Prince Dead at 57

God save the Queen! :salute:

Selfish self aggrandizing old hag, who does not give a shit about his son.


If QEII were not a self serving self aggrandizing old hag, she would have abdicated and her son would have been King Charles at least 40 years ago.

PS I meant to say HER son.

Who cares and what difference does it make? What does this have to do with another drug death of a celebrity?
I just can't get into anything pop culture. Who cares? It's like movies. I mention a movie I liked, and people go "on the one with so-and-so?"... and I sit there.. I have no idea.... It was a good flick. I couldn't care less who was in it. I don't pay attention to these people. Who has time to follow the entire life story of every idiot on stage? Who has time for that? Don't you have families or something? Kids? Job? Things to do with your wife or something?
It is not so much everyone but those who truly influence an industry or a genre. The fascination is in the growth of the person and their art and talent. If you are not into this sort of stuff not a big deal. If a person is then it is a wonderland.

I suppose. I guess my problem is that I never considered that what people in Hollywood did was of any real value. Real value being something that was true significant benefits for society or people. Like reading about the life of Henry Ford, John Adams, I'm reading a bio of Calvin Coolidge right now. These are people that faced real dangers, that saved lives, that improved the lives of millions of people. People that improved the standard of living around the world.

For me it's difficult to see what Prince (or anyone in Hollywood) did that was as significant.

What great things did he do in his life, that benefited the world? Not to minimize entertainment, but I can have a great time playing UNO with some friends.
Worse than a bunch of little old church ladies. :D

I could understand 'lil ol church ladies' talkin chit about someone like Prince......I can even agree to disagree over personal opinion of the man or appreciation of his work or talent.......but what I have a hard time with is when people choose to jump to conclusions, believe the worst of rumors without any solid facts to back them up....ya know, like an autopsy and official reports from investigations...things like that.

And as far as 'drugs' go...just because he was on prescription pain killers for hip problems doesn't mean he's addicted. Although I will agree it is POSSIBLE, but I won't go so far as to say he actually WAS without further factual information.

AND just because someone is on multiple pain killers doesn't mean they need hospitalization or that they are addicts. Yes some pharma & DR's do over prescribe and create 'addicts', but there are many that are in real need of them also.
No ones saying he was an addict but it's not looking good.

And if he died because of the drugs then my guess is he was abusing and addicted.

More times than not it's not the hip pain but rather the person has become addicted to the pain killers.

God bless the drugs that can take away the pain when someone's hurting. I don't want to deny someone medicine they need I just don't want doctors being drug pushers.

I always try to get the best drugs I can. Then I use 2 and sell the rest. And I know many who do this. Some people even apply for Medicaid and disability benefits because they "hurt too much". It's very hard for a doctor to tell someone they aren't really hurting or that they can't have the strong stuff when the safer stuff just isn't working.

I'm just speculating but I'm guessing he died from taking too much drugs. I hope I'm wrong and we find out he was happy till the end but that's not the vibe I'm getting. This reminds me of Michael and Whitney Houston
I just can't get into anything pop culture. Who cares? It's like movies. I mention a movie I liked, and people go "on the one with so-and-so?"... and I sit there.. I have no idea.... It was a good flick. I couldn't care less who was in it. I don't pay attention to these people. Who has time to follow the entire life story of every idiot on stage? Who has time for that? Don't you have families or something? Kids? Job? Things to do with your wife or something?
It is not so much everyone but those who truly influence an industry or a genre. The fascination is in the growth of the person and their art and talent. If you are not into this sort of stuff not a big deal. If a person is then it is a wonderland.

I suppose. I guess my problem is that I never considered that what people in Hollywood did was of any real value. Real value being something that was true significant benefits for society or people. Like reading about the life of Henry Ford, John Adams, I'm reading a bio of Calvin Coolidge right now. These are people that faced real dangers, that saved lives, that improved the lives of millions of people. People that improved the standard of living around the world.

For me it's difficult to see what Prince (or anyone in Hollywood) did that was as significant.

What great things did he do in his life, that benefited the world? Not to minimize entertainment, but I can have a great time playing UNO with some friends.

I understand where you are coming from as I am a musician and someone who loves music and musical theory I see how essential he was and still is to the growth of music and society just as we both can understand how Ford, Adams and Coolidge were influential and relevant in their own spheres of endeavour. When I read someone with your perspective I wish I could give them some of what I find so interesting and essential so you can see how something like music is interwoven with the skein of humanity, not to change you, but to give you a small glimpse of how magical and interlaced music is with all of mankind.
What truly breaks my heart is he like Michael, like all these black men, that found love in white skin....and I love Prince don't get me wrong....all died ALONE!! Michael died with paid help by his side and the Prince died alone in his home. A sister would have been there to the end and perhaps could have saved BOTH!! We don't leave leaves us!!
And if not a woman at least a lot of friends. I think Willie Nelson is happy. I don't think he has a wife but he has a lot of friends. Prince and Michael were both loners
I wonder why Prince died at home? Doesn't anyone think it odd that he was not taken to the hospital a few days ago if he was that sick? Of course, if he was still a JW, that would explain it. If that's the case, then indeed he was either suicidal or not very bright.

His plane made an emergency landing about an hour from home. The pilot had radioed that a passenger was unresponsive. The passenger was Prince. He was given a shot that cleanses a system of drugs. They continued home where he was seen that weekend around town. Having had that shot, his system would have been going through withdrawals and he easily could have overdosed.
I just can't get into anything pop culture. Who cares? It's like movies. I mention a movie I liked, and people go "on the one with so-and-so?"... and I sit there.. I have no idea.... It was a good flick. I couldn't care less who was in it. I don't pay attention to these people. Who has time to follow the entire life story of every idiot on stage? Who has time for that? Don't you have families or something? Kids? Job? Things to do with your wife or something?
It is not so much everyone but those who truly influence an industry or a genre. The fascination is in the growth of the person and their art and talent. If you are not into this sort of stuff not a big deal. If a person is then it is a wonderland.

I suppose. I guess my problem is that I never considered that what people in Hollywood did was of any real value. Real value being something that was true significant benefits for society or people. Like reading about the life of Henry Ford, John Adams, I'm reading a bio of Calvin Coolidge right now. These are people that faced real dangers, that saved lives, that improved the lives of millions of people. People that improved the standard of living around the world.

For me it's difficult to see what Prince (or anyone in Hollywood) did that was as significant.

What great things did he do in his life, that benefited the world? Not to minimize entertainment, but I can have a great time playing UNO with some friends.

I understand where you are coming from as I am a musician and someone who loves music and musical theory I see how essential he was and still is to the growth of music and society just as we both can understand how Ford, Adams and Coolidge were influential and relevant in their own spheres of endeavour. When I read someone with your perspective I wish I could give them some of what I find so interesting and essential so you can see how something like music is interwoven with the skein of humanity, not to change you, but to give you a small glimpse of how magical and interlaced music is with all of mankind.
I don't know who's bigger than Prince other than Michael. He's not my favorite artist but even I know there's no one bigger than Prince.
I just can't get into anything pop culture. Who cares? It's like movies. I mention a movie I liked, and people go "on the one with so-and-so?"... and I sit there.. I have no idea.... It was a good flick. I couldn't care less who was in it. I don't pay attention to these people. Who has time to follow the entire life story of every idiot on stage? Who has time for that? Don't you have families or something? Kids? Job? Things to do with your wife or something?
It is not so much everyone but those who truly influence an industry or a genre. The fascination is in the growth of the person and their art and talent. If you are not into this sort of stuff not a big deal. If a person is then it is a wonderland.

I suppose. I guess my problem is that I never considered that what people in Hollywood did was of any real value. Real value being something that was true significant benefits for society or people. Like reading about the life of Henry Ford, John Adams, I'm reading a bio of Calvin Coolidge right now. These are people that faced real dangers, that saved lives, that improved the lives of millions of people. People that improved the standard of living around the world.

For me it's difficult to see what Prince (or anyone in Hollywood) did that was as significant.

What great things did he do in his life, that benefited the world? Not to minimize entertainment, but I can have a great time playing UNO with some friends.

I understand where you are coming from as I am a musician and someone who loves music and musical theory I see how essential he was and still is to the growth of music and society just as we both can understand how Ford, Adams and Coolidge were influential and relevant in their own spheres of endeavour. When I read someone with your perspective I wish I could give them some of what I find so interesting and essential so you can see how something like music is interwoven with the skein of humanity, not to change you, but to give you a small glimpse of how magical and interlaced music is with all of mankind.
I don't know who's bigger than Prince other than Michael. He's not my favorite artist but even I know there's no one bigger than Prince.
I agree his influence is so far reaching and all encompassing.
What truly breaks my heart is he like Michael, like all these black men, that found love in white skin....and I love Prince don't get me wrong....all died ALONE!! Michael died with paid help by his side and the Prince died alone in his home. A sister would have been there to the end and perhaps could have saved BOTH!! We don't leave leaves us!!
And if not a woman at least a lot of friends. I think Willie Nelson is happy. I don't think he has a wife but he has a lot of friends. Prince and Michael were both loners

Willie Nelson is a normal person and was comfortable with anyone and is not an egomaniac.

Michael Jackson was a pedophile, a recluse, and a total loon. Totally consumed by drugs.

Prince was a recluse, total loon and totally consumed by drugs.

No big surprise about any of them as to where they are today.
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If he had the flu, it could quickly turn deadly. MrG had it, and it turned into Sepsis and Pneumonia. He almost died right there in the ER waiting room. There were frantically working on him and got him stabilized but it was touch and go while doing it. If Prince was sick last week, that means it probably turned into the same thing. Sepsis is nothing to shrug off. The heart can't take poisoned blood. Being a JW, they can't or won't take blood from another person.

Whatever the case may be....he didn't make it. :(

Prescription drug addict.
What truly breaks my heart is he like Michael, like all these black men, that found love in white skin....and I love Prince don't get me wrong....all died ALONE!! Michael died with paid help by his side and the Prince died alone in his home. A sister would have been there to the end and perhaps could have saved BOTH!! We don't leave leaves us!!
And if not a woman at least a lot of friends. I think Willie Nelson is happy. I don't think he has a wife but he has a lot of friends. Prince and Michael were both loners

Willie Nelson is a normal person and was comfortable with anyone and was not an egomaniac.

Michael Jackson was a pedophile, a recluse, and a total loon. Totally consumed by drugs.

Prince was a recluse, total loon and totally consumed by drugs.

No big surprise about any of them as to where they are today.
Willie stuck to weed. Maybe shrooms occasionally.
I still think the guy , Prince, was stupid. At least for trying to control his own media. I think that artists and groups who allow freedom of speech on the internet are only helping their fame. Unless it's a breakdown or drunken tirade. But the way Prince has effectively stopped postings of his songs and live performances doesn't make him into anything but an artist with a socialistic view in my opinion. So to the musical obscurity bin he goes.
Prince who?

Here watch this. It explains a lot about how recording companies own the artists work and in effect the artists themselves & how Prince stood against that.

Video: Prince and His Struggle For Creative Independence in Music: Part 4
What truly breaks my heart is he like Michael, like all these black men, that found love in white skin....and I love Prince don't get me wrong....all died ALONE!! Michael died with paid help by his side and the Prince died alone in his home. A sister would have been there to the end and perhaps could have saved BOTH!! We don't leave leaves us!!
And if not a woman at least a lot of friends. I think Willie Nelson is happy. I don't think he has a wife but he has a lot of friends. Prince and Michael were both loners

Willie Nelson is a normal person and was comfortable with anyone and was not an egomaniac.

Michael Jackson was a pedophile, a recluse, and a total loon. Totally consumed by drugs.

Prince was a recluse, total loon and totally consumed by drugs.

No big surprise about any of them as to where they are today.
Did Prince come from a broken home? So many people who fall apart or are self destructive come from either broken or dysfunctional homes.

Michael had both parents but Joe was raping him. Werent Prince and mike both johova witnesses? That's odd
I just can't get into anything pop culture. Who cares? It's like movies. I mention a movie I liked, and people go "on the one with so-and-so?"... and I sit there.. I have no idea.... It was a good flick. I couldn't care less who was in it. I don't pay attention to these people. Who has time to follow the entire life story of every idiot on stage? Who has time for that? Don't you have families or something? Kids? Job? Things to do with your wife or something?

Let me get this straight, you Elvis loving don't have time to give a shit, but you come here and vent your who cares rant? Clearly you have some free time on your hands.....and the wife and kids are secondary at this point, eh?
I still think the guy , Prince, was stupid. At least for trying to control his own media. I think that artists and groups who allow freedom of speech on the internet are only helping their fame. Unless it's a breakdown or drunken tirade. But the way Prince has effectively stopped postings of his songs and live performances doesn't make him into anything but an artist with a socialistic view in my opinion. So to the musical obscurity bin he goes.
Prince who?

Here watch this. It explains a lot about how recording companies own the artists work and in effect the artists themselves & how Prince stood against that.

Video: Prince and His Struggle For Creative Independence in Music: Part 4
All anyone need to do these days is watch the bio pics that come out on artist who've made it...TLC, The Temptations, etc...all fucked over by the music industry.
I still think the guy , Prince, was stupid. At least for trying to control his own media. I think that artists and groups who allow freedom of speech on the internet are only helping their fame. Unless it's a breakdown or drunken tirade. But the way Prince has effectively stopped postings of his songs and live performances doesn't make him into anything but an artist with a socialistic view in my opinion. So to the musical obscurity bin he goes.
Prince who?

Well I think you are a moron who has probably never created anything in his life. His songs are his work, his intellectual property. You think he should donate that to you for free... why? Because you're special? Music piracy is a multi-billion dollar industry in this country and artists have every right to pursue whatever avenue is effective in stopping it however they can. It amounts to petty theft. When you gank a song from the Internet without paying, it's no different than pocketing a snickers bar at the drugstore.

It's NOT socialism to stop you from stealing other people's work! It's capitalism and how capitalism functions. You want the song? for the goddamn song! You're not ENTITLED to have the song because you need it. You have no constitutional rights to be entertained for free.

And I will tell you something else... 100 years from now, you will be just as goofy acting when you ask "Prince Who?" as you are today. People will remember this artist forever.
I just can't get into anything pop culture. Who cares? It's like movies. I mention a movie I liked, and people go "on the one with so-and-so?"... and I sit there.. I have no idea.... It was a good flick. I couldn't care less who was in it. I don't pay attention to these people. Who has time to follow the entire life story of every idiot on stage? Who has time for that? Don't you have families or something? Kids? Job? Things to do with your wife or something?

Let me get this straight, you Elvis loving don't have time to give a shit, but you come here and vent your who cares rant? Clearly you have some free time on your hands.....and the wife and kids are secondary at this point, eh?
Elvis is over rated. He is very dated and doesn't really hold up today. I'll show my kids hound dog and a few other good songs but Elvis is no Prince or Michael Jackson.
I just can't get into anything pop culture. Who cares? It's like movies. I mention a movie I liked, and people go "on the one with so-and-so?"... and I sit there.. I have no idea.... It was a good flick. I couldn't care less who was in it. I don't pay attention to these people. Who has time to follow the entire life story of every idiot on stage? Who has time for that? Don't you have families or something? Kids? Job? Things to do with your wife or something?

Let me get this straight, you Elvis loving don't have time to give a shit, but you come here and vent your who cares rant? Clearly you have some free time on your hands.....and the wife and kids are secondary at this point, eh?
Elvis is over rated. He is very dated and doesn't really hold up today. I'll show my kids hound dog and a few other good songs but Elvis is no Prince or Michael Jackson.

Elvis, Prince, M Jackson....they all have their very deserved place in musical history! :clap2:

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