Pride in parading out these celebrities as your supporters ??

. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.
. Have to go back in time to understand where this all began, then bring it forward from there.
If you are talking about slavery, I disagree. I think that is a cop out for not owning up to their own responsibilities in the here and now. If a person is going to go back in time and dwell on the persecution of their ancestors, they aren't going to grow into responsible adults. Blacks, Hispanics and whites all have the opportunities to cut the chains from their past and be free to make the opportunities for themselves.

.It may be your parents (ancestors) fault for the way you are, but it is YOUR fault if you stay in that way.

My wish for some whites is to have that experience for themselves someday. Whites got land grants, GI Bill, all types of handouts through the ages; seed wealth and land that got passed down through generations. Not to worry, we have privatized prisons for those society chews up now that we're in this post industrial age and no longer require as extensive a work force. And that will not stop with black folk, these pilot programs are always rolled out onto the most unsubstantial people first. If you really want to know how your society views humanity, you should review what we did to blacks, natives and poor whites in north america.

It’s not one or the other, but both. It can be used as an excuse, it also has had intergenerational impact on both economic progress and family life.
I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of bad parenting,

Actually that is what you said when you had a fit about a Black giving advice on raising children. Dont you remember what you said?

Just save it, asslips. You walk around with a racist chip on your shoulder and it shows and it also gets very old and that's why most consider you a racist ass. People get tired of it, the nation is tired of it. Grow the hell up, take responsibility for your life and stop blaming's tiresome and worn out

If only you held yourself to the same criteria you do others my bitter little friend.
. Do you support gang culture being lifted up to high levels in American society ??
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influence. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.

What white people outta give some thought to is breaining their own chains, and we clearly have a very long way to go before that growth takes hold.
. Wait, but who has put us in chains ?? Democrats ??? Yep !!

No son, your entire power structure did that to you, but in order to do so more easily, they indoctrinated you to enslave yourself, in your own mind, and view the "other" ~half of the population as your enemy. That's how shaky these authoritarian system always are, they require your participation.
. Address the topic of cultural rot coming from these so called role models that these candidates are parading out to suggest "vote for me" you idiots (what Hillary thinks), because I'm down with Beyonce or Jay-Z ... Give me a break.
I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of bad parenting,

Actually that is what you said when you had a fit about a Black giving advice on raising children. Dont you remember what you said?

Just save it, asslips. You walk around with a racist chip on your shoulder and it shows and it also gets very old and that's why most consider you a racist ass. People get tired of it, the nation is tired of it. Grow the hell up, take responsibility for your life and stop blaming's tiresome and worn out
You totally deflected from me pointing out your lie.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

HAHAHAHA a black trying to tell whites how to raise children? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
There are loads of good black parents and loads of terrible white parents.

I'll go with the well as you should. Asslips wants to go racist all the time then let him know the brutal truth. I see the black "family unit" every week, it's practically nonexistent. Harsh but reality can be a harsh mistress

You live in a very personalized reality, exactly as you were institutionalized to do, those families really need someone other than you to interact with.
. Why because he's white and you don't like that ??

Because of the views and feelings expressed. Really? He's white?!?!?!? Hey! Me too!
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

HAHAHAHA a black trying to tell whites how to raise children? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
There are loads of good black parents and loads of terrible white parents.
. But we are talking about gang culture/rap culture, where it came from, how it got so empowered, and how it is turning this nation into a third world nation now.
Gang culture came from whites. They were the original gangsters and celebrated by whites. Whites to this day glamorize the mafia.

Rap culture came from Blacks. In your ignorance you are trying to convey the message that all rap is gangsta rap. No one is buying that unless they are illiterate.
. No I actually like Christian Rap, and some rap that is done in a clean manor, but the celebrities Hill-liar paraded out don't represent such a thing. One represents thug life and the other glamorizes sex in a very suggestive manor. These can cause so much destruction in society, but do you think they care as long as the millions keep rolling in ?? Nope. They are the real sell out's.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.
. Have to go back in time to understand where this all began, then bring it forward from there.
If you are talking about slavery, I disagree. I think that is a cop out for not owning up to their own responsibilities in the here and now. If a person is going to go back in time and dwell on the persecution of their ancestors, they aren't going to grow into responsible adults. Blacks, Hispanics and whites all have the opportunities to cut the chains from their past and be free to make the opportunities for themselves.

.It may be your parents (ancestors) fault for the way you are, but it is YOUR fault if you stay in that way.

My wish for some whites is to have that experience for themselves someday. Whites got land grants, GI Bill, all types of handouts through the ages; seed wealth and land that got passed down through generations. Not to worry, we have privatized prisons for those society chews up now that we're in this post industrial age and no longer require as extensive a work force. And that will not stop with black folk, these pilot programs are always rolled out onto the most unsubstantial people first. If you really want to know how your society views humanity, you should review what we did to blacks, natives and poor whites in north america.

It’s not one or the other, but both. It can be used as an excuse, it also has had intergenerational impact on both economic progress and family life.
Great term. "Seed wealth"
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influence. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.

What white people outta give some thought to is breaining their own chains, and we clearly have a very long way to go before that growth takes hold.
. Wait, but who has put us in chains ?? Democrats ??? Yep !!

No son, your entire power structure did that to you, but in order to do so more easily, they indoctrinated you to enslave yourself, in your own mind, and view the "other" ~half of the population as your enemy. That's how shaky these authoritarian system always are, they require your participation.
. Address the topic of cultural rot coming from these so called role models that these candidates are parading out to suggest "vote for me" you idiots (what Hillary thinks), because I'm down with Beyonce or Jay-Z ... Give me a break.

You have your own rot issues hon, I mean really now. Focus on your own journey through life, you have nothing to say about another's.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

HAHAHAHA a black trying to tell whites how to raise children? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
There are loads of good black parents and loads of terrible white parents.
. But we are talking about gang culture/rap culture, where it came from, how it got so empowered, and how it is turning this nation into a third world nation now.
Gang culture came from whites. They were the original gangsters and celebrated by whites. Whites to this day glamorize the mafia.

Rap culture came from Blacks. In your ignorance you are trying to convey the message that all rap is gangsta rap. No one is buying that unless they are illiterate.
. No I actually like Christian Rap, and some rap that is done in a clean manor, but the celebrities Hill-liar paraded out don't represent such a thing. One represents thug life and the other glamorizes sex in a very suggestive manor. These can cause so much destruction in society, but do you think they care as long as the millions keep rolling in ?? Nope. They are the real sell out's.
Whats wrong with sex? Like most religious extremists you must learn your religion doesnt determine what other people should think.

Jay-z grew up a thug but turned his life around. He is about making money and stopping Black on Black violence. White guys like you hate when Black people start helping their own.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.
. Have to go back in time to understand where this all began, then bring it forward from there.
If you are talking about slavery, I disagree. I think that is a cop out for not owning up to their own responsibilities in the here and now. If a person is going to go back in time and dwell on the persecution of their ancestors, they aren't going to grow into responsible adults. Blacks, Hispanics and whites all have the opportunities to cut the chains from their past and be free to make the opportunities for themselves.

.It may be your parents (ancestors) fault for the way you are, but it is YOUR fault if you stay in that way.
. No I'm not talking about slavery . Keep it current people. Please.
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.
At least Trump has Chachi
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.
. Have to go back in time to understand where this all began, then bring it forward from there.
If you are talking about slavery, I disagree. I think that is a cop out for not owning up to their own responsibilities in the here and now. If a person is going to go back in time and dwell on the persecution of their ancestors, they aren't going to grow into responsible adults. Blacks, Hispanics and whites all have the opportunities to cut the chains from their past and be free to make the opportunities for themselves.

.It may be your parents (ancestors) fault for the way you are, but it is YOUR fault if you stay in that way.
. No I'm not talking about slavery . Keep it current people. Please.
I misunderstood your term "Have to go back in time to understand where this all began, then bring it forward from there." Sorry.
You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.
. Have to go back in time to understand where this all began, then bring it forward from there.
If you are talking about slavery, I disagree. I think that is a cop out for not owning up to their own responsibilities in the here and now. If a person is going to go back in time and dwell on the persecution of their ancestors, they aren't going to grow into responsible adults. Blacks, Hispanics and whites all have the opportunities to cut the chains from their past and be free to make the opportunities for themselves.

.It may be your parents (ancestors) fault for the way you are, but it is YOUR fault if you stay in that way.

My wish for some whites is to have that experience for themselves someday. Whites got land grants, GI Bill, all types of handouts through the ages; seed wealth and land that got passed down through generations. Not to worry, we have privatized prisons for those society chews up now that we're in this post industrial age and no longer require as extensive a work force. And that will not stop with black folk, these pilot programs are always rolled out onto the most unsubstantial people first. If you really want to know how your society views humanity, you should review what we did to blacks, natives and poor whites in north america.

It’s not one or the other, but both. It can be used as an excuse, it also has had intergenerational impact on both economic progress and family life.
Great term. "Seed wealth"

Americans have been programed to have no real connection to the past, even their own past, or the future; everyting is connected. We can see manipulation on television, the other guy's of course, but not in our own educational systems and history books. Bacon's Rebellion is lost on all, and it behooves the power strucure and status quo to have the masses constantly at odds with one another, again, because our is an authoritarian system. It's not about power, it's about authority, and authority is always on shaky ground.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influence. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.

What white people outta give some thought to is breaining their own chains, and we clearly have a very long way to go before that growth takes hold.
. Wait, but who has put us in chains ?? Democrats ??? Yep !!

No son, your entire power structure did that to you, but in order to do so more easily, they indoctrinated you to enslave yourself, in your own mind, and view the "other" ~half of the population as your enemy. That's how shaky these authoritarian system always are, they require your participation.
. Address the topic of cultural rot coming from these so called role models that these candidates are parading out to suggest "vote for me" you idiots (what Hillary thinks), because I'm down with Beyonce or Jay-Z ... Give me a break.

You have your own rot issues hon, I mean really now. Focus on your own journey through life, you have nothing to say about another's.
. Really, that's your response ??? Hey when these candidates bring their game, then we as a society have to bring ours. So many deflections and excuses anymore that it's amazing really.
HAHAHAHA a black trying to tell whites how to raise children? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
There are loads of good black parents and loads of terrible white parents.
. But we are talking about gang culture/rap culture, where it came from, how it got so empowered, and how it is turning this nation into a third world nation now.
Gang culture came from whites. They were the original gangsters and celebrated by whites. Whites to this day glamorize the mafia.

Rap culture came from Blacks. In your ignorance you are trying to convey the message that all rap is gangsta rap. No one is buying that unless they are illiterate.
. No I actually like Christian Rap, and some rap that is done in a clean manor, but the celebrities Hill-liar paraded out don't represent such a thing. One represents thug life and the other glamorizes sex in a very suggestive manor. These can cause so much destruction in society, but do you think they care as long as the millions keep rolling in ?? Nope. They are the real sell out's.
Whats wrong with sex? Like most religious extremists you must learn your religion doesnt determine what other people should think.

Jay-z grew up a thug but turned his life around. He is about making money and stopping Black on Black violence. White guys like you hate when Black people start helping their own.
. Well just take a look at what he glorifies in his works.. Really.
HAHAHAHA a black trying to tell whites how to raise children? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
There are loads of good black parents and loads of terrible white parents.
. But we are talking about gang culture/rap culture, where it came from, how it got so empowered, and how it is turning this nation into a third world nation now.
Gang culture came from whites. They were the original gangsters and celebrated by whites. Whites to this day glamorize the mafia.

Rap culture came from Blacks. In your ignorance you are trying to convey the message that all rap is gangsta rap. No one is buying that unless they are illiterate.
. No I actually like Christian Rap, and some rap that is done in a clean manor, but the celebrities Hill-liar paraded out don't represent such a thing. One represents thug life and the other glamorizes sex in a very suggestive manor. These can cause so much destruction in society, but do you think they care as long as the millions keep rolling in ?? Nope. They are the real sell out's.
Whats wrong with sex? Like most religious extremists you must learn your religion doesnt determine what other people should think.

Jay-z grew up a thug but turned his life around. He is about making money and stopping Black on Black violence. White guys like you hate when Black people start helping their own.
. Obama came up through Jeremiahs racist church, and it shows just like JZ hasn't been able to shake his brainwashing over the years also.
What white people outta give some thought to is breaining their own chains, and we clearly have a very long way to go before that growth takes hold.
. Wait, but who has put us in chains ?? Democrats ??? Yep !!

No son, your entire power structure did that to you, but in order to do so more easily, they indoctrinated you to enslave yourself, in your own mind, and view the "other" ~half of the population as your enemy. That's how shaky these authoritarian system always are, they require your participation.
. Address the topic of cultural rot coming from these so called role models that these candidates are parading out to suggest "vote for me" you idiots (what Hillary thinks), because I'm down with Beyonce or Jay-Z ... Give me a break.

You have your own rot issues hon, I mean really now. Focus on your own journey through life, you have nothing to say about another's.
. Really, that's your response ??? Hey when these candidates bring their game, then we as a society have to bring ours. So many deflections and excuses anymore that it's amazing really.

I'm sorry, I don't believe in your system. You are allowed a vote, sure, by all means, go ahead, but that is not where societal change will come from. We, the unsubstantial people, are going to have to unite and get off the couch. The power structure is set up to look after itself and that is predicated upon societal wealth extraction.
There are loads of good black parents and loads of terrible white parents.
. But we are talking about gang culture/rap culture, where it came from, how it got so empowered, and how it is turning this nation into a third world nation now.
Gang culture came from whites. They were the original gangsters and celebrated by whites. Whites to this day glamorize the mafia.

Rap culture came from Blacks. In your ignorance you are trying to convey the message that all rap is gangsta rap. No one is buying that unless they are illiterate.
. No I actually like Christian Rap, and some rap that is done in a clean manor, but the celebrities Hill-liar paraded out don't represent such a thing. One represents thug life and the other glamorizes sex in a very suggestive manor. These can cause so much destruction in society, but do you think they care as long as the millions keep rolling in ?? Nope. They are the real sell out's.
Whats wrong with sex? Like most religious extremists you must learn your religion doesnt determine what other people should think.

Jay-z grew up a thug but turned his life around. He is about making money and stopping Black on Black violence. White guys like you hate when Black people start helping their own.
. Well just take a look at what he glorifies in his works.. Really.
Yes here is an example.

. Do you support gang culture being lifted up to high levels in American society ??
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

Delusional is good for ewe.

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