Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

Considering the fact that infanticide is an idea straight from Satan I don't see why it should come as a surprise that pro-deathers would "hail" his name.

Hail Satan!

... as unquenchable flames swirl around your body day and night for ever and ever. Got Coppertone?
Nobody getting an abortion needs to hear assholes singing Amazing Grace when they are walking into an abortion clinic.

"The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion"

I don't need to pay higher taxes to pay for millions of illegals either but I'll probably have to, regardless. But I've never heard of anyone harmed by the words of "Amazing Grace." It's actually a beautiful song with a magnificent message. You ought to listen to it some time.

[ame=]Alan Jackson - Amazing Grace - YouTube[/ame]
Abortion is a highly personal decision that many women are sure they'll never have to think about until they're suddenly faced with an unexpected pregnancy. But this can happen to anyone, including women who are strongly anti-choice. So what does an anti-choice woman do when she experiences an unwanted pregnancy herself?
"I have done several abortions on women who have regularly picketed my clinics, including a 16 year old schoolgirl who came back to picket the day after her abortion”
"I've had several cases in which the anti-abortion patient had rationalized in one way or another that her case was the only exception, but the one that really made an impression was the college senior who was the president of her campus Right-to-Life organization”
"In 1990, Operation Rescue and other groups were regularly blockading the clinics As a result, we knew many of the 'antis' by face. One morning, a woman who had been a regular 'sidewalk counselor' went into the clinic with a young woman who looked like she was 16-17, and obviously her daughter. When the mother came out about an hour later, I had to go up and ask her if her daughter's situation had caused her to change her mind. 'I don't expect you to understand my daughter's situation!' she angrily replied. The following Saturday, she was back, pleading with women entering the clinic not to 'murder their babies.'"
" Just last week a woman announced she thought abortion should be illegal. Amazingly, this was her second abortion within the last few months, having gotten pregnant again within a month of the first abortion.."
"We saw a woman who after four attempts and many hours of counseling both at the hospital and our clinic, finally, calmly and uneventfully, had her abortion. Four months later, she called me on Christmas Eve to tell me that she was not and never was pro-choice and that we failed to recognize that she was clinically depressed at the time."
"we had a 'pro-life' activist have an abortion. Later, she told someone on my staff that she thought abortion is murder, that she is a murderer, and that she is murdering her baby. So before doing her procedure, I asked her if she thought abortion is murder - the answer was yes. I asked her if she thought I am a murderer, and if she thought I would be murdering her baby, and she said yes. But murder is a crime, and murderers are executed. Is this a crime? Well, it should be, she said.
" He asked me, 'How many children are you going to kill today?' My response, out of anger, was a familiar vulgar retort. About three months later, this born-again Christian called me to explain that he was against abortion but his daughter was only a junior in high school and was too young to have a baby…
"I had a patient about ten years ago who traveled up to New York City from South Carolina for an abortion. I asked her why she went such a long way to get the procedure. Her answer was that she was a member of a church group that didn't believe in abortion and she didn't want anyone to know she was having one.
"She told me that she had been offended by the other women in the abortion clinic waiting room because they were using abortion as a form of birth control, but her condom had broken so she had no choice
"A 21 year old woman and her mother shared that they were Pro-Life and disagreed with abortion, but that the patient could not afford to raise a child right now.
"We have anti-choice women in for abortions all the time. Many of them are just naive and ignorant until they find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy. They just haven't given it the proper amount of thought until it completely affects them. Then suddenly they become pregnant. Suddenly they see the truth. That it should only be their own choice. Unfortunately, many also think that somehow they are different than everyone else and they deserve to have an abortion, while no one else does."

Deciding to hire a hitman to knock off your husband to collect life insurance is also a highly personal decision.
Abortion is a highly personal decision that many women are sure they'll never have to think about until they're suddenly faced with an unexpected pregnancy. But this can happen to anyone, including women who are strongly anti-choice. So what does an anti-choice woman do when she experiences an unwanted pregnancy herself?
"I have done several abortions on women who have regularly picketed my clinics, including a 16 year old schoolgirl who came back to picket the day after her abortion”
"I've had several cases in which the anti-abortion patient had rationalized in one way or another that her case was the only exception, but the one that really made an impression was the college senior who was the president of her campus Right-to-Life organization”
"In 1990, Operation Rescue and other groups were regularly blockading the clinics As a result, we knew many of the 'antis' by face. One morning, a woman who had been a regular 'sidewalk counselor' went into the clinic with a young woman who looked like she was 16-17, and obviously her daughter. When the mother came out about an hour later, I had to go up and ask her if her daughter's situation had caused her to change her mind. 'I don't expect you to understand my daughter's situation!' she angrily replied. The following Saturday, she was back, pleading with women entering the clinic not to 'murder their babies.'"
" Just last week a woman announced she thought abortion should be illegal. Amazingly, this was her second abortion within the last few months, having gotten pregnant again within a month of the first abortion.."
"We saw a woman who after four attempts and many hours of counseling both at the hospital and our clinic, finally, calmly and uneventfully, had her abortion. Four months later, she called me on Christmas Eve to tell me that she was not and never was pro-choice and that we failed to recognize that she was clinically depressed at the time."
"we had a 'pro-life' activist have an abortion. Later, she told someone on my staff that she thought abortion is murder, that she is a murderer, and that she is murdering her baby. So before doing her procedure, I asked her if she thought abortion is murder - the answer was yes. I asked her if she thought I am a murderer, and if she thought I would be murdering her baby, and she said yes. But murder is a crime, and murderers are executed. Is this a crime? Well, it should be, she said.
" He asked me, 'How many children are you going to kill today?' My response, out of anger, was a familiar vulgar retort. About three months later, this born-again Christian called me to explain that he was against abortion but his daughter was only a junior in high school and was too young to have a baby…
"I had a patient about ten years ago who traveled up to New York City from South Carolina for an abortion. I asked her why she went such a long way to get the procedure. Her answer was that she was a member of a church group that didn't believe in abortion and she didn't want anyone to know she was having one.
"She told me that she had been offended by the other women in the abortion clinic waiting room because they were using abortion as a form of birth control, but her condom had broken so she had no choice
"A 21 year old woman and her mother shared that they were Pro-Life and disagreed with abortion, but that the patient could not afford to raise a child right now.
"We have anti-choice women in for abortions all the time. Many of them are just naive and ignorant until they find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy. They just haven't given it the proper amount of thought until it completely affects them. Then suddenly they become pregnant. Suddenly they see the truth. That it should only be their own choice. Unfortunately, many also think that somehow they are different than everyone else and they deserve to have an abortion, while no one else does."

Deciding to hire a hitman to knock off your husband to collect life insurance is also a highly personal decision.


False comparison fallacy.

Abortion isn't 'murder.'
Abortion is a highly personal decision that many women are sure they'll never have to think about until they're suddenly faced with an unexpected pregnancy. But this can happen to anyone, including women who are strongly anti-choice. So what does an anti-choice woman do when she experiences an unwanted pregnancy herself?
"I have done several abortions on women who have regularly picketed my clinics, including a 16 year old schoolgirl who came back to picket the day after her abortion”
"I've had several cases in which the anti-abortion patient had rationalized in one way or another that her case was the only exception, but the one that really made an impression was the college senior who was the president of her campus Right-to-Life organization”
"In 1990, Operation Rescue and other groups were regularly blockading the clinics As a result, we knew many of the 'antis' by face. One morning, a woman who had been a regular 'sidewalk counselor' went into the clinic with a young woman who looked like she was 16-17, and obviously her daughter. When the mother came out about an hour later, I had to go up and ask her if her daughter's situation had caused her to change her mind. 'I don't expect you to understand my daughter's situation!' she angrily replied. The following Saturday, she was back, pleading with women entering the clinic not to 'murder their babies.'"
" Just last week a woman announced she thought abortion should be illegal. Amazingly, this was her second abortion within the last few months, having gotten pregnant again within a month of the first abortion.."
"We saw a woman who after four attempts and many hours of counseling both at the hospital and our clinic, finally, calmly and uneventfully, had her abortion. Four months later, she called me on Christmas Eve to tell me that she was not and never was pro-choice and that we failed to recognize that she was clinically depressed at the time."
"we had a 'pro-life' activist have an abortion. Later, she told someone on my staff that she thought abortion is murder, that she is a murderer, and that she is murdering her baby. So before doing her procedure, I asked her if she thought abortion is murder - the answer was yes. I asked her if she thought I am a murderer, and if she thought I would be murdering her baby, and she said yes. But murder is a crime, and murderers are executed. Is this a crime? Well, it should be, she said.
" He asked me, 'How many children are you going to kill today?' My response, out of anger, was a familiar vulgar retort. About three months later, this born-again Christian called me to explain that he was against abortion but his daughter was only a junior in high school and was too young to have a baby…
"I had a patient about ten years ago who traveled up to New York City from South Carolina for an abortion. I asked her why she went such a long way to get the procedure. Her answer was that she was a member of a church group that didn't believe in abortion and she didn't want anyone to know she was having one.
"She told me that she had been offended by the other women in the abortion clinic waiting room because they were using abortion as a form of birth control, but her condom had broken so she had no choice
"A 21 year old woman and her mother shared that they were Pro-Life and disagreed with abortion, but that the patient could not afford to raise a child right now.
"We have anti-choice women in for abortions all the time. Many of them are just naive and ignorant until they find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy. They just haven't given it the proper amount of thought until it completely affects them. Then suddenly they become pregnant. Suddenly they see the truth. That it should only be their own choice. Unfortunately, many also think that somehow they are different than everyone else and they deserve to have an abortion, while no one else does."

Deciding to hire a hitman to knock off your husband to collect life insurance is also a highly personal decision.


False comparison fallacy.

Abortion isn't 'murder.'

The basis of the comparison is that they both are personal decisions, not that they are both murder.

That being said, if all laws against killing other people were overturned then a woman having her husband knocked off would not be murder either.
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religion should play no part in the argument.

When a sizable part of the world's population considers Abortion tantamount to Murder?

The Law is one thing.

How people perceive Good and Evil is quite another.

Both Secularism and Religion have a place at the discussion table.
I didn't even watch the video. My comment was on the original list of seven strawmen, which addressed "libtards". Which I have to assume refers to Liberals -- not Democrats. Therefore whatever's in a video of a Democratic convention, if your starting point is Liberals, is irrelevant.

If the first poster is addressing Liberals, and then switches to Democrats, then that's moving the goalposts, which is yet another fallacy. And they remain strawmen anyway. So no, a poster who can't even decide which blanket he's statementing with, I don't think he "comes out ahead" of anything. That's a fallacy within another fallacy.

I'm confused. Name me one non-liberal Democrat.

Here's some suggestions... I'm not that familiar with Democrats; I'm familiar with Liberalism.

"Democrat" is a partisan term for a member of a political party, like "Republican". That doesn't tell us whether said Democrat or Republican is Liberal or not. Suffice to say Liberals do not believe in restricting those things as listed in the Seven Specious Strawmen. Leftists might, but that's a whole 'nother smoke.

Around here the Democrats are conservatives. I worked on one's campaign (Heath Shuler). And of course the Democratic Party for a century had a lock on the entire South with its ultraconservative wing that since went Republican. Same people, same voting bloc ... different party. Whatever works.

A political party is a machine to organize power. As such it flexes, bends, accommodates one way here, accommodates the opposite way there. Because its objective is power, not ideology. Ideology will always be secondary to power for a political machine. Parties are about practicality, attaining power by whatever means, and that means mutable. Ideologies are about idealism, and that means fixed. Parties change; ideologies don't.

So the poster started out with "libtards" and then apparently went to "Democrats". I chose the former, his starting point.

A classic dodge, if ever there was one.

It's accepted by most that the majority of (if not all) Democrats are liberal. Not the classical liberal of old, but the modern interpretation. The original poster never "switched to Democrats" because his original starting point of "libtards" (meaning liberals) includes most Democrats. You won't, I think, find many liberals claiming to be Republican.

So quibble about semantics and the exactness of labels all you want. The rest of us just see someone avoiding the point of a post.
I'm confused. Name me one non-liberal Democrat.

Here's some suggestions... I'm not that familiar with Democrats; I'm familiar with Liberalism.

"Democrat" is a partisan term for a member of a political party, like "Republican". That doesn't tell us whether said Democrat or Republican is Liberal or not. Suffice to say Liberals do not believe in restricting those things as listed in the Seven Specious Strawmen. Leftists might, but that's a whole 'nother smoke.

Around here the Democrats are conservatives. I worked on one's campaign (Heath Shuler). And of course the Democratic Party for a century had a lock on the entire South with its ultraconservative wing that since went Republican. Same people, same voting bloc ... different party. Whatever works.

A political party is a machine to organize power. As such it flexes, bends, accommodates one way here, accommodates the opposite way there. Because its objective is power, not ideology. Ideology will always be secondary to power for a political machine. Parties are about practicality, attaining power by whatever means, and that means mutable. Ideologies are about idealism, and that means fixed. Parties change; ideologies don't.

So the poster started out with "libtards" and then apparently went to "Democrats". I chose the former, his starting point.

A classic dodge, if ever there was one.

It's accepted by most that the majority of (if not all) Democrats are liberal. Not the classical liberal of old, but the modern interpretation. The original poster never "switched to Democrats" because his original starting point of "libtards" (meaning liberals) includes most Democrats. You won't, I think, find many liberals claiming to be Republican.

So quibble about semantics and the exactness of labels all you want. The rest of us just see someone avoiding the point of a post.

See whatever you want; I answered your question in detail.
I don't accept cheap redefinitions. "Liberal" does not necessarily mean "Democrat". If the poster is too lazy to differentiate between the two, that's his failing.
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...Abortion isn't 'murder.'
Depends on who you ask... and where you ask it... and the year in which you ask it.

Ask again, in a few years, and you may have a different answer, even at law.

We will probably see this oscillate in 20-40 -year-long cycles for the next century or two.
Just for a break in the squabbling...

Did the OP say something about 'Amazing Grace' ?

For all you Believers out there...

One of the more compelling renditions I've heard in recent years...


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Yes everyone who is pro choice is also pro satan....As well as anti-you


Its what happens when you bus in protesters without screening them properly, you are going to get some nutters.

they are both equally funnay as you cannot have one w/o the other [MENTION=23094]martybegan[/MENTION] as satan is just as much a fiction (created by the thumpers, mind you :eusa_shhh: ) as avatar4321's sky pixie. They're both from the same novel :thup: SO satanists has just as much right as the thumpers, in a 1st Amend sense, to be present

I suspect they were doing the chant just to :poke: the busy body thumpers :D
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

Um, dunno what Bible anti-abortion people are reading, but the Bible is no great respector of children or differentiating them from adults when it comes to killing them.

Long said there's two version of "God" in America. The Scriptural version which we can all double-check, and the mythical Carebear version no one can ever give chapter and verse in support of.

Wanna be against something, or for something leave religion out of it. I'm against abortion because it's killing a baby. But not out of any wishy-washy nonsensical religious observance.
Nobody getting an abortion needs to hear assholes singing Amazing Grace when they are walking into an abortion clinic.

"The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion"

I don't need to pay higher taxes to pay for millions of illegals either but I'll probably have to, regardless. But I've never heard of anyone harmed by the words of "Amazing Grace." It's actually a beautiful song with a magnificent message. You ought to listen to it some time.

[ame=""]Alan Jackson - Amazing Grace - YouTube[/ame]

I love the song, it humbles me...makes me recognize how short i too have been from God's perfectness, and brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it, with sincere thankfulness for ''a thing called Grace''.


I have not read this entire thread, so I do not know what others have said on this topic, at least not yet...

But I did listen to the tape a few times and NO WHERE in this tape, did I hear the crowd of protesters chanting "Hail satan", even if you watch their lips while they are chanting, can you see the lips sync, Hail satan....???

In the very end, the single girl with the tongue, shouted hail satan but not the crowd of protesters in the rebellion against Amazing grace....

Is my hearing just going bad in my older age, OR is the OP'S link just making this up?

Did you watch their lips and listen to their chants in the tape? Did you honestly hear "hail satan" in the groups chants?

Nobody getting an abortion needs to hear assholes singing Amazing Grace when they are walking into an abortion clinic.

"The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion"

I don't need to pay higher taxes to pay for millions of illegals either but I'll probably have to, regardless. But I've never heard of anyone harmed by the words of "Amazing Grace." It's actually a beautiful song with a magnificent message. You ought to listen to it some time.

[ame=""]Alan Jackson - Amazing Grace - YouTube[/ame]

I love the song, it humbles me...makes me recognize how short i too have been from God's perfectness, and brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it, with sincere thankfulness for ''a thing called Grace''.


I have not read this entire thread, so I do not know what others have said on this topic, at least not yet...

But I did listen to the tape a few times and NO WHERE in this tape, did I hear the crowd of protesters chanting "Hail satan", even if you watch their lips while they are chanting, can you see the lips sync, Hail satan....???

In the very end, the single girl with the tongue, shouted hail satan but not the crowd of protesters in the rebellion against Amazing grace....

Is my hearing just going bad in my older age, OR is the OP'S link just making this up?

Did you watch their lips and listen to their chants in the tape? Did you honestly hear "hail satan" in the groups chants?


It happened here in Austin----I heard it several times on the local news channels----definitely "hail satan". Local protestors were all a bit pissed at the bussed in protestors.
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Here's some suggestions... I'm not that familiar with Democrats; I'm familiar with Liberalism.

"Democrat" is a partisan term for a member of a political party, like "Republican". That doesn't tell us whether said Democrat or Republican is Liberal or not. Suffice to say Liberals do not believe in restricting those things as listed in the Seven Specious Strawmen. Leftists might, but that's a whole 'nother smoke.

Around here the Democrats are conservatives. I worked on one's campaign (Heath Shuler). And of course the Democratic Party for a century had a lock on the entire South with its ultraconservative wing that since went Republican. Same people, same voting bloc ... different party. Whatever works.

A political party is a machine to organize power. As such it flexes, bends, accommodates one way here, accommodates the opposite way there. Because its objective is power, not ideology. Ideology will always be secondary to power for a political machine. Parties are about practicality, attaining power by whatever means, and that means mutable. Ideologies are about idealism, and that means fixed. Parties change; ideologies don't.

So the poster started out with "libtards" and then apparently went to "Democrats". I chose the former, his starting point.

A classic dodge, if ever there was one.

It's accepted by most that the majority of (if not all) Democrats are liberal. Not the classical liberal of old, but the modern interpretation. The original poster never "switched to Democrats" because his original starting point of "libtards" (meaning liberals) includes most Democrats. You won't, I think, find many liberals claiming to be Republican.

So quibble about semantics and the exactness of labels all you want. The rest of us just see someone avoiding the point of a post.

See whatever you want; I answered your question in detail.
I don't accept cheap redefinitions. "Liberal" does not necessarily mean "Democrat". If the poster is too lazy to differentiate between the two, that's his failing.

He didn't need to differentiate between the two. He ascribed the positions to liberals (or libtards, as he put it.) The fact that the video showed Democrats does not "move the goalpost" or create any need for differentiation. If most Democrats are liberals, it can be reasonably extrapolated that the people depicted in the video are not only Democrats but liberals as well. That every Democrat I know self-identifies as liberal gives support to the idea that most Democrats are liberals.

That you are focused on this loophole you think you've found rather than the substance of the post is interesting. Again, the very definition of "dodge."
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A sad, disgusting response. Respect the beliefs of others, or all fail.

Do you respect my belief that life is not so precious that a woman should be forced to birth a baby she doesn't want to have? So then you are pro choice. Did you read any of my "every abortion is a bad one except mine"? Every day there are anti abortion women who go in and get abortions.

So deep down even anti abortion women are pro choice just guilty ones. But when it comes to their bodies, then they realize it isn't really murder. Sad they only realize it when it happens to them.
Nobody getting an abortion needs to hear assholes singing Amazing Grace when they are walking into an abortion clinic.

"The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion"

I don't need to pay higher taxes to pay for millions of illegals either but I'll probably have to, regardless. But I've never heard of anyone harmed by the words of "Amazing Grace." It's actually a beautiful song with a magnificent message. You ought to listen to it some time.

[ame=]Alan Jackson - Amazing Grace - YouTube[/ame]

I know I sing it for any religious person that wants to learn guitar. Its only D G & A. If they only knew an Atheist was singing to them they'd die. Only 2 of them were overly religious. The rest are pretty cool.

But it would make a person feel worse than they already do when they're going to get an abortion. No one wants to get an abortion.

It'd be like playing the Devil went down to Georgia at someone's funeral in Atlanta. :lol:
A sad, disgusting response. Respect the beliefs of others, or all fail.

Do you respect my belief that life is not so precious that a woman should be forced to birth a baby she doesn't want to have? So then you are pro choice. Did you read any of my "every abortion is a bad one except mine"? Every day there are anti abortion women who go in and get abortions.

So deep down even anti abortion women are pro choice just guilty ones. But when it comes to their bodies, then they realize it isn't really murder. Sad they only realize it when it happens to them.

Don't want a baby, don't get pregnant.

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