said they were told to do it.
What convincing proof? When did they say they were told to suppress anything about Hunter Biden?
In Magaworld.

What parents were put on a domestic terror list? Be specific.
I can’t be because when Garland was asked, he didn’t list the names. But he did admit he put parents on that list.
What convincing proof? When did they say they were told to suppress anything about Hunter Biden?
There was a lot in that hearing, Did you listen to it?

The IRS knew that Hunter didn’t declare his income from foreign countries, evaded taxes, and the DOJ intentionally let the statue of limitations run out - and told to stop the investigation.

They also said that Weiss told them that he was not the one making that decision.

You are curiously unconcerned that the drug addict son of the President took in $17 million in extortion money, had 20 shell companies to receive it, and then distributed it to nine Biden family members.
It's called cracking down on and prosecuting the vast leftwing network of fascist assholes who now use their positions and businesses to advance leftwing agendas skewing election results over the actual wishes of the American people by deliberately steering public opinion to achieve their ends, circumventing democracy, fuckhead. Election fraud and tampering is a crime.
Circumventing democracy….that sounds like trying to overturn elections through violence, calling electoral officials and governors to overturn election results and “find” more ballots, giving state legislators the power to overturn election results for partisan reasons….sounds like fascism, fraud, and downright anti-democratic.
There was a lot in that hearing, Did you listen to it?

The IRS knew that Hunter didn’t declare his income from foreign countries, evaded taxes, and the DOJ intentionally let the statue of limitations run out - and told to stop the investigation.

They also said that Weiss told them that he was not the one making that decision.
Coyote will now play dumb, except she’s not playing.
Circumventing democracy….that sounds like trying to overturn elections through violence, calling electoral officials and governors to overturn election results and “find” more ballots, giving state legislators the power to overturn election results for partisan reasons….sounds like fascism, fraud, and downright anti-democratic.
Deflection mod….Stick to the topic.
There was a lot in that hearing, Did you listen to it?

The IRS knew that Hunter didn’t declare his income from foreign countries, evaded taxes, and the DOJ intentionally let the statue of limitations run out - and told to stop the investigation.

They also said that Weiss told them that he was not the one making that decision.

There was a lot not quite right with that testimony. From July 10:

"I wish to make one point clear: in this case, I have not requested Special Counsel designation," Weiss said in his letter on Monday. "I had discussions with Departmental officials regarding potential appointment under 28 U.S.C. § 515, which would have allowed me to file charges in a district outside my own without the partnership of the local U.S. Attorney. I was assured that I would be granted this authority if it proved necessary. And this assurance came months before the October 7, 2022, meeting referenced throughout the whistleblowers' allegations."

The section of U.S. law Weiss referenced in his letter allows for prosecutors to be designated by the attorney general to pursue investigations and charges outside of their federal jurisdiction. "Each attorney specially retained under authority of the Department of Justice shall be commissioned as special assistant to the Attorney General or special attorney, and shall take the oath required by law," the statute advises.

In the letter, Weiss said he had "never been denied the authority to bring charges in any jurisdiction," echoing statements Attorney General Merrick Garland made last month.

Weiss was selected by the Trump administration.

You are curiously unconcerned that the drug addict son of the President took in $17 million in extortion money, had 20 shell companies to receive it, and then distributed it to nine Biden family members.
I would if there was evidence to support it. Earning a lot of money does not equal extortion. You need to prove it. What shell companies did they turn up? So far it seems like a lot of allegations on thin ground other than the tax fraud.

For example:

The foreign payments raise questions about Hunter Biden’s business activities while his father was vice president, but the committee does not suggest any illegality about the payments from foreign sources. The bank records by themselves also do not indicate the purpose of the payments that were made.

The memo marks Comer’s most direct attempt to substantiate his allegations that Biden family members have enriched themselves off the family name. Comer has suggested that Biden may have been improperly influenced by the financial dealings, particularly by his family’s foreign business partners.

But the latest report does not show any payments made directly to Joe Biden, either as vice president or after leaving office.

Circumventing democracy….that sounds like trying to overturn elections through violence, calling electoral officials and governors to overturn election results and “find” more ballots, giving state legislators the power to overturn election results for partisan reasons….sounds like fascism, fraud, and downright anti-democratic.
Circumventing democracy is when social media suppress negative information about the Democrat nominee under the direction of the U.S. DOJ. That‘s akin to Communist-controlled media that decides what the citizens get to hear.

It’s when Republican observers are kept out of visual range as Democrats count and “cure” the ballots.

It’s when a massive mail-in scheme is allowed due to COVID, but massive BLM protestors are allowed, and then halts are called in swing states where Trump is ahead, and when they resume in the morning, they lo and behold has thousands of new mail ballots in which 99% went to Biden.

It’s when a Republican grandma with cancer is locked up in jail for walking into the Capitol after a police officer invited her in while Democrat thugs get no bail after committing crimes.

It’s when the government conducts a midnight raid on the main political opponent to Democrats, but gives a 2-week heads-up to the Democrat president of a search (and even WITH the notice lots of classified info was still found).
I would if there was evidence to support it. Earning a lot of money does not equal extortion. You need to prove it. What shell companies did they turn up? So far it seems like a lot of allegations on thin ground other than the tax fraud.

For example:

The foreign payments raise questions about Hunter Biden’s business activities while his father was vice president, but the committee does not suggest any illegality about the payments from foreign sources. The bank records by themselves also do not indicate the purpose of the payments that were made.

The memo marks Comer’s most direct attempt to substantiate his allegations that Biden family members have enriched themselves off the family name. Comer has suggested that Biden may have been improperly influenced by the financial dealings, particularly by his family’s foreign business partners.

But the latest report does not show any payments made directly to Joe Biden, either as vice president or after leaving office.
Wow. You sure are twisting into a pretzel to defend this obviously corrupt family, peddling influence to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.

1) What did the Bidens’ do to collect $17 million into their shell companies? They KNOW they are under suspicion of peddling influence, so why not just tell us what service or product they were selling that warranted this level of payment?

2) Why set up the shell companies? If it was legitimate income, why not just set up the one company - Biden Payoffs, Inc, or whatever - rather than the need for all this secrecy?

3) Why did nine members of the family, including grandchildren, receive some of this money?

4) Finally, Biden himself does not have to have received a direct payment to be guilty. It can be through Hunter paying for his father’s expenses or paying tuition for the youngest daughter. Why in the world would a drug addict be paying for his half-sister’s college education instead of her own multi-millionaire father.

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck.
Circumventing democracy is when social media suppress negative information about the Democrat nominee under the direction of the U.S. DOJ. That‘s akin to Communist-controlled media that decides what the citizens get to hear.
There was no pressure from Trump’s DoJ to suppress anything during the election (assuming you are referring to the laptop).

That’s one falsehood.

It’s when Republican observers are kept out of visual range as Democrats count and “cure” the ballots.

That has also been debunked.

It’s when a massive mail-in scheme is allowed due to COVID, but massive BLM protestors are allowed, and then halts are called in swing states where Trump is ahead, and when they resume in the morning, they lo and behold has thousands of new mail ballots in which 99% went to Biden.
I don’t even know where to start with this mess…there was no “massive mail-in“ scheme…red states like Utah have had mail in voting for years and no one complained. What do BLM riots have to do with voting? The claim that voting was haunted for fraud has been thourough debunked.

This is why the GPS goes whacky when we cross the line into the MAGAverse.

It’s when a Republican grandma with cancer is locked up in jail for walking into the Capitol after a police officer invited her in while Democrat thugs get no bail after committing crimes.

No one was invited and do criminals normally get a free pass for illness? Even the grandmother conceded she was wrong to do what she did.

MAGAzone mass delusions.

It’s when the government conducts a midnight raid on the main political opponent to Democrats, but gives a 2-week heads-up to the Democrat president of a search (and even WITH the notice lots of classified info was still found).
So..reality check….did Biden or Pence refuse to return documents or lie about said documents or claim all documents had been returned? “Lots” is what…30 documents”.

Again…lost in the MAGAzone.
Did the DOJ tell FOX what do suppress? NO. You really don’t understand the issue involving the 1st Amendment.
Trump and the Republican Party tells Fox News what to suppress.

I understand the first amendment issues very well. You believe the narrative from right wing media that has very relevant facts that are suppressed.

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