Pro-abortionists furious at Tim Tebow ad

Quote from bikersailor
"After the 40 day mark and the development of a nervous system? THEN it's "human".

So 40 days would put the baby inbetween 5 and 6 weeks.

Doctors will NOT perform abortions while the baby is a blastocyst because their is a greater risk of bleeding to the mother.

The doctor must wait for the baby to be at least 8 weeks old before it can be aborted.

An 8 week old baby is alive has human features and will try to swim away from the suction.

Watch an abortion film and you will see it is a life not a group of cells
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Like I said you penis puffing piss poor pillow biting sperm burping colon jouster, it's true.

Wikipedia is your friend........

Yeah...........I got nothing.

You on the other hand, have just been pwned.

Fuck off you cow fucking fruitcake.

Now that wasn't so difficult now was it? In all honesty people that talk big like you are actually trying to make up for their cowardice. I would offer proper debate etiquette, but I'm afraid it would be too difficult for you to understand. Oh and you obviously have a deep-seated desire for beastiality, I suggest you seek therapy for that.

The only thing you got is a cow crap covered cock.

Telly ya what douche, do a circumcision on your skull, because you're a giant dick.

Like I said, if you had the brainpower to actually look something up, then maybe you wouldn't have to go to TJ, performing in the donkey shows, trying to rustle up some drinking money.

I bet you see two drag marks on either side of your body as well when you walk in sand, as your knuckles are probably 3 feet behind you.

Besides, what the fuck can a punk assed coward like yourself do to me? I'm betting not much other than bleed.

Fuck off, I ain't doing your work for you again, not my fault your head is up your ass.

So much for "having nothing", eh?

You still have nothing. And you are nothing but a wanna-be tough guy. By your vivid descriptions I'm pretty sure you are speaking from experience.

What you fail to understand (because you're obviously not smart enough) is when a person makes a claim it's up to that person to support it.
Well, considering that they were both missionaries, and had quite a bit of faith in the Big Man Upstairs, I'd be willing to go with the miracle.

I mean.......if they're doing God's work, shouldn't He take care of His employees?

Still doesn't make the SB ad any less nauseating.

Tim's mother was presented with the facts during her pregnancy crisis and she made the choice to carry her baby to term rather than abort. And she did this knowing that it may cost her her life. The ad shares their story. How is that nauseating?
Wanna know why the doctor told her to have one? She was having a problem pregnancy, and there was a very real possibility that she would die before full term.

Medical advice to save your life? She got lucky. Most people wouldn't refuse chemo (which is toxic) if the doctor told them they have cancer.

Try again.

Maybe . . . or maybe God answered her prayers . . . or maybe the doctor was wrong.

Or maybe it's like the fireman who ignores his colleagues advice not to enter the burning building to save somebody. Or the guy who smashes a car window and pulls the driver out of the burning wreckage, moments before it explodes. Sometimes you just consider the other life to be as valuable as your own and that makes you able to take whatever risk is involved.

To compare a living unborn child with cancer strikes me as a good motto for the pro-abortion crowd.

I say kudos to CBS who is willing to run a paid advertisement that illustrates a wonderful outcome to a courageous decision. If the ad was anti-abortion or pro-life, they probably would be violating their own policy about not doing political advocacy. But this ad doesn't take a side. It tells a story. And if there is a lesson in it, well that's just the way the mop flops.
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Quote from bikersailor "After the 40 day mark and the development of a nervous system? THEN it's "human".

So 40 days would put the baby inbetween 5 and 6 weeks.

Doctors will NOT perform abortions while the baby is a blastocyst because their is a greater risk of bleeding to the mother.

The doctor must wait for the baby to be at least 8 weeks old before it can be aborted.

An 8 week old baby is alive has human features and will try to swim away from the suction.

Watch an abortion film and you will see it is a life not a group of cells

Don't confuse bikershithead with facts.
Wanna know why the doctor told her to have one? She was having a problem pregnancy, and there was a very real possibility that she would die before full term.

Medical advice to save your life? She got lucky. Most people wouldn't refuse chemo (which is toxic) if the doctor told them they have cancer.

Try again.

Maybe . . . or maybe God answered her prayers . . . or maybe the doctor was wrong.

Or maybe it's like the fireman who ignores his colleagues advice not to enter the burning building to save somebody. Or the guy who smashes a car window and pulls the driver out of the burning wreckage, moments before it explodes. Sometimes you just consider the other life to be as valuable as your own and that makes you able to take whatever risk is involved.

To compare a living unborn child with cancer strikes me as a good motto for the pro-abortion crowd.

I say kudos to CBS who is willing to run a paid advertisement that illustrates a wonderful outcome to a courageous decision. If the ad was anti-abortion or pro-life, they probably would be violating their own policy about not doing political advocacy. But this ad doesn't take a side. It tells a story. And if there is a lesson in it, well that's just the way the mop flops.

Excellent post! The bolded? Exactly.
Well, considering that they were both missionaries, and had quite a bit of faith in the Big Man Upstairs, I'd be willing to go with the miracle.

I mean.......if they're doing God's work, shouldn't He take care of His employees?

Still doesn't make the SB ad any less nauseating.

Tim's mother was presented with the facts during her pregnancy crisis and she made the choice to carry her baby to term rather than abort. And she did this knowing that it may cost her her life. The ad shares their story. How is that nauseating?

Like I said, this particular little story is a bit disturbing because they aren't telling all the facts (she was sick), just using Tebow as a way to advocate pro life agendas.

You know, I catch enough of people shoving ideas into my head from watching news and commercials, I don't need it when I'm watching football.
Quote from bikersailor
"After the 40 day mark and the development of a nervous system? THEN it's "human".

So 40 days would put the baby inbetween 5 and 6 weeks.

Doctors will NOT perform abortions while the baby is a blastocyst because their is a greater risk of bleeding to the mother.

The doctor must wait for the baby to be at least 8 weeks old before it can be aborted.

An 8 week old baby is alive has human features and will try to swim away from the suction.

Watch an abortion film and you will see it is a life not a group of cells

Of course it's human life. From conception it's human life; to state otherwise is simply false.
Well, considering that they were both missionaries, and had quite a bit of faith in the Big Man Upstairs, I'd be willing to go with the miracle.

I mean.......if they're doing God's work, shouldn't He take care of His employees?

Still doesn't make the SB ad any less nauseating.

Tim's mother was presented with the facts during her pregnancy crisis and she made the choice to carry her baby to term rather than abort. And she did this knowing that it may cost her her life. The ad shares their story. How is that nauseating?

Like I said, this particular little story is a bit disturbing because they aren't telling all the facts (she was sick), just using Tebow as a way to advocate pro life agendas.

You know, I catch enough of people shoving ideas into my head from watching news and commercials, I don't need it when I'm watching football.

From what I've heard the commercial will tell the story of Tim's mother and that she was sick, that her doc recommended an abortion but that she chose not to have one. From Reilly's story no one has seen the ad or read the script except for CBS.


I usually zone out on commercials or change the channel. Super Bowl beer commercials are worth the watching though!
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What exactly is a pro-abortionist?

Someone who is for allowing abortion on demand.
Then wouldn't it be more accurate to call them pro choice or pro on demand?

"Pro-abortionist' sayd to me someone who feels that sbortionist should be allowed to live and not be on certain fundamentalist's hit lists.

From reading the above posts, no one seems to have a clear and universally accepted definition of pro-abortionist. It's like the term "pro-life". It's used by anti and pro choice alike. To me and many others the forced birthers are anti-life but they claim they are.

I am pro life and I am pro choice. The terms are synonymous to me.

To insure clarity and fairness, I think that people should stick to the terms "pro-choice, limited pro-choice and anti-choice".

Once again, another liberal who tries to make an arguement by changing the definition of a word. The rest of your post is just plain incomprehensible.

Main Entry: pro·abor·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌprō-ə-ˈbȯr-shən\
Function: adjective
Date: 1972
: favoring the legalization of abortion

— pro–abor·tion·ist \-sh(ə-)nist\ noun

It's pretty simple people, if you favor legalized abortion you are a pro-abortionist.
Well, considering that they were both missionaries, and had quite a bit of faith in the Big Man Upstairs, I'd be willing to go with the miracle.

I mean.......if they're doing God's work, shouldn't He take care of His employees?

Still doesn't make the SB ad any less nauseating.

Tim's mother was presented with the facts during her pregnancy crisis and she made the choice to carry her baby to term rather than abort. And she did this knowing that it may cost her her life. The ad shares their story. How is that nauseating?

Like I said, this particular little story is a bit disturbing because they aren't telling all the facts (she was sick), just using Tebow as a way to advocate pro life agendas.

You know, I catch enough of people shoving ideas into my head from watching news and commercials, I don't need it when I'm watching football.

Yeah, all those Superbowl commercials telling us what beer to drink or what insurance to buy or what personal hygiene product is most desirable or how to regulate our digestive system is bad enough without having to put up with a story of one woman's courage that had a happy ending.
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Tebow is a born leader. Guy has a future in whatever he wants to do in life. He's got balls and is the antithesis of the limpwristed lefties in this country!!! Good for him..............:clap2:

Tough shit on the butchers and those who love them!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
It does not matter what you call it, be it embryo, fetus, etc. My legal position rests entirely on the fact you cannot have access without invading the woman's body. To use the government to invade a woman's body is obscene. Invading her body violates several platforms of the Constitution. To answer the obvious question: No. The fetus/unborn has no Constitutional rights. It doesn't even have have human rights because to invade a woman's body Constitutes the very violation claiming to be used to justify endorsing the government to legally violate the woman's body.

I was unaware that the government was implanting children into women. Would you please cite some sort of reference to support that the government is accessing these women and forcing them to have a child with absolutely no choice being made on their own behalf?

And isnt it funny that terrorists have constitutional rights, but children dont. The position makes no sense. I would think that someone trying to claim they were the party of compassion and standing up for the little guy, would be trying to support the one set of people who have ability to stand up for themselves.

I stopped reading at the first sentence. When you make such a blatantly false statement then what's the point?
Someone who is for allowing abortion on demand.
Then wouldn't it be more accurate to call them pro choice or pro on demand?

"Pro-abortionist' sayd to me someone who feels that sbortionist should be allowed to live and not be on certain fundamentalist's hit lists.

From reading the above posts, no one seems to have a clear and universally accepted definition of pro-abortionist. It's like the term "pro-life". It's used by anti and pro choice alike. To me and many others the forced birthers are anti-life but they claim they are.

I am pro life and I am pro choice. The terms are synonymous to me.

To insure clarity and fairness, I think that people should stick to the terms "pro-choice, limited pro-choice and anti-choice".

Once again, another liberal who tries to make an arguement by changing the definition of a word. The rest of your post is just plain incomprehensible.

Main Entry: pro·abor·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌprō-ə-ˈbȯr-shən\
Function: adjective
Date: 1972
: favoring the legalization of abortion

— pro–abor·tion·ist \-sh(ə-)nist\ noun

It's pretty simple people, if you favor legalized abortion you are a pro-abortionist.

If you favor the government forcing it's legal dick between women's legs you are anti-choice and by definition, anti-American. If you favor legalized abortion you are simply pro choice and pro American.

We all know you recognize being pro choice doesn't make one pro abortion but since you absolutely suck at debating you need every possible advantage including demonization and deception.
Lets face it...........the complete mental meltdown by the lefty k00ks over this is simply more of the perfect illustration of what they are = progressives committed to the death of First Ammendment rights!!!
Lets face it...........the complete mental meltdown by the lefty k00ks over this is simply more of the perfect illustration of what they are = progressives committed to the death of First Ammendment rights!!!

I don't agree with the protest but apparently you fell for the OP's dishonest title and characterization. This thread has never really been on topic.

Also, the FA is more about FOS regarding government restrictions so your hyperbole is as empty as this thread is full of shit. Why don't you say someone who kills a fly is really trying to blow all planes out of the sky?
Quick question for you anti-abortionists...........

Ever hear of a mother killing her kids? Ever hear of a family that committed sexual abuse towards a child?

I have.

Still think that a life of sexual slavery and eternal servitude is a good deal?

Personally? I wish that some of the things I've done could have been done away with.

Same with some others, I'm guessing. What makes your pain more "righteous" than others?
Excellent question!

A brave and honest post.
What is the big deal here?

The networks have no problem with Viagra, GoDaddy, Victoria's Secret, Budweiser, Miller, and host of other advertisers over the years with messages that might offend. Seems to me you run the ad. If there is some big controversy, make a space for the opposing point of view to air a commerical at the same price.

Go ahead and show the amputation of limbs prior to removal of the child from the womb. I'm sure many will be very supportive of the process and results.
I have no problem with the ad being aired. I think Ted Tebow and his mther are two idiots but I have no objection to them making a show of their idiocy during some network event in which more idiots wearing Spandex carress each other's butts then bang heads together.

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