Principal who told kids not to speak Spanish will lose job

A principal who allegedly told students of a Texas school not to speak Spanish in class has lost her job, and the FBI has been asked to investigate possible civil rights violations.

The Houston Chronicle reported that the Hempstead school board will not renew the contract of middle school principal Amy Lacey, who has been on administrative leave since December after reportedly saying over the school's intercom that students were not to speak Spanish on campus.

Principal Who Told Students Not to Speak Spanish Loses Job

If he'd told them not to speak Spanish during class, I'd back him up, but what they do on their own time, during lunch and between classes is their business.

Schools can tell kids that they can't wear gang colors and symbols "during lunch and between classes," they can search their lockers, they can restrict what would be 'rights' enjoyed by adults in most other circumstances.
Everyone sounds like an idiot in languages other than their primary. Denying them the ability to express themselves eloquently and with precision is unfair to say nothing of illegal.

It is not "unfair" (useless word) or illegal, and not everyone "sounds like an idiot in languages other than their primary."
A principal who allegedly told students of a Texas school not to speak Spanish in class has lost her job, and the FBI has been asked to investigate possible civil rights violations.

The Houston Chronicle reported that the Hempstead school board will not renew the contract of middle school principal Amy Lacey, who has been on administrative leave since December after reportedly saying over the school's intercom that students were not to speak Spanish on campus.

Principal Who Told Students Not to Speak Spanish Loses Job

If he told them to take off their American Flag shirt and not to speak English, he would have been given a raise!
A principal who allegedly told students of a Texas school not to speak Spanish in class has lost her job, and the FBI has been asked to investigate possible civil rights violations.

The Houston Chronicle reported that the Hempstead school board will not renew the contract of middle school principal Amy Lacey, who has been on administrative leave since December after reportedly saying over the school's intercom that students were not to speak Spanish on campus.

Principal Who Told Students Not to Speak Spanish Loses Job

If he'd told them not to speak Spanish during class, I'd back him up, but what they do on their own time, during lunch and between classes is their business.

Schools can tell kids that they can't wear gang colors and symbols "during lunch and between classes," they can search their lockers, they can restrict what would be 'rights' enjoyed by adults in most other circumstances.

They have no right to tell them what language they can speak when talking to each other outside of class.
If he'd told them not to speak Spanish during class, I'd back him up, but what they do on their own time, during lunch and between classes is their business.

Schools can tell kids that they can't wear gang colors and symbols "during lunch and between classes," they can search their lockers, they can restrict what would be 'rights' enjoyed by adults in most other circumstances.

They have no right to tell them what language they can speak when talking to each other outside of class.

No "right"? What "right" do you speak of?
Schools can tell kids that they can't wear gang colors and symbols "during lunch and between classes," they can search their lockers, they can restrict what would be 'rights' enjoyed by adults in most other circumstances.

They have no right to tell them what language they can speak when talking to each other outside of class.

No "right"? What "right" do you speak of?
Where in the Constitution does it say everyone must speak English in every situation?
What was the reason for not wanting Spanish to be spoken?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. A person speaking Spanish or another language is okay with me as long as they know English too. :) :) :)
Don't agree with firing her but what she did was wrong. Im of French heritage, and some cop pulled me over and I answered a few of his questions about my window tint on French and he threatened to arrest me if I didn't speak English. Fuck that.
French heritage? Which state, Maine or Louisiana?
A principal who allegedly told students of a Texas school not to speak Spanish in class has lost her job, and the FBI has been asked to investigate possible civil rights violations.

The Houston Chronicle reported that the Hempstead school board will not renew the contract of middle school principal Amy Lacey, who has been on administrative leave since December after reportedly saying over the school's intercom that students were not to speak Spanish on campus.

Principal Who Told Students Not to Speak Spanish Loses Job

Welcome To Obama's New Amerikkka
They should be speaking English in class so they can become fluent and because it is the language of instruction. Outside of class, they should be allowed to speak any language they want to speak. I don't know if it is a civil rights violation, but it is pretty stupid. She should have consulted with her school board, with the district school officials, etc., before making such a decision. Very foolish.
A principal who allegedly told students of a Texas school not to speak Spanish in class has lost her job, and the FBI has been asked to investigate possible civil rights violations.

The Houston Chronicle reported that the Hempstead school board will not renew the contract of middle school principal Amy Lacey, who has been on administrative leave since December after reportedly saying over the school's intercom that students were not to speak Spanish on campus.

Principal Who Told Students Not to Speak Spanish Loses Job

Good for her (for standing up against political correctness). She's probably better off NOT working for that sycophant school system. Perhaps she can head up a private school where education takes precedence over political correctness and skewed priorities.
This whole story is blown out of proportion. First, students should be allowed to speak in any language they like, expect when participating in class. All class activities need to be English for obvious reasons. Second, the principal doesn't need to lose her job over this. A simple reminder that kids can speak Spanish, or any language, outside of class should be fine.

This country has lost all patience when it comes to stuff like this. Someone is in the wrong and simply telling them to reverse course won't do anymore. People won't stop until that person is shamed and loses everything. It's all bullshit.
Firing the principal was tactically sound.

Perhaps to an intolerant Liberal that wants to crush anyone who makes a mistake or doesn't agree with them. She was wrong, but it's not a mistake that can't be overcome he she chooses. Let the kids speak Spanish outside of class and let the principal keep her job if she can live with it. This country need to practice more tolerance and less political correctness.
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If the teacher can not speak and instruct in the lanuage the students understand, the teacher is not qualified to be teaching those particular students. Period. 1st Amendment trumps every other law or opinion or concept. Free Speech means free speech. Kid is American citizen. Kid doesn't speak english. Kid only speaks native langauge or LANGUGE OF HIS FAMILIES CHOICE. Kid and family still has right to free speech and equal treatment under the law.
They should be speaking English in class so they can become fluent and because it is the language of instruction. Outside of class, they should be allowed to speak any language they want to speak. I don't know if it is a civil rights violation, but it is pretty stupid. She should have consulted with her school board, with the district school officials, etc., before making such a decision. Very foolish.

Perhaps the principal knows that if the only time they ever speak English is while class is in session that they are very unlikely to become fluent.
If the teacher can not speak and instruct in the lanuage [sic] the students understand, the teacher is not qualified to be teaching those particular students. Period. .


Do you even realize what you just said?
If the teacher can not speak and instruct in the lanuage the students understand, the teacher is not qualified to be teaching those particular students. Period. 1st Amendment trumps every other law or opinion or concept. Free Speech means free speech. Kid is American citizen. Kid doesn't speak english. Kid only speaks native langauge or LANGUGE OF HIS FAMILIES CHOICE. Kid and family still has right to free speech and equal treatment under the law.

If the student is not fluent enough in English to understand instruction, it is the student's responsibility to become fluent in English.

We need to stop this crap of teaching in every known language under the sun. Teach in English only.

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