Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

What's wrong with "real people" being killed then? Adults are killed in nature all the time. Survival of the fittest is the natural law. Why not simply gas poor neighborhoods and kill off the excess population that is a net drain on society if life itself is not intrinsically valuable?

The rich know exactly how many poor people die every year because they don't have the best healthcare possible. It is a sacrifice republicans are certainly willing to make so don't give me this we care about life. You care about a seed in a belly and you hate living humans who don't have enough money. Or you are at least indifferent to their suffering.

GM knew some people would die and weighed the costs and lost.

Louis CK is an atheist I believe. He said, "I drive a $50K infinity. I could easily save how many people from suffering and dieing if I bought a $20K car instead and donated the other $30K to the poor starving people of the world BUT I/WE don't and we sleep just fine at night.

You fucking right wing hypocrites. I care about life, you care about potential life.

I notice you didn't answer any of my questions. If it is ok for babies to be killed because in nature 50% of turtle babies don't make it off the beach, why are adults different? Adult animals are killed every day in nature too. From your perspective, why should I care if anyone gets killed? It's natural, after all, for animals to kill each other. If you are going to base some of your rationalization on nature, why differentiate?

Adult humans die all the time. Car crashes, cancer, aids. Some wonder if they allow cigarettes to thin the herd. Clearly we allow a killer product for the sake of capitalism. So how precious is life? So if I'm free to kill myself with cigarettes or a gun, why can't I terminate a seed in my belly?

Lets put it this way. No living breathing walking or crawling human should suffer or die needlessly. And in a perfect world everyone would want to have their babies and the planet would have plenty of room for them all. Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world. The planet would be better off if 1/3'rd of us disappeared.

I can't wait to see Planet of the Apes. I hear that is the premise. Something wipes out enough humans to allow the Apes to take over. I bet you anything the planet is better off. Who's more important? 1/3rd of humans + the planet and all the other animals or the 2/3rd of humans we can do without? If you can't keep your legs crossed and you get knocked up, feel free to have an abortion. And have a cigarette too.
MLK also use threw the SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST words... does that mean MLK was a secret agent for the KKK?

Not the point. The point is, back then those ignorant red necks were throwing those terms around too. Do you think those young black and white freedom riders were socialists or commies or do you fucking think they just wanted the right to pay for a bus seat and ride safely anywhere in the USA they wanted? You fucking idiot.

This is why I hate discussing shit with righties. They never get the point you are trying to make so why bother. At least we get the point you are trying to make. We may disagree, but we get it. You don't even get what I'm trying to say. So how fucking dumb are you goober? Where do you live, Hooterville?

If nobody understands your point, maybe it isn't THEIR problem.

No I'm pretty sure its your problem. For example, none of us liberal progressive Democrats want socialism on a grand scale. We may like public schools and we may not like the idea of corporations running prisons but we don't want the oil companies to be state run. Just regulated.

So when idiots like you think we're socialists or communists and we aren't, that's a problem for both of us actually. Because I have to deal with you as a fellow American. I have to deal with the shit bags you elect to our government.
Not the point. The point is, back then those ignorant red necks were throwing those terms around too. Do you think those young black and white freedom riders were socialists or commies or do you fucking think they just wanted the right to pay for a bus seat and ride safely anywhere in the USA they wanted? You fucking idiot.

This is why I hate discussing shit with righties. They never get the point you are trying to make so why bother. At least we get the point you are trying to make. We may disagree, but we get it. You don't even get what I'm trying to say. So how fucking dumb are you goober? Where do you live, Hooterville?

If nobody understands your point, maybe it isn't THEIR problem.

No I'm pretty sure its your problem. For example, none of us liberal progressive Democrats want socialism on a grand scale.

Wtf is single payer?
You mean another progressive liberal Democrat?

No, I mean another Communist. Another advocate for the concentration of wealth and power in the central authority. Another promoter of collectivist ideology who demands that the means of production in health care be placed under the direct control of the state through well connected looters.

But you forget I said it is I who values life and you who does not. You don't value Iraqi life. When you drop bombs from drones and kill innocent life you call it collateral damage.

You could say anything, you could say you are not a chimp, but that doesn't alter reality, Silly Bonobo.

Leftism is the callous disregard for life, as you well demonstrate.

There is no difference between your attitude and the of Bull Connor - you both view people as mere things to be disposed of as the state sees fit. Like Orval Faubus, you cannot grasp the concept that life has intrinsic value.

You let poor people die because you KNOW they don't get the same treatment a Bush would get or Magic Johnson.

Oh, but under fascist care they get the same treatment as Dear Leader? Is that your claim, Comrade?

I think your side wants to force more poor people into having babies. You know many of them will live below the poverty line. Your masters like this too because the more worker bees or the more flooded the market gets with workers the lower the wages.

One wonders, why the Khmer Rouge democrats are importing millions of illegal aliens? Yes, you plan for them to defraud elections - fraud is a major part of the left - but do you not also seek to keep them as unskilled labor?

Domestically born children don't lower wages, illegals do. And we see your filthy party busing in millions of illegals, with Lord Obama inviting millions more.

WHO is attacking wages, Comrade?

Or I think secretly your masters know abortion is here to stay and a necessary evil and they just use the wedge issue to divide the poor and middle class. Suckers.

Remember, you don't care about lives you care about seeds in a woman's stomach. Know the difference, comrade. :lol:

Abortion is medically and socially unjustifiable. Conception is a choice. Any woman who does not want to conceive, will not.

But then Plan B generates $10, an abortion puts $1,200 or more in the hands of the abortionist. Your motive is clear.
A classic dodge, if ever there was one.

It's accepted by most that the majority of (if not all) Democrats are liberal. Not the classical liberal of old, but the modern interpretation. The original poster never "switched to Democrats" because his original starting point of "libtards" (meaning liberals) includes most Democrats. You won't, I think, find many liberals claiming to be Republican.

So quibble about semantics and the exactness of labels all you want. The rest of us just see someone avoiding the point of a post.

See whatever you want; I answered your question in detail.
I don't accept cheap redefinitions. "Liberal" does not necessarily mean "Democrat". If the poster is too lazy to differentiate between the two, that's his failing.

He didn't need to differentiate between the two. He ascribed the positions to liberals (or libtards, as he put it.) The fact that the video showed Democrats does not "move the goalpost" or create any need for differentiation. If most Democrats are liberals, it can be reasonably extrapolated that the people depicted in the video are not only Democrats but liberals as well. That every Democrat I know self-identifies as liberal gives support to the idea that most Democrats are liberals.

That you are focused on this loophole you think you've found rather than the substance of the post is interesting. Again, the very definition of "dodge."

Uh -- yes, he did. A Liberal may be a Democrat, or a Republican, or like me unaffiliated. A Democrat may be a Liberal or not a Liberal. And I gave you the example of "conservative Democrats" from around this area as well as the historical South. They were definitely Democrats, and they definitely didn't qualify as Liberals. I grew up among them, trust me. As for whatever's in the video I'm sure it's as oversimplified and out-of-context as the rest of his post but to the extent anyone in it is advocating state control of people's personal lives, then no that person's not a Liberal. By definition.

Anyway no, if you want to make a point about "Liberals", you don't make it with a video of a convention of Democrats; you make it with some evidence from Liberals. Fairly simple plan; you simply talk about your subject without changing horses in midstream.

The poster never came back to explain himself anyway. Considering the simplicity of the rest of the post it's all prolly completely over his head.

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This song teaches people to just cope with their shitty lives here and now in hopes of eternal life after we die. Suckers.

Translation. Was the concept of god that taught me to be a good person and to not worry too much about suffering now or death because heaven awaits. Wishful thinking by some old ignorant ancestors of ours who were very superstitious and gullible.

I once was lost too but now I've woken up to the fact there is no god. No biggy. I didn't suffer the billions of years before I was born I'll be fine when I'm dead.

I believed for many years and no grace appeared.

When did the lord promise you anything? You're reading a book that was written 110 years after Christ. The lord never said nothing to you.

If grace is what got you this far, what got me this far?
You mean another progressive liberal Democrat?

No, I mean another Communist. Another advocate for the concentration of wealth and power in the central authority. Another promoter of collectivist ideology who demands that the means of production in health care be placed under the direct control of the state through well connected looters.

But you forget I said it is I who values life and you who does not. You don't value Iraqi life. When you drop bombs from drones and kill innocent life you call it collateral damage.

You could say anything, you could say you are not a chimp, but that doesn't alter reality, Silly Bonobo.

Leftism is the callous disregard for life, as you well demonstrate.

There is no difference between your attitude and the of Bull Connor - you both view people as mere things to be disposed of as the state sees fit. Like Orval Faubus, you cannot grasp the concept that life has intrinsic value.

Oh, but under fascist care they get the same treatment as Dear Leader? Is that your claim, Comrade?

I think your side wants to force more poor people into having babies. You know many of them will live below the poverty line. Your masters like this too because the more worker bees or the more flooded the market gets with workers the lower the wages.

One wonders, why the Khmer Rouge democrats are importing millions of illegal aliens? Yes, you plan for them to defraud elections - fraud is a major part of the left - but do you not also seek to keep them as unskilled labor?

Domestically born children don't lower wages, illegals do. And we see your filthy party busing in millions of illegals, with Lord Obama inviting millions more.

WHO is attacking wages, Comrade?

Or I think secretly your masters know abortion is here to stay and a necessary evil and they just use the wedge issue to divide the poor and middle class. Suckers.

Remember, you don't care about lives you care about seeds in a woman's stomach. Know the difference, comrade. :lol:

Abortion is medically and socially unjustifiable. Conception is a choice. Any woman who does not want to conceive, will not.

But then Plan B generates $10, an abortion puts $1,200 or more in the hands of the abortionist. Your motive is clear.

Who hires illegals? Unregulated conservative free market capitalist corporations. Your base.

The rest doesn't even justify a reply.

This song teaches people to just cope with their shitty lives here and now in hopes of eternal life after we die. Suckers.

Translation. Was the concept of god that taught me to be a good person and to not worry too much about suffering now or death because heaven awaits. Wishful thinking by some old ignorant ancestors of ours who were very superstitious and gullible.

I once was lost too but now I've woken up to the fact there is no god. No biggy. I didn't suffer the billions of years before I was born I'll be fine when I'm dead.

I believed for many years and no grace appeared.

When did the lord promise you anything? You're reading a book that was written 110 years after Christ. The lord never said nothing to you.

If grace is what got you this far, what got me this far?

Ironic that you made the 666th post.
If I could push a button and all the people who have ever protested outside an abortion clinic would die, I would do it. And you wouldn't even need to give me the free cable. :badgrin:

Sorry to rally the crowd twice in one day, but we got another Progressives who cracked and admitted his desire to actually carry out their fantasies of genocide. That's 2 Progressives in less than 24 hours on USMB who admitted this.

No surprise. Leftists are caring and least until you disagree with them.....then they break out the knives. Think it's bad now? When they lose the Senate in November they'll crank up the hatred to 11.


This song teaches people to just cope with their shitty lives here and now in hopes of eternal life after we die. Suckers.

Translation. Was the concept of god that taught me to be a good person and to not worry too much about suffering now or death because heaven awaits. Wishful thinking by some old ignorant ancestors of ours who were very superstitious and gullible.

I once was lost too but now I've woken up to the fact there is no god. No biggy. I didn't suffer the billions of years before I was born I'll be fine when I'm dead.

I believed for many years and no grace appeared.

When did the lord promise you anything? You're reading a book that was written 110 years after Christ. The lord never said nothing to you.

If grace is what got you this far, what got me this far?

This thread is just another Seinfeld episode posted by the little fake Buddhist monk. It's about nothing. Those people were singing hail satan to goad the phony Christians who deign to think they can control THEIR lives. Period, fucking the end.

All religions are havens for the fearful and deluded.

If you see someone talking to themselves you think they're crazy but if you're a Christian it's called praying.
You are a pathetic creature, this is the face of progressivism and the evil it spews.

he used the word "forced". and while he could have been kinder about it, no one should be forced to raise a child they don't want. it was my business as to whether I had an amnio or not. it was my business as what my course of action would have been depending on what that amnio showed. (thankfully, it showed nothing negative).

but it certainly isn't your business to insert your religious beliefs into someone else's decision-making process.

as for 'kill the baby'... I think he is just trying to piss you off and seems to be doing a good job of it....

but it isn't a baby at fertilization. and your own religious beliefs have no place in anyone's decision making but your own.

and, frankly, a good number of the people ranting on this issue are barely capable of governing their own lives. they should stay away from everyone elses.

It could be proven that there is no God, and the fact that intentionally ending human life is murder would not change. How many times do you thick headed people have to be told that it's not a religious issue, it's a moral issue. You and your ilk will continue to paint it as a 'religious' issue until the end of time because you think that's the card to keep playing to justify it as 'law'. So try arguing your position without using the constant 'religion' card, if you can.

As for the bolded, when you progressives start practicing what you 'preach', maybe your opinion will have merrit, altho doubtful.
If nobody understands your point, maybe it isn't THEIR problem.

No I'm pretty sure its your problem. For example, none of us liberal progressive Democrats want socialism on a grand scale.

Wtf is single payer?

That's taking the for profit corporations who are gouging us out of the middle. Saves us 10%. If they don't stop gouging us we might have to either regulate or take it over. I'd prefer to regulate it. That's what government does. Protects us from enemies both domestic and foreign. Corporations aren't "the enemy" but they are absolutely our opponents in the game of business. We need them but don't forget they need us too. Insisting on our fair share of profits isn't communism. The CEO can still make more than us but how much?

What's medicare? Do you not like medicare? If you do like it, are you a socialist?
If I could push a button and all the people who have ever protested outside an abortion clinic would die, I would do it. And you wouldn't even need to give me the free cable. :badgrin:

Sorry to rally the crowd twice in one day, but we got another Progressives who cracked and admitted his desire to actually carry out their fantasies of genocide. That's 2 Progressives in less than 24 hours on USMB who admitted this.

No surprise. Leftists are caring and least until you disagree with them.....then they break out the knives. Think it's bad now? When they lose the Senate in November they'll crank up the hatred to 11.


We always lose midterms. We'll get it all back in 16. Hillary 2016!
You are a pathetic creature, this is the face of progressivism and the evil it spews.

he used the word "forced". and while he could have been kinder about it, no one should be forced to raise a child they don't want. it was my business as to whether I had an amnio or not. it was my business as what my course of action would have been depending on what that amnio showed. (thankfully, it showed nothing negative).

but it certainly isn't your business to insert your religious beliefs into someone else's decision-making process.

as for 'kill the baby'... I think he is just trying to piss you off and seems to be doing a good job of it....

but it isn't a baby at fertilization. and your own religious beliefs have no place in anyone's decision making but your own.

and, frankly, a good number of the people ranting on this issue are barely capable of governing their own lives. they should stay away from everyone elses.

It could be proven that there is no God, and the fact that intentionally ending human life is murder would not change. How many times do you thick headed people have to be told that it's not a religious issue, it's a moral issue. You and your ilk will continue to paint it as a 'religious' issue until the end of time because you think that's the card to keep playing to justify it as 'law'. So try arguing your position without using the constant 'religion' card, if you can.

As for the bolded, when you progressives start practicing what you 'preach', maybe your opinion will have merrit, altho doubtful.

Without religion you have no argument. It'd be like me saying it is immoral to cook a chicken egg.
You do realize the Republicans won over the south when the southern democrats went along with civil rights, right? So in essence those "southern democrats" are today's red neck poor hick southern christians.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Comrade, then those democrats who promoted Jim Crown and hatred based on skin
color, they all became Republicans, right?

I mean Fritz Hollings - Republican, right? No?

Well, Albert Gore - Republican, right? No?

Bull Connor?

Orval Faubus?

Surely KKK Grand Klegal Robert Byrd?


Oh, I get it, you were just lying through your fucking teeth! :thup:

Hey, you're a Communist, it's what you do!

Even Reagan used racism to win elections

Sure he did, Cletus.

We know you Obama worshiping Communists would never play the race card... :lol::lol::lol:
If nobody understands your point, maybe it isn't THEIR problem.

The chimp is trying to do what every fucktarded leftist in the last decade has tried, to claim that Republicans are responsible for the crimes perpetrated by democrats because in the 50's, 60's and 70's; democrats hated people based on skin color if they had black skin. Republicans were not interested in skin color and only cared about character and achievement. Now democrats hate people based on skin color if they have white skin; and Republicans are not interested in skin color and only cared about character and achievement.

So to Silly Bonobo that is proof the Republicans are responsible for the behavior of the scumbag democrats. I mean the dims have CHANGED, they hate white people now!
I'm not from the USA and if I would be I would probably not have voted for Obama.
About the crusades you are right and that genocides caused more deaths, even though millions at a time, no. This doesn't mean that they were not terrible dictators.
The point I am making is that almost all of the wars are being fought by religious people. Religion has caused a lot of wars and violence over the past. To deny that is just plain ignorant. And later in the post you mention Zylon B. If you are so smart as you claim to be, you probably knew that the Nazis were conservative, very supportive of Christianity and hated communism.

To claim that collectivist totalitarians were "conservative" sort of defines "igrnoant." Though "duplicitous" is probably more accurate.

The German people were all catholics, not atheists.

They hated the gays.

There are eerie similarities on how Hitler manipulated the German people and how Bush manipulated Americans. As if Chaney/Rumsfeld are students of Adolf. They both wanted world domination that's for sure.

What was Martin Luther -- chopped liver?

Germany was all Catholic until Luther met the door; at that point he broke off with a new product. You may have heard of it, it's called "Lutheranism". After that Germany went Lutheran in the north and stayed Catholic in the South.

he used the word "forced". and while he could have been kinder about it, no one should be forced to raise a child they don't want. it was my business as to whether I had an amnio or not. it was my business as what my course of action would have been depending on what that amnio showed. (thankfully, it showed nothing negative).

but it certainly isn't your business to insert your religious beliefs into someone else's decision-making process.

as for 'kill the baby'... I think he is just trying to piss you off and seems to be doing a good job of it....

but it isn't a baby at fertilization. and your own religious beliefs have no place in anyone's decision making but your own.

and, frankly, a good number of the people ranting on this issue are barely capable of governing their own lives. they should stay away from everyone elses.

It could be proven that there is no God, and the fact that intentionally ending human life is murder would not change. How many times do you thick headed people have to be told that it's not a religious issue, it's a moral issue. You and your ilk will continue to paint it as a 'religious' issue until the end of time because you think that's the card to keep playing to justify it as 'law'. So try arguing your position without using the constant 'religion' card, if you can.

As for the bolded, when you progressives start practicing what you 'preach', maybe your opinion will have merrit, altho doubtful.

Without religion you have no argument. It'd be like me saying it is immoral to cook a chicken egg.


Murder is against the law, nothing religious about it dipshit.

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