Prince's Trust Survey & The Voices of the Voteless (Children) in Gay Marriage Debate

What is your view of the voice of children in the gay marriage/marrige equality debate?

  • I think they are a mere afterthought, this debate is about adults and their rights

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • I think they are important, but always subdominant to adult considerations

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • I think they are equally important as adults in this conversation.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Kids are more important than adults. They cannot vote; marriage is by, for & about them ultimately.

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters
Jeremiah was a bullfrog...da da...was the type apt to whine...da da..made the debate about religion... facts be left behind...da da ..
The Bible is Truth. I don't have a "world based view", Silhouette. I have a "Biblical based view of the world". And I make no apologies for it. I'm very comfortable with my position because I'm in agreement with God. Not the world. How about you?
Doesn't matter. This thread is about facts found in a survey of adult children; reporting on how damaging not having their gender as a role model is in their lives.

And about how any APA study that appears to refute those findings should be taken with a volkswagen-sized grain of salt. If those real world results make you feel good about your religion, great. Otherwise take your bible-thumping to another thread.
I'm merely pointing out that while you banter on and on - complaining about homosexuals - you refuse to recognize it as a spiritual issue and not a political one. But carry on. I've got other things to do. Bye now.

Good, because I was about to put you on ignore.
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Doesn't matter. This thread is about facts found in a survey of adult children; reporting on how damaging not having their gender as a role model is in their lives.

Again, you're inaccurately citing the study. It doesn't say a 'same sex role model'. It says a GOOD same sex role model. You assume any father is automatically a good role model for a boy. But that's not the case, nor does the Prince Trust study ever say this.

Worse, you insist that ONLY parents can be good same sex role models for their children. But the Prince Study never says this either.

It could be a parent. Or a grandparent. Or an aunt or uncle. Or sibling. Or a friend. Or a mentor. Or a teacher. Or a couch. Or church member. Or a coworker. Or any of a myriad of different sources. Yet bizzarely, you ignore every source save parents. The Prince Study never does.

Worse still, the how much of the bad outcomes attributed to a lack of good same sex role models are from the negative effects of single parenthood? The Prince Study doesn't say, as it doesn't study the effects of any kind of parenthood. You assume it does measure the effects of same sex parenting.....citing yourself.

And you citing yourself isn't evidence of anything.
In any "same sex marraige", 50% of the children in that situation will be deprived of their same gender as a role model. Now, go back and read the OP again..
I think we should take Silly's idea to it's ultimate conclusion.

If gay marriage is 'bad" for kids, then divorce is worse for them.

Therefore, no divorce if you have a minor child in the house. Ever.

He's beating you? Suck it up!

That is precisely the reason states are also very relutantly involved in divorce too. For the children..

States have no fault divorce now. Children are involved in divorce only to the extent the parents disagree on custody issues.
In any "same sex marraige", 50% of the children in that situation will be deprived of their same gender as a role model. Now, go back and read the OP again..

Why do you want to deny those children married parents?

Denying gay marriage doesn't prevent children- it only prevents children from having married parents.
Jeremiah was a bullfrog...da da...was the type apt to whine...da da..made the debate about religion... facts be left behind...da da ..
The Bible is Truth. I don't have a "world based view", Silhouette. I have a "Biblical based view of the world". And I make no apologies for it. I'm very comfortable with my position because I'm in agreement with God. Not the world. How about you?
Doesn't matter. This thread is about facts found in a survey of adult children; reporting on how damaging not having their gender as a role model is in their lives..

No clearly it isn't- since you focused this on 'gay marriage' when the survey doesn't mention it act all.

If you wanted to focus on what the survey said- and its conclusions then you might have a thread about how children need good role models of the opposite gender.

But you don't want to talk about what the survey actually says.

You want to use it to attack homosexuals.
In any "same sex marraige", 50% of the children in that situation will be deprived of their same gender as a role model. Now, go back and read the OP again..

Says who? The Prince Trust study never says this. Quote anywhere in the Prince Trust study that it says that the only source of good same sex role models are parents. Or makes any mention of same sex parenting, or measures the effects of ANY kind of parenting.

You can't. And thus your entire argument implodes yet again.
States have no fault divorce now. Children are involved in divorce only to the extent the parents disagree on custody issues.

And those custody issues are always resolved using "what's best for the kids" as the guidling principle. Again, thanks for making my points in the OP again..

Hurry..spam good points onto a back page...stat!
Jeremiah was a bullfrog...da da...was the type apt to whine...da da..made the debate about religion... facts be left behind...da da ..
The Bible is Truth. I don't have a "world based view", Silhouette. I have a "Biblical based view of the world". And I make no apologies for it. I'm very comfortable with my position because I'm in agreement with God. Not the world. How about you?
Doesn't matter. This thread is about facts found in a survey of adult children; reporting on how damaging not having their gender as a role model is in their lives..

No clearly it isn't- since you focused this on 'gay marriage' when the survey doesn't mention it act all.

If you wanted to focus on what the survey said- and its conclusions then you might have a thread about how children need good role models of the opposite gender.

But you don't want to talk about what the survey actually says.

You want to use it to attack homosexuals.

The only time Silo gives a shit about kids is if he can use them to attack homosexuals. If he can't, they're completely ignored. The immediate legal harm caused to children of same sex parents when their parents are denied marriage?

He could care it doesn't let him attack homosexuals.

The dozen or so studies that confirm that the children of same sex parents are fine? He ignores them all.

None of those studies let him attack homosexuals.

And of course, gay marriage is irrelevant to the issues he claims to care about. As denying gay marriage to same sex parents doesn't magically mean their children will have opposite sex parents. It only guarantees that these children never have married parents.

He could care this fact doesn't let him attack homosexuals.

Notice the pattern?
None of what you just said changes any of the impact of the OP. There are links and people can check them for themselves.
Remember, in any gay marriage, 50% of the children involved can be statistically-predicted to suffer as a result. Check the OP again for details..
States have no fault divorce now. Children are involved in divorce only to the extent the parents disagree on custody issues.

And those custody issues are always resolved using "what's best for the kids" as the guidling principle. Again, thanks for making my points in the OP again..

Yes- child custody is decided on what is best for the kids- not divorce.

And think this through.

By denying marriage to gay parents, if they split up- there will be no 'child custody' based upon what is best for the kids- because in most cases without marriage there is only one legal parent- the other 'parent' who decided to be part of that child's life as much as a hetero father who consented to his wife being impregnated with a sperm donation- that other 'parent' is scott free- no obligation to support the child like a married parent would have.

Not only do you want to deny children married parents.

You want to deny them the protections that they get in child custody hearings if their parents are married.
None of what you just said changes any of the impact of the OP. There are links and people can check them for themselves.

Obviously it does. As denying same sex marriage has no relevance to any of the issues raised in the OP. Yet you bizarrely try to link them. That's irrational.

Nor does the Prince Trust study say anything about same sex parenting or measure the effects of any kind of parenting. Nor does it state that parents are the only source of good same sex role models. Yet you bizarrely try and claim both. That's irrational.

Worse, denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't mean that their children have opposite sex parents. It merely guarantees these children never have married parents. Which harms children, but doesn't help them. That's irrational.

And finally, you ignore more than a dozen studies that affirm that the children of same sex parents are fine. From any source. Any country. Using any sample size. Using any methodology. Yet you cite a study that doesn't measure the effects of ANY kind of parenting as your lone source. That's irrational.

Neither the courts nor any rational person would ever do any of what you just did.
Remember, in any gay marriage, 50% of the children involved can be statistically-predicted to suffer as a result. Check the OP again for details..

Remember you are delusional.

The Prince's study doesn't say anything about gay marriages- nor does it say that all children who don't have a 'positive opposite gender role model' will suffer.

You just lie about this stuff.
There are almost 150 million orphan children in the world. Most will go unadopted and never have the support of a family and a home to call their own. If a couple wants to give them that home and support, whether they're straight or not, then God bless them.

I disagree with you. An orphan in a Christian orphanage is 10,000 times better off than a child adopted by a gay couple in my belief. Children need a father and a mother. Orphans need a father and a mother and an atmosphere in which they can be healed of the abuse they suffered which resulted in their having become orphans / or the loss of both parents due to some tragic accident. It would be better to remain in an orphanage than to be given to two women living a perverse lifestyle in front of them or two men living a perverse lifestyle in front of them. Children who are already "at risk" ( and have been placed in an orphanage ) do NOT need to be placed in a situation of even greater risk. It's a very wicked thing to do to any child. Who is more vulnerable than an orphan? I am totally against people who have chosen a homosexual lifestyle adopting children.
Yeah..those "christian" orphanages..............................
Jeremiah was a bullfrog...da da...was the type apt to whine...da da..made the debate about religion... facts be left behind...da da ..
The Bible is Truth. I don't have a "world based view", Silhouette. I have a "Biblical based view of the world". And I make no apologies for it. I'm very comfortable with my position because I'm in agreement with God. Not the world. How about you?
Doesn't matter. This thread is about facts found in a survey of adult children; reporting on how damaging not having their gender as a role model is in their lives..

No clearly it isn't- since you focused this on 'gay marriage' when the survey doesn't mention it act all.

If you wanted to focus on what the survey said- and its conclusions then you might have a thread about how children need good role models of the opposite gender.

But you don't want to talk about what the survey actually says.

You want to use it to attack homosexuals.

The only time Silo gives a shit about kids is if he can use them to attack homosexuals. If he can't, they're completely ignored. The immediate legal harm caused to children of same sex parents when their parents are denied marriage?

He could care it doesn't let him attack homosexuals.

The dozen or so studies that confirm that the children of same sex parents are fine? He ignores them all.

None of those studies let him attack homosexuals.

And of course, gay marriage is irrelevant to the issues he claims to care about. As denying gay marriage to same sex parents doesn't magically mean their children will have opposite sex parents. It only guarantees that these children never have married parents.

He could care this fact doesn't let him attack homosexuals.

Notice the pattern?

Of course - Sil has a history of lying in order to attack homosexuals- its her obsession.

Reminds me of a tragic- and famous case

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — A woman accused of fleeing the country with her daughter during a custody dispute with her former partner has been indicted on new charges along with a Virginia businessman and a Mennonite missionary who prosecutors say helped her after she said she was no longer a lesbian.

Business owner Philip Zodhiates is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday on charges he brought Lisa Miller to Buffalo in September 2009 and helped her and her daughter, Isabella, cross the border into Canada.

Zodhiates, Miller and missionary Timothy Miller were charged in a federal indictment last month with international parental kidnapping and conspiracy, but only Zodhiates is believed to be in the country and available to answer the charges in court. He did not return a call for comment Tuesday.

Lisa Miller and Timothy Miller, who are not related, are believed to be in Central America, where Timothy Miller worked as a missionary. He has acknowledged helping Lisa Miller and her daughter, who's now 12 years old, reach Nicaragua.

The girl's other parent, Janet Jenkins, has been seeking her return for five years.

"Isabella, like any other child, deserves to grow up in her home country with parents and relatives who love her," Jenkins said in a statement provided by her attorney, Sarah Star.

Jenkins and Lisa Miller entered a civil union in Vermont in 2000 and split in 2003.

After their separation, a Vermont family court gave custody of Isabella to Miller with regular visitation for Jenkins, but Miller later sought full custody after moving to Virginia, becoming a conservative Christian and renouncing homosexuality.

Following a lengthy legal fight, Miller disappeared with Isabella shortly before a Vermont court transferred custody to Jenkins.

Star said Janet believes "that her daughter is still in Central America in the company of Lisa Miller and the Amish Mennonite community."

Miller was charged in a 2010 federal criminal complaint in Vermont with international parental kidnapping. That case is pending.

According to the New York indictment, Zodhiates, Lisa Miller and Isabella traveled from Virginia to Buffalo on Sept. 21, 2009. Zodhiates, the indictment said, spoke by phone with someone in Canada who agreed to help Miller once she crossed the Rainbow Bridge into Niagara Falls, Ontario, the next day.

Zodhiates also spoke with a Mennonite pastor from Virginia who was convicted of related charges in 2012, the indictment said. The pastor, Kenneth Miller, was found guilty of aiding in international parental kidnapping for helping arrange flights for Lisa Miller and Isabella. He has appealed his conviction. He is not related to Lisa Miller.

Read more: 2 accused of aiding mom in lesbian custody case Daily Mail Online
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There are almost 150 million orphan children in the world. Most will go unadopted and never have the support of a family and a home to call their own. If a couple wants to give them that home and support, whether they're straight or not, then God bless them.

I disagree with you. An orphan in a Christian orphanage is 10,000 times better off than a child adopted by a gay couple in my belief.

What Christian 'orphanage'?

There are almost no orphanages left in the United States.

There are roughly 100,000 children available for adoption in the United States- around 33,000 of them will wait 3 or more years to be adopted- in foster care.

Thousands age out of the system each year, abandoned first by their biological parents and then by the state- 40% of them end up in poverty.

This is what you are happy to condemn children.
I suppose the 3,000 times you have spammed this study in almost every thread you participate in wasn't enough. Now it gets a stand alone thread. Too funny.

I hope the SC checks out this important study on gay marriage and children. It could very well prove just as useful as The Prince's Trust when deciding the ultimate outcome of gay marriage.
Research Study Shows TV Viewers Really Do Watch Commercials
From the Prince's study

The Prince’s Trust Macquarie Youth Index shows that more than one in four young people (27 per cent) claim that they do not have a positive role model in their life.

Those without positive role models are significantly less happy with all areas of their life. Key findings: k More than two in five (42 per cent) suffer from self loathing, 45 per cent “regularly” feel inferior to others, whilst almost a third (31 per cent) feel insecure “all” or “most” of the time k

Young men without positive male role models are three times more likely than their peers with male role models to lack a sense of belonging. They are also significantly less likely to feel happy and confident than those with male role models. They are three times more likely to feel down or depressed all of the time and significantly more likely to admit they can’t remember the last time they felt proud. More than one in three (36 per cent) say they lack a sense of identity k

One in five (20 per cent) of young women with a female role model in their lives feel anxious “all” or “most” of the time compared with 34 per cent of female peers without female role models in their lives. Almost one in four (23 per cent) feel rejected “all” or “most” of the time compared with 11 per cent of their peers

The Prince's study doesn't once mention marriage or homosexual- it mentions 'positive opposite gender role models'- without defining them.

But Silhouette will continue to lie.

What is it Taylor Swift says?

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
From the Prince's study

The Prince’s Trust Macquarie Youth Index shows that more than one in four young people (27 per cent) claim that they do not have a positive role model in their life.

Those without positive role models are significantly less happy with all areas of their life. Key findings: k More than two in five (42 per cent) suffer from self loathing, 45 per cent “regularly” feel inferior to others, whilst almost a third (31 per cent) feel insecure “all” or “most” of the time k

Young men without positive male role models are three times more likely than their peers with male role models to lack a sense of belonging. They are also significantly less likely to feel happy and confident than those with male role models. They are three times more likely to feel down or depressed all of the time and significantly more likely to admit they can’t remember the last time they felt proud. More than one in three (36 per cent) say they lack a sense of identity k

One in five (20 per cent) of young women with a female role model in their lives feel anxious “all” or “most” of the time compared with 34 per cent of female peers without female role models in their lives. Almost one in four (23 per cent) feel rejected “all” or “most” of the time compared with 11 per cent of their peers

The Prince's study doesn't once mention marriage or homosexual- it mentions 'positive opposite gender role models'- without defining them.

But Silhouette will continue to lie.

What is it Taylor Swift says?

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake

Sil is at least making progress. She has finally admitted that this study doesn't mention gay parents or gay marriage but of course that won't stop her from trying to act as if does.

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