Prince Harry Makes Climate Plea: ‘What If Every One of Us Was a Raindrop?’

I often wonder how those people will react if temperatures rise so high they can't go out in summer.
I bet they will blame the scientists saying they didn't make it clear enough.

If the basic laws of physics collapse, then perpetual motion will be a reality ... our energy worries are over ...

Ask a roofer in Las Vegas how they handle their job in summer when temperatures are 120ºF ... "drink lots of water" ...
The guy was never elected to anything. Why is Prince Harry's opinion worth any more than the babe in the checkout counter at Walmart?

God bestows His wisdom upon those who He selects to rule over us ... by His grace, the children of those who He selects to rule over us are also so endowed with His wisdom ... so that they may rule over us in the years ahead ... Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the Church of England de jure, she is uniquely qualified to speak for God here on Earth ...

Yeah ... I know ... why the American Colonies rebelled ...
I often wonder how those people will react if temperatures rise so high they can't go out in summer.


Alex 'Bellend' would be more appropriate - a right hissy bitch!

All you do is shoot the messenger.

I take it from that you are a climate change denier.

Don't you think that on the off chance the scientists are right (and they usually are) that we owe it to future generations to do everything possible to reduce polluting the atmosphere cos if your wrong its curtains for them?

Another dishonest attack on people who don't dispute that climate changes, the rest of what you say is nonsense since CO2 isn't a pollutant at all and that it has very little warm forcing capability.
I take it from that you are a climate change denier.
Don't you think that on the off chance the scientists are right (and they usually are) that we owe it to future generations to do everything possible to reduce polluting the atmosphere cos if your wrong its curtains for them?

I know we can pay a scientist $10,000 to read a script into the camera ... and it's easy to find a scientist who won't care what the script says ... but it's a whole other kettle of fish what scientists will publish in the scientific literature ... we don't owe anything to future generations from what's published in the National Enquirer or People Magazine ...

I do agree we should conserve fossil fuels ... they're very useful for many things other than just burning ... but the word "conservation" is never brought up, it's a dirty word that everybody ignores ... just ask any Alarmist to ditch their A/C and watch them scream and yell ... "It's someone else's problem, not mine" ... sad, very sad ...
I often wonder how those people will react if temperatures rise so high they can't go out in summer.
I bet they will blame the scientists saying they didn't make it clear enough.

Your hyperbole is absurd since people can already live in places that are THIRTY degrees warmer than the warmest place in England, where I live it gets over 100F (38C) around 15 times an average summer, not even difficult to handle.

The warming is largely at night, not in the daytime.
where I live it gets over 100F (38C) around 15 times an average summer, not even difficult to handle.

It's not the triple digit tempertures that get you, it's the double digit humidity ... 100ºF at -25% RH gives a heat index of 78ºF ... or so, maybe I'm guessing a bit, but you get the point ...
where I live it gets over 100F (38C) around 15 times an average summer, not even difficult to handle.

It's not the triple digit tempertures that get you, it's the double digit humidity ... 100ºF at -25% RH gives a heat index of 78ºF ... or so, maybe I'm guessing a bit, but you get the point ...

You are correct, fortunately it is below 30% most of the time in Kennewick Wa, during the summer.

I use the Swamp Cooler during the summer months to great success, much cheaper and easier to maintain than the gas based A/C unit.
You are correct, fortunately it is below 30% most of the time in Kennewick Wa, during the summer.
I use the Swamp Cooler during the summer months to great success, much cheaper and easier to maintain than the gas based A/C unit.

I have shade trees ... very happy with the thermal performance of my house ... but then low 80's indoor a half dozen times a year is endurable for me ...

RH over 10% and I flee to the coast ... just miserable ... humans can't survive any higher for very long ...

Alex 'Bellend' would be more appropriate - a right hissy bitch!

All you do is shoot the messenger.

I take it from that you are a climate change denier.

Don't you think that on the off chance the scientists are right (and they usually are) that we owe it to future generations to do everything possible to reduce polluting the atmosphere cos if your wrong its curtains for them?

Another dishonest attack on people who don't dispute that climate changes, the rest of what you say is nonsense since CO2 isn't a pollutant at all and that it has very little warm forcing capability.

Look all I'm saying is we can't gamble and take the risks. Even a good gambler will hedge his bets.
So convert to a low carbon economy. Electric cars, wind farms, wave farms, Solar panels, a bit of Nuclear for now.
As better technology becomes available costs will come down, mass employment will be created.

Of course it is said that Venus was once like Earth.-

Venus is a terrestrial planet and is sometimes called Earth's "sister planet" because of their similar size, mass, proximity to the Sun, and bulk composition. It is radically different from Earth in other respects. It has the densest atmosphere of the four terrestrial planets, consisting of more than 96% carbon dioxide. The atmospheric pressure at the planet's surface is about 92 times the sea level pressure of Earth, or roughly the pressure at 900 m (3,000 ft) underwater on Earth. Venus has, by far, the hottest surface of any planet in the Solar System, with a mean temperature of 737 K (464 °C; 867 °F), even though Mercury is closer to the Sun. Venus is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from space in visible light. It may have had water oceans in the past,[20][21] but these would have vaporized as the temperature rose due to a runaway greenhouse effect.[22] The water has probably photodissociated, and the free hydrogen has been swept into interplanetary space by the solar wind because of the lack of a planetary magnetic field.[23] Venus' surface is a dry desertscape interspersed with slab-like rocks and is periodically resurfaced by volcanism.

Yea should be able to adapt to 92 times the sea level pressure of Earth and a temp of 464 C. NOT!
"Prince" Harry ain't a prince no more.

Grandma is going to strip him (and his silly wife) of his titles.

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