Previously anonymous whistleblower now testifying in front of Congress

You guys get a little more fascist every day.

It's called cracking down on and prosecuting the vast leftwing network of fascist assholes who now use their positions and businesses to advance leftwing agendas skewing election results over the actual wishes of the American people by deliberately steering public opinion to achieve their ends, circumventing democracy, fuckhead. Election fraud and tampering is a crime.
Well, that didn’t exactly turn out the way you planned did it? Sharply got his ass handed to them on a plate especially since so much of what he’s blaming on Joe Biden happened when Donald Trump was president.

But I do recall that sharply, and his cohorts were removed from the file, while Biden was president on the basis that they were stonewalling the DOJ prosecutor, and had been dragging their feet and obstructing the DOJ, for years on the file.
It turned out beautifully because the Democrats and their Media Dogs weren't able to silence or smear two patriots risking their careers to blow the whistle on our corrupted DOJ. And what is even better? There is much more evidence than the 17.1 million dollars the Biden Crime Family received from China, Romania and Ukraine. :113:
It's called cracking down on and prosecuting the vast leftwing network of fascist assholes who now use their positions and businesses to advance leftwing agendas skewing election results over the actual wishes of the American people by deliberately steering public opinion to achieve their ends, circumventing democracy, fuckhead. Election fraud and tampering is a crime.
You want to jail people for disagreeing with your politics.

That is indeed fascist.
It turned out beautifully because the Democrats and their Media Dogs weren't able to silence or smear two patriots risking their careers to blow the whistle on our corrupted DOJ. And what is even better? There is much more evidence than the 17.1 million dollars the Biden Crime Family received from China, Romania and Ukraine. :113:

You have a vivid imagination.

Your so-called whistleblower attempted to blame Joe Biden for stuff that happened while Trump was Ptesident, and the IRS was being run by Trump’s hand picked guy.

Trump took great care as to who was running the IRS because this was the guy who had control of Trump’s tax returns. Trump wanted to make sure that his tax returns didn’t get handed over to Congress.

Once again, I remind you that sharply and his buddy were taken off the case, because they drag their heels for four years on it.

And you still haven’t asked a single question about the 2 billion Jared got from the Saudi’s.
You have a vivid imagination.

Your so-called whistleblower attempted to blame Joe Biden for stuff that happened while Trump was Ptesident, and the IRS was being run by Trump’s hand picked guy.

Trump took great care as to who was running the IRS because this was the guy who had control of Trump’s tax returns. Trump wanted to make sure that his tax returns didn’t get handed over to Congress.

Once again, I remind you that sharply and his buddy were taken off the case, because they drag their heels for four years on it.

And you still haven’t asked a single question about the 2 billion Jared got from the Saudi’s.
I do have an excellent imagination thank you, but I don't need it to see what is obvious. Democrats and their supporters are in an ever tightening circle dance as James Comer methodically pulls together the UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE against the Biden Crime Family.
It's called cracking down on and prosecuting the vast leftwing network of fascist assholes who now use their positions and businesses to advance leftwing agendas skewing election results over the actual wishes of the American people by deliberately steering public opinion to achieve their ends, circumventing democracy, fuckhead. Election fraud and tampering is a crime.

Yes, we understand that election fraud and tampering is a crime. That’s why Donald Trump and the fake electors are now being charged with election fraud crimes.
You want to jail people for disagreeing with your politics.

Don't play the idiot (unless you ain't playing). You sued Fox for a BILLION dollars just for saying one thing wrong on the news yet have no problem with your media CONCEALING whole major news events to keep it from the voters?

What do you think the odds are that if naked Eric Trump was on video blowing coke while banging an underage whore traveling the world scarfing up multi-million dollar bribes for his father in office in violation of a dozen federal laws that this wouldn't be on EVERY FUCKING NEWS CHANNEL 24/7 while half of Washington prepared indictments, motherfucker?

Damn are you bastards ignorant and disingenuous lying, hypocritical two-faced cocksuckers.
I do have an excellent imagination thank you, but I don't need it to see what is obvious. Democrats and their supporters are in an ever tightening circle dance as James Comer methodically pulls together the UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE against the Biden Crime Family.

Comer hasn’t a produced a shred of evidence or a single witness.
Yes, we understand that election fraud and tampering is a crime. That’s why Donald Trump and the fake electors are now being charged with election fraud crimes.

No, that is not why they are being charged. First, there is no such thing as a "fake" elector. They are alternate electors. It's all about stealing elections, but then what would be the point arguing with a person like you with the brains of an 11-year old?
Don't play the idiot (unless you ain't playing). You sued Fox for a BILLION dollars just for saying one thing wrong on the news yet have no problem with your media CONCEALING whole major news events to keep it from the voters?

What do you think the odds are that if naked Eric Trump was on video blowing coke while banging an underage whore traveling the world scarfing up multi-million dollar bribes for his father in office in violation of a dozen federal laws that this wouldn't be on EVERY FUCKING NEWS CHANNEL 24/7 while half of Washington prepared indictments, motherfucker?

Damn are you bastards ignorant and disingenuous lying, hypocritical two-faced cocksuckers.

You really are completely gullible and stupid if you believe the fake videos on that laptop. You are so desperate to throw a Democrat in jail you’ll believe anything.

Your obsession with putting Hunter, Biden in jail is sick and creepy. He’s not even part of the government.

Fox News didn’t tell you one little lie about the election. They told you thousands of lies and said the whole thing was rigged to switch votes from Trump to Biden.

This is disinformation and lies on a massive scale. Not some little “misstatement”.
No, that is not why they are being charged. First, there is no such thing as a "fake" elector. They are alternate electors. It's all about stealing elections, but then what would be the point arguing with a person like you with the brains of an 11-year old?

They were fake electors. They weren’t constitutionally, elected or appointed to the position. The whole scheme to use the fake electors has been declared illegal by the Supreme Court.

The fake electors innMichigan were charged with fraud and forgery. They submitted forged documents claiming to be the legal electors for the state of Michigan.

I don’t think you’re in any position to impugn the intellect of others.
To to an idiot like you with no brains, no eyes and no ears.

So in other words, you have nothing but insults. Comer has produced a memo, making a lot of accusations, but he hasn’t backed up a single one of these accusations with a shred of evidence.

We sat through 25+ Clinton investigations, waiting for somebody to come up with some evidence that the Clintons did something illegal and we’re still waiting.

Now it’s “same shit different day” with the Bidens. You can’t keep making up fictional crimes and pull this “Crooked Hillary” bullshit on the Bidens because you’ve cried “wolf” so often that you have no credibility whatsoever.

What’s really laughable is that Donald Trump, who ran an entire ekection campaign on the slogan “LOCK HER UP” is complaining that he’s being judicially pursued by his political opponents.

How many times did Trump complain that Barr hadn’t charged any Democrats before the 2020 election??? 25+ investigations of the Clintons, and not a single charge against either of them. Every Trump investigation has produced criminal charges, impeachments, and scandals.
You have a vivid imagination.

Your so-called whistleblower attempted to blame Joe Biden for stuff that happened while Trump was Ptesident, and the IRS was being run by Trump’s hand picked guy.

Trump took great care as to who was running the IRS because this was the guy who had control of Trump’s tax returns. Trump wanted to make sure that his tax returns didn’t get handed over to Congress.

Once again, I remind you that sharply and his buddy were taken off the case, because they drag their heels for four years on it.

And you still haven’t asked a single question about the 2 billion Jared got from the Saudi’s.
Jared worked hard just like HUnter
So in other words, you have nothing but insults. Comer has produced a memo, making a lot of accusations, but he hasn’t backed up a single one of these accusations with a shred of evidence.

We sat through 25+ Clinton investigations, waiting for somebody to come up with some evidence that the Clintons did something illegal and we’re still waiting.

Now it’s “same shit different day” with the Bidens. You can’t keep making up fictional crimes and pull this “Crooked Hillary” bullshit on the Bidens because you’ve cried “wolf” so often that you have no credibility whatsoever.

What’s really laughable is that Donald Trump, who ran an entire ekection campaign on the slogan “LOCK HER UP” is complaining that he’s being judicially pursued by his political opponents.

How many times did Trump complain that Barr hadn’t charged any Democrats before the 2020 election??? 25+ investigations of the Clintons, and not a single charge against either of them. Every Trump investigation has produced criminal charges, impeachments, and scandals.
I never had sex with that woman....Ms Lewinski....democrats never lie

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