Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

And if only smart people were allowed to reproduce we wouldn't pass on your stupid gene. :badgrin: JK.

P.S. This planet is over populated. No one can deny that. We are polluting the air and oceans. I just heard yesterday BP said we will be out of oil in 50 years. We need to thin the herd big time. I don't want it to be from disease, war or famine.

If any single poor inner city woman with no family to help supporter her and a baby wants to have an abortion, who wants to stop her? Ah ha! Now it's not such a big deal to you racist anti abortion people.

If Muslims in the middle east want to get abortions or the chinese, do you want to stop them? I don't.

We decided to help poor women with abortions because otherwise it's going to cost us a lot more. But the GOP are cutting aid to the poor to give millionaires tax breaks and it is not creating jobs for these poor people so this trickle down theory doesn't work. Anyways, I don't want to go off on a tangent. Point is, the GOP business model doesn't make any sense. They want these poor women to breed because they care about life but then they won't feed the poor babies they insist they care about once they are born?

I'm not even pro choice. I'm pro abortion. :badgrin:

At least you are honest about it. Most who support abortion won't admit they support killing.
I would venture to guess that MOST that support a woman's right to choose, DO NOT take the same position as Sealy's pro abortion, no matter what, and even after birth if the child is a Mongoloid etc....that's a pretty radical position to least in my mind it is... I'm not certain if he truly believes this way or he is after the shock factor? :eek: maybe I misunderstood on the mongoloid thingy?

Nope. If my wife popped a Mongoloid or Retard out I'd ask the doctor to kill it if it were legal. It's the way my ancestors in Sparta did it. Throw it in the pit.
And if only smart people were allowed to reproduce we wouldn't pass on your stupid gene. :badgrin: JK.

P.S. This planet is over populated. No one can deny that. We are polluting the air and oceans. I just heard yesterday BP said we will be out of oil in 50 years. We need to thin the herd big time. I don't want it to be from disease, war or famine.

If any single poor inner city woman with no family to help supporter her and a baby wants to have an abortion, who wants to stop her? Ah ha! Now it's not such a big deal to you racist anti abortion people.

If Muslims in the middle east want to get abortions or the chinese, do you want to stop them? I don't.

We decided to help poor women with abortions because otherwise it's going to cost us a lot more. But the GOP are cutting aid to the poor to give millionaires tax breaks and it is not creating jobs for these poor people so this trickle down theory doesn't work. Anyways, I don't want to go off on a tangent. Point is, the GOP business model doesn't make any sense. They want these poor women to breed because they care about life but then they won't feed the poor babies they insist they care about once they are born?

I'm not even pro choice. I'm pro abortion. :badgrin:

At least you are honest about it. Most who support abortion won't admit they support killing.
I would venture to guess that MOST that support a woman's right to choose, DO NOT take the same position as Sealy's pro abortion, no matter what, and even after birth if the child is a Mongoloid etc....that's a pretty radical position to least in my mind it is... I'm not certain if he truly believes this way or he is after the shock factor? :eek: maybe I misunderstood on the mongoloid thingy?
I do, I also think you should try getting out and mixing a bit more.
At least you are honest about it. Most who support abortion won't admit they support killing.
I would venture to guess that MOST that support a woman's right to choose, DO NOT take the same position as Sealy's pro abortion, no matter what, and even after birth if the child is a Mongoloid etc....that's a pretty radical position to least in my mind it is... I'm not certain if he truly believes this way or he is after the shock factor? :eek: maybe I misunderstood on the mongoloid thingy?

Nope. If my wife popped a Mongoloid or Retard out I'd ask the doctor to kill it if it were legal. It's the way my ancestors in Sparta did it. Throw it in the pit.
Kalo Taxidi.
I would venture to guess that MOST that support a woman's right to choose, DO NOT take the same position as Sealy's pro abortion, no matter what, and even after birth if the child is a Mongoloid etc....that's a pretty radical position to least in my mind it is... I'm not certain if he truly believes this way or he is after the shock factor? :eek: maybe I misunderstood on the mongoloid thingy?

Nope. If my wife popped a Mongoloid or Retard out I'd ask the doctor to kill it if it were legal. It's the way my ancestors in Sparta did it. Throw it in the pit.
Kalo Taxidi.

To where?
I would venture to guess that MOST that support a woman's right to choose, DO NOT take the same position as Sealy's pro abortion, no matter what, and even after birth if the child is a Mongoloid etc....that's a pretty radical position to least in my mind it is... I'm not certain if he truly believes this way or he is after the shock factor? :eek: maybe I misunderstood on the mongoloid thingy?

Nope. If my wife popped a Mongoloid or Retard out I'd ask the doctor to kill it if it were legal. It's the way my ancestors in Sparta did it. Throw it in the pit.
Kalo Taxidi.

Do you think all those Spartans are burning in hell for throwing out the bad babies? Even though they saved Greece from the Persians?
^^^^^. There we have it folks, people that believe in aborting babies after birth. Could this ever be upheld by the Supreme Court? I would think not, but who in the late 1960's would have thought that the Supreme Court would have soon come up with the decision of Roe vs. Wade?

False comparison fallacy.

Actually, it i a perfect comparison, Saul.

Which is why you reacted, though you cannot offer any sort of refutation.

You recognize two acts when on party seeks the death of another party for their own personal gain.

Abortion isn't 'murder.'

But it is the killing of a human.

Even if we agree that technically it is terminating a life, we don't view life as being so precious that a woman who doesn't want a baby should be forced to carry it for 9 months and then give birth to it.

Ever see 1000's of turtles hatch and try to make it down to the beach and the birds pick off half of them and then fish eat another 25%? That's life.

I don't approve of going to war for money because real people will die. I don't like to hear real people are raped or murdered. I think it is sad when a person is killed in a car accident.

I don't think it is sad when a person gets an abortion. I know it is sad for them of course. It's personal. No one wants to have an abortion but that's life, just like the turtles.

We have too many people on this planet. If poor people have an accident and get knocked up, the cost savings of welfare and foodstamps vs. paying for her abortion. No brainer. Get the abortion. How much do you need honey?

The gop love having a lot of poor people. Drives wages down. They don't like welfare or food stamps because those people won't go to work and it would raise their taxes. Their answer is charity but we see charity/churches suck in a crisis.

What's wrong with "real people" being killed then? Adults are killed in nature all the time. Survival of the fittest is the natural law. Why not simply gas poor neighborhoods and kill off the excess population that is a net drain on society if life itself is not intrinsically valuable?
^^^^^. There we have it folks, people that believe in aborting babies after birth. Could this ever be upheld by the Supreme Court? I would think not, but who in the late 1960's would have thought that the Supreme Court would have soon come up with the decision of Roe vs. Wade?


there we have it folks. another psycho rightwingnut theocrat lying about what another poster is saying

^^^^^. There we have it folks, people that believe in aborting babies after birth. Could this ever be upheld by the Supreme Court? I would think not, but who in the late 1960's would have thought that the Supreme Court would have soon come up with the decision of Roe vs. Wade?


there we have it folks. another psycho rightwingnut theocrat lying about what another poster is saying


How is he lying? Sealybobo explicitly said he would support killing babies AFTER they were born if they were retarded. It wasn't even ambiguous. IPFreely seemed to be supporting the same. Hence "people that believe in aborting babies after birth."

No lie.
Nope. If my wife popped a Mongoloid or Retard out I'd ask the doctor to kill it if it were legal. It's the way my ancestors in Sparta did it. Throw it in the pit.
Can you read?
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Dood! I cannot "put up" against what you think "it seems". :banghead:

Wispy vague impressions of what "it seems" do not a point make.

I can offer contradictory evidence; I can show how your own standard changes according to which desired result you want, thus exposing your flawed reasoning. I already did both of those.

You've offered nothing but "it seems", nervous laughter and insults.

You've offered 'contradictory evidence'?? Which post number was that on, bud?


I already did 'put up' anyway. Try what we call "reading". See posts 457 and 478.


Seriously? Well, let's take a look at those two posts and see if they in any way refute that communism and atheism are typically found together, which was the topic our little thread of posts back and forth was addressing here.

Pogo Post 457:

So?! Karl Marx isn't the representative of atheism.

No he's just the founder of communism which is one of many atheist idealogies.

Bullshit. Karl Marx no more founded "communism" than 2A invented stupidity. Just because you write a book about something doesn't mean you conceived it from nothing.

>> The term religious communism has been ascribed to the social arrangement practiced by many orders of monks and nuns of such religions as Christianity, Taoism, Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The teachings of Mazdak, a religious proto-socialist Persian reformer, has also been referred to as early "communism".[1]​

Your post is referring to something completely different than state led communism, which is what is being discussed here, apparently that went over your pointy little head. Cutting and pasting some blurb from some unknown source trying to attribute religious practices to early forms of communism doesn't refute my statement by a long shot. Pure communism in and of itself is a wonderful theory, and completely unobtainable in reality, and state led communism such as attempted within the last 100 years are completely different animals.

Pogo post 478:

The Book of Acts isn't communism.

Isn't it?

Wanna tell these people they've been doing it wrong for five hundred years?

>> Originating in the Austrian province of Tyrol in the 16th century, the forerunners of the Hutterites migrated to Moravia to escape persecution. There, under the leadership of Jakob Hutter, they developed the communal form of living based on the New Testament books of the Acts of the Apostles (Chapters 2 (especially Verse 44), 4, and 5) and 2 Corinthians <<​

Oh look ... Christians practicing Communism. And they got it from the bible. AWK- ward....

This post wasn't even addressing any post that I made, and really, you're pointing to the Hutterites, a small group of people from the 1500's? Okay.... :lol: Still doesn't refute the fact that attempted implementations of commuism are typically coupled with atheism.

I'll give you an "E" for effort tho, and even that's probably more than you deserve... :lol:
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I mirrored exactly what you typed, yet you have to morph it into something else because you're not equipped to deal with the original.

Dishonest hackery.

So 'same thing' and 'typically go together' have the same definition to you?

You tell me -- YOU are the one who morphed the latter into the former. Try reading your own words above.

My words were very clear, apparently you have difficulties with the English language. Perhaps this is your only defense however, obfuscate to the point where the people trying to deal with your bullshit just give up and move on. I understand that you can't address my question in either an open or honest way, because you're wrong, and you know you're wrong. :lol: Anyone finding it worth their time can link back thru the posts to see who 'morphed' what, and it most definitely wasn't me. But then, you already know that, obfuscation is you're only 'weapon'. Unfortunately it doesn't work with me. :D
Just for a break in the squabbling...

Did the OP say something about 'Amazing Grace' ?

For all you Believers out there...

One of the more compelling renditions I've heard in recent years...


Celtic Woman - Amazing Grace - YouTube

I shot some video of a Mennonite group singing "Blessed Assurance" and "Amazing Grace" in a park in Baltimore.

[ame=]Mennonite Chorus - YouTube[/ame]

The Mennonites have a moderate religious stance on the issue of abortion rights:
While many could support legislation which seeks to curtail some types of abortion, we recognize that legislation banning all abortions will not stop abortions from happening...It also disproportionately affects the poor, as those with means will find ways to obtain safe abortions. Further, legislation is using the government to force others to comply with our Christian standards, something our forebears clearly rejected. We believe that the demands of discipleship are to be accepted voluntarily, not imposed legally upon everyone regardless of conviction.
See Mennonite Church USA Statement on Abortion
What your link goes to:
Communism has absolutely nothing to do with religion. And you're way off topic. Which considering the abjectly silly premise, is an understandable retreat.

So, are you admitting that you lied? Did you grow a bit of integrity?

What your lying hypocritical dishonest ass claims I said, quoted directly above:

Are you denying that you wrote that?

Unfucking believable.

What's hilarious is that he's engaging with me and throwing up posts numbers that he's made in this thread that show communism inherent in religion, then he's quoting himself to you saying that communism has abosolutely nothing to do with religion. He's got himself twisted up like a damn pretzel. :lol: In one scenario he's trying to pretend he's discussin 'communism' in it's pure form practiced by small groups of people, and in the other he's referring to state commumism, so apparently he has himself all confused. And of course, anyone discussing communism on a political message board is referring to the attempted implemtations of it in modern history over the last 100 years. You can't make this shit up any funnier than the reality! :lol:
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Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

You know the question "If you could get free cable for life and all you would have to do is push a button and someone you don't know in another part of the world would die, would you do it?".

If I could push a button and all the people who have ever protested outside an abortion clinic would die, I would do it. And you wouldn't even need to give me the free cable. :badgrin:

The true ugly and evil face of progressivism is slowly revealing itself. They're starting to get heady on the power they think they've won permanently, and they're getting cocky and forgetting to hide their true evil nature and their true evil agenda. Keep making posts like this one, the more you make the sooner people will cease being fooled by your 'we just want to help the downtrodden' bullshit.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

Um, dunno what Bible anti-abortion people are reading, but the Bible is no great respector of children or differentiating them from adults when it comes to killing them.

Long said there's two version of "God" in America. The Scriptural version which we can all double-check, and the mythical Carebear version no one can ever give chapter and verse in support of.

Wanna be against something, or for something leave religion out of it. I'm against abortion because it's killing a baby. But not out of any wishy-washy nonsensical religious observance.

I'm going to prove to you that religion is why you are anti choice.

Who cares that it is killing a potential baby when its still just a seed?

And is life so precious that someone should be forced to raise a retarded or mongaloid baby? If this happens at birth, I say kill the baby. Why not? If you had a deformed cat or dog in the litter that would cost you 10 years of $ at the vets, wouldn't you put it down? Well what makes a human baby any different than a puppy? Sure it is sad but whatever. So is a miscarriage but you don't go having a funeral for a miscarriage do you?

You are a pathetic creature, this is the face of progressivism and the evil it spews.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

You know the question "If you could get free cable for life and all you would have to do is push a button and someone you don't know in another part of the world would die, would you do it?".

If I could push a button and all the people who have ever protested outside an abortion clinic would die, I would do it. And you wouldn't even need to give me the free cable. :badgrin:

Well, then I guess that's the difference between you and me. I want to persuade people that my position is correct, you simply want to kill those who disagree.

Your method may be more effective in getting your way in the short term, but you'd eventually run into someone with your own philosophy who will take your own life. It's much better to be able to convince someone your position is right. Less bloodshed is necessary, less risk to anyone's life.
Well what makes a human baby any different than a puppy?

And there you have it, folks. This encapsulates perfectly everything that is evil about pro-abortion people.

Do you believe in god? I don't.

Now of course if it were my baby I would feel bad, but I don't feel bad one bit if you have an abortion. I could give a rats ass. In fact the planet is overpopulated and we don't need you breeding.

And I wouldn't consider it murder if I had an abortion. Technically maybe it is but bfd it's a seed in my belly.

I do feel bad when I kill a deer. I do care about life. Animals and real living humans. But a seed in the womb? Nah.

In fact, I care more about life then you probably. I would have never killed all those Iraqi's and been responsible for all those US Soldiers who died in Iraq. All for what? Their oil? GW Bush should be hung for treason and war crimes.

You're one of the biggest idiots I've had the displeasure to come across. You can't even keep it straight in your damn post. Evil progressivism on display, over population, population control, he doesn't need you 'breeding', you know, because he's in control. Idiot.

And what oil?

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