Pro-Hillary Clinton PAC Spending $1 Million To Hire Online Trolls...

Latest News / headlines:
'Bill Funneled Clinton Corporation Cash to Blonde Bombshell Bimbo'

'Clinton 'charity' gave money to friends / allies'

'Hillary jeopardized national security by refusing to use classified phone as SoS'

Every day that goes by more and more news comes out about how corrupt, inept, dishonest, and jn-worthy/qualified she is to be President.

The funny thing is how the media (1 source) is reportedly hiring 20 people to DIG UP dirt on Trump. No one needs to hire anyone to dig up anything on Hillary - so much is already out there, and more and more just pops up every day. :p
Pro-Hillary Clinton PAC Spending $1 Million To Hire Online Trolls
You misheard. Actually, a pro-Hillary PAC bribed Donald Trump with $1 million to run as a Republican false flag.

That's why he won't release his income tax returns.

Ha, a 'John Kasich Supporter' defending the corrupt witch. Seriously, why should anyone believe anything you say at this point? You're clearly a disingenous poser.
I see. So you think someone making a joke at Clinton and Trump's expense is defending Clinton.

Seek help, kid. Seriously.

Still 'supporting' John Kasich? God you're such a liar. :lmao:
I'm going to let you in on a secret, kid.

Repeating a delusion doesn't make it more true.

Seek help. Seriously.

Ok, John Kasich/Republican 'supporter.' Sure thing. ;)
Latest News / headlines:
'Bill Funneled Clinton Corporation Cash to Blonde Bombshell Bimbo'

'Clinton 'charity' gave money to friends / allies'

'Hillary jeopardized national security by refusing to use classified phone as SoS'

Every day that goes by more and more news comes out about how corrupt, inept, dishonest, and jn-worthy/qualified she is to be President.

The funny thing is how the media (1 source) is reportedly hiring 20 people to DIG UP dirt on Trump. No one needs to hire anyone to dig up anything on Hillary - so much is already out there, and more and more just pops up every day. :p

you said it ... no sense wasting time on Clinton, its trumps shift to be under the microscope.
all the RW shitslinging MF's love to sling, but they can't handle catching a face full ...

grow up kiddies, this is politics.
No problem with GOP catching THEIR FAIR SHARE....just tired of the hypocritical BS of the Clintons always getting a pass. Yes, stuff pops up nearly daily regarding Hillary & Bill ... and is ignored. Hillary doesn't do interviews she doesn't control. No tough questions. All questions given to her in advance. She determines what is 'off-limits'.

I have no problem, again, with America finding out who Trump is. Intetesting how liberals / the media argued in 2008 no discussion or close review of Obama's past was not necessary because HIS past didn't matter.
No problem with GOP catching THEIR FAIR SHARE....just tired of the hypocritical BS of the Clintons always getting a pass. Yes, stuff pops up nearly daily regarding Hillary & Bill ... and is ignored. Hillary doesn't do interviews she doesn't control. No tough questions. All questions given to her in advance. She determines what is 'off-limits'.

I have no problem, again, with America finding out who Trump is. Intetesting how liberals / the media argued in 2008 no discussion or close review of Obama's past was not necessary because HIS past didn't matter.

finding out who he is ? easier said than done ... his views change on a daily basis or he hides them ....
Another 'Bimbo Eruption'...So Bill funneled money from the Clinton Corp. to one of his bimbos....much like Jesse Jackson was caught blackmailing businesses and giving Rainbow Coalition funds to HIS 'bimbo on the side' & his illegitimate child.

I'm glad this came out. People need to realize / remember how Slick Willy's entire political career, and post-political career, has involved sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, adultery, and pedophilia. Hillary's entire political career has been spent demonizing, villainizing, threatening, bullying, and silencing his victims while continuing to facilitate / enable her husband's criminal sexual addiction.

This is just a reminder that it hasn't stopped...and WON'T stop. If they can they will bring it all BACK to the WH, put it on display for the whole world to see...again. Despite everything Bill is known for as President the 1st thing that pops up in anyone's mind regarding him as President is his staring into the camera and lying his ass off by shamefully declaing, 'I did not have sex with that woman!'

This is the embarassment, the humiliating disgrace libs want to represent this country...again. Well, they better get used to constant 'bimbo eruptions' highlighting a Hillary Presidency should she win. It was the highlight of Slick Wily's Presidency...and career. No one should expect it to change if he goes back to the WH under a Hillary Presidency.
No problem with GOP catching THEIR FAIR SHARE....just tired of the hypocritical BS of the Clintons always getting a pass. Yes, stuff pops up nearly daily regarding Hillary & Bill ... and is ignored. Hillary doesn't do interviews she doesn't control. No tough questions. All questions given to her in advance. She determines what is 'off-limits'.

I have no problem, again, with America finding out who Trump is. Intetesting how liberals / the media argued in 2008 no discussion or close review of Obama's past was not necessary because HIS past didn't matter.

finding out who he is ? easier said than done ... his views change on a daily basis or he hides them ....
Like Hillary's don't change? I posted a link to / a 6+ minute video - highlight reel - of Hillary flip-flops. You try to make it sound like flip-flops are limited only to specific parties or people. That's 'cute'.
You mean I can get paid for this?


Where do I sign up?

Of course, $1 million is peanuts compared to the $1 billion they're going to spend running ads of Trump saying women are dogs, bitches and pieces of ass.
If anyone Remembers Obama had done this also. the were called : the Truth Squad.

I called them: the Goon squad

the Progressives/dem party can't sell what a Majority of the people wants to buy, so they resort to their usual. spreading misinformation, dirt and smears. how anyone can belong to such a snake party. ick
aW GaWd; look what THEY do to US that decmocrat/commie/homosexist/fasist/commie/ PArty does to US; aw GawD they DO

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