Pro-Life all the way: Trump continues to deliver on campaign promises

The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".
No, you people voted to take away people's health care, have fought for decades to stop people from being able to be treated. Then you turn around and pretend to care about fetuses. You people are despicable.

Ah, yes. If the government doesn't give it to you, it doesn't exist. THAT old canard. And of COURSE, we're dying (see what I did there?) to prevent people from being treated at all, because . . . reasons. We're "despicable"; we're Snidely Fucking Whiplash, twirling his mustache as he throws orphans and widows into the snow, all because of your preconceived biases, for which we are for no apparent reason supposed to take responsibility and beat our breasts.

Hold your breath waiting, pissant.
..the objective is to remove federal funding from abortion.

Good Lord you are a fucking, ignorant moron.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion ......ITS BEEN law for over FOUR decades, you dimwit..

Stop lying. Planned Parenthood gets the biggest chunk of all the money it gets from the feds.
They pretend to spend it on other things..but all those things (when they actually exist, which often they do not) are services that customers only get if they are getting an abortion.

It's a scam. It has always been a scam.

PP does not get a "chunk of money" from the Feds,. they get Medicaid/care reimbursement for billed services performed on the patient. Abortion is not one of the services they get paid for. .

People are so fucking ignorant is is scary you are allowed to drive a car or procreate.

Dude, did you just come up with that "brilliant" debate point? Because that doesn't even jibe with PP's own annual report.

Yes, PP does get payments for services billed from state Medicaid funds, which are then reimbursed by the federal government; they also, however, get grants for "low-income services".

Which is frankly irrelevant, anyway, since "They get Medicaid reimbursement" is not an argument for why they should therefore continue to get it. Scads of doctors do not get Medicaid reimbursement for services.
Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.

I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

Um, thanks for sharing. :confused-84:
you know any other way to get pregnant?

Still have no idea what point you're trying to make in regards to my post, nor do I know why you're trying to make it.
That is why there was so many still happening.

Why do you not favor jailing women for having them if they are illegal?

Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.

I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.

"The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so we might as well give them graphic, detailed instructions on doing so really early, because somehow, that's gonna result in fewer sex-related problems."

Um, okay. I would really be curious to know how graphic discussions of oral sex and instructions to look up porn sites - "but not on the school computer, because it can be tracked" - with 7th graders is going to "prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so". Please explain the logic chain here.
Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.

I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.

"The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so we might as well give them graphic, detailed instructions on doing so really early, because somehow, that's gonna result in fewer sex-related problems."

Um, okay. I would really be curious to know how graphic discussions of oral sex and instructions to look up porn sites - "but not on the school computer, because it can be tracked" - with 7th graders is going to "prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so". Please explain the logic chain here.

This is the problem, everyone always jumps to the is either we teach abstinence or we teach 7th graders how to have oral sex...

Life is not that black and does not have to be one far extreme or the other. In our local school district we teach abstinence, safe sex and disease prevention all together in one nice little package. Some people will choose abstinence, those that do not should be as educated as possible on preventing both STDs and pregnancies.
The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".
No, you people voted to take away people's health care, have fought for decades to stop people from being able to be treated. Then you turn around and pretend to care about fetuses. You people are despicable.
*Insurance* is not synonymous with *health care* you fucking retard.
So sick of you losers.
Dude, did you just come up with that "brilliant" debate point? Because that doesn't even jibe with PP's own annual report.

Yes, PP does get payments for services billed from state Medicaid funds, which are then reimbursed by the federal government; they also, however, get grants for "low-income services".

Which is frankly irrelevant, anyway, since "They get Medicaid reimbursement" is not an argument for why they should therefore continue to get it. Scads of doctors do not get Medicaid reimbursement for services.

How many hospital or clinics do you think could survive without Medicaid reimbursement for services, I can tell you the answer would be about zero
The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".
No, you people voted to take away people's health care, have fought for decades to stop people from being able to be treated. Then you turn around and pretend to care about fetuses. You people are despicable.

No, the despicable people are the people who defend a racket that preys upon young women and helps human traffickers keep their product on the street.
I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.

"The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so we might as well give them graphic, detailed instructions on doing so really early, because somehow, that's gonna result in fewer sex-related problems."

Um, okay. I would really be curious to know how graphic discussions of oral sex and instructions to look up porn sites - "but not on the school computer, because it can be tracked" - with 7th graders is going to "prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so". Please explain the logic chain here.

This is the problem, everyone always jumps to the is either we teach abstinence or we teach 7th graders how to have oral sex...

Life is not that black and does not have to be one far extreme or the other. In our local school district we teach abstinence, safe sex and disease prevention all together in one nice little package. Some people will choose abstinence, those that do not should be as educated as possible on preventing both STDs and pregnancies.

It's not something that should be taught in schools. Teach the biology end but graphic talk about actual acts is in no way acceptable.
I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.

"The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so we might as well give them graphic, detailed instructions on doing so really early, because somehow, that's gonna result in fewer sex-related problems."

Um, okay. I would really be curious to know how graphic discussions of oral sex and instructions to look up porn sites - "but not on the school computer, because it can be tracked" - with 7th graders is going to "prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so". Please explain the logic chain here.

This is the problem, everyone always jumps to the is either we teach abstinence or we teach 7th graders how to have oral sex...

Life is not that black and does not have to be one far extreme or the other. In our local school district we teach abstinence, safe sex and disease prevention all together in one nice little package. Some people will choose abstinence, those that do not should be as educated as possible on preventing both STDs and pregnancies.

What a coincidence. In my home, we teach, "This is how the human reproductive system works. If something is NOT working that way, please tell me so that I can take you to the doctor." And then I answer questions as needed. For the life of me, I've never understood why leftists feel that graphic explanations about HOW to have sex are necessary, since it certainly isn't rocket magic; people have been figuring out how to fuck just fine without classes since forever. I assume they're just not very bright.
Dude, did you just come up with that "brilliant" debate point? Because that doesn't even jibe with PP's own annual report.

Yes, PP does get payments for services billed from state Medicaid funds, which are then reimbursed by the federal government; they also, however, get grants for "low-income services".

Which is frankly irrelevant, anyway, since "They get Medicaid reimbursement" is not an argument for why they should therefore continue to get it. Scads of doctors do not get Medicaid reimbursement for services.

How many hospital or clinics do you think could survive without Medicaid reimbursement for services, I can tell you the answer would be about zero

You say that as though it's supposed to matter to me in re: PP.
Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.

"The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so we might as well give them graphic, detailed instructions on doing so really early, because somehow, that's gonna result in fewer sex-related problems."

Um, okay. I would really be curious to know how graphic discussions of oral sex and instructions to look up porn sites - "but not on the school computer, because it can be tracked" - with 7th graders is going to "prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so". Please explain the logic chain here.

This is the problem, everyone always jumps to the is either we teach abstinence or we teach 7th graders how to have oral sex...

Life is not that black and does not have to be one far extreme or the other. In our local school district we teach abstinence, safe sex and disease prevention all together in one nice little package. Some people will choose abstinence, those that do not should be as educated as possible on preventing both STDs and pregnancies.

What a coincidence. In my home, we teach, "This is how the human reproductive system works. If something is NOT working that way, please tell me so that I can take you to the doctor." And then I answer questions as needed. For the life of me, I've never understood why leftists feel that graphic explanations about HOW to have sex are necessary, since it certainly isn't rocket magic; people have been figuring out how to fuck just fine without classes since forever. I assume they're just not very bright.

You are in the minority if you teach anything about sex in your home.

It is not the fucking that they are being taught how to do, it is doing it without making a baby or getting an STD that is the goal
That is why there was so many still happening.

Why do you not favor jailing women for having them if they are illegal?

Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.

I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.

Nope, that is NOT the job of the federal government.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.

"The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so we might as well give them graphic, detailed instructions on doing so really early, because somehow, that's gonna result in fewer sex-related problems."

Um, okay. I would really be curious to know how graphic discussions of oral sex and instructions to look up porn sites - "but not on the school computer, because it can be tracked" - with 7th graders is going to "prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so". Please explain the logic chain here.

This is the problem, everyone always jumps to the is either we teach abstinence or we teach 7th graders how to have oral sex...

Life is not that black and does not have to be one far extreme or the other. In our local school district we teach abstinence, safe sex and disease prevention all together in one nice little package. Some people will choose abstinence, those that do not should be as educated as possible on preventing both STDs and pregnancies.

What a coincidence. In my home, we teach, "This is how the human reproductive system works. If something is NOT working that way, please tell me so that I can take you to the doctor." And then I answer questions as needed. For the life of me, I've never understood why leftists feel that graphic explanations about HOW to have sex are necessary, since it certainly isn't rocket magic; people have been figuring out how to fuck just fine without classes since forever. I assume they're just not very bright.

You are in the minority if you teach anything about sex in your home.

It is not the fucking that they are being taught how to do, it is doing it without making a baby or getting an STD that is the goal

Again. What we teach our children in our home is none of your fucking business...just as it is not the business of the schools or the feds or YOU to teach our children ANYTHING except English, history and math.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.

"The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so we might as well give them graphic, detailed instructions on doing so really early, because somehow, that's gonna result in fewer sex-related problems."

Um, okay. I would really be curious to know how graphic discussions of oral sex and instructions to look up porn sites - "but not on the school computer, because it can be tracked" - with 7th graders is going to "prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so". Please explain the logic chain here.

This is the problem, everyone always jumps to the is either we teach abstinence or we teach 7th graders how to have oral sex...

Life is not that black and does not have to be one far extreme or the other. In our local school district we teach abstinence, safe sex and disease prevention all together in one nice little package. Some people will choose abstinence, those that do not should be as educated as possible on preventing both STDs and pregnancies.

What a coincidence. In my home, we teach, "This is how the human reproductive system works. If something is NOT working that way, please tell me so that I can take you to the doctor." And then I answer questions as needed. For the life of me, I've never understood why leftists feel that graphic explanations about HOW to have sex are necessary, since it certainly isn't rocket magic; people have been figuring out how to fuck just fine without classes since forever. I assume they're just not very bright.

You are in the minority if you teach anything about sex in your home.

It is not the fucking that they are being taught how to do, it is doing it without making a baby or getting an STD that is the goal

Really? You've taken an exhaustive poll of all homes with children in America, have you? You are an infallible authority on the subject?

Furthermore, if the schools were simply teaching how the reproductive system works - which by default includes how to KEEP it from working and how to keep it healthy - do you REALLY think you'd be seeing these kinds of parent protests? Did you even READ the article this thread is based on? There's an enormous difference - which I hope you are capable of seeing - between "if you don't want a baby, either don't have sex or use birth control" and "this is how to have oral sex, go look up pics on the Web, but don't use a school computer, so it'll be our secret!" Do you have any idea how much "creepy pedophile" vibe is radiating off this so-called teacher's behavior?
Seriously, can anyone honestly say that it's unreasonable of me to expect TEACHERS to not have conversations with children when the next-door neighbor would be arrested for having that same conversation?
Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money, and no longer has anything to do with morality, simply doing good for your neighbor.

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

Diarrhoeal Disease - UNICEF DATA

We do abortions here. A nurse's story | Harper's Magazine

Talk about hitting the nail on the head. They love this issue because it allows them to trumpet their supposed virtue without actually having to do anything or help anyone. Amen.
That is why there was so many still happening.

Why do you not favor jailing women for having them if they are illegal?

Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.

I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.
Yeah kill babies and except it .they ought to pay. That will control some fking
Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.

I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.
Yeah kill babies and except it .they ought to pay. That will control some fking

How about we help prevent them from getting pregnant so there are not babies to be killed? would that not be a better solution?

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