Price of lumber has gone sky high!!

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
At first I was going to file an insurance claim.
But I changed my mind.
Sold the plywood, and bought a new car.

I forgot to tighten down the glass targa top on my vette a few days ago. The wind hit it, even though I was only going around 15 mph.

Luckily I was in the development, but it's destroyed. Even the aluminum frame broke.

The Fedex guy was behind me but he was far enough back that it hit the road instead of his truck.

So that's gotta be replaced. 800 Federal Reserve Notes for that thing, and it's a two week back order. At least. It's what they said over the phone anyway.
At first I was going to file an insurance claim.
But I changed my mind.
Sold the plywood, and bought a new car.

View attachment 482472
I'll never forget the moron in front of me who's mattress became airborne at 65mph landing on my roof of the car. Bounced up and hit the car behind me.

Other freeway tales of horror???
I once dodged a latter laying in the middle of the freeway. As I watched in my rear view mirror, I saw a car going completely sideways and what looked to be a huge wreck. I saw a pickup truck pulled over on the side up the road, as if he knew something dropped off his truck.
At first I was going to file an insurance claim.
But I changed my mind.
Sold the plywood, and bought a new car.

View attachment 482472
I'll never forget the moron in front of me who's mattress became airborne at 65mph landing on my roof of the car. Bounced up and hit the car behind me.

Other freeway tales of horror???
A crate of tomatoes got me years ago....the truck that dropped them just kept going.
I end up having to haul everything from lumber to roof metal to construction debris and I despise the idiots that tailgate. The only time I ever lost anything significant I had fifty sticks of primed shoe molding on the racks when the front strap broke in the middle of a bridge. Got to the job with two hundred much shorter pieces.
In all seriousness though, the price of lumber has gotten ridiculous. If you've been doing any projects lately around your house, you know what I mean.
At first I was going to file an insurance claim.
But I changed my mind.
Sold the plywood, and bought a new car.

View attachment 482472
I'll never forget the moron in front of me who's mattress became airborne at 65mph landing on my roof of the car. Bounced up and hit the car behind me.

Other freeway tales of horror???
I once dodged a latter laying in the middle of the freeway. As I watched in my rear view mirror, I saw a car going completely sideways and what looked to be a huge wreck. I saw a pickup truck pulled over on the side up the road, as if he knew something dropped off his truck.
Only other near death thoughts on the freeway. Car in front of me hits about a 3 ft solid metal bar. He swerved and just clipped it. It shot straight at me hits the grill and clanks about 10 times than shoots to the side median nearly hitting another car. Well I didn't see any leaking coolant and temp gauge stayed ok. hotter than hell summer day and all of a sudden the AC stops a few minutes later. Stop at an exit and the bar pierced a hole straight through the evaporator. Better than the windshield. We are all moments away from death on a busy freeway than we ever realize every day.
Here in Wisconsin, it's those damned deer. I had one of them run into my right-front fender last fall. Insurance covered it.

Two weeks ago I drove down a highway and counted 12 dead deer on the side of the road. They were spaced every 150 yards or so. On the county highways, we have a crew who drives the roads and marks the dead deer with a bright orange "X" for pickup to the county dumps.
I had just bought a set of new tires.
Was behind a lawn service guy pulling a trailer with lawn mowers and gardening equipment on the Interstate.
All at once a wood handled garden hoe bounced out of the trailer and landed right front of me. Tried to swerve to miss it, but too late.
The hoe's blade sliced my front tire side to side.
Catastrophic blow out at 70+ mph ain't no fun.
I don't think the guy in the pickup pulling the trailer even knew. ... :cool:
I had just bought a set of new tires.
Was behind a lawn service guy pulling a trailer with lawn mowers and gardening equipment on the Interstate.
All at once a wood handled garden hoe bounced out of the trailer and landed right front of me. Tried to swerve to miss it, but too late.
The hoe's blade sliced my front tire side to side.
Catastrophic blow out at 70+ mph ain't no fun.
I don't think the guy in the pickup pulling the trailer even knew. ... :cool:

"Damn. I knew I should have gotten the road hazard warranty when I bought those tires..."

I've never hit anything on the highway. You people need to pay better attention and maintain proper spacing from the vehicles in front of you. I have also never road-killed an animal other than I suppose the gnats, skeeters and such that plop on the windshield.

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