Pro-Life all the way: Trump continues to deliver on campaign promises

Individuals are best suited to make that choice, not government.

This is something conservatives once believed, but no more.

Yeah, that's the libertarian position, and libertarians were purged from the GOP under W and Rove's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest.

Libertarians believe that killing another human being is an individual choice in which the government has no say? Interesting.
Individuals are best suited to make that choice, not government.

This is something conservatives once believed, but no more.

Yeah, that's the libertarian position, and libertarians were purged from the GOP under W and Rove's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest.

Libertarians believe that killing another human being is an individual choice in which the government has no say? Interesting.
Most libertarians are just dumb, confused and criminal democrats.
Individuals are best suited to make that choice, not government.

This is something conservatives once believed, but no more.

Yeah, that's the libertarian position, and libertarians were purged from the GOP under W and Rove's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest.

Libertarians believe that killing another human being is an individual choice in which the government has no say? Interesting.
Most libertarians are just dumb, confused and criminal democrats.

LAD thinks HIS opinion automatically represents everyone in his designated "tribe". Kind of leftist thinking for a self-proclaimed Libertarian.
He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Pro life except when anti choice lowlife scum want to pay for the abortions for the women they cheat with.
Better than tax payers footing a lazy woman’s sexual activity
Sex is the most natural thing, God gave it to us. You can't stop sex.

You people are going to lose. National health care is coming
Libertarians believe that killing another human being is an individual choice

The choice of the mother to be, whether she wants the child, can care for the child etc...

Wouldn't it be great if every crack whore had 15 kids and all were on welfare?
He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Pro life except when anti choice lowlife scum want to pay for the abortions for the women they cheat with.
Better than tax payers footing a lazy woman’s sexual activity
Sex is the most natural thing, God gave it to us. You can't stop sex.

You people are going to lose. National health care is coming

God did NOT give us the hyper-inflamed, promiscuous perversion of sexuality that our society currently identifies as "sex". As I seem to be saying to people a lot today, please stop conflating wildly different things.
Libertarians believe that killing another human being is an individual choice

The choice of the mother to be, whether she wants the child, can care for the child etc...

Wouldn't it be great if every crack whore had 15 kids and all were on welfare?

I am all in favor of women making choices as to whether they want to have children, whether they can take care of children . . . I just don't happen to think the time to make that decision is AFTER the child already exists. Once you hit that point, you've already MADE your decision, even if you didn't think you did.

Do you think it would be great if that crack whore with all the kids decided to fix it by drowning them?
Do you think it would be great if that crack whore with all the kids decided to fix it by drowning them?

I'd rather those kids be offed early, along with the crack whore mom, than to be forced to pay taxes to have them further overpopulate America and Earth....
He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Pro life except when anti choice lowlife scum want to pay for the abortions for the women they cheat with.
Better than tax payers footing a lazy woman’s sexual activity
Sex is the most natural thing, God gave it to us. You can't stop sex.

You people are going to lose. National health care is coming

God did NOT give us the hyper-inflamed, promiscuous perversion of sexuality that our society currently identifies as "sex". As I seem to be saying to people a lot today, please stop conflating wildly different things.

No, sex is normal and healthy. Stop trying to deny that. Might as well tell people to stop eating.
Do you think it would be great if that crack whore with all the kids decided to fix it by drowning them?

I'd rather those kids be offed early, along with the crack whore mom, than to be forced to pay taxes to have them further overpopulate America and Earth....

So what you're telling me is that you think it's okay for one person to decide that another person's life is not valuable, and/or not worth living, and then to summarily end that life.

So much for any and all laws against murder.

Does that mean I can decide that YOUR life is worthless? Or are you exempt from your Malthusian nightmare?
you think it's okay for one person to decide that another person's life is not valuable

The alternative of planetary overpopulation is much worse...

I think society should define "worthless" and off those who are "worthless."

Crack whores, able bodied adults who won't work, those scamming the taxpayer etc....

More death for being a "societal liability" would reduce those who are liabilities to society....
He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Pro life except when anti choice lowlife scum want to pay for the abortions for the women they cheat with.
Better than tax payers footing a lazy woman’s sexual activity
Sex is the most natural thing, God gave it to us. You can't stop sex.

You people are going to lose. National health care is coming

God did NOT give us the hyper-inflamed, promiscuous perversion of sexuality that our society currently identifies as "sex". As I seem to be saying to people a lot today, please stop conflating wildly different things.

No, sex is normal and healthy. Stop trying to deny that. Might as well tell people to stop eating.

All sex is not normal and healthy. Stop trying to justify perversions behind the skirts of sex as God devised it.

You want to compare sex to eating in your attempt to claim that all sexual behavior is healthy? Bring it, because I will happily point you to any number of studies about people who are morbidly obese, AND malnourished from eating junk instead of a balanced diet.

I'll say it again: God gave us sex, but He most assuredly did NOT give us the pathologically sex-obsessed, promiscuous, perverted version of it that our society confuses for "healthy".
you think it's okay for one person to decide that another person's life is not valuable

The alternative of planetary overpopulation is much worse...

I think society should define "worthless" and off those who are "worthless."

Crack whores, able bodied adults who won't work, those scamming the taxpayer etc....

More death for being a "societal liability" would reduce those who are liabilities to society....

Hey, you think people should die because the planet is overpopulated? Try volunteering yourself to go first. Otherwise, you're just an elitist hypocrite, or an ignorant buffoon who hasn't thought his grand delusion all the way through to the end.

Write this down somewhere: when you allot yourself the ability to decide who deserves to live and who doesn't, you open the door for someone ELSE to decide that about YOU.
Does that mean I can decide that YOUR life is worthless?

W and O already did, but failed...

I tell the truth.

Many don't appreciate it....

You spout diarrhea and think it's perfume. Trust me, Chuckles, people "don't appreciate" you because there's nothing to appreciate.

I take back my hypocrite-or-buffoon judgement from earlier. You're both.
you open the door for someone ELSE to decide that about YOU.

Yeah, but they have to succeed, not just try and miss....

How many times, Mr. Netanyahu??

Yeah, 17 and counting....

The Israelis off Americans who notice too much truth. Perhaps you and Mr. Netanyahu see things the same way - off those who notice 911 was a fraud, and keep crack whores on the taxpayer dole - the American dole, not the Israeli dole....

people "don't appreciate" you because there's nothing to appreciate.

This from a sub human traitor who cannot answer basic questions of life today....

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Why did Jesus' disciples bolt on him when he was arrested?


There are SUB HUMANS who parrot and those of us who think, observe, and ask questions.

A mass extermination of SUB HUMANS who parrot would save both the US and Earth....

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