Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

you really have no business commenting on anyone else's IQ.

Actually, I'd say I'm uniquely qualified. :D

and your idiot sig about 18 US Code 875 is proof of that.

You Obamunists always claim there is no specific charge against your god.

He has engaged in interstate extortion against political enemies. This is a felony, abuse of power, and a violation of his oath of office.

Impeach the fucker - AFTER Feb. 2015 when the GOP controls both houses.
Well, then I guess that's the difference between you and me. I want to persuade people that my position is correct, you simply want to kill those who disagree.

Your method may be more effective in getting your way in the short term, but you'd eventually run into someone with your own philosophy who will take your own life. It's much better to be able to convince someone your position is right. Less bloodshed is necessary, less risk to anyone's life.
Use this forum as an example. Has anyone ever admitted they were wrong. When someone wins an argument here either the opponent moves the goal post, pretends he didn't, or completely disappears and never speaks about it again once he reappears.

You can only win arguments with people who are willing to allow logic and cold hearted facts to win while ignoring personal feelings.

The alternative is to kill all the hard heads.

I have admitted I am wrong when I am. (Yes it happens even to me sometimes):)

And yes some people are hardheaded. All the more reason to improve our skills at rhetoric and arguing.

I'm wrong too. You are right. If I would push the button to get rid of someone I disagree with then eventually I'd be on the losing side of that so no I don't actually mean what I said. Sorry. But I would kill a retarded or mongaloid baby.
Nope. If my wife popped a Mongoloid or Retard out I'd ask the doctor to kill it if it were legal. It's the way my ancestors in Sparta did it. Throw it in the pit.

That's the way the National Socialist Party did it as well during the 1930's and 1940's.

Whenever someone throws around the socialist or communist words I remember watching the Alabama Freedom Riders. They just wanted to be able to ride a bus anywhere in the south. Was that so much to ask for? And the KKK'ers that showed up that day were throwing those SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST words.

It is as if you don't know what those words mean. Piss off loser.

MLK also use threw the SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST words... does that mean MLK was a secret agent for the KKK?
You are a pathetic creature, this is the face of progressivism and the evil it spews.

he used the word "forced". and while he could have been kinder about it, no one should be forced to raise a child they don't want. it was my business as to whether I had an amnio or not. it was my business as what my course of action would have been depending on what that amnio showed. (thankfully, it showed nothing negative).

but it certainly isn't your business to insert your religious beliefs into someone else's decision-making process.

as for 'kill the baby'... I think he is just trying to piss you off and seems to be doing a good job of it....

but it isn't a baby at fertilization. and your own religious beliefs have no place in anyone's decision making but your own.

and, frankly, a good number of the people ranting on this issue are barely capable of governing their own lives. they should stay away from everyone elses.

Someone got it. Thanks Jillian.

And really, they don't care about other living things. Let me give you some examples.

They are the ones who fight laws that say your slaughter houses have to treat the animals humanely.

They would cut back on food stamps so that poor kids go hungry at the end of the month.

They defend war criminals who start wars for $. How many died in Iraq?

They fought healthcare reform. Obamacare wouldn't suck if the GOP and Healthcare Lobbyists weren't allowed to write the fucking bill. All the ACA was was a windfall for the healthcare industry. Now everyone MUST buy their products and yet they cry. They sat by and watched healthcare go up 300% in 10 years under Bush and said nothing while people died. Too bad they said. So how do they care about life?

The people who run the GOP don't care about god or life. They only appeal to the poor and middle class religious people to win their votes. Its a wedge issue they use to divide us. Mind your own business righties. This shouldn't even be a public debate. Maybe if you didn't talk about them all the time we wouldn't want them so bad. It's like mom saying don't touch that. Fuck that I'm touching it. OUCH! :lol:
That's the way the National Socialist Party did it as well during the 1930's and 1940's.

Whenever someone throws around the socialist or communist words I remember watching the Alabama Freedom Riders. They just wanted to be able to ride a bus anywhere in the south. Was that so much to ask for? And the KKK'ers that showed up that day were throwing those SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST words.

It is as if you don't know what those words mean. Piss off loser.

MLK also use threw the SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST words... does that mean MLK was a secret agent for the KKK?

Not the point. The point is, back then those ignorant red necks were throwing those terms around too. Do you think those young black and white freedom riders were socialists or commies or do you fucking think they just wanted the right to pay for a bus seat and ride safely anywhere in the USA they wanted? You fucking idiot.

This is why I hate discussing shit with righties. They never get the point you are trying to make so why bother. At least we get the point you are trying to make. We may disagree, but we get it. You don't even get what I'm trying to say. So how fucking dumb are you goober? Where do you live, Hooterville?
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

You know the question "If you could get free cable for life and all you would have to do is push a button and someone you don't know in another part of the world would die, would you do it?".

If I could push a button and all the people who have ever protested outside an abortion clinic would die, I would do it. And you wouldn't even need to give me the free cable. :badgrin:

Yours is a culture of death so I don't doubt your words. For the record, if the tables were turned I'd be willing to push a button as well (after the death cultists were found guilty in a court of law for their horrendous crimes against humanity).
You are a pathetic creature, this is the face of progressivism and the evil it spews.

he used the word "forced". and while he could have been kinder about it, no one should be forced to raise a child they don't want. it was my business as to whether I had an amnio or not. it was my business as what my course of action would have been depending on what that amnio showed. (thankfully, it showed nothing negative).

but it certainly isn't your business to insert your religious beliefs into someone else's decision-making process.

as for 'kill the baby'... I think he is just trying to piss you off and seems to be doing a good job of it....

but it isn't a baby at fertilization. and your own religious beliefs have no place in anyone's decision making but your own.

and, frankly, a good number of the people ranting on this issue are barely capable of governing their own lives. they should stay away from everyone elses.

Someone got it. Thanks Jillian.

And really, they don't care about other living things. Let me give you some examples.

They are the ones who fight laws that say your slaughter houses have to treat the animals humanely.

They would cut back on food stamps so that poor kids go hungry at the end of the month.

They defend war criminals who start wars for $. How many died in Iraq?

They fought healthcare reform. Obamacare wouldn't suck if the GOP and Healthcare Lobbyists weren't allowed to write the fucking bill. All the ACA was was a windfall for the healthcare industry. Now everyone MUST buy their products and yet they cry. They sat by and watched healthcare go up 300% in 10 years under Bush and said nothing while people died. Too bad they said. So how do they care about life?

The people who run the GOP don't care about god or life. They only appeal to the poor and middle class religious people to win their votes. Its a wedge issue they use to divide us. Mind your own business righties. This shouldn't even be a public debate. Maybe if you didn't talk about them all the time we wouldn't want them so bad. It's like mom saying don't touch that. Fuck that I'm touching it. OUCH! :lol:

Gee, another Communist agrees with you that life has no value, except in service to the state? That slaughtering the most vulnerable in society is to be encouraged?

Who would have guessed? :dunno:
Yours is a culture of death so I don't doubt your words. For the record, if the tables were turned I'd be willing to push a button as well (after the death cultists were found guilty in a court of law for their horrendous crimes against humanity).

Despite his idiocy, Silly Bonobo demonstrates exactly the attitude of those earlier democrats in the South. It is a callous disregard for life.

If we wonder how the holocaust, purges, and killing fields happened, we need only read the words of Silly Bonobo. The evil of Jim Crow is identical to the evil of the Khmer Rouge, it is ultimately the contempt for life. Jillian and chimp boi demonstrate exactly the same contempt for life here.

Leftism, the desire to strip others of liberty, and concentrate assets in the hands of the central elite, is further manifestation of this same basic contempt for life. The view of the democrats today is identical to the view of the Khmer Rouge, that people are nothing but disposable assets, property of the state, to be disposed of as the state desires. While Jillian may advocate for rights for various groups, as a craftsman will detail the care of various tools, the concept that individuals have rights runs contrary to the view that we are simply cogs, with no value beyond the function we perform in service to the state and the rulers of the state.

I openly call the democrats Communists, and refer to them as the Khmer Rouge, i do this because it is the bitter truth, it is the reality of the party. Abortion is but a manifestation of the basic position of the party that life is without value. A baby is an unformed tool, discarding it has no impact on the workings of the machinery of the state, thus the democrat cannot conceive of objections to disposing of the unwanted without a thought. The reality is that leftist is the rejection of the idea that life has value in it's own right, that man qua man is sufficient.
he used the word "forced". and while he could have been kinder about it, no one should be forced to raise a child they don't want. it was my business as to whether I had an amnio or not. it was my business as what my course of action would have been depending on what that amnio showed. (thankfully, it showed nothing negative).

but it certainly isn't your business to insert your religious beliefs into someone else's decision-making process.

as for 'kill the baby'... I think he is just trying to piss you off and seems to be doing a good job of it....

but it isn't a baby at fertilization. and your own religious beliefs have no place in anyone's decision making but your own.

and, frankly, a good number of the people ranting on this issue are barely capable of governing their own lives. they should stay away from everyone elses.

Someone got it. Thanks Jillian.

And really, they don't care about other living things. Let me give you some examples.

They are the ones who fight laws that say your slaughter houses have to treat the animals humanely.

They would cut back on food stamps so that poor kids go hungry at the end of the month.

They defend war criminals who start wars for $. How many died in Iraq?

They fought healthcare reform. Obamacare wouldn't suck if the GOP and Healthcare Lobbyists weren't allowed to write the fucking bill. All the ACA was was a windfall for the healthcare industry. Now everyone MUST buy their products and yet they cry. They sat by and watched healthcare go up 300% in 10 years under Bush and said nothing while people died. Too bad they said. So how do they care about life?

The people who run the GOP don't care about god or life. They only appeal to the poor and middle class religious people to win their votes. Its a wedge issue they use to divide us. Mind your own business righties. This shouldn't even be a public debate. Maybe if you didn't talk about them all the time we wouldn't want them so bad. It's like mom saying don't touch that. Fuck that I'm touching it. OUCH! :lol:

Gee, another Communist agrees with you that life has no value, except in service to the state? That slaughtering the most vulnerable in society is to be encouraged?

Who would have guessed? :dunno:

You mean another progressive liberal Democrat?

But you forget I said it is I who values life and you who does not. You don't value Iraqi life. When you drop bombs from drones and kill innocent life you call it collateral damage.

You let poor people die because you KNOW they don't get the same treatment a Bush would get or Magic Johnson.

I think your side wants to force more poor people into having babies. You know many of them will live below the poverty line. Your masters like this too because the more worker bees or the more flooded the market gets with workers the lower the wages.

Or I think secretly your masters know abortion is here to stay and a necessary evil and they just use the wedge issue to divide the poor and middle class. Suckers.

Remember, you don't care about lives you care about seeds in a woman's stomach. Know the difference, comrade. :lol:
Yours is a culture of death so I don't doubt your words. For the record, if the tables were turned I'd be willing to push a button as well (after the death cultists were found guilty in a court of law for their horrendous crimes against humanity).

Despite his idiocy, Silly Bonobo demonstrates exactly the attitude of those earlier democrats in the South. It is a callous disregard for life.

If we wonder how the holocaust, purges, and killing fields happened, we need only read the words of Silly Bonobo. The evil of Jim Crow is identical to the evil of the Khmer Rouge, it is ultimately the contempt for life. Jillian and chimp boi demonstrate exactly the same contempt for life here.

Leftism, the desire to strip others of liberty, and concentrate assets in the hands of the central elite, is further manifestation of this same basic contempt for life. The view of the democrats today is identical to the view of the Khmer Rouge, that people are nothing but disposable assets, property of the state, to be disposed of as the state desires. While Jillian may advocate for rights for various groups, as a craftsman will detail the care of various tools, the concept that individuals have rights runs contrary to the view that we are simply cogs, with no value beyond the function we perform in service to the state and the rulers of the state.

I openly call the democrats Communists, and refer to them as the Khmer Rouge, i do this because it is the bitter truth, it is the reality of the party. Abortion is but a manifestation of the basic position of the party that life is without value. A baby is an unformed tool, discarding it has no impact on the workings of the machinery of the state, thus the democrat cannot conceive of objections to disposing of the unwanted without a thought. The reality is that leftist is the rejection of the idea that life has value in it's own right, that man qua man is sufficient.

You do realize the Republicans won over the south when the southern democrats went along with civil rights, right? So in essence those "southern democrats" are today's red neck poor hick southern christians.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even Reagan used racism to win elections

Exclusive: Lee Atwater?s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy | The Nation
You are a pathetic creature, this is the face of progressivism and the evil it spews.

Silly Bonobo has an IQ less than 50. In most cases the severely retarded are sweet and affectionate, but in others the frustration of a faulty brain makes the person angry, violent, and evil.

That is the case of Silly Bonobo. He wishes to inflict pain on others so that they suffer as he suffers.

you really have no business commenting on anyone else's IQ.

and your idiot sig about 18 US Code 875 is proof of that.

Here is another example of how they just don't get it. They think we are evil because we would have an abortion. You know who should have had an abortion? That couple who "accidentally" left their baby in the car to die of heat.

If you don't want to have kids or you shouldn't have kids and you get pregnant, and adoption is not an option, abort.

But its not like I don't value life. I value that little baby who was tortured to death. Sick. They should kill the parents the same way. And no 20 years on death row. In 6 months.
You don't value Iraqi life.

Did you value Syrian life while Obama was given Al Nusra (jihadis) weaponry to slay Syrians?

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

I would give every woman in Afganistan wearing a burka a gun so they could take out any taliban who tries to rape or abuse them.

I don't know all the details of those fights in the middle east. I certainly won't take your word for it. You guys still don't know the difference between Sunni's and Shiites.

What about Bush who toppled Saddam, the only guy keeping Iraq from turning Shiite. What is Iran? Shiite. So now we just made Iran and Iraq best buddies. Way to go Bush.

And if you know your Iraq facts, Bush had to kiss Mook Tada El Sadr's ass too. For awhile we were trying to take him out, next thing you know Bush is giving him millions of dollars and let him borrow one of his daughters for a weekend. The blonde slutty one. :eusa_shhh:
Even if we agree that technically it is terminating a life, we don't view life as being so precious that a woman who doesn't want a baby should be forced to carry it for 9 months and then give birth to it.

Ever see 1000's of turtles hatch and try to make it down to the beach and the birds pick off half of them and then fish eat another 25%? That's life.

I don't approve of going to war for money because real people will die. I don't like to hear real people are raped or murdered. I think it is sad when a person is killed in a car accident.

I don't think it is sad when a person gets an abortion. I know it is sad for them of course. It's personal. No one wants to have an abortion but that's life, just like the turtles.

We have too many people on this planet. If poor people have an accident and get knocked up, the cost savings of welfare and foodstamps vs. paying for her abortion. No brainer. Get the abortion. How much do you need honey?

The gop love having a lot of poor people. Drives wages down. They don't like welfare or food stamps because those people won't go to work and it would raise their taxes. Their answer is charity but we see charity/churches suck in a crisis.

What's wrong with "real people" being killed then? Adults are killed in nature all the time. Survival of the fittest is the natural law. Why not simply gas poor neighborhoods and kill off the excess population that is a net drain on society if life itself is not intrinsically valuable?

The rich know exactly how many poor people die every year because they don't have the best healthcare possible. It is a sacrifice republicans are certainly willing to make so don't give me this we care about life. You care about a seed in a belly and you hate living humans who don't have enough money. Or you are at least indifferent to their suffering.

GM knew some people would die and weighed the costs and lost.

Louis CK is an atheist I believe. He said, "I drive a $50K infinity. I could easily save how many people from suffering and dieing if I bought a $20K car instead and donated the other $30K to the poor starving people of the world BUT I/WE don't and we sleep just fine at night.

You fucking right wing hypocrites. I care about life, you care about potential life.

I notice you didn't answer any of my questions. If it is ok for babies to be killed because in nature 50% of turtle babies don't make it off the beach, why are adults different? Adult animals are killed every day in nature too. From your perspective, why should I care if anyone gets killed? It's natural, after all, for animals to kill each other. If you are going to base some of your rationalization on nature, why differentiate?
I would give every woman in Afganistan wearing a burka a gun so they could take out any taliban who tries to rape or abuse them.

So would I. I am glad that both you and I agree that The Right to Bear Arms is NECESSARY in order to keep evil at bay. Gun Control is simply CONTROL. It keeps guns out of the hands of the government's victims.
Words to Amazing Grace

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me...
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be...
as long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
a life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

Words to Amazing Grace, Printer Friendly Version
Whenever someone throws around the socialist or communist words I remember watching the Alabama Freedom Riders. They just wanted to be able to ride a bus anywhere in the south. Was that so much to ask for? And the KKK'ers that showed up that day were throwing those SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST words.

It is as if you don't know what those words mean. Piss off loser.

MLK also use threw the SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST words... does that mean MLK was a secret agent for the KKK?

Not the point. The point is, back then those ignorant red necks were throwing those terms around too. Do you think those young black and white freedom riders were socialists or commies or do you fucking think they just wanted the right to pay for a bus seat and ride safely anywhere in the USA they wanted? You fucking idiot.

This is why I hate discussing shit with righties. They never get the point you are trying to make so why bother. At least we get the point you are trying to make. We may disagree, but we get it. You don't even get what I'm trying to say. So how fucking dumb are you goober? Where do you live, Hooterville?

If nobody understands your point, maybe it isn't THEIR problem.

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