Pro-Abortion Terrorists Firebomb Pregnancy Center - Where is Garland?

40 years of attacks on abortion clinics, mapped​

In response to Friday's deadly attack on a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs that left three dead and nine injured, pro-choice activist and abortion patient escort Michelle Kinsey Bruns took to Twitter to demonstrate that violence against abortion clinics and providers is a continuing problem in America.

So, it's okay when your guys do it.
We don't need to find the law, you didn't read the art. I found.

Similarly, the Everett, Washington, branch of the Feminist Women's Health Center experienced three arson attacks from 1983 to 1984 and was forced to close its doors a little after a year it opened because the cost of repairs was so prohibitive. And just this September, a Planned Parenthood center in the greater Los Angeles area came under attack for the second time in two months.
The buildings aren't the only targets of such attacks. Often, doctors and health care providers are also targeted repeatedly. Most famously, Dr. George Tiller, who achieved notoriety in anti-abortion circles for his role as director of a clinic that was one of three nationally to provide late-term abortions, was shot twice by anti-abortion extremists — once in 1993 and then fatally in 2009.
Are you claiming Trump conducted terrorist operations against abortion clinics?
Several weeks ago the pro-abortion domestic terrorists 'Ruth Sent Us' firebombed a pro-life HQ then publicly bragged about doing it.

Garland has not made an arrest yet. Seriously?!

In the wake of his incompetence / reluctance to go after actual domestic terrorists, instead of parents, another group of pro-abortion domestic terrorists have perpetrated another terrorist firebombing attack on a pregnancy center.

Once again, where the hell is the US AG?

A pro life HQ does not get special protections from the gov't that abortion providers do.

The DoJ will get on this following the sixth Sunday of the 14th month of the next millennium.
A pro life HQ does not get special protections from the gov't that abortion providers do.

The DoJ will get on this following the sixth Sunday of the 14th month of the next millennium.
Caught the sarcasm, ant rhe response was amusing ... to a point.

On a serious note, though...

'Special' Protection? WTF?

How about just Protection?

How about enforcing the law by arresting a domestic terrorist for perpetrating a BOMBING?

How many HUNDREDS, maybe even THOUSANDS, of members does the domestic terrorist group 'Ruth Sent Us', who perpetrated the 1st bombing then bragged about doing it in social media, have that has caused Garland's DOJ to have taken this long to investigate yet still not made an arrest?

Have domestic terrorists so stupid that they bragged on social media about perpetrating the bombing really outsmarted Garland and his DOJ brown shirts?
Caught the sarcasm, ant rhe response was amusing ... to a point.

On a serious note, though...

'Special' Protection? WTF?

How about just Protection?

How about enforcing the law by arresting a domestic terrorist for perpetrating a BOMBING?

How many HUNDREDS, maybe even THOUSANDS, of members does the domestic terrorist group 'Ruth Sent Us', who perpetrated the 1st bombing then bragged about doing it in social media, have that has caused Garland's DOJ to have taken this long to investigate yet still not made an arrest?

Have domestic terrorists so stupid that they bragged on social media about perpetrating the bombing really outsmarted Garland and his DOJ brown shirts?
I'm with you but since there are no special protections for pro life organizations there's pretty well zero chance the fed's will get involved.
Only tours of the capital should be criminalized. Hitler is proud.
But this is progtards, front and center.

They want power and revenge.

That's a bad combination. That's what the Nazis wanted too.
When dictators come to power the first thing they tend to do is to criminalize the political opposition and purge the nation of their political enemies by whatever means necessary.
I'm with you but since there are no special protections for pro life organizations there's pretty well zero chance the fed's will get involved.
No special protection is required. PROTECTION is guaranteed under the law, and since terrorist bombing are a crime that falls under the DOJ's jurisdiction you would expect them to do something.

No chance the feds will get involved? Garland declared weeks ago that he & tge DOJ were going to investigate the 'Ruth Sent Us' bombing.

Are you saying Garland lied or spoke too soon and had to back out?

Also, since the terrorist group that bragged about perpetrating the bombing has also declared they will be showing uo at USSC Justices' homes to protest despite doing so is illegal, that DEFINITELY makes this / them a federal issue.

No special protection is required. PROTECTION is guaranteed under the law, and since terrorist bombing are a crime that falls under the DOJ's jurisdiction you would expect them to do something.

No chance the feds will get involved? Garland declared weeks ago that he & tge DOJ were going to investigate the 'Ruth Sent Us' bombing.

Are you saying Garland lied or spoke too soon and had to back out?

Also, since the terrorist group that bragged about perpetrating the bombing has also declared they will be showing uo at USSC Justices' homes to protest despite doing so is illegal, that DEFINITELY makes this / them a federal issue.

Garland isn't going to do shit.

It's really just not federal jurisdiction, it's a state/local issue.

If it were an attack on a federal building, abortion clinic etc they'd be in it neck deep.
Garland isn't going to do shit.

It's really just not federal jurisdiction, it's a state/local issue.

If it were an attack on a federal building, abortion clinic etc they'd be in it neck deep.
Again, terrorists that perpetrated a terrorist bombing, vowing to break federal law by protesting USSC Justices at their homes with the intent to intimidate and threaten them into changing their decision...which, again,is a federal crime...not the feds jurisdiction...

The feds should take over the investigation and find out who did it and put them in jail for a hate crime. No doubt about it.

40 years of attacks on abortion clinics, mapped​

In response to Friday's deadly attack on a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs that left three dead and nine injured, pro-choice activist and abortion patient escort Michelle Kinsey Bruns took to Twitter to demonstrate that violence against abortion clinics and providers is a continuing problem in America.

100 attacks and threats in 45 years? So, 2 attacks or threats per year.

100 attacks would be a slow month in Dimwinger run Chicago.
Several weeks ago the pro-abortion domestic terrorists 'Ruth Sent Us' firebombed a pro-life HQ then publicly bragged about doing it.

Garland has not made an arrest yet. Seriously?!

In the wake of his incompetence / reluctance to go after actual domestic terrorists, instead of parents, another group of pro-abortion domestic terrorists have perpetrated another terrorist firebombing attack on a pregnancy center.

Once again, where the hell is the US AG?

Clearly violence works.

From 1977 to 2020 in America, anti-abortion activists committed at least 11 murders, 26 attempted murders, 956 threats of harm or death, 624 stalking incidents and four kidnappings, according to data collected by the National Abortion Federation. They have bombed 42 abortion clinics, set 194 on fire, attempted to bomb or burn an additional 104 and made 667 bomb threats.

Republicans and the wider anti-abortion movement have often condemned this terror but other times have signaled their tacit, or even explicit, support for it. According to David Cohen, author of “Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism,” the GOP has worked in “conjunction” with extreme anti-abortion activists for decades. “They can let the extremists engage in violence, harassment and threats to accomplish the same goal that the mainstream movement tries to accomplish through legislation and other policy changes,” Cohen said.
The GOP has sometimes flaunted its ties to its militant anti-abortion brethren, like when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) formed a “Pro-Lifers for Cruz” coalition as part of his presidential campaign in 2016 and named Troy Newman as a national co-chair.

Newman is the president of a radical anti-abortion group and the author of “Their Blood Cries Out,” a book that crafts a Christian justification for killing abortion providers. The book compared one specific abortion provider, Dr. George Tiller, to Adolf Hitler. Tiller was gunned down in 2009 by a man who owned a copy of “Their Blood Cries Out” and who had the phone number of Newman’s organization, Operation Rescue, on a Post-it note in his car.

Clearly violence works.

From 1977 to 2020 in America, anti-abortion activists committed at least 11 murders, 26 attempted murders, 956 threats of harm or death, 624 stalking incidents and four kidnappings, according to data collected by the National Abortion Federation. They have bombed 42 abortion clinics, set 194 on fire, attempted to bomb or burn an additional 104 and made 667 bomb threats.

Republicans and the wider anti-abortion movement have often condemned this terror but other times have signaled their tacit, or even explicit, support for it. According to David Cohen, author of “Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism,” the GOP has worked in “conjunction” with extreme anti-abortion activists for decades. “They can let the extremists engage in violence, harassment and threats to accomplish the same goal that the mainstream movement tries to accomplish through legislation and other policy changes,” Cohen said.
The GOP has sometimes flaunted its ties to its militant anti-abortion brethren, like when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) formed a “Pro-Lifers for Cruz” coalition as part of his presidential campaign in 2016 and named Troy Newman as a national co-chair.

Newman is the president of a radical anti-abortion group and the author of “Their Blood Cries Out,” a book that crafts a Christian justification for killing abortion providers. The book compared one specific abortion provider, Dr. George Tiller, to Adolf Hitler. Tiller was gunned down in 2009 by a man who owned a copy of “Their Blood Cries Out” and who had the phone number of Newman’s organization, Operation Rescue, on a Post-it note in his car.

Nice job, lil' snowflake - way to justify leftist domestic terrorist bombings instead of calling for the end of all such attacks and calling on Garland to do his f*ing job.

Next up, why don't you justify / make the case for Waters, Schumer, and other Democrats' Vientiane hate-driven rhetoric that incited 2 assassination attempts, 1 on GOP politicians that left Rep Scalise shot, and 1 in a USSC justice..Justice...

Then you can follow-up with defending AG Garland for refusing to enforce the law by arresting violent protestors outside the Justices' homes, criminally attempting to intimidate and threaten the Justices into changing their decisions, as Schumer called for them to do.

There up, snowflake. Let's hear it...
Nice job, lil' snowflake - way to justify leftist domestic terrorist bombings instead of calling for the end of all such attacks and calling on Garland to do his f*ing job.

Next up, why don't you justify / make the case for Waters, Schumer, and other Democrats' Vientiane hate-driven rhetoric that incited 2 assassination attempts, 1 on GOP politicians that left Rep Scalise shot, and 1 in a USSC justice..Justice...

Then you can follow-up with defending AG Garland for refusing to enforce the law by arresting violent protestors outside the Justices' homes, criminally attempting to intimidate and threaten the Justices into changing their decisions, as Schumer called for them to do.

There up, snowflake. Let's hear it...
I like the violence. Want to impose your religious rules on the rest of us? Be prepared for the backlash.

Remember, you guys murder us because you don't like what we are doing to our own bodies. We murder because we don't like what you are doing to our bodies.
Nice job, lil' snowflake - way to justify leftist domestic terrorist bombings instead of calling for the end of all such attacks and calling on Garland to do his f*ing job.

Next up, why don't you justify / make the case for Waters, Schumer, and other Democrats' Vientiane hate-driven rhetoric that incited 2 assassination attempts, 1 on GOP politicians that left Rep Scalise shot, and 1 in a USSC justice..Justice...

Then you can follow-up with defending AG Garland for refusing to enforce the law by arresting violent protestors outside the Justices' homes, criminally attempting to intimidate and threaten the Justices into changing their decisions, as Schumer called for them to do.

There up, snowflake. Let's hear it...

From 1977 to 2020 in America, anti-abortion activists committed at least 11 murders, 26 attempted murders, 956 threats of harm or death, 624 stalking incidents and four kidnappings

At least let us catch up to you before you cry about us. What have we done so far? No where close to what you guys did to us for 44 years.

And don't cry about that guy who threatened the Supreme Court dick head. That guy was nuts. He actually called police on himself. So how serious was he really? He was just nuts. But harmless.
Several weeks ago the pro-abortion domestic terrorists 'Ruth Sent Us' firebombed a pro-life HQ then publicly bragged about doing it.

Garland has not made an arrest yet. Seriously?!

In the wake of his incompetence / reluctance to go after actual domestic terrorists, instead of parents, another group of pro-abortion domestic terrorists have perpetrated another terrorist firebombing attack on a pregnancy center.

Once again, where the hell is the US AG?

he won't be doing anything. He wants to kill as many babies as possible.

what a sicko

i guess I should pray for the *&^%$#@

OK, here goes: God help this *&^%$#@

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