Prince's Trust Survey & The Voices of the Voteless (Children) in Gay Marriage Debate

What is your view of the voice of children in the gay marriage/marrige equality debate?

  • I think they are a mere afterthought, this debate is about adults and their rights

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • I think they are important, but always subdominant to adult considerations

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • I think they are equally important as adults in this conversation.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Kids are more important than adults. They cannot vote; marriage is by, for & about them ultimately.

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters
Oh I meant the rare cases where wolves found babies in the wild and raised them. Should these children also have the benefits of marriage? And polygamists? And children of incest? Do they not also deserve the benefits of marriage? And what about the tens of millions of children of monosexuals...people preferring not to engage in sex with another person (after their kid is born normally, as with "gay parents")...also known as single parents. Don't those kids also deserve the benefits of marriage? Who are you to ordain religiously that ONLY gay people's kids enjoy the benefits of marriage? Are you some priest of some new religion where the glorified are only those lifestyles who attempt to copulate with the same gender?

What, are you bigoted against all those vastly larger numbers of other children also being denied the benefits of marriage? Do you HATE them?

Answer the questions.

I was under the impression that tax breaks for having children/dependents are available regardless of a person's marital status.
Date found: 1867
Age when found: 6
Location: Sekandra, India
Years in the wild: 6
Animals: wolves
Dina Sanichar, one of the boys who lived at the Sekandra orphanage, is usually assumed to have been mentally sub-normal. He was removed from a wolves’ cave in 1867 when he was about six years old. Dina Sanichar was discovered when hunters in the jungles of Bulandshahr were astonished to see a boy follow a wolf into her den, running on all fours. They smoked out the wolf and her companion and shot the wolf.
He initially exhibited all the habits of a wild animal, tearing off clothes and eating food from the ground. He was eventually weaned off raw meat onto cooked, but never did learn to speak. He apparently became addicted to tobacco. Dina Sanichar died in 1895.

Date found: 1920
Age when found: 8 (Kamala), 1.5 (Amala)
Location: Midnapore, India
Years in the wild: 8, 1
Animals: wolves
Perhaps one of the best-known and controversial stories of feral children is that of Amala and Kamala. Kamala and Amala are two of the most interesting cases of feral children. The wolf girls were about 18 months (Amala) and eight years old (Kamala) when they were found together in a wolves’ den. However, it is believed that they were not sisters, but were abandoned — or taken by wolves — some years apart...

Date found: 1990
Age when found: 12
Location: Andes, Perú
Years in the wild: 8
Animals: goats
The Andes Goat-Boy was found in the Andes, Peru, in 1990, and was said to have been raised by goats for eight years. He is supposed to have survived by drinking their milk, and eating roots and berries. Being in wild, he developed the obvious feral characteristics.
He tended to walk with all his 4 limbs, his hands and feet were hardened due to scar formation that acted like his hoofs. He could communicate with goats and could not learn human language.
After being found, the Andes Goat-Boy was investigated by a team from Kansas University ( The University of Kansas or Kansas State University) and named Daniel.

(more: 10 Feral Human Children Raised by Animals )

Do you guys HATE these children? Do you want them deprived of the benefits of marriage? How about those of polygamists? Incest children? Why do you HATE all those kids?

If you're going to justify depriving 50% of kids of their gender as an adult role model, why not justify all the rest? Depriving of same gender adult role model is shown by the Prince's Trust to be damaging and you're saying "let's go ahead and do that anyway because magically, somehow, it won't be damaging if it's gay".
I wonder if Bigfoot could be a good parent.
If he is anything like in those beef jerky commercials I doubt it. He seems rather quick to anger and violent outbursts.
I wonder if Bigfoot could be a good parent.
If he is anything like in those beef jerky commercials I doubt it. He seems rather quick to anger and violent outbursts.


Harry disagrees.

I wonder if Bigfoot could be a good parent.

Depends. Is the bigfoot gay? Because the Prince Trust Study clearly condemns gay bigfoots.
The Prince's Trust is one of largest of its kind and their findings clearly state that offsprings of bigfoots have a better chance at success when opposite Bigfoot genders exist in the house. Did you even read the study?

It's Adam and Eve, not Yeti and Steve.
All you've guaranteed is that these children will never have married parents.

Which harms them. And you know it harms these children.
.or the rare children of wolves...are you suggesting all those kids enjoy the benefits of marriage too? Why or why not?

Tell us more about the 'rare children of wolves' and your stance on wolf marriage.
On the contrary, I care about the vast majority of children who would be unfairly sentenced to this twisted social experiment without the voices of their guardians (majority in each state) having a say so. Especially when the data is already in that the experiment can be predicted to fail in 50% of children caught up in "gay marriages" because of lack of their gender as a role model.

So once again I ask:

Since you claim to 'care' about children:

The only children affected by 'gay marriage' are children of gay parents.

How will preventing their parents from marrying help those children- or any children?
Oh I meant the rare cases where wolves found babies in the wild and raised them.
Answer the questions.

The question about 'wolves' raising babies in the wild.....?

Please bring up those wolves all of the time......just accentunuates how loony your posts are.
Silhouette, are you aware that the Prince's Trust Youth Index has been going on for a number of years now? Are you aware the the one you keep linking is years old? Are you aware that the Index is not at all focused on same gender role models, and in fact that particular issue is may not have been talked about in any of the other surveys? Are you aware that there are many other factors in the surveys which may also have an effect on the overall wellbeing of the youths involved? Are you aware the the Index does not discuss gay marriage, gay parents, or anything of the sort? Are you aware that it does not present the conclusions which you repeatedly claim?

Are you really as foolish as you make yourself appear? :lol:

Silhouette never restricts herself to the actual content of any study- she creates conclusions and summaries that never exist.

The Prince's study she waves her hand at is just another example.

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