Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Nobody getting an abortion needs to hear assholes singing Amazing Grace when they are walking into an abortion clinic.

"The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion"

Because hearing a uplifting song when your about to kill your child is a horrible thing? No the horrible thing is murdering your child.

Hey stupid...

Still waiting on this:
I see Pogo is still lying and then attacking when shown to be a liar

Since Pothead couldn't do it, feel free to quote this "lie". No reason you should be denied glory, right?


Whatcha got? Nothing?
Who hires illegals?

Tyson, main backer of the Clinton sure does.

Unregulated conservative free market capitalist corporations.

Running dog capitalist pigs, Comrade? :eek:


Fucking Communists, dumb as dogshit, but not as pleasant.

Quick Comrade, name the top five U.S. Corporations who are not under government regulation?


Oh I see, you were lying through your fucking teeth again - hey, you're a Communist - it's what you do.

Your base.

The rest doesn't even justify a reply.

Hey chimp boi, you may not have a shred of integrity, you may not be able to offer a cogent argument, but at least you blindly follow your shameful party!
You've offered 'contradictory evidence'?? Which post number was that on, bud?



Seriously? Well, let's take a look at those two posts and see if they in any way refute that communism and atheism are typically found together, which was the topic our little thread of posts back and forth was addressing here.

Pogo Post 457:
Bullshit. Karl Marx no more founded "communism" than 2A invented stupidity. Just because you write a book about something doesn't mean you conceived it from nothing.

>> The term religious communism has been ascribed to the social arrangement practiced by many orders of monks and nuns of such religions as Christianity, Taoism, Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The teachings of Mazdak, a religious proto-socialist Persian reformer, has also been referred to as early "communism".[1]​

Your post is referring to something completely different than state led communism, which is what is being discussed here, apparently that went over your pointy little head. Cutting and pasting some blurb from some unknown source trying to attribute religious practices to early forms of communism doesn't refute my statement by a long shot. Pure communism in and of itself is a wonderful theory, and completely unobtainable in reality, and state led communism such as attempted within the last 100 years are completely different animals.​

Number one -- the source is "unknown" because you edited out the link. The rest of the post must have been inconvenient, but it was there. Typical dishonest hackitude -- chop it out and claim it's not there.

Here's what you cut off:
Various other Christian communities have organized themselves along similar principles since then. Due to the generally small size of these communities, little is known about the ones that are believed to have existed more than a few centuries ago. There are several examples from recent history, however, including the pilgrims of Plymouth Colony, the Shakers, the Harmony Society, Hutterites, some groups within the Religious Society of Friends, and the United Order.

The Diggers movement in England in the year 1649 may also be described as an example of religious communism. The Diggers were particularly concerned with the communal ownership of land. << -- Religious Communism
The link is right there on the end.

Number two, you're moving goalposts. We spoke at the time of the nature of communism and whether it does or does not require atheism. Now when your positiion gets shot down you want to shift to "state-led". And then toss ad hom as if you're not the one committing the fallacy.

Poster, please.

Pogo post 478:

The Book of Acts isn't communism.

Isn't it?

Wanna tell these people they've been doing it wrong for five hundred years?

>> Originating in the Austrian province of Tyrol in the 16th century, the forerunners of the Hutterites migrated to Moravia to escape persecution. There, under the leadership of Jakob Hutter, they developed the communal form of living based on the New Testament books of the Acts of the Apostles (Chapters 2 (especially Verse 44), 4, and 5) and 2 Corinthians <<​

Oh look ... Christians practicing Communism. And they got it from the bible. AWK- ward....

This post wasn't even addressing any post that I made, and really, you're pointing to the Hutterites, a small group of people from the 1500's? Okay.... :lol: Still doesn't refute the fact that attempted implementations of commuism are typically coupled with atheism.

Number one, "small" is both irrelevant and relative; we speak of the system. For what it's worth they number around 50,000, all of them practicing Christianism and communism simultaneously. Ergo, one does not preclude the other; on the contrary, they get their communism FROM their religion. Obviously if communism required atheism, that coexistence would be impossible. And they're not "from the 1500s" -- that's when their movement started. They thrive right now, as I heard it the most prolific ethnic group in North America in fact. And my descriptions of these people come from direct experience, so to your throw-up-the-hands idea that communism is "completely unattainable in reality", the same comment: you might want to let them know their existence for the last five hundred years is "unattainabe in reality". They keep a fine sense of humor and they'd be highly amused. ;)

I'll give you an "E" for effort tho, and even that's probably more than you deserve... :lol:

I'm not here for your "grades". Your inability to process ideas with anything but hostility is of no interest to me. I'm sure some of your kindred will append thanks from a safe distance though, so you enjoy. :cool:
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So 'same thing' and 'typically go together' have the same definition to you?

You tell me -- YOU are the one who morphed the latter into the former. Try reading your own words above.

My words were very clear, apparently you have difficulties with the English language. Perhaps this is your only defense however, obfuscate to the point where the people trying to deal with your bullshit just give up and move on. I understand that you can't address my question in either an open or honest way, because you're wrong, and you know you're wrong. :lol: Anyone finding it worth their time can link back thru the posts to see who 'morphed' what, and it most definitely wasn't me. But then, you already know that, obfuscation is you're only 'weapon'. Unfortunately it doesn't work with me. :D

Once again, you wiped out the evidence and then claim it isn't there.

Fortunately it's on the record, to wit:
"Read a history book" my ass. No they don't "typically go together"; they have no relationship. The association fallacy that two things once existed in the same place STILL doesn't make them the same thing. Except to incorrigibly simple minds.

/STILL offtopic

Not one person in this thread has said that they are the same thing. But you keep punching away at that lovely strawman that you keep attempting to build in desperation!


... the only person stupid enough to try to make the argument that communism and atheism don't typically go together. Well, you and Pogo, now there's a relationshp!

I mirrored exactly what you typed, yet you have to morph it into something else because you're not equipped to deal with the original.

Dishonest hackery.

--- and I'm the one who can't read English...

What your link goes to:

So, are you admitting that you lied? Did you grow a bit of integrity?

What your lying hypocritical dishonest ass claims I said, quoted directly above:

Are you denying that you wrote that?

Unfucking believable.

What's hilarious is that he's engaging with me and throwing up posts numbers that he's made in this thread that show communism inherent in religion, then he's quoting himself to you saying that communism has abosolutely nothing to do with religion. He's got himself twisted up like a damn pretzel. :lol: In one scenario he's trying to pretend he's discussin 'communism' in it's pure form practiced by small groups of people, and in the other he's referring to state commumism, so apparently he has himself all confused.

I'm truly sorry you find this so challenging. Perhaps you should worry about your own fabrications without jumping in on Pothead's. Think that might work?

I have made no such point that "communism is inherent in religion"; I have refuted the claim that communism requires atheism. Which was just re-explained above. Nor have I been referring to "state communism", regardless what you would like to have happened. Feel free to pat yourself on the back and enjoy your pretzels though, Danth. It's comfort food.

And of course, anyone discussing communism on a political message board is referring to the attempted implemtations of it in modern history over the last 100 years. You can't make this shit up any funnier than the reality! :lol:

--- and there it is, moving the goalposts and redefining the whole field -- after the goal's already scored. No different from the little kid in the football game who gets intercepted and then moans "but that play didn't count!!" :eusa_hand:
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Use this forum as an example. Has anyone ever admitted they were wrong. When someone wins an argument here either the opponent moves the goal post, pretends he didn't, or completely disappears and never speaks about it again once he reappears.

:clap2: SO true.
If I could push a button and all the people who have ever protested outside an abortion clinic would die, I would do it. And you wouldn't even need to give me the free cable. :badgrin:

Sorry to rally the crowd twice in one day, but we got another Progressives who cracked and admitted his desire to actually carry out their fantasies of genocide. That's 2 Progressives in less than 24 hours on USMB who admitted this.

[mentions deleted]

I'll just toss this out for the 1387th time and expect the usual crickets:

-- What the fuck is a "Progressive"?

What's hilarious is that he's engaging with me and throwing up posts numbers that he's made in this thread that show communism inherent in religion, then he's quoting himself to you saying that communism has abosolutely nothing to do with religion. He's got himself twisted up like a damn pretzel. :lol: In one scenario he's trying to pretend he's discussin 'communism' in it's pure form practiced by small groups of people, and in the other he's referring to state commumism, so apparently he has himself all confused. And of course, anyone discussing communism on a political message board is referring to the attempted implemtations of it in modern history over the last 100 years. You can't make this shit up any funnier than the reality! :lol:

Pogo is a strong advocate of the "Baffle em with bullshit" method of debate.

He threw his little temper tantrum because I laughed at his absurd lie in response to you....

--- a "lie" you were completely unable to document. :dunno:
If I could push a button and all the people who have ever protested outside an abortion clinic would die, I would do it. And you wouldn't even need to give me the free cable. :badgrin:

Sorry to rally the crowd twice in one day, but we got another Progressives who cracked and admitted his desire to actually carry out their fantasies of genocide. That's 2 Progressives in less than 24 hours on USMB who admitted this.

[mentions deleted]

I'll just toss this out for the 1387th time and expect the usual crickets:

-- What the fuck is a "Progressive"?

Why don't we ask one of their Yellow Journalism internet rags?
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Nope. If my wife popped a Mongoloid or Retard out I'd ask the doctor to kill it if it were legal. It's the way my ancestors in Sparta did it. Throw it in the pit.

That's the way the National Socialist Party did it as well during the 1930's and 1940's.

Whenever someone throws around the socialist or communist words I remember watching the Alabama Freedom Riders. They just wanted to be able to ride a bus anywhere in the south. Was that so much to ask for? And the KKK'ers that showed up that day were throwing those SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST words.

It is as if you don't know what those words mean. Piss off loser.

True dat. They did indeed.
Word control is a central tool for the dishonest. They must figure if you just fling it like poo for a long enough time, it will become poo by association.


We notice they never ever EVER define said terms, and will resist, deflect and move goalposts on any attempt to do so by others. Because invective, not accuracy, is the goal of Eliminationists.
What's hilarious is that he's engaging with me and throwing up posts numbers that he's made in this thread that show communism inherent in religion, then he's quoting himself to you saying that communism has abosolutely nothing to do with religion. He's got himself twisted up like a damn pretzel. :lol: In one scenario he's trying to pretend he's discussin 'communism' in it's pure form practiced by small groups of people, and in the other he's referring to state commumism, so apparently he has himself all confused. And of course, anyone discussing communism on a political message board is referring to the attempted implemtations of it in modern history over the last 100 years. You can't make this shit up any funnier than the reality! :lol:

Pogo is a strong advocate of the "Baffle em with bullshit" method of debate.

He threw his little temper tantrum because I laughed at his absurd lie in response to you....

--- a "lie" you were completely unable to document. :dunno:

Are you going to melt down for the second day in a row? :eek:
Not the point. The point is, back then those ignorant red necks were throwing those terms around too. Do you think those young black and white freedom riders were socialists or commies or do you fucking think they just wanted the right to pay for a bus seat and ride safely anywhere in the USA they wanted? You fucking idiot.

This is why I hate discussing shit with righties. They never get the point you are trying to make so why bother. At least we get the point you are trying to make. We may disagree, but we get it. You don't even get what I'm trying to say. So how fucking dumb are you goober? Where do you live, Hooterville?

If nobody understands your point, maybe it isn't THEIR problem.

No I'm pretty sure its your problem. For example, none of us liberal progressive Democrats want socialism on a grand scale. We may like public schools and we may not like the idea of corporations running prisons but we don't want the oil companies to be state run. Just regulated.

So when idiots like you think we're socialists or communists and we aren't, that's a problem for both of us actually. Because I have to deal with you as a fellow American. I have to deal with the shit bags you elect to our government.

I meant it wasn't a problem of their ability to comprehend as much as your ability to express.

And the problem isn't that you want to move to a fully socialist system in one move. The problem is that most every proposal coming from the left is a move in that direction. Add a little more socialism here and there until there isn't anything left unsocialized.

Not to say that I don't think there are some liberals/ progressives who would be thrilled by a direct move to complete socialism. They just know it would be too jarring to be accepted. But we all know how to boil a frog right?
Sorry to rally the crowd twice in one day, but we got another Progressives who cracked and admitted his desire to actually carry out their fantasies of genocide. That's 2 Progressives in less than 24 hours on USMB who admitted this.

[mentions deleted]

I'll just toss this out for the 1387th time and expect the usual crickets:

-- What the fuck is a "Progressive"?

Why don't we ask one of their Yellow Journalism internet rags?

I don't think that site posts here. I asked the poster who invoked the term. Matter of fact he went to great lengths to advertise that he invoked it.
That's the way the National Socialist Party did it as well during the 1930's and 1940's.

Whenever someone throws around the socialist or communist words I remember watching the Alabama Freedom Riders. They just wanted to be able to ride a bus anywhere in the south. Was that so much to ask for? And the KKK'ers that showed up that day were throwing those SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST words.

It is as if you don't know what those words mean. Piss off loser.

MLK also use threw the SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST words... does that mean MLK was a secret agent for the KKK?

--- Linky?
Yours is a culture of death so I don't doubt your words. For the record, if the tables were turned I'd be willing to push a button as well (after the death cultists were found guilty in a court of law for their horrendous crimes against humanity).

Despite his idiocy, Silly Bonobo demonstrates exactly the attitude of those earlier democrats in the South. It is a callous disregard for life.

If we wonder how the holocaust, purges, and killing fields happened, we need only read the words of Silly Bonobo. The evil of Jim Crow is identical to the evil of the Khmer Rouge, it is ultimately the contempt for life. Jillian and chimp boi demonstrate exactly the same contempt for life here.

Leftism, the desire to strip others of liberty, and concentrate assets in the hands of the central elite, is further manifestation of this same basic contempt for life. The view of the democrats today is identical to the view of the Khmer Rouge, that people are nothing but disposable assets, property of the state, to be disposed of as the state desires. While Jillian may advocate for rights for various groups, as a craftsman will detail the care of various tools, the concept that individuals have rights runs contrary to the view that we are simply cogs, with no value beyond the function we perform in service to the state and the rulers of the state.

I openly call the democrats Communists, and refer to them as the Khmer Rouge, i do this because it is the bitter truth, it is the reality of the party. Abortion is but a manifestation of the basic position of the party that life is without value. A baby is an unformed tool, discarding it has no impact on the workings of the machinery of the state, thus the democrat cannot conceive of objections to disposing of the unwanted without a thought. The reality is that leftist is the rejection of the idea that life has value in it's own right, that man qua man is sufficient.

The above unhinged, for those who just walked in, is the reason I refer to the poster as "Pothead" -- Pol Pot. ;)

Nevertheless, to that previous subtangent on "Liberal" versus "Democrat", Pothead here does show signs that he at least understands the difference between "Liberal" and "leftist" -- notice he consistently specifies the latter here. So it ain't just my idea. [MENTION=46745]Mathbud1[/MENTION]

Having noted that, Pothead's post is as usual myopic; he wishes to pin this "party of death" on one side, completely ignoring that the same side he describes opposes little things like gun violence and capital punishment, as if these are not part of a death culture and, I dunno, "don't count".
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Sorry to rally the crowd twice in one day, but we got another Progressives who cracked and admitted his desire to actually carry out their fantasies of genocide. That's 2 Progressives in less than 24 hours on USMB who admitted this.

No surprise. Leftists are caring and least until you disagree with them.....then they break out the knives. Think it's bad now? When they lose the Senate in November they'll crank up the hatred to 11.


We always lose midterms. We'll get it all back in 16. Hillary 2016!

Virtually every midterm is lost by the party in the White House. There have been like three times that didn't happen, since the Civil War. It's historical pattern.

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