Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Would you mind explaining your comment?

I'd love to.

Here's the original post -- the board software wipes it out...

Yep you libtards are all about choice right?

Soda - no
Types of Alcoholic Drink Mixes - no
Light blubs -no
Right to Work (right not to join a Union) - no
School Choice - no
Right to Choose one's healthcare - no
Right to carry guns provided by the constitution - no

The first line "you libtards" not only drops ad hominem but lumps whatever group he's talking about into a single monolith. That's two fallacies right there, and we haven't even got to the strawmen yet.

The next is a litany of seven bullshit strawmen put into the collective mouth of the aforementioned entity -- speaking for them of course. As if somewhere on earth there's this, I dunno, species that just robotically spews all this in toto. Only a dolt who believes himself in such roboticity could entertain such a notion. Thus, "Seven Strawmen for Seven Dolts", a play on the play "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers".


I understood the reference to Seven Brides...

I (mistakenly, it seems) assumed that you would be commenting on the post to which you were responding rather than the preceding post. Since my post was merely a comment on the YouTube video contained in the previous post, your response seemed slightly out of place.

In any case, the video purports to show Democrats (at the Democratic National Convention) answering questions about positions that seem common to those who support the Democratic party. Perhaps "libtards" is a overgeneralization (I try not to use such terms myself,) but Democrats, like any other group of voluntary association, do tend to support some common positions. The video, again purports, to show Democrats supporting the positions in question.To say that the above positions are fallacious for no reason other than, "not all liberals think that" is similar to saying, "nuh uh!" If you doubt the authenticity of the video, you could point that out. If you do not support the positions described, you can point that out. You, however, cannot speak for others any more than the previous poster can. Since his post at least purports to show evidence that Democrats support the described positions and yours lacks any evidence at all, I'd say he came out ahead in that.

I didn't even watch the video. My comment was on the original list of seven strawmen, which addressed "libtards". Which I have to assume refers to Liberals -- not Democrats. Therefore whatever's in a video of a Democratic convention, if your starting point is Liberals, is irrelevant.

If the first poster is addressing Liberals, and then switches to Democrats, then that's moving the goalposts, which is yet another fallacy. And they remain strawmen anyway. So no, a poster who can't even decide which blanket he's statementing with, I don't think he "comes out ahead" of anything. That's a fallacy within another fallacy.
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I love the look the teen girl gives the pious assholes singing. She's so much better, smarter, and real than any of those phonies.
The pro-lifers are like an evil satanic cult -- if you think about it.

They support the lifelong abuse of unwanted children.

They support the suffering of deformed and sick children.

They support rape victims being forced to carry to term.

They support forced vaginal probes on women.

They are about as evil as you can get.

Your absurdity proves nothing except you are absurd.

You support live children being dumped in trash cans.

This is how evil liberals are ... They honestly think people will just trow babies in the trash ... Well liberals not everyone is evil like you
Of course they would hail Satan....The whole act of abortion is evil.

I understand the need of a woman to escape the responsibility of raising a child, I really do. I support the use of early term abortificants like Plan B and RU-486, before the heart and brain form, I can't get worked up over it.

However, there is a contingent of the pro-abortion that is radical, who's lives revolve around promoting abortion. I cannot help but think that the views of these people heralds back to infant sacrifice.

I don't believe in god, I don't believe in the devil, but I do believe in evil, and there is a thread of evil in the radical pro-abortion movement. There is something religious to the zeal with which they seek to kill.

I would never support killing a innocent life for nothing more then convenience. That includes abortion pills
Of course they would hail Satan....The whole act of abortion is evil.

I understand the need of a woman to escape the responsibility of raising a child, I really do. I support the use of early term abortificants like Plan B and RU-486, before the heart and brain form, I can't get worked up over it.

However, there is a contingent of the pro-abortion that is radical, who's lives revolve around promoting abortion. I cannot help but think that the views of these people heralds back to infant sacrifice.

I don't believe in god, I don't believe in the devil, but I do believe in evil, and there is a thread of evil in the radical pro-abortion movement. There is something religious to zeal with which they seek to kill.

Incredible that you fools call the responsible decision of when to have a child "escaping responsibility".


Unless of course, you never "escape responsibility" aka never use birth control.

Killing a baby isn't birth control. Being pregnant isnt a fucking Virus
Wikipedia is not an academic source and yes it was politically motivated.

This is a message board, not a doctoral thesis, so unless you can refute the information provided, then give it a rest.

The Communist deliberately target religious groups. Stalin slaughtered Christians and Jews, Mao butchered Christians and Buddhists. Both sought to crush alternate loyalty.

Leftism is jealously totalitarian. The left, whether the Obamunists of America, or the Bolsheviks of Russia, seek to crush any group that provides alternative authority to the state. Communists hate religion because religion teaches that men are accountable to god as the ultimate authority. The left holds that the state is the ultimate authority and all loyalty must be to the state and by extension the rulers of the state. This is why leftists in America wage war on the 1st amendment and on the culture that supports Christian ideals.

Obama is a jealous god, thou shalt have no other god before him. But really it isn't Obama, he is just a figurehead for the almighty state. I follow no god, but I subscribe to reason, which the left hates just as much as they do god - for either proposition replaces the notion that the rulers of the left are the ultimate authority.
Wikipedia is not an academic source and yes it was politically motivated.

This is a message board, not a doctoral thesis, so unless you can refute the information provided, then give it a rest.

The Communist deliberately target religious groups. Stalin slaughtered Christians and Jews, Mao butchered Christians and Buddhists. Both sought to crush alternate loyalty.

Leftism is jealously totalitarian. The left, whether the Obamunists of America, or the Bolsheviks of Russia, seek to crush any group that provides alternative authority to the state. Communists hate religion because religion teaches that men are accountable to god as the ultimate authority. The left holds that the state is the ultimate authority and all loyalty must be to the state and by extension the rulers of the state. This is why leftists in America wage war on the 1st amendment and on the culture that supports Christian ideals.

Obama is a jealous god, thou shalt have no other god before him. But really it isn't Obama, he is just a figurehead for the almighty state. I follow no god, but I subscribe to reason, which the left hates just as much as they do god - for either proposition replaces the notion that the rulers of the left are the ultimate authority.

You "subscribe to reason" by calling me a liar and then completely bailing out when documentation is demanded.

You "subscribe to reason" but when it arrives it's left in the mailbox. :eusa_hand:
Wrong again. Your "know to be untrue" is your own übersimplistic failure to see your own fallacy of association, i.e. mistaking "Communism" for "power struggle". You assume that that fallacious premise has any legitimacy, which is why you're in the hole you're in right now. And I already covered this in post 461 anyway, dumbass.

It is an irrefutable fact that the Communists launched a purge of religion in Tibet. You are aware of this, you were aware of this prior to today. Ergo, you knew your claim that the "genocide by the communist had nothing to do with religion" to be false.

You lied - no way to wiggle out of it.

---- All because you're too simple to see beyond the narrowmindedness of your own bullshit premise, and assume the same flawed premise must hold for everyone else. Holy shit, full of yourself much?

You can hold your breath and stomp your feet in your best Obama impression, the fact remains that you lied.

I wouldn't lie to anyone's face. Unlike you I have standards of honestly. Declaring someone a "liar" and then backing that up with "I'd bet the Dalai Lama is stupid enough to believe in the same simplistic bullshit I do" defines your standard. Be proud.

I expected you to have the intellect to grasp the connection to the religious purge of Tibet.

Which of course you DID grasp, but instead of manning up, tried to lie your way out of.

Then it's interesting that I'm the only one who brings it up.

If I were petty and childish...


There as here, you swallowed the bullshit and assumed it was true, which I then deconstructed. With evidence. Like it or lump it, Danth.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PS stop your PM bombing of my inbox. You're on ignore. Do it once more and your ass is reported. I already told you to cease and desist, whining baby. This one will be deleted unread.

Ah, more lies.

You have no integrity at all.

I have never sent you a PM that was not a reply to one of yours. You threw a temper tantrum that I exposed you as a liar, and had to neg - you're petty and small minded that way. I just replied to the PM's you sent.
Wrong again. Your "know to be untrue" is your own übersimplistic failure to see your own fallacy of association, i.e. mistaking "Communism" for "power struggle". You assume that that fallacious premise has any legitimacy, which is why you're in the hole you're in right now. And I already covered this in post 461 anyway, dumbass.

It is an irrefutable fact that the Communists launched a purge of religion in Tibet. You are aware of this, you were aware of this prior to today. Ergo, you knew your claim that the "genocide by the communist had nothing to do with religion" to be false.

Correct. I know that to be false, since I never said that, don't know who you're quoting. Actually I don't know that anybody said that.

Write much fiction? Anybody buying?

---- All because you're too simple to see beyond the narrowmindedness of your own bullshit premise, and assume the same flawed premise must hold for everyone else. Holy shit, full of yourself much?

You can hold your breath and stomp your feet in your best Obama impression, the fact remains that you lied.

-- Which, again, is itself a lie, as demonstrated by your inability to come up with anything more solid than "yeah well if the Dalai Lama were here he'd tell you a thing or two" :nono:".

Dishonest hackitude.

And damn right I negged you for calling me a liar, and I'll do it again. If you don't want negs, then quit flinging poo, little monkey. This is what you always do -- lose the argument, get challenged, can't meet the challenge and start flinging the poo.

Fuck you and everybody who flings like you.
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Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

I can't understand what they are chanting in the background but one chick in sunglasses goes in front of the camera and says "Hail satan"....And this video is from a year ago.

Listen to the second video then, skip to 0:28.

Oh for chrissake so what? That carnival inside the Texas state capitol last year was just that.

Where's the footage of the state police going through women's handbags and removing their tampons? That also happened. I saw it on television.

And so what if they actually were satan worshippers? They're protected by the 1st Amendment just like you are.

The little phony monk who started this thread is just seeking attention.
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