Pro-abortionists furious at Tim Tebow ad

Lonestar Wrote:
I'm pro-life but I believe abortions should be legal and available for extreme cases, i.e rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger. But pro-choice advocates believe abortions should be allowed any time for whatever reason. A woman's choice should have been made long before she got pregnant. me, you believe that there are times and situations in which killing a human being in its earliest stages of development is the most appropriate choice. You believe that, in specific situations, that CHOICE should be made available. In my opinion, you are pro-choice in the purest definition of the word...yet, in other people's opinions, we are both pro-life.

Careful with the, "pro-choice advocates believe abortions should be allowed anytime for whatever reason" however...its an absolute that a) isn't true... and b) is just as ridiculous as this hateful statement of Jillian's:

because THEY want to control other people's bodies...

and it has nothing to do with "life" has everything to do with making the harlots pay. They can't paint a red "A" on them, so they want to make sure they "take responsibility" for their actions. They see someone who was raped as not deserving of "punishment".
I'm pro-life but I believe abortions should be legal and available for extreme cases, i.e rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger. But pro-choice advocates believe abortions should be allowed any time for whatever reason. A woman's choice should have been made long before she got pregnant.
This is an attitude I will never understand. If you honestly think abortion is murder, then why would you murder someone that is the product of rape or incest? It's not like it is the potential child's fault. :doubt:

I don't believe you should force anyone to have a child that was a produced through a criminal act. Although I'm really on the fence about whether or not these two exceptions should be considered and the reason is, I believe it may be abused. I suppose any woman could claim to have been raped and/or impregnated via incestous relations.

In a study conducted by the pro-abortion Alan Guttmacher Institute, entitled “Why Women Have Abortions,” women were asked to give specific reasons why they had an abortion. The top three answers were: 1. Unready for responsibility 2. Can't afford baby now 3. Concern about how having a baby would change her life.

The three reasons, which came in last place and were tied at 1 percent included: 1. Was a victim of rape or incest 2. Husband or partner wanted the abortion 3. Didn't want others to know she has had sex or is pregnant.
Thanks for answering but it still makes no sense to me. In other words, you are willing to murder for the sins of the father. IMO, that is very hypocritical.
Lonestar Wrote:
I'm pro-life but I believe abortions should be legal and available for extreme cases, i.e rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger. But pro-choice advocates believe abortions should be allowed any time for whatever reason. A woman's choice should have been made long before she got pregnant. me, you believe that there are times and situations in which killing a human being in its earliest stages of development is the most appropriate choice. You believe that, in specific situations, that CHOICE should be made available. In my opinion, you are pro-choice in the purest definition of the word...yet, in other people's opinions, we are both pro-life.

Careful with the, "pro-choice advocates believe abortions should be allowed anytime for whatever reason" however...its an absolute that a) isn't true... and b) is just as ridiculous as this hateful statement of Jillian's:

because THEY want to control other people's bodies...

and it has nothing to do with "life" has everything to do with making the harlots pay. They can't paint a red "A" on them, so they want to make sure they "take responsibility" for their actions. They see someone who was raped as not deserving of "punishment".

As I've stated on another post, I'm really on the fence about whether or not rape and incest should be exceptions. After giving it more thought, it's not the fault of the unborn that it's the product of rape or incest so I don't think terminating its life for those reasons are the right reasons. I've also posted reasons why women have abortions and my statement about for "whatever reason " is a true statement unless you consider; Feels unready for child/responsibility, Feels she can't afford baby, Has all the children she wants/Other family responsibilities, Relationship problem/Single motherhood, Feels she isn't mature enough, Interference with education/career plans, Parents/Partner wants abortion as not being "whatever reasons".

Why Do Women Have Abortions?
This is an attitude I will never understand. If you honestly think abortion is murder, then why would you murder someone that is the product of rape or incest? It's not like it is the potential child's fault. :doubt:

I don't believe you should force anyone to have a child that was a produced through a criminal act. Although I'm really on the fence about whether or not these two exceptions should be considered and the reason is, I believe it may be abused. I suppose any woman could claim to have been raped and/or impregnated via incestous relations.

In a study conducted by the pro-abortion Alan Guttmacher Institute, entitled “Why Women Have Abortions,” women were asked to give specific reasons why they had an abortion. The top three answers were: 1. Unready for responsibility 2. Can't afford baby now 3. Concern about how having a baby would change her life.

The three reasons, which came in last place and were tied at 1 percent included: 1. Was a victim of rape or incest 2. Husband or partner wanted the abortion 3. Didn't want others to know she has had sex or is pregnant.
Thanks for answering but it still makes no sense to me. In other words, you are willing to murder for the sins of the father. IMO, that is very hypocritical.

Seems to me your willing to murder for the sin of the mother or for no sins at all, but out of convenience. I've stated I was on the fence about whether or not rape/incest should be exceptions, I'm still not decided but I'm leaning toward the side of the life of an innocent child.
If you favor the government forcing it's legal dick between women's legs you are anti-choice and by definition, anti-American. If you favor legalized abortion you are simply pro choice and pro American.

We all know you recognize being pro choice doesn't make one pro abortion but since you absolutely suck at debating you need every possible advantage including demonization and deception.

Strawman. Never said anyting of the sort. In fact, I have no idea what you are even talking about with this "government forcing it's legal dick between women's legs". Yet I'm the one who sucks at debating? LOL, you're the one who has been twisting words into different meanings, and completely lying about what I favor. You're whole 'arguement' is that I am somehow in favor of the government forcefully impregnating women, and forcing them to carry that child. Oh yea, who could forget my "deception" is using the word pro-abortionist as defined by Webster's dictionary.

You libs have fallen off the deep end. I'm actually stating to believe these latest election loses have cause some severe mental breakdowns in our friends in the liberal community.
If you favor the government forcing it's legal dick between women's legs you are anti-choice and by definition, anti-American. If you favor legalized abortion you are simply pro choice and pro American.

We all know you recognize being pro choice doesn't make one pro abortion but since you absolutely suck at debating you need every possible advantage including demonization and deception.

Strawman. Never said anyting of the sort. In fact, I have no idea what you are even talking about with this "government forcing it's legal dick between women's legs". Yet I'm the one who sucks at debating? LOL, you're the one who has been twisting words into different meanings, and completely lying about what I favor. You're whole 'arguement' is that I am somehow in favor of the government forcefully impregnating women, and forcing them to carry that child. Oh yea, who could forget my "deception" is using the word pro-abortionist as defined by Webster's dictionary.

You libs have fallen off the deep end. I'm actually stating to believe these latest election loses have cause some severe mental breakdowns in our friends in the liberal community.

State or link the post number where I claimed your position is you favor the government forcefully impregnating women.
Lonestar Wrote:
It's amazing how much effort people put in to justify their tolerance to those that kill innocent human lives.

To those that say. "I'm against abortion but I'm pro-choice", what exactly does that mean?

Does it mean you wouldn't have an abortion yourself but it's ok if others wish to kill their unborn children? If so, then why are you against abortions yourself?

When I say that I am pro-choice but against abortion it means that I believe without a doubt that an abortion stops a human life in its earliest stages of development. And, I believe without a doubt that there are times when an abortion can be the right course of action for a woman and her doctor to take, and I believe that that option should be legally available to them for those purposes.

I'm pro-life but I believe abortions should be legal and available for extreme cases, i.e rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger. But pro-choice advocates believe abortions should be allowed any time for whatever reason. A woman's choice should have been made long before she got pregnant.

That reveals your position is NOT anchored in the "sanctity of life." If saving an innocent unborn was your core principle it wouldn't matter how the impregnation occurred. Without realizing it what you are saying is if a woman fucks without your explicit permission she is not recognizing your attempted domain over her body. If she gets pregnant she is punished by you trying to exert domain over her body by telling her what to do with it.

The Christian Right camp has one immutable property that is the cornerstone of all their major positions: Control. Ubiquitous control without challenge.
Lonestar Wrote:

When I say that I am pro-choice but against abortion it means that I believe without a doubt that an abortion stops a human life in its earliest stages of development. And, I believe without a doubt that there are times when an abortion can be the right course of action for a woman and her doctor to take, and I believe that that option should be legally available to them for those purposes.

I'm pro-life but I believe abortions should be legal and available for extreme cases, i.e rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger. But pro-choice advocates believe abortions should be allowed any time for whatever reason. A woman's choice should have been made long before she got pregnant.

That reveals your position is NOT anchored in the "sanctity of life." If saving an innocent unborn was your core principle it wouldn't matter how the impregnation occurred. Without realizing it what you are saying is if a woman fucks without your explicit permission she is not recognizing your attempted domain over her body. If she gets pregnant she is punished by you trying to exert domain over her body by telling her what to do with it.

The Christian Right camp has one immutable property that is the cornerstone of all their major positions: Control. Ubiquitous control without challenge.

You should read the rest of the thread. But being the idiot you are, I doubt that it would clarify things. At what point did I say that a woman needed my permision to engage in sexual activity? And where exactly did I state that I wanted to punish a woman or that I wanted domain over her body?
I'm pro-life but I believe abortions should be legal and available for extreme cases, i.e rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger. But pro-choice advocates believe abortions should be allowed any time for whatever reason. A woman's choice should have been made long before she got pregnant.

That reveals your position is NOT anchored in the "sanctity of life." If saving an innocent unborn was your core principle it wouldn't matter how the impregnation occurred. Without realizing it what you are saying is if a woman fucks without your explicit permission she is not recognizing your attempted domain over her body. If she gets pregnant she is punished by you trying to exert domain over her body by telling her what to do with it.

The Christian Right camp has one immutable property that is the cornerstone of all their major positions: Control. Ubiquitous control without challenge.

You should read the rest of the thread. But being the idiot you are, I doubt that it would clarify things. At what point did I say that a woman needed my permision to engage in sexual activity? And where exactly did I state that I wanted to punish a woman or that I wanted domain over her body?

I saw you trying to backpedal when someone else pointed out your position is based in control and not the sanctity of life. I didn't say you explicitly stated you want domain over womens' bodies. I clearly said:

"Without realizing it what you are saying is...."

I agree with you I am an idiot. I actually waste time discussing an issue with someone incapable of sincerity and throws out false accusations without even trying to back them up.
i don't care if you made up a word for it...

no one is pro abortion. they are pro choice...

and pro your staying out of other people's moral decisions.

"no one is pro abortion. they are pro choice..." Same thing.

And I didn't make the word up, it's in the dictionary.

Pro-abortionist | Definition of Pro-abortionist at

Translation pro-abortionist - English-Spanish Collins dictionary - Reverso

And when googled it gets over 90 thousand results.

Oh puulllleeeease! We all know you guys use the term pro-abortionist in a pejorative manner to demonize dissent. Shit, you people ever capable of being honest?

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